
THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Italo Abyssinian Dispute The 15th. Independence Day Huey Day Huey Long Murdered at are not Strange Tales from Talamanca Means Of Rascality Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone As is well known this matter has pan needed it and she grabbed il Año II No. 62 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 14th. September 1935. Editor English Section, Nation the Committee of the League only place that can, in this instan been left entirely in the hands of from China. It appears that the of Nations for decision, but will ce, be pounced upon is Ethiopia anything come out of it? At pre. Italy says Ethiopia is uncivilized sent there are only delays by post and must be shewn civilization, but ponements, inability of the Arbi how? By land grabbing so her coSenator Huey Long, Representati Doctor Weiss was inmediately shot Cration Commission to reach a de. lonies can go and shew the Ethio The Morrow registers yet one brought about mainly by oui abi ve and Dictador of the State of Loui and killed by the Senator Body cisiin and the like evasiveness. pians how to live a civilized life; more period in our National life. normal monetary exchanges, we siana, and one of the most outstand Guard, who discharged 61 shots into Why is it that the nations cannot surely, a method of distress and It brings us to the one hundred are hopeful that the silver lining ing figures in the present political his body.
Le frank and decisive to one anot semi slavery.
and fourteenth anniversary of her of a brighter dawn is near life of the United States of America, The Senator death produced such her? If France, England and the During all this dispute we find independence which calls to mind hand and that we shall, onde and was shot at Batton Rouge on Sun a sensation throughout the State that United States would only be up England discussing the peace terms the classic expression tempus all. be the better prepared to ap day night last. He died at an early the government, fearing an outbreak, right and straightforward, and say with France, knowing full well that fugit. as it seem but so short apreciate the gifts of the future. hour the following morning.
time ago we celebrated the ever So let us all with cheerful hearts dispatched three armed companies of to Mussolini there can be no blood. France would never make a move to be remembered fifteenth day faithfully respond to the joyous verandah The murder was commited on the the National trops to the scene to shedding for grabbing the territo against Mussolini; and she herself of September; yet another twel recollections which the day pro building, where the Senator had been of the State legislative reinforce the local men.
ty of smaller nations, as per the knowing she would never act in a It is believed, in political circles, terms of the Kellog Briand Pact decisive manner without France ve months have gone by 365 duces, and with the most sincere While England days which have not been without patriotism join the throngs in attending a special meeting, by Doc that with the death of Senator Long and the 10th. and 15th. articles of agreeing to it.
their difficulties for the natio their expressions of devotion to who shot him in the stomach at such election of Roosevelt has been re League of Nations, the Italian conquer Ethiopia and gain all the tor Carl Weiss his political opponent the greatest obstacle against the re the Locarno Aggrement of the hates to think that Italy alone must nal and the nation. Faced with our national emblem of honour, close range as to burn his clothing. moved.
gonernment would soon learn, in booty, she is yet powerless to act.
the most strenuous of economic right and freedom.
no uncertain way, that she cannot The threat of blocking the Suez conditions, our citizens have had Other nationals today commit atrocities on weaker peo. Caanl is all a blluff, as she knows to fight against heavy odds for threatened with a cataclism which pies, or commit wholesale murder she could not do it without the aid a mere existence, while our go has all the possibilities of destrovernment has had thrust on on the populations of defenceless and consent of France. Why then it ying their God given gift of in.
We beg to call your attention to our remark countries, on the plea of civilizing all these hurried meetings of repres the very serious duty of steming dividual freedom and sovereign at the back of receipt which reads: them.
entatives in Comitees; the burrithe tide of pernicious efforts to rights; let us, therefore, rememAs the Delegate from Russia ed movement from one end of the undermine a hitherto loyal and ber, them on this our Day. and This bill must be paid at our asks before the League, how can country to the other by Cabinet peaceloving populace, in addition breathe a prayer that the danger Italy profess to civilize a people members, while all the time they to the worries of so difficult a may yet be averted and that the office before the 10th of the month by warfare? Is bloodshed by war. knew that nothing could be done.
period of our nation life. wanton sacrifice of thousands fare and destruction of life and Does it not look silly? Does it not But while we are yet in the and thousands of otherwise useful!
Be so good as to comply with this request property a means of civilization? look like bringing our beloved Althroes of financial hardships lives be saved.
Why not go in by means of edu bion into ridicule? Does it and do not oblige us to suspend our service, rational and religious inducements look like the death stroke of the a step which we would much regret to take. rarher than by bombings and the League of Nations, an Instrument terrorizing of the people. Why conceived by England for conserva and Puerto Viejo Compañía Eléctrica de Limón cant the Powers cease indulging in ing the peace of Europe? But can hypocrasy? Is it because diplomacy the nations not see that if Ethiopia correspondent writing from Ta Johnson but after a few blows were means hypocrasy, why these nations is allowed to be over run by Italy lamanca reports that, while acting in exchanged Porfirio was knockted out.
cannot be frank to each other in no smaller nation can have any the capacity of Police Agent, a far The Police Agent then came on the sce their reasonings?
confidence in the integrity of this mer there shot and killed seven cows ne and without investiganting start Camauflage follows camauflage; World Assembly any more. The which happened to have strayed in ed to wallop Johnson with an instru Due to the scarcity of work and the raffle system whereunder he was re while the Conciliatory Commission League is therefore a dead letter to his farm. It is the first time this ment called a Cow Hide; the hero stringency of ready cash, many have quired to furnish them with a suit ac was wondering what report to give and a disgrace to all peoples as correspondent writes he has ever Johnson, loathe to run, gave him al been the schemes brought into play cording to the number declared the in which would be pleasant to the Emperor of Ethiopia says.
heard or seen such an outrage. so the which sent him reeling to enforce a means of livelihood: winning one by the raffler. On Sun Italy, up comes the news of a mar. While public opinion in AmeThe matter would have been ven off the China man piazza to fall chief among these have been the day last this trader left his establish vellous concession by Abyssinia to rica, in England, South Africa, in tilated in the Law Courts of Limon, on his head. Soon after this had ta Raffle system for furnit clothing, ment saying he was going to the Sa British and American Capitalists fact in all countries, are in favour but this gentleman miscreant made ken place a squad of natives, head shoes and other like articles. But, one vannah to witness a foot ball match for Oil and Mineral Mining, which of Ethiopia, the governments of arrangements to pay for the animals. ed by one William Brown, assisted by one, these houses of raffling fame against his Club the Orion. but would be a menace to Italian oc the Powers will not act in a deto handcuff Johnson (alias Garra have been found defrauding their pa instead he went to the station and cupation of territory conceded to liberate, frank and definite Tother pata) and tied him to a cocoanut trons and customers and some have took the train for Limon and on to the strong nations. France gets Another Correspondent, from Puer tree for a night and a day in the been closed by the government, but lu. Co boat leaving the same af nothing out of it, so she lines up The Five Nation Arbitration to Viejo, writes to say that while hot sun. This would seem to be the others still carry on. ternoon. He has not been heard from kith Italy and a huge squeal is two young men, Jose Johnson and risen spirit of the once famous Joe. The latest is that of an Italian of since.
made that England is not protect Commission have given in their ing Abyssinia for the sake of peace report that they cannot lay any one Peru, of that place were wrestl. Reid of 12 Miles. On the following San Jose named Della Cave, a Tai People interested in these kind of but to protect her own interests; international blame on either naing and jokingly exercising themsel night Johnson got away with hand lor. who carried on by receiving deals ought therefore to be very ca although Italy had told her, prior tion for the Ualual incident, thereves in pugilistic knowledge, a nati cuffs and all, and had not been weekly quotas for his clients on the reful.
to the squabble, hands off and fore matters should remain status ve known by the name of Porfirio, heard from up to the time this rewont interfere with your interests. quo ante; why then should there Therefore, before the ink with be war? Why will Italy not be told which the document of Concession frankly there is no casus belli, no From Washington it is reported so eliminate the dangers usually was written was absorbed by the reason for war, no occasion for that President Roosevelt has allot encountered during the hurricane paper, the Concessionaries are asko bloodshed.
ed by American diplomats to with However all occurrences ted 5, 000, 000 to commence pre season.
have At last the Icarus plan of dri, have filown across the English liminary construction work on a The total cost of the project is draw their concession thereby leav their precursors. If Italy can conving a plane by man power is be Channel in what he terms costs. thirty foot canal across the northern estimated at 146, 000, 000 and the ing a great victory, morally, for quer Ethiopia with her thousand coming a reality. In Germany small man plane which costs, section of Florida, to traverse the balance of 141, 000, 000 will, it is Italy.
airplanes swooping down on her, satisfactory results were given 350 dollars and uses one gallon peninsular from Jacksonville to expected be appropriated by the States says, its evident Germany she does not, what happens, will As Secretary Hull of the United all well and good for her; but if when a native flier at Frankfort of fuel on a flight of 50 miles Port Inglis.
The work, which will be under on Main propelled a plane by with one of lubrication for 1, 500 The Canal is to connect the Atlan National by Congress.
and Italy must have territory for be sad history for Europe, as there the legs as on a bycicle for so miles, while its cruising speed tic Ocean with the Gulf of Mexico, the direction of Army Engineers, the expansion of their peoples; Ja To page me distance. He made three is about 75 to 80 miles an hour. shorten the Journey between the is estimated to provide employ.
ials of 500, 600 and 700 feet. The Frenchman calls it his eastern seaboard and the gulf ment for approximately, 1, 500 flying flea.
ports by two and a half days, and workers at its start. Frenchman is reported to SERVICIO DE VAPORES IMPORTANT We wish to call the attention cipality intends to proceed agaescala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA of our readers to the Governor inst all property owners in the In going along the Lines, it is flaring glow at nights thus renderNotice, in today Spanish Sec. Central Canton who are in arrear very gratifying to observe the Ad ing an automobile easily discernaLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS tion, which states that the Muni with their Municipal payments. ministration of the Norchern Rail. ble over half a mile away when the VAPORES SALIDAS way replacing the distressing view headlights are turned off.
of the original darkness of the Tar QUIRIGUA 15 de Setiembre Tren de Excursión a San José by covering their bridges with alu. By way of scientific inventions, PETEN 22 de Setiembre El tren sale de Limón al Miércoles 16 de Octubre a las n.
minum coloured paintings. it is noted that a Californian has VERAGUA 29 de Setiembre To those who have to travel fre invented a process by means of Adultos. 00 quently at night along the Railawy which he can supply Ice refrigerEstrado, Molina, 25 Millos 600 Siquirres a San José 65. 00 FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
to be able to now distinguish the ated by the heat of the rays of the El tren correrá via Castro y Zent 67. 00. No pierda esta gron oportunided approach to bridges, watertanks, Sun. The heat is used to vaporize Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION lines it must be very appreciative ammonia enclosed in tubes, and as Para otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la United etc. from a convenient distance. the ammonia is condensed, the reFruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica grigeration takes place. This preTELEFONO 3156 ANOTHER CTHREE DAYS EXURSION TO SAN JOSE It is noted, in a famous maga paration is home made, and the izne, that a French firm has put patent will soon be out and enable BY REQUEST OF SATISFIED PATRONS Train will leave Limon Wednesday October 16th at am, and return leaving San Jose Friday October 18th, at 1p. the market a phosphorescent homemade ice to be the comfort occasioned by incendiaries due to the films. Cellophane films Adults 00 Children 00 paint with which autmobiles are of homesteads situate in the remo inflammable motion picture films, nonimflammable, nonscratchable Estrado, Matino, 25 Miles 00 Siquirres e 00 being painted. This is certainly a test corners of hot countries. a new process has now been foundland carry a weight about one seTroin will run vio Castro and Zent at same price as Limon. Do not miss this great improvement on the accusAnother discovery to minimize this, by the use opportunity of going with us.
of venth of that of the other material.
tomed car plaints, as the phosphecellophane material instead of cel. great preserver of life has conCOSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION rous in this paint gives a beautiful As numerous deaths have been luloid matter for the making of sequently been secured.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
manner. To Construct Another Canal Improvements In Flying Machines UNITED FRUIT Co.
Among Scientific Minds salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK com y regresa de San Jose el Viernes 18 a las 13 horas Niños 00 para poscar con nosotros.
on are


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