
GINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday: 7ht. September 1935.
horns when she can even blow one.
Give your children protection. Asked to pray for warm wea.
ther so that her grandmother rheumatism might pass away, a six year old girl knelt and said. On, Lord, pleasse make it hot for grandma.
What to become of your youngsters if you should die before they are self supporting?
GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. Jimmy: What is the difference between a conductor and a cold in the head?
William: The conductor knows the stop, and a cold stops the nose.
Jereby Hangs Tale press on her pupils the importan. Significant Warning Bad razors, are me Your ere ever domiciled, making every with a bloody war for the defence THE PEOPLES BAKERY ETHIOPIA FLAG The Ball Criticisms The teacher was trying to imThrough any local Agent or office of the ce of. and so to bring out the answer, Banco Nacional de Seguros Bad habits. she asked: What Do you take this woman for is it that we find so easy to get y lawfully wedded wife? ask into and so hard to get out of. the parson, glancing at the After a moment silence, a little SIDELIGHTS iminutive, watery. eyed, bow fellow said: Bed.
gged groom, who stood beside PARIS, Aug. An Italian (colored people. Japan considers Some of our Barber shops ba ing one or the other?
Jo hundred and ten pounds youngwoman, a recent re invasion of Ethiopia would create herself the leader of the colored dly need scouring.
feminine assurance cruit for the Salvation Army, dangerous discontent throughout noces. Consequently Britain and dirty towels, untidy apparel and It does seem strange that whi. take nothing, gloomingly was telling her experiences to a France colored empire, Gratien France should have grave fears talkative attendants are perils to le Costa Rica sells her Bananas, sponded the groom, m being meeting.
Candace, Negalo deputy for Gua for the future of their colored a customer face. Several gen Coffee, Fish and Cacao (her tlemen in this vicinity are suffe leading Undersecre empires.
ken to Before joined the Army. dalupe and former products) the ring from infections on their fa United States, Great Britain and she said, was fond of fine clo. tary for Colonies, warned Premier METROPOLITAN BUREAU ces and necks; its time to look Germany, we find her importing Litle Arthur: say, Father, thing and jewerly, and all that Pierre Laval.
Legal, Notarial General out.
50 quic kfiring cannon, much it true that Nature never was sort of thing. Filance black subjects Business Transactions anything?
But when joined, realized behind Ethiopia solidly. Can Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. tear gas bombs and a consideraSympathizers of Abyssinia ble quantity of war material Father: Yes, quite true that such things would drag me dace, regarded as a leading reMy untarnished reputation of troubles will meet at St. Mark from Italy, Little Arthur: Then what down to destruction, so gave presentative of France colored honesty. My intelligence and Hall on Monday nigth the 9th.
e use of a cow having two them to my sister.
empire, said high calibre efficiency constitute inst, at a dance in aid of Ethio. The million dollar Loan of don The Premier told he the necessary and all important pian Funds. All true Garveyites Cleto Gonzalez Víquez, with the would do everything possible to FACTORS which constitute my and Selassieites should be there. Patriotic Call National City Bank of New York aveat a conflict.
He said there Iron Clad Guarantee to my achas been reduced to half a miis no secret pact under which cual and prospective CLIENTS, llion. Why can the Executive not Editor, our patriotism toward our Mother Fatance would give Italy a free who confide to my care, di. We wonder if an elegantly dres make a loan to cover the capalease allow me space in land?
hand in Ethiopia.
rection and administration, the sed lady, not a hundred miles city of the gold remittances neey valuable Journal to make a Let us by all means put into If Italy wages war on Ethio handling of their BUSINESS and from this city, has ever admiredded for our importations, so as remarks respecting the expect effect the Suggested boycott against pia the displeasure of the Negro GENERAL AFFAIRS.
herself by mans of a life sized to drop the high rates of ex.
war on Abysinia by Italy. all local Italian traders, and let us afaces would be aroused through EGBERT POLSON mirror and seen the striking com change? Why permit our Banana is observed that a majority of wholeheartedly support the movout the world. Such a war would Accountant, Interpreter, Trans parision between beautiful plump producers, our Coffee and Cacao nations and people are against ement to render assistance in every create strong solidarity betweerlator, Judicial Business Agent. ness of her Ethiopian face and exporters to eat out the vitals of attitude being persisted in by, possible woy to the Emperor and her costume? Will she not plea our poor working men by these and we hear of our people, his loyal people, who are now faced se her many admirers by chang exorbitant percentages?
ort to aid Ethiopia. am there of their Empire rights.
e forced to ask, what are we Campbell We wish to advise the PUBLIC in general that the e in Costa lica doing to display Cuba Creek.
BERI IN LOAF recently placed on the market, has taken such a hold on the people and the demand so considerably increa The following is taken from a formed as a gesture of good will.
sed, that only standing orders are supplied at present; the ba recent issue of the Star and He The flag of the African empire kery is however inaking preparations to increase the output rald of Panama: consists of three horizontal stripes, to meet the extra and growing demands.
New York flag manufacturers the top one yellow, the middle one save been standing down a bit (grand performance, the Builders report an increased demand for green, and the bottom one red.
If you have not yet tried the loaf, come in and do so ate, much to the dislike of ma perishing before the Youths. the Ethiopian colors, especially According to the interpretation the have heard the clamour thanks to Master Brown and Capt. NOW. if you care to eat the best bread.
small ones that can be carried on yellow stripe stands for the fertilis the Ball? Is the Ball dead? Diyon; Jupiter Pluvius (as Longo Many spurious imitalions of BOOTH BISCUITS coat lapels. Part of the metrop ity of the land; the green loyalty one wants to hear from him, which they apparently thought a yhen he comes bumping here field puts it) taking four consecu lore being sold in some Chinese shops. None are genuine olitan demand comes from friends to the Emperor, and the red for of the Ethiopian cause in Harlem, blood that would be shed in the there, they all get scared and tive Points; also saw Esson, when without the name BOOTH impressed on them.
members of the new organization cause of Ethiopian independence.
lain. They are certainly a bowling for the Wanderers, play BERLIN LOAF BUTTER LOAF. BOOTH BISCUITS y set of animals. Anyway ing with the tails supplied the CAKES BUNS CHALLENGE IMITATORS.
they want me here am by the Youths. It rather amusing to see the Consnce last wrote, have notic. fruction struggling to win a very lost his case. He did not know that between the wickets, is an essen It was stated in this Journal that cret Council, we regard them as ots of things. saw the Path weak side and succeeding by only if a fieldsman catches the ball the tial, although he is possessed of a in reply to a question by the mem being answered in the affirmative. whipped by the Schemers; three runs. The Wanderers had a striker would be out. so he did pair of suitable legs. saw the bership, it was admitted by the INTEREST WANING displaying their lawyer at square leg, but not not worry to take catches. He also Imaginary Cricket Board uncom President of the Limon Division of Only nine persons were present against the poor Schemers knowing the laws of cricket, he did not know that fast running, plimentarily treated by Umpires the that the Title at the usual mammoth meeting who did not trouble themselves to Deeds for the Society property last Sunday night and at another show up, and their places being were in Pawn. For this statement Board meeting only a particular filled by un official men in at least a lawsuit was threatened; but a friend and two other officials coolie of our first class matches. strange confession is now observed operated. This certainly displays a saw the Schemers shirking their a publication on the Society vaning of interest and at a time ceturn match with the Youths. Blackboard calling on all acherents when all eyes are turned on Ethiothus giving them a free point. to come in and see the Title which pia; but as the intelligent section And so to end where began, had been pawned out, which is now of the membership is always being Banco del Estado State Bank saw the Irons blocking the road returned home. Is this not an ad stigmatized there can clearly be and smoking up the air to demon mission that the statement was no co operation.
Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue strate that the name Pathfinders correct? It is therefore a happy BUILDING MAY TOPPLE meant nothing to them. The moment for the owners that this Certain repairs were effected to ofrece al público los Offers the Public the Youngsters, however, took their document has been redeemed. the building by the President, guidWhipping with a smile as if nothing Four questions were asked the ed by the Choirmaster, and superservicios de su Services of its had happened. even heard so President a fortnight ago, but up vised by the financier, Mr. Mac. meone ask Capt. Dixon what had to vow they have not been answer. but as no carpenter was engaged happened, to which lie replied they ed; and as no action was taken as the Western verandah looks in had only been whipped by the a result of the consultation in se jeopardy of tearing away; if it does, Champions. But, said that some.
Mr. Davis printing establishment one, you should have shown a will have our sympathy, would it EN LA much better fighting spirit, to this be intentional? It would be well the Captain remarked. Well betif the Municipal Inspector of ter luck next time.
constructions cast an eye on this understand the Pathfinders FRANK MADURO Jr.
danger spot and demand a plan are going in for Base Ball and are Prop.
of these repairs as also the employ.
to meet the Surtidora on the para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service ment of a competent builder. This 15th. instant. The eyes of the Best native lumber is a very heavy building and should servicio bancario Rendered Ball will surely be kept on not be permitted to be experimentthem.
at moderate prices ed on by Patsrymen, Black smiths The Ball and Banana stowers.
was Startling Announcement Banco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Maduro Lumbar Yard IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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