
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 21st. September 1935.
PAGINA The Reason for our Stricken Paupers being Refused Hospital Admission Give your children protection. HOW?
FROM SIOUIRRES This bill must be paid at our which are Maduro Lumber Yard In another article we dealt with So many questions come upperthe inevitable adjustment of our most to one mind after the read.
Karma under the Law of Coming of such an explanation that it have pensation, and before it was set in seem a pity it should ever What to become of your youngsters if you should die print a most striking example con been given. Why were not the long before they are self supporting?
fronts us, with regard to the loss pending bills paid prior to this of Sixty thousand colones by the frustrated lodgment? Why was no Charity Board of this City. The public report made and the honesty GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. loss does not affect the govern of those in the Store investigated ment as much as it does the Com. as against the long standing inte.
grity of our much admired and It has been discovered that this respected Gobernador?
department of the Municipality The President of the Board, Mr.
owes the Hospital Department of Antonio Escalante, is Guarantor Through any local Agent or office of the the United Fruit Company the for don Filadelfo in his capacity significant sum of sixteen thou: of Treasurer, therefore it is expectcolones for attention extended the ed that the money will be secured, Banco Nacional de Seguros paupers who have been sent to that but in the meantime it is every de Institution by the Board. This tells plorable that a scandal of such an awful tale as in late months it nature should have been permitted was with the greatest difficulty on the good name of such a man that a truly poor, needing medical as don Filadelfo Granados who assistence, could get an order for has lived a life of the greatest admission to the hospital. Is it any example of honour and respect in We beg to call your attention to our remark wonder when the funds of the In our Community for forty years, Much disappointment, accompanied of years and which are included in at the back of receipt which reads: stitution had been so depleted as to Oh, how frail is human nature by some amount of financial loss, the area to be handed over to the cause a debt of so vast an amount. that after having lived a life al was experienced by many of our far government by the United Fruit Com It is evident that this thing had most complete, a life crowned with mers on Saturday last when they we pany. This information has been grabeen going on for quite some time the highest expressions of confine unable to have their rejected ba tefully received by the large number office before the 10th of the month to have accrued to such an alarm idence by a communiwy, to have all narias accepted by the Railway for of cultivators who had spent the beting figure, hence the questions its successes and efforts cast to the ship the interior and other ter part of their lives ekeing out a now being asked: Is winds in one blast. It is certainly line points. Be so good as to comply with this request poor existence in the hope of being Mr. Filadelfo Granados alone res most deplorable, and to many and do not oblige us to suspend our service, ponsible for this state of affairs? death would preferably be welcom ments were refused on this occasion, have improved and cultivated.
We do not know why the ship one day the owner of the lands they a step which we would much regret to take.
What of the other members of the ed.
but hope that whatever was the cau Board? Is it possible that at the We sincerely sympathise with se, it no longer exists and that our Corresponsal several meetings of the Board the don Filadelfo and are confident farmers, particularly the small strugCompañía Eléctrica de Limón Bills Payable were never presented the very great majority of the re ghing ones, will still be able to make and discussed? Were no questions sidents of Limon go with us in our sver asked as to why this bill sympathy for him in this most de these shipments as a means of helpOUR KARMIC.
should have accumulated to ing them tide over their monetary such plorable incident.
FROM PAGE nicious a pastime. Are we yet civilized?
an amount?
In La Tribuna issue of WednesFrom the Diario issue of Wed FRANK MADURO Jr. economic stringencies or other forms Are we yet Christianized? Must not day last Mr. Granados wrote from nesday last we learn that the MinisProp.
of compensation, and we have deli this or any country which fostrs inCartago asking the Community of AN OPPORTUNITY ter of Fomento is considering the berately moved ourselves from our dulgencies in such heinous practiLimon not to be too harsh in their matter of adjusting the rights of Best native lumber old enviroments to a foreign counces. robbing from your neighcondemnation of him, but to conSpecial Classes for those West Indians to the holdings on gotry to live in its lands and sha bour what he cannot afford to lose. Sider his former good services and desiring a sound elemenvernment lands on which they have at moderate prices re in the bounties of its trials and be bound to suffer under the Law of honourableness, because the money tary foundation in Music, settled and cultivated for a number tribulations, we must be prepared to compensation. Short Hand, Typewriting was stolen from him while on his experience and accept some of the Hence we cannot live independenand Book Keeping.
way to deposti it in the Bank he Karma of that Nation or of that countly withhout being influenced by the alled in a store and during the Prices Moderate try. An ripht here is the theme of Karmic conditions of the nation, the fourse of a conversation there he REID FREDRICKS our thought.
community, the family, and especiaseemed to have forgotten it and On Sunday last we beheld the Lly our own intimate Catholic School companions when he returned it was gone.
Comerciante Detallista most unwarrantable act of trans with whom we are sharing all other gression on the part of our countrys things of life; but we and they can Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Artículos de ruling Officials as a means of its mo modify and eliminate the evil influen Ferretería y Eléctricos, todo se encuentra en de of rejoicing at the advent of our ces of such conditions by endeavoureste establecimiento a precios de situación. day of Independence. In the Parking to live as near as is possible to Avenida 2a y Calle 4a, frente al Edificio de Correos y Telégrafos there was encouraged and permitted the Divine principles of Life; by all sorts of gambling imaginable on doing unto our servants, our friends, LIMON, COSTA RICA this 14 th. Sunday after Pentecost; our families, our associates, our com and our women and children per panions and acuaintances as we would El más surtido en Matina mitted, not alone by the officials, like them to do unto us, realizing but by dignitaries of our Holy Mo always that we are in every circumsther the Church, to indulge in so per tance our Brother Keeper.
Our Acting Governor The President having conceded filled the office of Judge of the Po Tne Wanderers got one of the Cup. Never at any time was it STATION RESTAURANT on Filadelfo Granados three months lice Court here, is now discharging finest whippings of their career thought the Excelsior could gain SIQUIRRES eave of absence, our genial Port the duties of Governor of the Pro on Sunday last when they engag a victory over the Wanderers. Under New Management)
Saptain, don Julio Jurado, who once vince.
ed the Excelsior for the Coveted buy they did it on this occasion and by six wickets too.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be Until our batsmen learn to served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
respect Slow Spin Bowling they taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo will always be in trouble. Capt. ken, Se habla español, Sutton used it against the Motive SULLIVAN Power recently and was success.
ful; Campbell used it against the Construction Banco del Estado State Bank trouble; and now Sutton used it again and was able to destroy the Last moment cables regarding African Colonies. England contiUnico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue Fort of Gibraltar by getting the Abyssinian Muddle indicate nues to strengthen her forces in the seven wickets for the same number that all the Powers most concerned Mediterranean has ordered all chil.
ofrece al público los Offers the Public the of runs.
are now making preparations for dren, women and old persons servicios de su the outbreak of hostilities which evacuate Malta immediately and is Services of its The Wanderers and Schemers they anticipate may take place at making such arrangements as will are now out and tomorrow some one else will join them, either the any moment, in view of Italy final enable her to deprive Italy of resources Builders or the Ambitious Youths. rejection of the suggestions of the ceiving petroleum from Committee of Five.
controlled by her; with this end in Can the latter do as they did France has now ordered a mobili view she has approached Turkey against the Wanderers last Sunzation of her troops some of whom on the question of closing the Darday?
EN LA she has already dispatched to her danelles.
IN THE The positions of the other four Club are Motive Power, two SE DEFENDERA (2) MACHADO NUEVO APLAZAMIENTO points and three games to play, Excelsior, two points and PARIS, 20. Personas allegadas LONDRES, 18. Según informapara toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service game to play; Fathfinders, one al ex Presidente Machado en Cuba nie ciones procedentes de Addis Abeba se servicio bancario Rendered point and three games to play.
gan que sea cierto el intento del gene cree que la estación de lluvias termiral para regresar a Santo Domingo. nará el 27 de este mes pero parece imPredijo que muy pronto defenderá la probable que el terreno pueda ser prac.
Spectator labor de su gobierno.
ticable hasta a fines del próximo.
José Achion Ng.
LIMON Hop Lee Lung Establecimiento de licores, Tienda y Abarrotes Our Competition Banco Internacional de Costa Rica and had them in Last Moment Notifications to ski SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON one Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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