
THE ABYSSINIAN MUDDLE THIE ATLANTIC VOICE the Cocoa Our Karmic Indebtedness to Bananas And Coconuts a man and El tren sala de Limón ol Miercoles 16 de Octubre a las a, y regresa de San Josó el Viernes 18 a las 13 horas para poseor con nosotros.
ng One gets sick and tired watch realizes that it would cost her too ing the different intrigues and much to tackle the job singlehan.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone smalpractices of the great Power. dedly hence she invites France in the manipulations of this huge co operation in the task. France, Año 11 No. 63 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 21st. September 1935. Editor English Section. Natior drama. It certainly befits the stage seeing the threatening attitude of if it could pass the Censors. Hitler, asks what is there for her By the latest cables and Press to gain and if Hitler jumped at news we now find that while Mu her throat could she rely on En: The New Deal in ssolini defies the world and ridicu gland help? England gives her les the world Court, the members an assurance in the affirmative, Industry of the League of Nations are still because she knows if Mussolini fishing to find an agreement that strikes she could soon, with the aid The word Karma is used to deno ma. How is she going to continue to will appease and suit Italy at the of France, strip him of his African Anent our previous articles on formless, inferior beans produced te a reward according to the work live as the wife of such a man ang expense of the smaller nation. colonies and make him a present this subject, we herewitt repro instead and presented to the world ings of the Law of Compensations have nothing but happiness, peac Abyssinia; they are hypocritically of a fine palace at St. Helena to duce the rules and conditions market, ironically, as Costa Rica For instance, one of the fundamental and contentment, while he with his not principles of the law is that for each loaded Karmic bag, is trying to destined to grant a protectorate or muse over his follies for the rest of under which the Cocoa Depart Cocoa. The old quality has suggest concessions to Italy his days as Napoleon had to do; ment of the Banco de Costa Rica, been lost; it still exists in the bean sorrow or pain we cause another, we have either health of economic re which means the same thing, know sa: isfy Germany with her with her, which started operations last and all it needs to show itself is shall suffer in like degree and man verses. financial depressions and ma ing full well that Abyssinia can former East African Colonies which month will be conducted: the work of the producer, consciousner and at a time possibly when the ny serious incidents of an unpleasan not approve, and quite alive to the Italy now possesses and admist her For the benefit of those who he is working for his own benefit lesson to be gained thereby will be nature.
fact that when it goes before the into the Abyssinian minning con on account of their occupation, are in developing the hidden value of the most impressive. There is howe Even if the woman had sufficien inain Assembly of the League it cessions which she will assuredly in a condition to receive the his crop.
ver, no idea nor intention of vengan personal income laid aside to provi cannot be adopted. Is it any won acquire for the part she has taken advantages of our Cocoa depart. While the Equatorian Cocoasce in the process of this retributive de food for herself when the hus der that Italy does not respect in the matter. Thus the European ment, we give below a brief out ibtain prices ranging from 6, 00 adjustment; nor is it directed with band had no money; or to maintai them, and seeks to insult and bluff Family would dwell in Peace and line of how this department is to 00 per hundred pounds. the purpose of causing spe a home for herself when he could then at every turn? If they would Security for another score of years. going to be handled.
ours show a steady price of 25. cial suffering (as in the Law not pay the rent, could she 33 of only be frank and say to Italy, In the meantime Mussolini says Under actual conditions, the We can be certain that, at the of Moses an eye for an eye) for living comfortably, eating properl your attitude is unjust and cannot he is still determined to fight the careless and the cereful growers beginning it will be possible to this is guided by the Cosmic Hosts, and be perfectly contented and hag be tolerated, she and the whole world for he must have all of Aby obtain the same price. QUALITY obtain such prices as the well est (the Divine Intelligence which go py knowing that her loved on world would respect and admire ssinia as well as Malta, Cyprus, dois a meaninigless word and the ablished higher quality cocoas but, verns this Universe. but rather to or the one we assumed she loved sui them as a World Tribunal. mination over Palestine and Egypt, curing of the cocoa beans occupy we believe, an increase in the prices teach us a lesson and to make us ficiently to marry, is in want of fon England realizes that Mussolini and so split the British Empire in a secondary place. We hope to jotainable of maybe 50 per bag realize the error we have committ and a place to sleep and probabl must be humbled, but she also twain. Will he succeed? Lets see. change this. QUALITY is the is withhin our reach, if producers ed and evolve thereby the fulfilment suffering mental or physical torture goal that the Bank, united with will only take the trouble to of the law of understanding.
throught an unpleasant Karma. An the producers, will try to reach. properly ferment and dry the Most persons think our Karma is suppose the wife did have sufficien To our mind, it is a shame that cooca before offering it for sale. entirely individualized, but as a mat of her own to not only live indepen the old quality of the Costa Sticking to the policy of im. ter of fact our Karmas are blended Jenily, but to provide food, shelt Ricans, MATINA AND MA prove the quality to improve the and united, divided ur shared becau and raiment for her husband; if. Banana production in the Republic TINITA. known throughout the price. we are not going to receive se of our common earthly methods Karma of such a nature as to depx of Haiti, which was taken up, some The President of Guatemala is rewold were lost and the perfumcless, TO PAGE of living and uniting with other in ve him of food and shelter in o time ago as a complement to the coffee ported to be considering a proposal dividuals, Take a hypothetical exam der that he might learn some lesso cotton and sisal industries, is stated for the establishment of a governple. think of woman their Karma would arrange it so tha to have now reached a very satis ment controlled factory for the ma Tren de Excursión a San José marrying in their younger days and the wife would not be able to giv factory position, with planting still nfacturing of coconut oil. Should the starting out to live life in a complete him these things and thus cheat th being conducted along lines which plan be adopted, it is believed a deAdultos e 00 form of partnership under all the Law of Compensation out of its o Niños (5. 00 indicate mass production in the near cree will be issued prohibiting the Estrada, Malino, 25 Millos 6. 00 Siquirres a San José 65. 00 bonds of companionship and mutual derings or decree of nature. Many future.
export of coconuts. The scheme also Association. How can it be said that persons is suffering today unde El fren correrá via Castro y Zenl 00. No pierda esta gran oportunidad Although exportations are being provides for a soap factory which the woman in this case will be af strange conditions which are steadilly increased to the American would utilize a large percentage of COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION fected wholly and solely by the mys wholly of his earnings or deserving markets, it is not expected they will the crude product.
terious incidents of Karma that are but are the result of the Karma a reach such a status as to prejudice The loss of this source of supply enveloped in her private existence, others with whom he is so intimate the exportations from these and other will, it is thought, cause larger de DE ANOTHER CTHREE DAYS EXURSION TO SAN JOSE and that the husband will go on liv associated that he cannot be separa banana producing centres.
mands to be made on Jamaica, BY REQUEST OF SATISFIED PATRONS Train will leave Limon, dnesday ing through life being solely affected ted from the effects of adverse a October 16th at am, and return leaving San Jose Friday October 18th, at 1pm All exportations from the Repu and probably British Honduras by Adults 00 Children 00 by his own Karma? Is it not ap beneficent Karma.
blics is controlled by the Standard American buyers.
Estrada, Mafina. 25 Miles 00 Siquirres e 00 parent, not logical, that these two Children, until they are separate Fruit Company under their monoJamaica annual output of cocoTrain will run via Castro and Zent af same price as Limon. Do nof miss this persons will share each other Kar from familly ties and live independe poly agreement with the government. nuts is around 80, 000, 000 and.
opportunity of going with us.
ma to some extent? Is it not evident tly and in distinctly different env 30, 00, 000 of these are stated to be COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION from the very nature of things, that ronments and contacts are genera Export of Bananas from the Atlan under the control of the Island Coboth of these persons, as individuals, lly subject to some portion of th tic area of the Republic of Panama conut Grower Association, who are have voluntarily assumed a portion Karmic effects of their parents. An totalled 123. 269 stems during last largely interested in the manufacture OUR POSTAL SYSTEM ALONG THE of each other Karma by agreesing we not so taught, even to the fou month and produced 2, 465. 000 for of a refined grade of the oil under RAL WAY SECTIONS to live together, labour together, suf generation of those who do not Lov the country revenue.
a co operative system.
Innumerable complaints reach master General does not see the blessings of tribulations? In most ca and his neighbour as himself. Eve fer together and divide the world the Diivine Mind with all his sou this office regarding the exceedl. necessity of paying each Agent of ses of marriage the wife income is persons employed, often have ingly slack manner in which corres Police a small stipend so as to PA DEPLORABLE INCIDENT pondance is handled along the make him responsible for the her meals, her place of sleeping, her of the Concern or the employees wh dependent more or less on her bus share some of the Karmic condition Lines.
proper delivery of the mail receiv.
It can hardly be said that the, the sum of sixteen thousand cologeneral material blessings in life, are are their immediate Superiors in of residents of our City have yet nes for hospital treatment to In most instances a small boxed by him.
is nailed to a post outside the We have heard of outrages band material conditions. If his short payments, dependent more or less in her bus fice for the injustices, short weight recovered from the shock they paupers.
or kindness mete susatined during the earlier days The matter of the disappearence Commissary or Police Agency in being committed by certain unprin Karma is unfortunate over a long out to the general public. So we se of the week when it became pu of the funds as well as the general which all letters and papers are cipled Agents of Police such period of time, how is it possible for that Karma or a Karmic debt is ng correspon.
blicly known that the Funds of transactions of the Board are thrown, and which are searched the with holding of the wife to feel no effect of his Kar such a personal or individual thin the Municipality Charity Board, being fully investigated by the by allcomers who may carry away dence from parties in their disapt to thin!
amounting tosomething like sixty Central and Legal Authorities. what suits them best irrespectivetricts who were not particularly ma but to live wholly and entirely as most mankind are thousand colones, had disappeared meantime it is expected the govern of ownership. Should the owner friendly for subservient to them, according to her own? Let us con If a Nation has a Karmic debt to pay manife and that in addition to this lossment will dissolve the present be not, therefore, on the spot to also the destruction of letters as jecture that the wife has not earned and this is to be made done at Matina sometime or accumulated, acquired or attrac thronagh earthquakes, hurricanes, here was a long pending claim by Board and nominate a proviisona receive his or her letter or newsa paper on arrival of the mail, any ago. However as no stipendinted, in her past years, any unplea tad waves, pestilences, conflagration the United Fruit Company for one.
inquisitive person may casily take being paid incrimination for such sant, unhappy or disciplinary Kar TO PAGE it away, just for the sake, probably, mean, pernicious practices can of seeing what is stated in the hardly be resorted to.
letter and obtaining a knowledge will of the party correspondent.
The Postal service is a very richment as confidential as in ther Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón SERVICIO DE VAPORES department so it a pity our Post civilized countries.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Banana farmers are much elat having previously reecived a part Cordillera. 12 de Octubre VAPORES SALIDAS ed and gratified that after so of her cargo at Bocas del Toro, 22 de Setiembre many month of waiting and vet it is a beginning for relieving PETEN watching, hoping and praying, the painful situation of having Para GUATEMALA VERAGUA 29 de Setiembre the promise of afording them much more fruit than one boat (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
QUIRIGUA de Octubre another boat has been realized by per week could take away and the arrival of the Saramaca which naturally occasioned heavy Cordillera. de Octubre FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
on Monday last for a cargo of rejections.
SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS fruit, with the assurance that si.
milar shipments are to be made After the boat left, there were Para cualquier caso da informes, dirigirse a: Pers otros informes, dirijsse a las oficinas de la United cach week.
many thousands of stems of fruit Fruit Compare in hrins del Gran Hotel Costa Rica HAPAG LLOYD to be seen being drafted away by TELEFONO 3156 It is true she was only able to carts, trucks and horses of those AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 take 12. 000 stems on account of who rear animals around the city.
soon take steps to make the depari HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE con Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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