
Saturday 14th. September 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA A Distinguished Jamaican Complains Of Bread Distribution SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments to MOTHER er members of that World Court of that family has collaborated at Another Excursion Boat us The Foreign Debt The outstanding figure at the of the womanhood of the The Editor. be eating them.
12th, Congress of the Women 350, 000, 000 natives of Africa as Should this, Mr. Editor, be the Intetnational Leagoe held at Istan well as the twelve millions of the shall be much obliged if you manner in which the bread supply bul was Miss Una Marson, a Co United States.
allow me sufficient space in your o four community be handled?
ioured young lady of Jamaica, who It is necessary. Miss Marson valuable Journal to make a few With thanks, after dong great honours to the said, that the great Powers who THE RIGHT SALTS remarks regarding our Bread disEdwin Horde Educational Department of that bave taken in their hands the destribution.
island by her successes in her tinies of Africa, should think also While recently passing a Chi Ed. Note: The public should Cambridge Senior and other ex of assuring the STATUS of nese Bakery from which bread was be grateful to such contributors as aminations, and seeing that there women of that vast continent in being taken into the street by a Mr. Horde. Indeed the Sanitary were no positions offering to ladies all its spheres, Social, Religious boy, a few of the loaves dropped Department should pay greater atof high attainments in that depart and Educational.
the ground on his reaching tention to the distribution of our ment, thought of taking up resi It is therefore bleieved that about one hundred and seventy five Bread and Milk.
dence in Egland where she is now this talented young woman asyards away. After looking around, be delivery of our Beard is more engaged as Secretary to the League sisted at the League Secretariat possibly to see if any one was often than not made in dirty flour of Coloured Peoples, of which the during that all important meeting! Invaluable for the Treatment of observing him, he picked them up sacks and uncovered baskets by well known Dr. Moody, also of of the Council when the matter and hurridly wiped them with a dir:ily clad boys; while many of Jamaica, is President.
of the Italo Ethiopian dispute was dirty old towel he drew from his our milk boys need to be whipped Miss Marson activities on be being discussed.
Flatulence And all forms pocket. approached and asked in line now and again with Sani.
half of women at these conferences Miss Marson was born at San.
him if it were his handkerchief he tary straps. We spoke of the beef have so attracted the attention of ta Cruz in the parish of St Eliza Indigestion of Stomach and used to wipe the bread, when marketing some time ago and while Monsieur Avenol, the Secretary of beth, Jamaica; her father, a won.
he abruptly replied that it was not our Medico agreed with us, noththe League of Nations, that he in derful Negro Educator, being Pas Colics Disorders my business as it not who woulding has yet been done.
vited her to Geneva, not as a mere tor of the Baptist Church of that listener, but as a temporary colla. district; he married Miss Mullings, borator in the Secretariat to attend a sister of Mrs. McRae, the FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES the Assembly during its present wife of the Proprietor of the MoMother, sweetest earthly name To a daughter or a son.
dern Drug Store of our City.
MANUFACTURED BY: Mortals here can ever claim, As the Gleaner puts it, The The Atlantic Voice takes Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa Warrants every heart to pay honour is one that Jamaica has great pleasure in congratulating Mother loves us from the womb, Homage to it every day.
All through life and a en in the reason to be proud of, in view of the MaRae Mullings Family on the SAN JOSE tomb; the fact that very few persons are successes of this talented ambitious Mother, tenderest to the young, Mother, safest fondest friend, invited to Geneva to collaborate member of theirs. And this reminds Ever warbles on my tongue Loves her child without an end.
with the Secretariat of the League us that this is the second time one Mother knows to satisfy With her hand, her voice, her eye. Brother, Sister, Friend of Wife, on questions that are to be discus the Secretariat of the League of Lach day as you pass thru life, sed by representatives of nations Nations. Not so many months ago, Another lot of Excursionists, be met and entertained by the Mother. who will ever love Sing these words of gratitude, who comprise that Body Mr. Horace McRae, son of Mr. will arrive here today from Bo King Solomon, Brittania, Light Without the shaddow of a doubt, Precious Mother, none so good.
Miss Marson has been a Dele J. McRae, attended the League TEACHER cas del Toro. On this occasion of Limon and Mt Purity Lodges Should of all the nearest be gate to conference held by the as Secretary to the Colombian the Ethiopia Lodge of the Bri.
Women International League, Commission that went to discuss tish Order of Samaritans visits The visitors will be with the last being at Istanbul, where the Leticia Boundary dispute her Sister Lodges here. She will for four days.
THE PEOPLES BAKERY she met an Italian Sculptress who between that country and Peru.
invited her to the Island of Capri, We await further achievements We wish to advise the PUBLIC in general that the on the west coast of Italy, as her from this highly cultured daughBERLIN LOAF recently placed on the market, has taken such gest, and who expressed the desire ter of the Isle of Springs.
a hold on the people and the demand so considerably increaof carving a bust of her. At the In spite of the efforts of the at the enormous figure of sed, that only standing orders are supplied at present; the ba12th. International Alliance of present Administration of don 33, 000, 000 dollars, chich, at the kery is however inaking preparations to increase the output Women, at the Yildez Palaces, Costa Rica Soda Ricardo Jiménez to pay the ins presente rate of exchange, placed to meet the extra and growing demands.
Miss Marson also met among a talments on account of the Repu. at six for one, would mean aro.
gathering consisting of over If you have not yet tried the loaf, come in and do so 280 blic foreign debt, it still stands und 200. 000. 000 in Colones.
Water Factory NOW, if you care to eat the best bread.
women of the world at which Mrs.
Corbett Ashby of England was LIMON DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA Many spurious imitations of BOOTH BISCUITS President, Lady Astor and other are being sold in some Chinese shops. None are genuine influential representatives from Fábrica de Hielo Avenida San José without the name BOOTH impressed on them.
Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad the United States of America, y Refrescos and Colegio de Señoritas BERLIN LOAF BUTTER LOAF. BOOTH BISCUITS Germany, Roumania, Egypt, India MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, CAKES BUNS CHALLENGE IMITATORS.
and other countries, when she was Florida Ice and Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb the Exponent of collaboration SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the Leiween East and West. and neck of Womb THE ITALO ABYSSINIA.
Press correspondent puts it, Farm Co. RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small She astonished the Assembly by medium sized) by way of the Urethra From page Lastly we find the Conciliation bringing a New Note into it, LA FLORIDA will then be no League to run to Committee of the five Nations through the vigour of her itellecwith useless hypocritical arguments. trying to get Abyssinia to agree to uality and her feminist optimism. Fábrica de Hielo Italy is known to be weak inan a Protectorate by the League with In her survey of the dark skincially; she is estimated by her own Italy as the dominant Nation in ned peoples of the world, she did Venta de Leche Bankers as only being able to such a Protectorate. Italy again not confine her remarks to the one At about 1, 30 last Friday night, the River from overflowing and fight for one year; so if Ethiopia. defies them by reiterating she will million population of Jamaica, her y Maderas Siquirres experienced a baptism of inundating the town. We can only will be then be in so bad a condi the entire domination of Abyssithan is not conquered in that time she accept no other agreement native land, the revieved the lives fire from the elements which dev. hope it will, this time, be a lasting tion that Germany will be almost nia.
eloped into a phenomena of the job.
STATION RESTAURANT most unusual proportions.
sure to strike at her to regain her The Emperor says he has tried SIQUIRRES An intense thunderstorm swept very curious case of self African Colonies. Will this not to agree to all sorts of arrange(Under New Management)
cver the town, smashing trees, abjection occurred here this week, involve all Europe? Would Eng. ments in the interests of Peace, but land be able to remaia burning barb wire fencings and a Spaniard, who claims to be a uncon he sees that war is being brought The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be breaking it into bits of about six Costa Rican was arrested for the cerned? No, she would strike too upon him, because the world powserved on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res. inches, killing a cow and digging very shameful offence of being a on the side of Germany, the coun ers are playing with the matter; taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo up the ground in certain parts as Mörecon. an unnatural and ef. try most likely to win out of this he sees it is more serious than they ken, Se habla español, If an aerolite had fallen and is now feminate person. He endeavoured struggle.
realize; he sees it will be a war for SULLIVAN buried somewhere. The fury of to have his photograph taken pu. Do the Diplomats not see this? the extermination of the Negro the tempest was more pronounced blicly while dressed in a suit of Why then not be outspoken as but none can say where it will end.
Race; hence it begins with Ethiopia at Brookliyn in the protrero of pyjamas with his lips rouged and with one voice to Mussolini and Mussolini declares that whether one Agnes Stephenson; nothing like his eyelashes extended after the say to him, you must desist in your the League likes it or no, he will it cas ever before been experienced manner of Cine Stars. Rumour imperialistic designs. If the League Begin his campaign in Abyssinia The ladies of the Baptist De. proggressive member of our here.
has it that this person is to be decides solidly against bloodshed, nomination are preparing for a community watch for found at all hours of the day and Mussolini must desist or he would on the 24th. of the present month great Elocution Contest to take the Hall, so as to assist the ef.
right fooling the people both black see the ruffles of Britain, France, and every man, woman and child place at the St. Mark Hall on forts of the promoters of so lau We have once more to take off our and white, as to his powers of su Spain, Russia and all the smaller in Italy must mobilize simulta: the 2nd. of October.
dable an intention.
hats to the Northern Railway perstition and vice of the lowest States, as well as America who is nevusly to defend the Fatherland The proceeds of this educatio.
Company for their interest in this nature. It will certainly do a lot indirectly tied to the League by the against any possible foreing attack.
nal, inspiring as well as recrea Admission to the entertainment township. Were it not for them we of good for this vicinity if the Kellogg Pact. It is therefore sad VILLANOVA RETIRO SU tive entertainment will be used to will only be Fifty Cents, so every do not know to what extent our Authorities put a hard hand on to observe that the nations prefer RENUNCIA provide a dinner for the very one ought to be able subscribe suffering might not have gone. such evil practices.
to be ridiculed rather than penalize ha hecho saber que el Ministro de MaMADRID, 13. última hora se poor at Christmastime.
that much to help provide a plea. They are now to be found putting one of their refractory memberrina ha decidido retirar la dimisión It therefore becomes every sant Christmas for our poor. in the finishing touches to prevent Corresponsal States.
que envio de su cargo.
as a FROM SIOUIRRES For Laudable Purpose to fine assortment of Serges Just arrived at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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