
Saturday 21st. September 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA Shirking Responsibilities SAL UVINA reason For Liver and Stomach Ailments are Bonilla y Co.
Indigestion to a Especial Train To SIQUIRRES DISCORD IN THE LODGES It is a great pity when someone hundred and forty colones.
Much tension has arisen recen ferences will arise at times, but of our public men have to be Certificate of Death is sought lly in some of our leading Lodges, instead of scandalizing each other conside:ed as not living up to and it is discovered that at the and, of course, as they are Orga when they do, try to that standard which befit the time of the death this lady was nizations instituted and famed for amicably together; and as no positions they voluntarily assume, in arreart to the very amall exthe closest of brotherly love and stranger heard you when you It is reported that a certain tent of about Fifty qents. This cordial relationship, the public is were love making together, settle One time resident of this City of course was unknown to her THE RIGHT SALTS always shocked when the usual therefore, your differences with went home to Jamaica in a fee and she continued paying in her Sotto voce in the Societies is out a stranger admision into ble state of heath and died dues so that at the time she reconverted into brawls within their yours privacy.
there some nine months ago in ceives the news of her father precincts or before the Law How good, how pleasant it is a public institution.
death she is fully financial.
Courts, as has been exhibited with for brothers to dwell!
It turns out that the daughter The Officers in charge of this in recent weeks.
of the deceased belongs to the Society, however, refuse paying Of course, monetary consideraSt. Joseph Burial Aid Society the aid, on the excuse that it is tions, the root of all evil and had been paying her quotas fuond that at the time of death generally the causes of these disregularly to the Burial Aid De the lady was in artean here to putes in which unpleasant epithets Abarrotes. Mercadería en partment. By the merest casual the extent of fifty cents. This Invaluable for the Treatment of are hurled in Alto voce at as.
general ty she gets the information of seems a bit far fetched for they sociates who are Brothers. On one Venta al por Mayor y her father death and as a concertainly cannot attribute con such occasion a brother voice, in Menor sequence makes a claim on the plusive proof of Guilty Know Flatulence And all forms a mid town Lodge, was heard Agentes exclusivos de la fa.
Society for her aid which would ledge of the fact of her father distinctly, on the street, to say mosa mantequilla y queso be somewhere in the vicinity of death hence her reasons for being of Stomach that it isthe past chief members ROSSI y Co.
hence her reasons for being and brothers who claim the puntual in the payments therea Colics Disorders profound teachings of the InstituMETROPOLITAN BUREAU fter as this intelligence was re tion who are always the offenders; Legal, Notarial General ceived through the Consulate so for what then do the teachings Business Transactions FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES me nine months after the occustand?
Compro estampillas usaBox 544. Cable. Metrobur. rrence. The decision of Bishop Another, in a Sanctum not so das: Costa Rica, Centro, My untarnished reputation of Alberto is awaited anxiously and MANUFACTURED BY: far away, was heard to say: for Sur y Norte América; y tohonesty. My intelligence and ye are sure his decision will be the space of time have been da clase de estampillas Euhigh calibre efficiency constitute on the side of equity and chariHermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa here you ve only aught me ropeas. Pago los mejores the necessary and all important tableness; especially as the Sony SAN JOSE quarrel and am going to try precios del país.
FACTORS which constitute my ciety does not lose anything as my hands at it tonight.
Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac it is the colon taxation of the Let us give those of you who José Dolores Marenco tual and prospective CLIENTS, membership at death that THE NEW DEAL IN THE.
are concerned an object lesson like Bajos de la Pensión Améwho confide to my care, di. pays; and it is assured that each the old parson advising his newly rica. Frente a la Estación.
rection and administration, the member would gladly have con FROM PAGE being made to freight and cartage wedded couple. We know difhandling of their BUSINESS and tributed a colon for the inter in our store rooms, and far less to which will be deducted from the GENERAL AFFAIRS.
ment of a Brother were it known export, cooca beans which are not money advanced. If the shipments EGBERT POLSON on time.
adjusted to the standard necessary do not come up to the bank standAccountant, Interpreter, Trans In the meantime, lack of con to obtain better prices among the ard, the bank is fully authorized to lator, Judicial Business Agent. fidence is exhibited.
Costa Rican qualities.
disposed of them locally. Experienced producers agree The bank will export the cocoa that four days is the best period to its foreign agents, who in time DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA for fermentation, and so, if a pro will report the price obtained. Af.
Avenida San José ducer wants to deal with the Bank, ter deducting from this price the Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad Sunday September 29th he must ferment his cocoa four interest due to the bank and the and Colegio de Señoritas days and dry it to perfection. expenses involved, the balance will MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, Otherwise, his cooca will be absol be sent to the owner of the cocoa. Dedication of the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb lutely rejected.
SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the To Repeat, only Cocoa beans Future of the Industry Train leave Limon 30 a. Return 00 neck of Womb with four days fermentation and RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small absoluteiy sundried will be consi We do not think that under Buond trip 2. 00. Zent and Matina 1. 50. Children half fare dered. medium sized) by way of the Urethra actual conditions, or under the New Deal offered producers by FINANCIAL TERMS our help, the cocoa trade is the brightest of the country but, it will Actualidad Mundial The Bank is going to handle pay the producers honest, if low, Scheme HENDERSON ENFERMO the cocoa on consignmert basis as wages and by sticking to it there is las 50 provincias, dan la mayoría de LONDRES, 18. Henderson in cisiva a Quezón. El líder de la insu is done with the coffee crop by the possibility to obtain a sure inIt is announced from Georgetown year visited the West Indies on his other Banks. In so doing the Bank come for a long time.
gresará esta tarde en clínica, en donde Obispo Gregorio Aglipay ha sido pue recdian contra los Estados Unidos that Dr. Alberto Forsythe, who last inter racial Pan American goodwill is a representative, with full The cocoa tree is the most suit se someterá a tratamiento por desarre ampliamente derrotado. Según los últ flight, is taking an active interest in able to replace worn banana plan glos gástricos y comienzo de ictericia. mos informes, la votación en cuarent power, of the owner and can y dos provincias, dan 204, 908 voto the scheme for the colonisation of dispose of each consignment at ias tations (ordinary, kind of land UN ERROR DELICADO Aid in sickness a favor de Quezón, 67, 318 a favor Assistance in difficulty British West Indians in British Guia better judgment. It understood available around here) and in the BUENOS AIRES, 18. Según Aguinaldo y 37, 192 a favor del Obis po Aglipay Advice at all Times that the producer will is the same disposal of the product the produ denuncia aún no confirmada, una pe Are The ELECTO QUEZON strong committee, with the sup as the Bank and that the first cerswill realize that their fate is up queña región de la frontera norte ha ocupada de Advantages Of Fellowship. port of Dr. Forsythe, has organized will never consider the second to them, as prices from now on vecino. el senador Sánchez Rando de Join. 18. Los resultados the West Indian Committee Develop liable for any difference in the depend only on QUALITY as the positó esta tarde un proyecto de inter. las elecciones indican de una tamamen COURT GALEED ment League in New York, with the price obtained.
result of their efforts.
No. 8, 590 pelación al Gobierno para jueves a fin concluyente que Manuel Quizón ha ANCIENT ORDER OF object of securing the opening up of In the struggle for existence, de examinar este acontecimiento sus sido elegido por una mayoría aplastan On the other hand, the Bank FORESTERS the vast lands of British Guiana for will advance 60 per cent, more or every man aims at his betterment; ceptible de crear dificultades diplomáte coma presidente del nuevo commo And Share in The Order the rehabilitation of the unemployed less. of the price which should be so if the rise in price means to the ticas. Se ignora si se trata de un error wealth de las Islas Filipinas. Su inau involuntario.
Prosperity West Indians in the United States, the obtained once the cocoa is sold, their living conditions, the Banco guración, así como la de Henio Sme Cocoa producers a betterment in Particulars from Secretary.
na, como vicepresidente, tendrá luga West Indies and Central and South, and on this advance the Bank will de Costa Rica gladly extends them El primer Presidente de Filipinas Limón. Box 553 el 15 de Noviembre. La nueva form Manila, 18. Prácticamente, Ma de Gobierno continuará pod diez año America.
charge interest at the low rate of its strong, fair and friendly hand presidente del Commonwealido prime después de los cuales los Estados Un 666 per cent monthly, as long de Filipinas. Al mismo tiempo, se da como dos acordarán la completa independen THE PEOPLES BAKERY as the debt stands.
electo a Sergio Osmena como Vice cia.
Presidente, quienes teberán servir sus Elogio How to deal with th: Bank cargos por un espacio de diez años We wish to advise the PUBLIC in general that the hasta que sea decretada la indepen BUENOS AIRES, 20. El gra BERLIN LOAF recently placed on the market, has taken sucCantina, Posada y Cafetería dencia traso el ventitros de duez Cuerzas de diario La Prensa publica hoy un ed a hold on the pecple and the demand so considerably increa: he simply has to deliver it to the If a producer has cocoa to offer, Quezón un Felipe Wing Ching senador y político reputado como el torial de fondo haciendo un vivo eld sed, that only standing orders are supplied at present: the bat officer in charge in the Bank más fuerte del archipiélago. Los re gio por la conclusión de las diferen Apartado 9 sultados de las votaciones en 42 de cias entre Perú y Colombia.
kery is however inaking preparalions to increase the outpuh store room, being present at the Limón, Costa Rica to meet the extra and growing demands.
time the employee weights it and Festejado un periodista To Whom It May Concern If you have not yet tried the loaf, come in and do so secure a receipt therefor payable at cubano NOW, if you care to eat the best bread.
the window of the Bank Cashier.
All Persons having legal transactions with or Claims MADRID, 18. Manuel Picardo, If, for any reason, the producer is encargado de negocios de la repúagainst Many spurious imitations of BOOTH BISCUITS unable to come personally, it is blica de Cuba, ofreció un almuerzo WASHINGTON SIMMS are being sold in some Chinese shops. None are genuine enough to send the cocoa to the hoy en honor del periodista cubano without the name BOOTH impressed on them.
Bank addressing the Waybill or Pablo Alvarez de las Casas, quien OF HOSPITAL SIDING BERLIN LOAF BUTTER LOAF. BOOTH BISCUITS Banco de Costa Rica, who will personal de la embajada y un gran RR. receipt to the Manager of the visita actualmente España.
are requested to communicate with Entre los asistentes se incluía al FITZBERT BARRETT CAKES BUNS CHALLENGE IMITATORS. properly attend to the handling, número de miembros de la colonia wtihout extra charge, exception cubana y muchas personalidades.
Dr. Forsythe In Colonisation ਪਦਦ na.
El Caballo Blanco Box 8, LIMON fine assortment of Serges Just arrived at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY bregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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