
The Great Abyssinian Unrest THIE ATLANTIC VOICE on the Rubber Industry a Possibility Joe Louis Once Again The Victor The gate my.
some Human Hyena Jailed to bring his dangerous punches to soon be concluded for Joe to meet none in was forced to take action to put tilo Juarez and the latter had him Co. Suspends Sending The 24 th of September has co la Captain in a machine gun squadron me and gone without Mussolini being in the defence of Adua, has also left able to strike his long cherished blow the United States to rejoin the EmDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone on Ethiopian soil against that Empi peror forces.
re independence. Seeing that four Sir Eric Drummond and Mussoli Año ll No. 64 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 28st. September 1935 Editor English Section Nation teen member na ions of the League ni exchanged conversations declared against Italy imperialistic 23rd. and as a consequence, Mussoliaggressiveness toward Ethiopia, sheni attitude is not as fierce as it quieted down her war tactics and used to be, provided he will get the now makes four demands to the Lea most convenient concessions possible.
gue, for concessions in Abyssinia, The Japanese fleet is undergoing Proprietors and others in po various sections of our lands, As was anticipated by every one The fight was witnessed by no First. that the Italian army must a secret manoeuvre in the Pacific. ssession of uncultivated lands in and he now states that in addi in a position to judge, Joe Louis. less than 96, 000 persons and is be allowed to advance to a certain over 200 ships being engaged; this thsi section of the Republic may tion to suitable lands discove the Coloured hero, has done the said tohave been the greatest the point in the north of Ethiopia, so is considered very significant. It is possibly have an opportunity of red in the Northern part of the trick one more by completely and world has ever seen.
she may maintain security for her to continue up to the 5th. October going in for a new, reliable, and, cquntry, there are various sec decisively defeating the World entries brought 1, 170, 000 dollars colonies and the prestige of her Ar Jon conclusion, the fleet will be re from wath we are able to gather, tions of nur Zone admirably aex Champion, Max Baer, in the of which each fighter gets viewed by the Japanese Emperor in a rather lucrative industry. the daipted for the cultivation of Pugislistic Art, on Tuesday night 300, 000 leaving 570, 000 to the Second, Italy must get the Provin the Bay of Tokio.
cultivation of the rubber produ the plant.
last at the Yankee Stadium, New promotors.
ce of Agaden with the territory suInthe conversations of Sir Eric cing plant.
Joe got married to Miss Marva Trouding it which is much richer than Drummond, England Ambassador The Good Year, one of the well The Corporation application This sensational fight ended in Trottell of Chicago the very afterthe Province itself.
to Italy, special attention was called known and largest Corporations for a concession to cultivate is the fourth round when Louis knock noon of the fight and flew across Third, she must have a strip of to the reserves made by Britain at the of the United States dealing in now before the Executive and if ed the ex Champion so completely to New York, promissing his bride Ethiopian land which joins Eritrea time of the signing of the Kellogg rubber products, have been loo it is approved, work will be ta out that he had to be taken to a the Victory as a wedding present.
with Italian Somaliland in accordan Briand anti Belico Pact in 1928 that: king around for suitable local ken in hand at an early date, private Clinic nearby to be attended They are to leave New York for te with the Treaty of 1906, under Abyssinia was specially cited by Bri lities in which to establish plan when private parties in posse te medically.
Europe, on their honey moon trip, ssion of suitable lands will be the understanding that this strip will tain as one of the smaller States on tations nearer their home marFrom the first round Joe had early next month; and it is thought not exactly be under the control of which she could never tolerate ag iket than those in which they are assisted to take up the cuutiva him on the aggressive and punish that he may possibly give Italy but that she should be able to gressions from any country, hence interested in the Far Eeats. With tions in addition to that which ed him severely in the face caus exhibition bouts in France, Eng.
ake it over at any time it should her inflexibility in so far as the in this end in view a Representative the Company will themselves ing him to bleed at every punch. land and probably Germany.
dependence and sovreignty of Abys of theirs has been inspecting undertake.
The second round was practically become necessary for her todo so.
The promotors of this fight have Fourth, The Abyssinian Army must sinia is concerned; she could never the same, Max tried once or twice announced that arrangements will be reorganized and reduced to one tolerate foreign intervention in this half its strength, converting the other country, whose protection would bear, but on half into a police force under Italy always constitute, for the British Em After terrorizing the inhabitants savagely attack the corpse which fect, that he compleely avoided ner to thereafter face Jimmy Brad control.
pire, a cause of legitimate defence. of the mountain districts of Bocas was the object of their rituals and, his thrusts. In the third Dempsey dock, the present heavy weight Of course, the Ethiopian Delegate Hence her reasons for concentrating del Toro, a veritable human hyena, after ravenously devouring a large acvise dMax to get on the aggres. Champion of the world.
has objected to all these requests. En such a powerful fleet in the Medite who devoured dead bodies and was amount of human fresh, he would sive, but Joe would not permit into the mountains.
this, he initiated the attack all the Louis, who is just over his 21st gland has proposed to Ethiopia that rranean Sea which Italy considers a believed by his terror stricken neigh disappear while. In this round he sent Baer year, weighs 198 14 pounds and she should retire her army from the menace and an unfriently act. At bours to be possessed with the Their fear was such that dare twice to the mat, on he first oc stands feet 2 inches, is consifrontier and if Italy advances in con the time the Pact was being settled spirit of the devil, is now safely attending the wake would sequence of the retirement. then she in London, and certain exceptions lodged behind the strong steel even to approach the savage in casion he rose at the count of eight dered in aggressivaness and tactics, truder.
and on the second the gong sound superior to Jack Johnson and Jack would have a good case to protest were made to certain aggressivenes bars of a prison cell.
before the League in regard to Ita ses as instruments of national poliAccording to reports received Learning of the situation, Lieu. ed the knock out, but he quickly Dempsey. Sporting critics are ly attitude. Ethiopia has agreed to tics. this proviso regarding Ethiopia from Bocas del Toro, the situation tenant Franco sent out a search rose and faced the fourth round in unanimous agreement that Joe is this pending the attitude of her sol was specially made as being one of among the Indians of the Crica party to capture the alleged human a desperat econdition physically, he the greatest Boxer of the centuary diers, who may oppose such a move the connecting links for the recurity that Lieutenant Indalecio Franco, by Indian policeman Luis mola region became so alarming hyena and he was finally cornered then received the final shock which and will easily gain the world Pala. knocked him out completely. championship as they are very anxious to meet the of the British Empire and was pre Chief of Police at Bocas del Toro, cios, who turned him over to CuItalian forces in open combat and in sented in a note by Sir Austen Chamvade Italian Somaliland.
berlain, then British Foreign Minisan end to the outrages of.
Greece has charged Italy for ma ter, to the then American Ambassamarauding cannibal.
Police officials of Bocas state Fruit to California noeuvring with her warships without dor.
The Cricamola Indians permission and for using her whar On Thursday last the Committee that the marauder made it a prac. signs of insanity while locked up assert that the savage Indian has shewn According to the Star and Meantime it is noticed that ves without even the polite custom of Five reported the acceptance by tice to pounce upon them during in jail there.
Herald. the United Fruit Com the shipments to this Western of saluting.
Abyssinia, with dertain minor reser their wakes. when he would (Star and Herald) pany has suspended making shi State, initiated some In the meantime Italy, up to the vations, of their formula for a conpments of Bananas to California here by certain planters in the 23rd. instant, had 12 ships in Na ciliatony settlement of the conflict Tren de Excursión a San José from her Panamanian cultivations Province of Cartago are being ples laden and loading with soldiers and of its rejection by Italy. The Lea the fruit being sent instead to gradually increased This week and materials of war for East Afri gue unanimously adopted certain reAdultos e 00 Niños (5. 00 Mobile movement will, it is reported solutions which indicate she will apEstrado, Matino, 25 Millas 00 Siquirres a San José 00 It is supposed that the change consist of over 3, 000 steams and An Egyptian Prince has offered ply the provisions of Article 15 of El fren correrá via Castro y Zenf e 00. No pierda esta gran oportunidad has been brought about by some a number of crates of the loose his services to Emperor Selassie who her CCovenant against Italy unless para posear con nosofros.
question of labour.
hands has accepted same. He leaves early Mussolini changes his tactics and COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION next month for Addis Abeba. Te aggressiveness. The matter is xan soldier, who held the position of left for him to decide.
ANOTHER CTHREE DAYS EXURSION TO SAN JOSE An Elocution Contest Competition is the order of the Now, in the first instance, October 16th at am, and return leaving San Jose Friday October 18th, at 1pm day, which, if conducted aright, two trains to San Jose in the same The Baptist Women Federa The purpose being, therefore, so Adults 00 Children 00 leads to success in our commercial month can succeed in these times; tion will Elocution very laudable, it is expected that a Estrada, Matina, 25 Miles 00 Siquirres e 00 transactions; but it goes the limit hence its evident that the CorsaContest next Wednesday the 2nd. bumper house will be the outcome.
Train will run via Castro and Zent af same price as Limon. Do not miss this when we find train exc opportunity of going with us.
sions jost. rio means to kill out the Burial of October. Representatives of se It behoves all Limon at attend, COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Jing one another as is occurring Scheme effort by making the trip veral of the Clubs of the city, as assist at a truly interesting and here right now.
ahead of her, coupled with the fact well as private contestants will be instructive programme and thereby competing This function, while educational for a truly deserving old lady or advertising an excursion train to 00.
and, at times, amusing, is being gentlemen.
On Saturday night last a pecu residents of the vicinity profess not San José for the 16th, 17 th and It is a well known fact that the staged as a means of providing a liar case of shooting occurred to konw who committed the tash 18th. October at 00 the round Company does not make any rebate treat at Christmas time for the The Judges will be Messrs. within a hundred yards of the Cie. act. All sorts of rumours are being, trip; suddenly we observe a specail trains to un forutnate poor of our commu Smith; Burrow; George neguita Bridge, as a result of circulated as to the cause of the Club springing up, The Corsario except, possibly, to the Catholic nity and hence primarily humani Williams; Charles Gourzong and which a young woman, by the name act, but none can be substantiated, sounds Italian. as also going to Church on special occasions, there.
IS. Nation.
of Essie Lee, was shot in the left henc ethe matter remains a mystery, San Jose on the 2nd. of October fore it must be one thing or the forearm.
with the perpetrator still at large at a cost of 6. 00.
To Page It is said that the assailant is or and the yonng woman in the hoswas a friend of the family, but the pital.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Para EUROPA Foilowing on the Central Go should be payable for the remaiSERVICIO DE VAPORES (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, verments annulment of the Con ning months of the current year.
cession for the Turtle Fishing in the meantime, the entire mat.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK rights, and the Governor obje. ter is to be considered and a forescala en CRISTOBAL HABANA Cordillera. 12 de Octubre tion to a general fee of one hun. mula presented at an early ses LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS dred colones per month beingsion for adoption for the coming Para GUATEMALA charged, the Municipal Fathers year.
VAPORES SALIDAS recently decided that no licenses. PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
In connection with this very, lones, and that he has entered Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: regretable matter, we understand into arrangements for refunding Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS HAPAG LLOYD that the Charity Board has ob the additional missing sum by Para otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la United tained a mortgage from Mr. Fi. the payment of monthly instal.
AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 2086 ladelfo Granados covering the ments.
TELEFONO 3156 amount of fifteen thousand cotime ago El tren salo de Limón el Miércoles 16 de Octubro a las a, y regrosa de San José el Viernes 18 a las 13 horas ca.
now Competition By Excursionists BY REQUEST OF SATISFIED PATRONS Train will leave Limon, Wodnesday no stage their subscribe a prefera cents bit of Beef SHOOTING AT CIENEGUITA Society has since last month been 00 as against the other new on San Jose, tarian.
Turtle Fishing Free For Remainder Of Year UNITED FRUIT Co.
con Cordillera. de Octubre Charity Board Arrange for Recovery Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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