
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 14th. September 1935.
Give your children protection. with her father, was evidently not enjoying her journey. Her cheeks were decidedly pale. The kind, if inquisitive, passenger sitting opposite, addressed the parent. Your daughter seems very ill, he remarked sympathetically; Yes, sir, replied the other, am sorry to say she is suffering from an affection of the heart. Dear me; exclaimed the passenger, how unfortunate, Andeurism, suppose. Oh, no. only a lieutenant in the Navy. came the swift reply.
What to become of your youngsters if you should die before they are self supporting?
AN GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. HOW? lady, who had given a dinner pa ty, met her doctor in the street Through any local Agent or office of the Hereby Hangs Tu the following day.
sorry, doctor, Against Discrimination the many. The young In Cricket Circles am SO she Banco Nacional de Seguros said, that you were unable to coA man noted for his mercenary me to my party last night You peculiarities lay dyng The family would have been sure to enjoy yourwas gachered around the bed. self and it would have done you Statements Refuted Look, Isaac, said his wife, good, too. we re all here me, your wife, My dear madam, it has already Mr. Editor and all der children. Look, we re done me good, as you put it, he giving free labour to effect the reIn a recent issue of this Journal, To combat this discrimination, all here.
replied. have just prescribed forl in bold type, and on the front pa it is suggested that an energetic pairs which should have been done Please allow me space in your in years ago.
The dying man opened one eye. three of your guests.
ge of the English section, appear protest be raised by the influen Is that so? he asked, and who We willingly solicit an inspection ed an article under caption The tial section of our community, and teresting Weekly to call attention to Public Baths. in which the writer, a definite plan of action along published in connection with the af tement and to at the same time conis minding the store erroneous articles being to prove the erroneousness of the sta Visitor. Eighty five is cer inter alia, commented on the pos these lines will shortly be propos fairs of the Limon Division of the vince all of the falsities of the va ainly a ripe old age, Mr. imes. sibility of the Bath, now under ed. Should this precedent be allwoman, travelling Host. That nothing. If construction, being destroyed by owed to go unchallenged, other rious other articles. As, however, we my father were alive, le be a nature. shall make no remarks and more objectionable ones may In the issue of the Ist. September know from whence they come, we Aid in sickness hundred and twenty.
regarding this, but would rather be expected and before we are very it was published, among other things, would ask why are they so trouAssistance in difficulty refer to the paragraph which stat much older the disdainful Jim that the roof of the lobby was torn bied? It is beacause we are doing Financier.
Advice at all Times But, surely, you ed that our coloured citizens are Crow system, practised in the off over Mr. Davis printeny; this is that which they could not do?
Are The don mean you intend marrying not to be permitted to associate Southern part of the United Sta altogether false. Again on the Sth. With thanks, Advantages Of Fellowship. the woman just because of her with the interior and exterior toutes might be attempted here on the it is stated that the building was in Join money, do you?
rists in its use, that another is to Railroad and other public places. danger of collapsing, and criticisms Mitchell Mr. Hardup COURT GALEED Certainly, how be built at Puita where coloured were cast on those of us who are President No. 590 else could get hold of it. bathers, as also women of dubious Horace Prendegast ANCIENT ORDER OF character, could go and have their METROPOLITAN BUREAU Patient seem a little bet dip. We all know what is meant FORESTERS Legal, Notarial General ter, doctor, but m still short of by the use of the term dubious And Share in The Order breath.
Business Transactions The Cricket match which was character, hence, regardless of Prosperity It is now definitely settled that Doctor. Oh, that all right, their moral or social standing, our Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. to be played on Independence the Team Particulars from Secretary.
from the parish of have patience, and we ll soon stop coloured ladies and gentlemen are My mtarnished reputation of Day in honour of the Governor Clarendon, Jamaica, will arrive Limón. Box 553 honesty. My intelligence and and the Comandante, has, all regarded as vagabonds.
we here on the 17th October and Things for us are getting worse high calibre efficiency constitute learn, been postponed by the de will engage every team of con Cach day and feel thai a better the necessary and all important cision of the School Department sequence in the country.
FACTORS which constitute my whose fixtures would not permit understanding should obtain among Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac the inclusion of this match They are expected to go to San HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE our Coloured Citizens, that is, coJose immediately on arrival loured Costa Ricans, as these are tual and prospective CLIENTS, the place and time.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón spend a few sightseeing days, the ones directly referred to. who confide to my care, di.
then return to this city to take Para EUROPA have not yet seen a reformation of rection and administration, the (SANTANDER. PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, the Magna Charta of Costa Rica handling of their BUSINESS and on their cricketing task. All the GENERAL AFFAIRS.
so am still of the belief that all cicompeting Clubs have been taxed EGBERT POLSON for the entertaiment of these vi.
tizens, regardless of colour, have 14 de Setiembre the same rights to everything CosAccountant, Interpreter, Trans CARIBIA sitors, and excursion trains will lator, Judicial Business Agent.
be run to all points where there Prop.
be is cricketing interest.
Best native lumber Cordillera. de Octubre AN OPPORTUNITY The Cup Competition match points as also the Motive Power; at moderate prices played last Sunday did not pro while the Excelsior and PathfindSpecial Classes for those SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS duce anything of a striking nature. ers have one each with the Wandesiring a sound elemenThe Burial Schemes team was derers one down. Tomorrow the Power will win out, while others tary foundation in Music, Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a short of ven regular players, and Excelsior will meet the Wanderers are in favour of the Wanderers, Short Hand, Typewriting HAPAG LLOYD Campbell acted as Captain when one will be in line for the etc. but can only repeat. Who and Book keeping the absence of both Captain and Cup and the other out for good. will be the winners of the Coveted Prices Moderate AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Vice Captain.
Who. will be the victim? Cup. this Season? REID FREDRICKS The Construction won the toss The Competition is now at a and decided to have the first knock, stage where some say the Motive Spectator :hat.
at to Maduro Lumber Yard ta Rican.
Nearing The End Catholic School LIMON Excursion Parties when to my surpirise they could Banco Internacional de Costa Rica State Bank Sole Bank of Issue old ma Hop Lee Lung Ofters the Public the Services of its not make more than 49 runs against On Wednesday last a party Puerto Viejo, and to give a furso weak a am, Campbell handof pleasure seekers left here in ther pep to their scheme came to ied his bowling to the best by the Launch Marta for Old Limon and invited those addicted following Sutton example of the Harbour for the usual purpose to this pastime to take the run previous week. He, personally, of carrying out Picnic Parties. down for two days at a cost of was not successful from the southfour colones for travel. Asern end, as he was only able to The Promoters of this outing would be expected a crowded boat get Moores wicket with a very fast Banco del Estado organized a mammoth picnic at left at dawn on Wednesday. ball, but on changing to the north he truly supplied his opponents Unico Emisor with the poisoned stuff. Little, an (as he is called by the ofrece al público los Youths) was a surprise, he kept servicios de su every one in Church and finished with three wickets for six runs to y his credit.
El más surtido en Matina We congratulate Campbell for the manner in which he handled He is by far the best field on his side, but dont forget EN LA that Old Sam. is as good as anyone else. Campbell can be selAs elsewhere, the Municipality, his exclusive rights It has also been ected on any team for his keen of Panama no longer regards recently suggested that a stock fielding and slow bowling. Clarke Cock Fighting with disfavour as company be organized, with the of the Construction looks very it is observed that the sport is Municipality as the majority stockpromising, but like the others, was para toda clase de carried on in that city under aj holder, to further exploit the en very much troubled by Campbell servicio bancario concession held by a citizen who terprise. The City Council is con slows.
pays a monthly sum of 150 for sidering the proposal.
Well the Construction has two Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Establecimiento de licores, Tienda y Abarrotes SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE his team.
Cock Fighting In Panama IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON All Kinds of Bank Service Rendered


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