
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA Saturday 28st. September 1935 Give your children protection. PE Hereby Hangs Tahim: Son, doesn your father Italy Gamble for Ethiopia Limon Trading Company fur cap Maduro Lumber Yard winter. he was suprised to find eine in asin, et ein vitaly affect the chateleting Eastone retores point of personal prestige and minimum demands likely to be?
the world peace answer; he turned the knob of the door and entered. should like to speak to the head of the house he said. man voice answered him. Well, sir, we were just discussing that point, so if you sit while, think we ll be able to tell Wat to become of your youngsters if you should die vou soon.
before they are self supporting? little boy was having lunch at a home which was conducted with proper regard for religious GET LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. observances. There was no such thing in his own home, and when his friends bowed their heads in HOW?
saying te grace before meals, he failed to do so.
Te father of te family said to Through any local Agent or office of the say anything before you start to Banco Nacional de Seguros Young man, recently married, ear?
to a friend. m in doubt as to Sure. replied the boy. He what to call my mother in law. says, Easy with the butter, kids, You see, my own mother is alive, it sixty cents a pound.
so it doesn seem right for me to call my wife mother. Mother. certain nobleman, noted for Had anyone predicted a year upon a purchase price, and agree En sus almacenes de San José, Puntarenas y Limón Oh, that very easy, replied the the stinginess with which his table friend, was up against the same was always set, was shewing the ago that the question of the sur upon it in time. The sands are Ofrece al Comercio el más extenso surtido de thing. The first year addressed wonders of his house to some guests vival or extinction of a littel Afr running out. By the beginning Abarrotes y Licores can nation would eclipse all other of September Mussolini will have her as Say. after that called he one day had to dinner. It is very beautiful. remarked international problems he would the 400, 000 men (100, 000 reguher Grandma.
Depósito permanente de los afamados productos: one of the party, but, for my have been scoffed at. Yet in this lars, 75. 000 Black Shirt militia, Cigarrillos CHESTERFIELD, Swift Company. Tales como manteca «LA PRIMERA la favorita de las Parish visitor, while passing a part, should rather see less gild issue of Ethiopia is now bound 100, 000 native troops, 40, 000 gaup the prestige of Mussolini and rrison troops, 30. 000 workmen familias: cornes en barriles. elc.
cottage one day, heard unmis ing and more carving.
Libby McNeil Libby. Leche Condensada, Cornes, Frufas, Legumbres, Enrakeble sounds of quarrelling.
the pride of Italy as a world po and numerous aviators and other curtidos y todo extenso surtido de loteria de esta repombrada Fábrica.
An American, wintering in Sco wer. It involves momentous possi. special units) which he is said to Té Solode. Un producto que ocupa lugar preferente en todos los hogares, After waiting a few minutes for por su exquisito aromo.
the noise to subside, which it did sland, was so taken with a Scotch. bilities of change in the European desire before striking. Early in Cemento. León Danés clavorito de los constructores, por su insuperable cuolidad y resistencia not do, he knocked. There was no man who acted as his guide that balance of power, and equally September the rainy season ends he made him a present of a fine momentous possibilities of conThe belief of Antes de colocar sus pedidos consulte nuestros precios.
with ear laps. On his flict between white and colored send a delegate. The belief of Compra de productos del pais, tales como cacao, coens, ele.
to Scotland the following races other parts of Africa and observers Africa is FRANK MADURO Jr.
the man was not wearing the cap: poisiton of the League of Nations hand to stay his arm Mussolini to Italy from that of national ad. At what point will the Ethiopians Prop.
been wearin it since the serious further that greatest of hopes early in the month. Rapid action lly intolerable to the proud. yield another square inch of landl and asked him the reason. Tve, ne and may conceivably cripple still will set his legions in motion vantage, and that is yet not who choose to fight rather than to accident. said the guide. for an effective organization of Best native lumber What accident? Asked will be required in the brief pe spirited Ethiopians? If this subs. or make another economic concë.
visitor. Well, a man invited me Grave as the Italo Ethiopian riod yet remaining: titute requires sacrifices of their sion? What helpful territorial at moderate prices to tak a drink, and didna hear crisis was at the begining of Ju find some substitute for the con.
concessions might. England or Can Great Britain and France own, will they make them?
him on account of the ear lpas. ly, it had become decidedly more The answers to these questions France be persuased to offer? As quest of Ethiopia that is accep. obviously depend upon still other these lines are written in the first threatening five weeks later. table to Mussolini from the stand. questions. What are Mussolini weeks of August, the answers to The half hearted League effort such questions are stil unknown.
THE PEOPLES BAKERY to deal with the situation through But one assumption seems pera conciliation commission had DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA fectly safe: Italy will lither proWe wish to advise the PUBLIC in general that the broken down before the middle Avenida San José ceed with the war, or will be well BERLIN LOAF recently placed on the market. has taken suc of July. Italian determination Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad paid for abandoning it will, in a hold on the people and the demand so considerably increa had manifestly stiffened. More sed, that only standing orders are supplied at present; the bat divisions had been called to the and Colegio de Señoritas short, have been successful in one kery is however making preparations to increase the outpuh colors, a stream of transports MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, of the greatest pieces of interna.
tional blackmail in modern times.
to meet the extra and growing demands.
had been kept hurrying through Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb the Suez Canal, and the press had SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the (Current History. If you have not yet tried the loaf, come in and do so To be Continued.
neck of Womb spoken in ever more menacing NOW, if you care to eat the best bread.
language RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small medium sized) by way of the Urethra Cricke ers To Tour Many spurious imitations of BOOTH BISCUITS meeting of the League are being sold in some Chinese shops. None are genuine Council at the beginning of Au The Yorkshire Cricket Club without the name BOOTH impressed on them.
gust resulted in nothing but a postponement and a remission of of England hace accepted the inBERLIN LOAF BUTTER LOAF. BOOTH BISCUITS the question to stronger hands.
To Whom It May Concern vitation of the Jamaica Board of Control to send a team to CAKES BUNS CHALLENGE IMITATORS.
All Persons having legal transactions with or Claims The League can obviously do nothing to halt Mussolini war.
against the West Indies next February.
Great Britain might, but, as The Yorkshire Club are the COMPETITION BI.
Lloyd George says, she will not present County Champions, and OF HOSPITAL SIDING From page ing Club in preference to Societies act alone and France has shown it is expected their entire county other; either that the Corsario is which exist for Communal better no disposition to act with her. are requested to communicate with side will make the tour with the running a very serious risk in her mentes; hence we are feeling that slight chance of peace still re. FITZBERT BARRETT exception of Barber who will then competitive ideas, or that she has the Corsario competitive rush is mains in the Three Power nego.
be with the in New been much favoured by the Com ill advised. It is nevertheless, left tiations that early in August Zealand.
pany with a rebate in price. To co be seen whether the recreative were scheduled to begin on the run an excursion as a money mak public will alter their plans for 16th. but peace will have to be ing proposition, where one has to taking their few days vocation on purchased, and at a price that pay around 1, 400 for four coach the 16th. October with a Society Mussolini is in a position to maes to seat comfortably 52 passen whose aims and objects are to raise ke very stiff.
gers in each, does not seem to leave funds to serve suffering mankind, The great question as the first inuch room for money making or will go with a Sporting Club with th eround trip price fixed at so as to save the small sim of one ther Great Britain, France and weeck in August ended was wheBanco del Estado 6. 00; except of course the Com colon on the price of the trip.
Ethiopia could or would agree State Bank pany departs from her usual mode One thing is sure, and that is, Unico Emisor of demanding full payment of her if the train of the Corsario Sport Sole Bank of Issue fixed rates on such trains. We do Club gets a crowd, it would be METROPOLITAN BUREAU not however think the Company suicide on the part of the Burial Legal, Notarial General ofrece al público los Offers the Public the would favour a new comer more Scheme to attempt to run to the Business Transactions servicios de su than she would an old customer in same destination a fortnight later.
Services of its Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. this respect; especially when it is My untarnished reputation of aprIORIJE considerde Burial that all the honesty.
Aid in sickness Scheme trips are conducted for My intelligence and humanitarian purposes for reAssistance in difficulty high calibre efficiency constitute Advice at all Times the necessary and all important lieving distress during illness, Are The FACTORS which constitute my among the inhabitants of our city Advantages of Fellowship. Iron Clad Guarantee to my acEN LA IN THE (most of whom are dependents of Join tual and prospective CLIENTS, th eempoyees of the Company) and COURT GALEED No. 8, 590 who confide to my care, di.
for providing for their interment at death; thus deserving special conANCIENT ORDER OF rection and administration, the FORESTERS sideration from the Municipality handling of their BUSINESS and And Share in The Order GENERAL AFFAIRS.
para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service and Company alike.
Prosperity Particulars from Secretary. EGBERT POLSON servicio bancario Rendered We certainly do not believe the Lmón. Box 553 Accountant, Interpreter, Trans Company would facilitate a sport Paran lator, Judicial Business Agent.
dad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano tour WASHINGTON SIMMS Box 8, LIMON Banco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON


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