
Saturday 7ht. September 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA BOXING SAL UVINA Aircraft of Limited Value In Ethiopia THE RIGHT SALTS For Liver and Stomach Ailments airplanes has practically doubled se tests The Pirates Hoard Likely Canonization.
The Baer. Louis Bout gains anything of the form which carried him to the top. The feel.
Mike Jacobs, the Promotor, has ing is that he is the type of fighCommenting on Italy powerful solire supplies.
announced that the 15 round tilt ter who will not be able to easily air force, American experts are of Under these circumstances it between Max Baer and Joe Louis, withstand Joe short range fire, the opinion their tactical value may presumed that Italian aviatic scheduled for the 24th. September, although the kind likely to prove be limited in Ethiopian hostilities, would probably be more direct will take place at the Yankee most dangerous when hurt, espebaving regard to the wind, heat, applied to the establishment of fa Stadium, and he expects it to draw cially as Joe has not yet had to dust, drought and altitude with and effective communications, a gate of close to 750. 000. worry about being in a tough spot which they would have to contend. connaisance and ambulance According to the New York nor has he, like Gene Tunney, had The average speed of military vice.
press, experts are of the opinion, the experience of getting up from During the Morocco strifet that Louis will beat Baer decisively, the mat to gain a battle. They are, since the World War and the French proved the value of airpl whether or not the Californian re however, confident Joe knows the height of their flight nearly treb nes for communications and obse defensive tricks of the game and led; but with the Ethiopian plateau valions, as they were found of le although his rise has been meteoric, Invaluable for the Treatment of ranging from 8, 000 to 12, 000 feet importance in direct combat Aid in sickness his fistic schooling has been most in elevation and many of the peaks the tribesmen. The Japanese, Assistance in difficulty thoroughly attended to.
Should the match result as these Lising to a greater height, planes Manchuria and North China, al Advice at all Times Flatulence And all forms of fast pick up and good lifting demonstrated the utility of airp)
Are The experts expect, there will be no capacity would they say be needed. nes for communication and obse Advantages Of Fellowship. question as to the logical challenIndigestion of Stomach Italy fleet is reported to be in varion, but they were given fe Join ger for the world title which Braddock plucked from Baer. But in actual comba adrquately supplied with air cooled serious COURT GALEED Colics Disorders engines, suited to the high altitudes Similarly, during the Chaco as this would be the first mixed No. 590 and heat, the majority of her engi airplanes were more generally e ANCIENT ORDER OF title fight since Jess Willard knocked out Jack Johnson, 20 FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES nes being designed for flight at ployed for scouting, for the fa FORESTERS moderate elevations common to movement of officers and And Share in The Order years ago, in Havana, the some.
what difficult question of how, European war areas. The flying wounded.
Prosperity MANUFACTURED BY: field at Addis Ababa haz an eleva when and where Braddock and Particulars from Secretary.
tion of 8, 700 feet with the nearby The greatest warry which Louis can be brought together, Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Limón, Box 553 would first have to be solved.
inountains rising 2, 000 feet higher. Italian mechanics would have SAN JOSE Tactical operations would also be face, during an African confli seriously handicapped owing to will be the wind and dust, as tel the absence of safe and charted for hangars could not be relied landing fields, with the added pro because of the violent windstor If recent reports be true, it would adorned with precious stones, into blem of the transportation of ga. which so often occur.
seemn a peculiar irony of fate that two cases and shipping them to it should have fallen to the lot, or New York sells them for the From page FIVE the son were abandoned by the Engagement Announced shall we say luck, of a lone un handsome sum of fifty six thous them, according to Very Rev. father because of their color.
known Belgian to locate the repu and dollars. Gillet of Rome, Master Gene.
At a social given in her ho There were quite a good nu tedly fabulous wealth so long se On Bergman return to the Is ral of the Dominican Order, who Blessed Martin later became a nour Tuesday night last, anno ber of friends and well wish creted on the Coco Island instead land, presumably to remove anot recently said His exaltation lay Dominican brother. His kind uncement of Miss Hilda Rogers present among whom were of one of the many groups who her portion of the wealth, he en. would give the colored people aness to rats was expressed when engagement to Mr. Samuel Fa. Orane, Miss Lloyd Beckl have expended thousands in similar counters those who hold the pres patron saint and be the means of he rescued several of the rodents rrell was made public by her fa Mr. Peter Muir, Mr. and ent search concession and who, bringing the light of faith to mi. and fed them. Tradition attempts. Brown ther.
says and numbers The Island of Coco, located off learning of his supposed success, ons of Negroes.
he taught a cat a, dog and a rat Hilda is the third daugther of young friends of the young la our Pacific coast and included in desire him to disclose the hiding Blessed Martin was born in to eat together from the same Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers who proffered congratulati our national territory, has, for place to them. He declines to do Lima on Dec. 9, 1579, son of dish. He was a mulatto, and if popular tailor of this city. Mr. and amused themselves imme numberless years, been regarded as this unless guaranteed a reward of Don Juan de Porres, a Castilian, canonized would be the first Ca. Samuel Farrell lately from ely with jolly games while the resting place of the accumul ten per cent of the value of wha, Spaniard, and Anna Velásquez. tholic saint of the Coloured Ra Traning College Mandevillej srs John Rogers and Cuza ated wealth of some of those who tever is recovered. This demandſ Freed Negrees of Panamá. ce.
Ja: is at present teacher of the the time bright with the Pig trafficked in Piracy in the years of of Bergman is refused and so the Lather the mother, a sister and (The York Times. day school here. and guitar.
long ago, and many have been the matter stood for a while till some efforts to unearth it.
of the parties going to Cristobal Latterly these efforts became for supplies, meet an Englishman DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA more frequent and persistent; even who tells them that a short time Avenida San José so that an English syndicate at previously a Belgian, while lying Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad The Executive Staff of the 28th. ultimo.
tempted to make a search without at the point of death in Panama, and Colegio de Señoritas Men Monthly Meeting Associa. They also take the opportur authority, and falling foul of our had disclosed to him the whereMEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, tion desire by this medium to to once more state that the authorities met with disastrous reabouts of the treasure and which Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb express their sincere gratitude, ciation desires to continually sults. Not so long after the depar knowledge he offered to trade SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the for the splendid and generous all which lies within the ra of these, another company with them. He is taken to the Isneck of Womb responses extended them in their of its powers for the benefit came on the scene and after mak land, but to his surprise, he there RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (smail Anniversary efforts, as well as advancement of the Communit ing the usual arrangements com sees the same man from whom he medium sized) by way of the Urethra their genuine appreciation of the menced operations, which are yet had received the information and kind attendance at the function Newton being carried govern fearing he might he harmed should in the Methodist Church on thel mental supervision.
he proceed with his offer he now Unknown to any one, however, wishes to withdraw.
THE CRICKET CUP COMPETITION a lonely Belgian by the name of This is at present the somewhat Bergman somehow gains access to remarkable tale being told in conthe locality and discovers the hid nection with this hoard which has We saw a very exciting game derers, down and games to Esta tarde en Ginebra ing place of the long sought wealth, for so many years defied all last Sunday between the Motive play; Burial Scheme, down and sa del Consejo la delegación it GINEBRA, El Consejo de la na salió del recinto de conform so says the recent report. He packs nown efforts to bring it to light. Power and the Excelsior; Captain games to play.
Liga de las Naciones proyecta en se con las decisiones del gobierno a part, consisting of images, jew We await further developments Delpratt won the toss and so de This is the first time in Cup, sión privada, a las cinco de la tar Roma, comunicadas también al els and various figures mostly all with interest.
cided to have the first knock on Competition Cricket here that up de de hoy, primero: discutir cuestio cretario de la Liga.
what was really a slow bowlers to this stage no Club can feel cer tir públicamente los mandatos del. del Presidente Ruiz Guinazue nes de presupuesto, segundo: discu Después de una breve declara wicket. From an early stage Sut rain of finishing at the top of the opio y la cooperación intelectual, no que condena toda violación del STATION RESTAURANT ton took the ball and did his work. table; hence we can certainly ask siendo necesario que se encuentre to de la Liga, reitera que seg SIQUIRRES We have from time to time observance more Who will be the presente Etiopía. Después de ésto, se siendo fiel a los principios de la (Under New Management)
ed that slow bowling to our bats. Winner of the coveted Cup this harán discusiones diversas. ga, expresando la confianza de men is like poison to animals. Two Season?
Esta tarde, Aloisi ha conferencia arreglo pacífico y propuso al The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mithirds of the Motive Power men do una hora con Ruiz Guinazu, Ave. bramiento del Comité de Cinco nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Reswent down to this kind of bowlSpectator nol, Madariaga, Beck y Rushdias, tencias: Inglaterra, Francia, Esp taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo objeción al Polonia y Turquía.
ing. White was the only player diciendo que no tiene convenio de una comisión de TRES Aunció que Italia se abstenia ken, Se habla español, who would not allow himiself to be AN OPPORTUNITY CINCO miembros, co ntal de que reconocer este Comité. La prop SULLIVAN tempted by the slows of Sutton.
ni Francia ni Inglaterra están repre ción fue adoptada inmediatame Special Classes for those sentadas en ella, padeciendo satisfe sin oposición.
cho con que ella estuviera integrada LA IMPOSIBILIDAD DE LA NOTE OF THANKS With the victory gained bi the desiring a sound elemenpor España, Polonia y Turquía, preGUERRA Excelsior, the Competition has tary foundation in Music, via sí, la consulta a Francia e Italia. LONDRES, El correspo As a result of complaints ma. ployees of the Cía. Bananera, Cia brcome more keen for apart from Short Hand, Typewriting Quedó integrada la comisión del Daily Telegraph en Addis de to the heads of Administrati. Surtidora and Northern Rail the Burial Scheme Club, any of and Book Keeping.
GINEBRA, Flash. La informa desde Jigji que las llu ve branches in the labouring deway Co. who are on the silver lite others con win the Mug as comisión ha quedado integrada por continúan siendo torrenciales en Prices Moderate cinco miembros, entre los que figuran la región.
partments of the Company, Mr. pay roll, so as to alleviate the arrears from the following. REID FREDRICKS Polonia y Turquía.
Otras noticias Ames, Actg. General Ma stringency occasioned them by NUEVA YORK, De cas nager, wishes it to be communi. the increasing rise in the rates Pathfinders, point and ga.
GINEBRA, La sesión públi dos los estados del sur y del este cated to all divisions of labour of exchange and consequent in mes to play; Excelsior, point and ca del Consejo de la Liga de las Na gan sensacionales noticias acerc ciones se abrió a las 17. 45. Cuando las lluvias torrenciales y vientos that a further raise of 20 per creases in the prices of goods in games to play; Construction, Read cent has been conceded to all em the Commisariats.
The ATLANTIC VOICE a Presidente invitó a los delegados racanados que están causando point and games to play; Wan. abisinios a tomar asiento en la me. des pérdidas.
Another Raise Granted Employe ture on under AEROGRAMAS Catholic School LIMON Fine Selection Ladies Hats at Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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