
Saturday 28st. September 1935 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA World Fighting Power SAL UVINA For Liver Stomach Ailments Invaluable for the Treatment of FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Last Sunday Competition Game The Cablegram to Emperor Haile Selassie and the Part the Negro Organizations With the Ethiopian dispute took in it With regard to Japan milita.
threatening to destroy existing ry experts appraise her soldiers, On Friday of last week the Com members, under the Parent Body sinPeace conditions, the following man for man, as the peers of mittee on Abyssinian matters sent ce last July. They are also in touch information regarding the mili. any in the world. The number of the cablegram which was published with Addis Abeba and are in recept tary might of the leading Po her actives was estimated recensome two issues ago expressing the of a regular supply of the Blackman THE RIGHT SALTS wers may be of some interest. tly at 290. 000 while her trained sympathy of British Negroes in this Magazine, which Mitchell is unable to Military experts declare that reesrves, considered of the high.
country and offering their services get in consequence of his arbitrary France, facing what she regards hest caliber, number about if transportation could be arranged. conduct as correspondence from Lona menace to her security through 00. 000 Along with the collections from don has disclosed.
an increasing Nazi militarism, is The comparatively young reriends in Limon, subscriptions to This BIG man, with his twelve possessed of the world premier publics of Spain and Poland haid the cause were received from blind followers, has brought the Liwar machine.
ve surprisingly large armies. The.
to such a position, This ae Siquirres Division guided by Mr. mon Division is attributed to re are 241. 000 actives and. Petgrave, amounting to twen that he now refuses or is ashamed the size, state of readiness and 2, 098. 000 reservists in the Spa.
ty colones and fifty cents. Other do to co operate with a responsible bo Invaluable for capacity for rapid mobilization nish organized forces, while Pol.
nations were, twelve colones from dy of ladies and gentlemen who are of her fine professional army and and has 324. 000 actives and Madre de Dios and 28 Miles throught in communication with all who look the famous network of under. 1, 721. 000 reserves.
the efforts of Mr. Farquharson; fi toward racial progress. Since he finds ground fortifications which guard The three nations of the Little Flatulence And all forms her eastern frontier.
ve colones and seventy five cents he is such a failure at leadership, Entente, where French influence from Cedar Creek by Mr. Andrew and is being outflanked by the leaAlthough Russia, with her rehas predominated for several Indigestion of Stomach Powell and three colones and fifty dership of the greyhorse, why wont gular army of 940. 000 and a years, have notably strong militacents collected at Nine Miles by Mr. he be sensible enough to walk back reserve of more than 15, 000, 000, ry establishments, forming what Colics Disorders leads the great nations in manpo has been described as the French Henry Nairn.
into the hiding place from whence Communications are being carried he came? He need not worry about wer by a large margin, the ring of steel around Germany.
on with Addis Abeba and Mr. Gar the debts he has contracted, as the French army of 710, 000 actives The Rumanian army has 295. 000 vey in London on the question of im fallen Angels, with their body of sixand 6, 327, 000 reserves is conside actives and 1, 600, 000 reserves; red a more efficient migration into Ethiopia. All the im ty five enthusiasts will find the means fighting the Yugoeslavia army 141, 000 MANUFACTURED BY: machine on occount of its supe. actives and 1, 550, 000 reservists portant cenres of the As of paying Mr. Villalobos his five sociation were communicated with hundred colones which was so pig Hermann Zeledon rior training and equipment as and the Czechaslovakian army Botica Francesa well as its much better transport 137, 000 actives and 1, 489. 000 requesting co operation in the mat headedly and increasonably created SAN JOSE and supply system.
ter, and they all responded very sym against the advice of those who On the basis of number of well Great Britoin and the United pathetically and interestedly, except were styled GANGSTERS. The debt the Limon Division, which said that has been placed on the Division and trained and equipped soldiers and States, relying on their well equip their methods for mobilization ped navies which are suplemented as that Organization, under Mit must therefore be paid. They will alchell, being a Big Body, it would so show how McPherson can be paid for quick defence of a small fron by strong air forces, are weaker handle its Abyssinian question by it off his thousand colones on which tier, some experts rank Italy as in military land strength when self.
On Sunday last, the Construc the Back and repaying the various second in European land strength. compared, numerically, with the amount, as a Garvey enthusiast, he the Clubs exactly what she received Mussolini in supposed to have at other five gret powers.
The BIGNESS of this BODY has charges 36 per cent per annum in de tion was at home to however dwindled to TWELVE fi fiance of the laws of the country. wicket, to decide which of them Excelsior on a perfect from them.
the present about 1, 000, 000 men Great Britain has a standing Tomorrow the Pathfinders will under arms on a semiwar basis army of 380. 000 men including nancial members, as a consequence would keep in line for the Tro meet the Wanderers in their return with a trained reserve said to be the forces in India which total of maladministration coupled with In the same way the fallen Angel, phy.
match. Can the Youths repeat 885. 000 although the fascista 228. 000. Her military reserves, the misappropriation of funds which to whom Mitchell refers in the Censhould have gone to the support of tral American Express, paid 811. 00 as each Club had two points and last?
The game was very interesting what they did on the 5th of May gran council claims a total mo. exclusive of the naval and air bilizable force of between forces, number about 245. 000.
he Parent Body in London. for repairs to the Building, 500. 00 so had to do their best. Both The Clubs are now in the follow 7, 000, 000 (and 8, 000, 000 men. There are about 120. 000 men This Organization was intented to for the Organ, C301. 70 for Band Captains played their part and ing positions: Excelsior, three Others, however, give Russia the in the regular army of the Unitrepresent the Race in Costa Rica in Instruments, 949. 00 for Death could not have done better; unfor points and three games to play; second place on the basis of hered States, 35, 000 being in the a dignified manner, and had been claims, 1747, 60 on Loans and In tupately the Construction lost and Motive Power, two poinst and huge reserve of trained soldiers. Phillippines, Hawaii and China doing so until the advent of this Cu terest, 1543. 17. Cuotas to the Pa now rank with the Wanderers and three games to play Pathfinders, But while the red army is suppos. recruiting drive is, however, bans Regime with the Machado touch rent Body. 554. 95 Sick Benefits, the Schemers.
one point and three games to play. ed to be well trained, the effecti under way to bring the strength for vetoing all who may oppose his 490. 90 petitioning President Jime Season after season the Excel The Cup will of course fall in veness of the Soviet artillery, of the army up to 165. 000. There shortcomings toward progress; to nez for Mr. Garvey entry here and sior suffered such defeats as to the hands of one of these Clubs; tanks and even her huge air for are 89. 000 reserve officers and these he denies co operation by re Delegations, 542. 25 Mr. Casorla place her at the end of the line on but up to now there can be no cer ce, is regarded as uncertain by ma 184. 000 national guardsmen but fusing to accept their monthly quo daim for giving over ownership of each occasion; but the tables have tainty which will be the lucky one. ny military observers.
no enlisted reserve.
tas, so as to gag their freedom of Bryan claim (he holding Bryan turned and she is now coming from Spectator Germany strenght in unknown With regard to Gernamy naspeech in the interests (especially fi Power as Representative) and other due to the Reich censorship on val program, work on 107, 500 nancial) of the Society. No wonder expenses amounting to 20. 316. 47, VELADA ARTISTICA WHAT UP FRIENDS? military statstics, but the pro tons, one fourth of the total his membership has dwindled to such it can be doce once more if Mitchell de Oct. de 1935 a las hoIct 7th 1935 at p. sharp gram of conscription is expected strength permitted under the an insignificant twelve.
will only be sensible enough to see ras en punto to place Hitler forces on a par glo German arrangement, is now On the other hand, those who ha that he is no longer required by the GRAN DEBUT GRAND SURPRISE with Europe strongest within a being rushed as fast as the nave been debarred by him from parti very very overwhelming majority of Por la nueva Compañía de THE NEW COLOURED few years. year ago it was val yards can operate. The first cipating in the financial manipula the Race in this Province and walk MORENITAS BLANCAS AND WHITE COMPANY esgtimated by outside observers Boat of the new under sea ar.
tions of the Society, are sixty five out so that these pleople may funcEn el Teatro Arrasty Will be giving you something that German actives numbered mada is already ii service and strong and will soon reach the 100 tion their own property in which he La señori a Md Ester del Araya you never saw before 300, 000 and the reserves others have been launched while mark which not been reached sin has no interest whatever ather than y el señor Ricardo López Something you never knew of. 2, 200, 000. The actives were, ho several destroyers which ce the Roberts Regime. These are the personal agrandisement of the Esta formidable pareja de artistas Something that will make you wever, recently placed at 500, 000 secretly laid down before the neall financial with London, as direct Ego the great AM.
de fama feel ten years younger.
by Press reports and the reserve gotiation of the accord, are now OFRECEN LA SORPRESA COME ALONG in progress of great expansion. being completed DEL SIGLO Don let this opportunity No pierda esta oportunidad que pass you We beg to call your attention to our remark nunca volverá ENTRADA ADMISSION at the back of receipt which reads: Palco Luneta 0, 75. Butaca 0, 50 This bill must be paid at our Galería 0, 25 to SIQUIRRES office before the 10th of the month Sunday Sepiember 29th Be so good as to comply with this request On ocean front Ds. ication of the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH and do not oblige us to suspend our service, Limon, Costa Rica, Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated a step which we would much regret to take.
Train leaves Limon 30 a.
dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar Returns pm.
Sample room Compañía Eléctrica de Limón LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress Round trip 2. 00. Zent and Matina 1. 50. Children half fare Post Office Box 236 Telephone were Special Train PARK Seeks Information The Editor, is paid on the death of a member?
There are three Burial Societies What constitutes a Dependant?
operating in this city and wish to Has a member got to carry out become a member of one; but before any special obligatons in regard to doing so would like the following a Dependant? Is the declaration questions answered by the Chief on the application form a Contract?
Executive of each: With thanks for space, In what way does a member REX become non financial? How much Limón, Sept. 1935.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo ken, Se habla español, SULLIVAN Guillermo Niehaus Co.
LIMON Maderas Extranjeras y del País COMPRA CACAO MATERIAL DE TRANVIA Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo.
Importación de mercadería en general: A fine assortment of Serges Just arrived at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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