
Birth Control in Social Lit. TIIE Life ATLANTIC VOICE Modern Ethiopia This bill must be paid at our a ASSESSERIER SERDISCLAIMER It a well known fact that the not come during the time of pros number of children in homes perity.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone have, year after year, been We do find, however, that the gradually reduced, with or without home life in the world today is Año 11 No. 66 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 12th. October 1935. Editor English Section Natio Legislation, so that very large fa being sadly neglected; it is nomilies are today extraordinary and teworthy that the Nursery room unusual, while small families we is edlirely eliminated from the se the exception a few centuries houses, with no provision for Ba ego. The ladies just will not be by crib. That which used to be tered with children now a choice room for nursery purposes, Children have become an has now become a private den for Ine Selassie the First, Formerly Ras Tafari, Succeeds aterference with their freedom of Dad, with a small gymnasium foi to the World Oldest Continuously Sovereign Throne action as well as a great expense physical exercises with vibrators BY ADDI NE SOUTHARD on the family budget, hence all installed to reduce and keep him United Stat Mn fer fo Ethiopia sorts of devices are being aſesor or possibly a billiard or ping ted to in order to get rid of the pong table is provied for himselt dress. Only an hour ago left From The American Legation nuisance of motherhood. and friends. The old time sewing my bed after a sanc and sound in Addis Abeba to the Cathedral The argument is often advanced room has now become a tea room sleep, undisturbed even by the of St. George is five minutes by that, to have but one or two chil Jor a small dance room with a Raintermittent rejoicing of the hye motor car. The journey ended, dren and to be able to give them dio instead of the sewing machina that lives in the Legation take my official seat in the excellent care, good education and grounds.
great Cathedral hall between two ne.
the proper preparation for life An American diplomat is not gaunt and venerable feudal chief.
The advent of the automobiwork, is far better than raising alle has made the front yards of conceded the splendor of gold tains. know these bearded larger family in which the mem little use for instead of hanging Galantería de La Prensa Libre casions of official show; but he mote parts of the Empire because braid and feathers, even on oc greats to be from the more re.
bres can only be given restricted the hammock on the nearest tree attention and less preparation to the porch, we now hang it on must garb himself in some dis they wear the ancient style of Whatever soundness there may be somebody tree one hundred mi We are ready to start offici tintive style, and the white tie lion name regalia. Native leain such an argument, it has no les away when we take a spin for ally for the coronation of His and somber suiting of evening ders better accustomed to the Galantería de La Prensa Libre justice from the fact that throu a Sunday outing. We are happy Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie wear are prescribed. Embarrass. capital have taken generally to ghout the world today there are to entertain our neighbour chil the First, King of Kings of ment over actual or imaginary the more prosaic uniform of Ethiopia, Conquering Lion of comment many thousands of families in particularly mature lion. of spectators at his Europe. dren, so long as they do not trambristles are so stiff that they no which there is not even one childple on the lawn ar dirty our beau the Tribe of Judah. typically thus turning day into night mat.
These lion smane fellows are only tickle but prick my ear and although two or three could be tifully polished porch; but we do sharp, blue Ethiopian morning ters little after the first few splendid to look at and most im cheek. The other pelt lacks ol fac raised and supported and pronot want to have any of our own has just dawned. The mountain years. Only to local natives is pressive in photographs, but rattory appeal. But both add mag perly cared for with velty little or even to adopt one of our sis air carries the faintly pungent his prestige in doubt, for to her difficult neigbors when one additional expense, and with on ter on brother s, as this would ne odor of the bluegum wood break them fine feathers make fine must sit for hours between two nificently to the scenery.
ly a small inconvenience to the so cessitate our having to rise early fast fires.
the of them. The skin worn by one look immediately over cial pleasures and happiness of in the morning to prepare breakAlthough have not been out Modern and medieval cheek of this pair surely came from a (To Page 7)
the parents. This proves that selfast and get them ready for all night, am in full evening by jowl fishness is becoming more and school, or stay home at night to REV. FR. ACOSTA TO RELINGUISH POSITION more a seriuos erron and sin on listen to their prayers and stow the part of many married cou them carefully away in their beds, Consequent on his failing bility gained him the respect of ples.
We beg to call your attention to our remark and patch little rents in their strength, due to age, the Rev. all, his leaving will be truly re.
Some contend that economic pants or splits in their skirts.
a the back of receipt which reads: Fr. Acosta is, we undestand, un gretted. In expresing the hope conditions are responsible for the Thousands young women able to longer understake the that he may be spared for many redution of children in the fami would, today, readily become numerous and onerous duties at more years of useful labour, we diny; but if we judge from the cra mothers if they could get their tached to the position he occu are sanguine we voice the hear: zy prosperity period which we little ones in a nursery as soon as office before the 10th of the month pies in the Vacariate. He is to felt wish of the entire communi.
had for a number of years and they reached about six months of be assigned as easier position in ty.
which came to a sudden stop soBe so good as to comply with this request a more congenial climate in the mewhere in the years 1928 29, age, see them once a day for a few minutes, and after few interior.
His Lordship Bishop Alberto, it plainly reveals that financial and do not oblige us to suspend our service, years of casual interest in them The Rev. Fr. has laboured in who has ben making a tour among stringences have no bearing whahave them married to fairly weal a step which we would much regret to take. this province for a long number his flock in the Talamanca re tever on the matter, for the average thy or well positioned men whol citizen, in his spell of prosperity, could make elaborate presents to of years and his genuine Chris. gions, returned to the City ti Compañía Eléctrica de Limón tian character and genial affa earlier part of the week.
not only spent money lavishly, but made all his plans on the bathe family. Hence our reasons for sis of continued prosperity. He feeling that Selfishness is the cau therefore need not have hesitated se of this great lack in family life As will be noticed by the ad. dends are reminded that the in arranging for the enlargement among us.
vertisement apperaing elsewhere required to present their Persona of his family for certainly his ima.
The man or woman, young or in this issue the local branch of Cédulas as also their Keith Until now Mussolini has not nalize her as heavily as she de.
gined continuance of prosperity old, who can spare the time to could have taken care of lat least maintain a little family life, but declared war on Ethiopia, yet he serves; and England alone, with the International Bank has been Bank Deposit Books.
without the sanction and extreme coappointed to represent the Trustwo or three more members. But who will not have a child in the has caused Italian troops, tee in respect of the payments We are pleased to make th world statistics shew that there family is missing some of the his most modern war implements, operation of France, must think of dividends to creditors residing, publication in view of the sugg tion of Sympathizer wh innocent day, in ands of and singlehandedly Parties entitled to receive divi. letter also appears in this issu those years (except in illegitima of natunte, inevitably miss that children by bombarding, with trust the Latin Blood and Ger.
cy and profligacy. Therefore, pleasure which they most desire, heavy artillery and airplane ma. many is uncertain up to the pre. Psonnel of Ch rity Board Changea how can we look, in these days, but which in a strange way will chine guns, an unfortified area sent; hence it would not suit when a wave of ration and be denied them the sweet inno of territory around the peaceful her to strike a warlike blow just As a result of the investiga government medico and other temperance in financial affairs has cence in the smiles and chatter of city of adowa without a moments now, although she is the loudest tion carried out by the Central to be elected by these three. T)
overtaken us, for that which did Baby voice.
warning. What a type of civi. trumpeter of peace these recent government, our local Charity two so elected are, however, lization he is introducing, as he seventeen years.
Board has been dissolved and its to be employees of cither the gov says, into a quiet peace. loving While all these pretensions entire personnel, including the ernment or the Municipality.
are proceeding, Mussolini is al. employees, changed.
News from Rome says that lowed to kill all the women and new Board, to be known a It is understood that the Social Assitnece Board the Banks operating in this City Among those who have recently, of three years in place of the Adowa has been captured and children he can and parade, as to undertake arrived here is the Very Rev. Very Rev. Austin Oakly who dominated at a cost of 8, 500 11. he can, through unfortified de has been appointed in its stead, will be appointed ves in a three days battle.
Frank Kelly, Archdeacon of the left as several menths ago.
fenseless towns so that when the and will be composed of the Gov. the duties previoulsy performer, As of these they say 1, 000 penaltnes are imposed, he will ernor of the Province, the Presi. by the Treasurer of the old Anglican Diocese of Belize and Central America.
The ATLANTIC VOICE were Italian soldiers and 6, 000 be in a position to boast of his dent of the Municipal Board the Board.
Ethiopians, hence the balance of Great Conquest. by the glo.
The Archdeacon has been se. wished the Archdeacon a lected to administer the affairs successful and pleasant stay in 1, 500 must have been defenceries of Italian Arms; thus his less women and children. What demand of indemnification for of the Archdeaconry for a period the province.
a great victory for the Italians his punitive expedition shall be to be proud of with hundreds of for a re examination of the SERVICIO DE VAPORES Tren de Excursión a San José airplanes, armoured tanks and Ethiopian problems along with Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK heavy artillery bombing, for! Britain and France, in accord.
El tren salo do Limón el Mlércolos 16 de Octubre a las a, escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA three days, a nonfortified town, ance with the Treaty of 1906.
Adultos e 00 Niños e 00 populated with a dense crowd of And the world fully well knows LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS Estrada, Matino, 25 Millos 00 Siquirres a San José 00 civilians.
what will happen Italy will get El tren correrá vía Castro y Zente 00. No pierda esta gran oportunidad The League, after much fus all she demands; France will si.
VAPORES SALIDAS para pascor con nosotros.
sing, has given the blame to destep the issue and allow En.
PETEN 13 de Octubre COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION Italy for this unnecessary shed. gland to strengthen her position VERAGUA 20 de Octubre ding of human blood, but up to in Egypt and The Soudan; the QUIRIGUA 27 de Octubre ANOTHER CTHREE DAYS EXURSION TO SAN JOSE now the penalty has not been Emperor of Ethiopia will be decided upon In the meantime allowed to still call himself the BY REQUEST OF SATISFIED PATRONS. Train will loavo Limon Wednesday FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
October 16th at am, and raturn leaving San Jose Friday October 18th, at 1pm Italy is laughing at the poor sma. King of Kings, sit on his throne Adults 00 Children 00 ller nations and throwing slurs with a fine property around his Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Estrada, Malina. 25 Miles 00 Siquirres e 5, 00 at Ebgland as the one really res. Castle supervised as a great big Para otros informes, dirijose a las oficinas de la United Train will run via Castro and Zent of same price as Limon. Do not miss this ponsible for the existing state Majarajah by the dominators Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica opportunity of going with us.
of affairs, for the knows of the League Club.
To Page ke The Keith Bank Bankruptcy The Italian Ethiopian War never was any noticeable increase greatest joys in life and will some city if Adowa, without a moments thrice before she can attack her in this part of the country.
con y regresa de San José el Viernes 18 a las 13 horas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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