
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 12th. October 1935. Successful Contest ried any young and had always Costa Rican Palm Nut Company Compra COPRA you?
HEALTH NOTES Hereby Hangs Tale Well. it appears to me, that our one PARK HOTEL to no more secenters To Boycott Italian Goods The Judge, knowing that she and her husband been ma years together pretty peaceably, The Elocution Contest, stagedly make a good representative was rather surprised at the requ.
by the Baptist Ladies Federation he continues in the line.
est; What the matter, Mandy?
came off as scheduled and was The prizes were The Life an (CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
he asked, has Bill been beating a great social success. Mrs. Work of Booker Washington We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut) Orane very ably filled the position kindly donated by Mr. Jack On Oh, no, your Honour, he has of Chairlady. The absence of ne, as first prize and The Ma never laid a hand on me. Price 11. 00 Quintal Mr. Nation, one of the Jud vels of our Bodily Dwelling Well, has he been holding ges, through illness, as keenly the generous gift of the Rev. Pagamos cantidades grandes. 225. 00 Tonelada out his pay on you. No, Sell COPRA and get more money for your felt; his place was filled by Mr. Forde, Pastor of the Baptis she replied, he gives me his pay Hayling Church.
Coconuts with LESS WORK every Saturday The programme left nothing to Miss Vera Gillngs, Secretar We show you HOW TO DO IT Has he been drinking too be desired and all the contestants of the Federation desires to e much? Or has be been running Further Information: CALDWELL did exceedingly ell.
press, through this medium, he around with strange ladies?
Apartado 173, Limón, Costa Rica The contest between Miss Car gratitude to Messrs. Chamber Oh, no Judge, Bill has never melita Escoe, of the Jamaica Bu. and Hine, as well as to the Judge done any of those things.
rial Scheme Association, and Miss and the Donors of the prizes fc. Ettie Gillings, of the Baptist the parts their took in the fun Bill a rather good sort of man, OUR SUPPLY OF MILK Ladies Federation, for first tion but particularly Mrs. Oran woman, who was well known what in the world then do you Much of the milk to the Judge of a small country want to get a divorce from him sup milk sours, all blame cannot be place was decidedly keen, the Jud. for her amiability in the Chai ges eventually deciding im favour The Secretary thanks are als plied to us and from us to cast on the dairyman.
town appeared before him in his for. of Miss Escoe. Miss Gillings ca. tendered Miss Brotherton children is greatly con. Our Bread Supply wh Court one day and said. Well, you see, Judge, she me in for second place. Their surprised the House by her inte Your honour would like to get replied, ve just somewhat lost) tamined with bacteria, due largThis is another cause for great poems were The Revenge and esting and splendid address o a divorce from Bill.
ely to lack of cleanliness in pro inquietude to those who witness Mary Queen od Seðts respecti. Elocution.
me taste for him.
duction; and apart from the fact that which goes on at times in vely. Miss Elma Douglas, of the All have expreseed their sati that it ill not keep is a seri our Bakeries in so far as sanita. St. Anthony Burial Aid, got faction of the exceedingly plea: ON BEHALF OF CREDITORS OF DEFUNCT BANK ous source of danger to publiction is concerned. While it may special mention. Mr. Barnett, of ant and instructive evening an health.
be somewhat The Editor: inconvenient pense of nearly thirty colones to for the Motive Power, must be congra. anticipate other similar event In the laboratory, the cleanl.
receive the first dividend iness of milk is measured by the distant from the City by many he was only given seven days cultured body of Ladies who con Sanitary Officers to visit dairies tulated for his effort; considering under the auspices of the highl As interested, though whuch amounted to only sixty number of bacteria found in it. miles of roads difficult to tra within which to select a pcem and pose The Baptist Ladies Federe fortunately not directly, in the colones.
The consumer cannot discover Bankruptcy of the Keith Bank, As will readily be seen this this so it is not easy for him to vel, there is no reason why they enter the contest. He will certain. tion of Limon.
may enquire of it cannot be pos expense represented fifty per appreciate the danger. Amore frequently to see that thocannot inspect our breadshops sible for the trustee to appoint, cent of the dividend and so reHe can, however, note two with the approval of the Court, duced the amount actually recei. things. that there are no signs we are eating, are clean, and in se who are kneading the dough a representative here for the ved on account of the claim to of dirt in it and that it keeps good health and that Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front payment of dividends the one per cent.
perfectly sweet for twenty four than is necessary of the sweat Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath Well ventilated creditors residing in this The International Bank, being hours even in hot weather. Milk of their arms and faces dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
tion of the country, whose claims a government Institution, there which becomes sour in less than the mixture intended for our Sample room have already been admitted and should be no difficulty, think, 24 hours does so from one cause daily Bread.
LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress on which the first dividend has in having the Manager of its only the growth of the bactePost Office Box 236 Telephone been paid.
local Branch acting in the sug ria it contains. Should milk sour Our Lettuce and Other There are many creditors who. gested capacity, and so save quinckly it shews there are myGreens.
se claims do not reach four thous. these poor unfortunate people riads of bacteria in it, due to its and colones, and for these to further loss o ftheir hard earned not having been drawn and dis rian Magazine invites us to eat The Vegetarian and Fruita.
have to attend personally in the moneys.
The following is a Fly Sheet tributed under clean conditions. more Tomatoes, Lettuce, etc. which has been scattered throu great whole, as the Negroes Let us therefore unite into on office of the Trustee in San Jo. Your help is earnestly solicit. quickly souring milk is dirty than we really do eat; but there ghout the length and breadth of Panamá, Jamaica, the United se to receive their small amountsed, milk, and customers should dismean an additional loss of cash. Sympathizer miss from their gates the distri. are many gardeners especially the Province of Limon. It speaks tates and other countries are doin know of one case in which some frecuently for itself.
to BOYCOTT our enemies. Le butors of such.
a creditor had to incur the ex Limon, Oct. 1935.
It is a pity our Health Offi noxious mixtures principally uri.
spray their garden beds with watchword be BUY NC ITALIAN BOYCOTT THING ITALIAN.
cers do not institute more freq. ne, to keep worms, etc. from eatNEGROES OF COSTA RI We are under the flag of Cog THE PEOPLES BAKERY uent and rigid inspection in anding the leaves of these delicate CAI The time has come for us to ta Rica and we must support ne around our dairies.
We wish to advise the PUBLIC in general that the The udders of our dairy cows plants.
do our part to aid our Fatherland tive industries and other foreis BERLIN LOAF recently placed on the market, has taken suct are seldom washed when brought sium sodium, calcium, magnesiLettuce contains more ners, who are friendly to us, bu a hold on the people and the demand so considerably increa in to be milked, and if the dirty um, phosphorus, sulpur and sili. fasty six countries have classed The League of Nations and BUY NOTHING ITALIAN.
sed, that only standing orders are supplied at present the ba milky substance which most It is a known fact that recentl kery is however inaking preparations to increase the outpuh the time drains off the hands of plant except spinach; but it all to apply necessary sanccions on ffort to aid their country, hax cum than perhaps any other Italy as the aggressor and is about certain Italian elements in an to meet the extra and growing demands.
our milkmen, were to be noticed, depends how it is grown. her for making war against Aby sent to Italy some two thousan If you have not yet tried the loaf, come in and do so one would loathe drinking the In view of all these things, it ssinia.
dollars or more. This money wa NOW, if you care to eat the best bread.
milk offered for sale.
behoves us to know from whom We cannott support Italian in secured from us through our puy Many spurious imitations of BOOTH BISCUITS wiping either the udders of the assist the hyigiene officers by cause it is a known fact the italianslre stop purchasing from them No towels are provided for we purchase; and we can greatly dustries here ith our money, bechases from them. Let us theref are being sold in some Chinese shops. None are genuine cows or the hands of milkmen; insisting on making our purcha. are a patriotic people and the mo once. Today. BUY NOTHING without the name BOOTH impressed on them.
hence all these drainings fall ses only from clean, healthy pro neys we spend with them will e ITALIAN. SUPPORT NOTHING BERLIN LOAF BUTTER LOAF. BOOTH BISCUITS into the pails.
ducers; whether it be milk, bread, ventually go to the coffers of their ITALIAN. UNITED WE STAN CAKES BUNS. CHALLENGE IMITATORS.
Some of our housewives are, greens, meat of other articles of Government to aid in the purcha DIVIDED WE FALL.
however, to be blamed. they do food especially those which gose of war material with which to not always sterilize their milk direct from the vendor into the slaughter our own people.
The Boyccott Committee vessels after use, so when the mouths of the purchasers.
DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA STATION RESTAURANT OUR Competition but four games left to be played Avenida San José SIQUIRRES and none can say who are the liBetween Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad As usual, the Motive Power kely Champions. Under New Management)
and Colegio de Señoritas gained another victory last SunThe positions are as follows The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mi MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, day. The Burial Scheme was short Motive Power, points and nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Resmany of her regular players; such games to play; Excelsior, points SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo as Young, Harrison, Campbell, and games to play; Pathfinder, neck of Womb ken, Se habla español, Robinson and Rusell. The team points and games to play.
RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small SULLIVAN was, however, able to put up 54 medium sized) by way of the Urethra runs against the 110 for nine wiFOOT BALL ckets of the Motive Power.
Spence, of the Schemers, made Our men of La Libertad are To Whom It May Concern 17 Mills, the baby of the team, holding their own in Mexico. They All Persons having legal transactions with or Claims looks very promising as an all lost the first macth but have gai On the 9th. instant the Jud. taken by the Lower Court for th against rounded he got two wickets for ned the 2nd. and 3rd, and are ges of the Appeal Court delive Trial Judge to fix the date an eigth runs. Myrie did nothing in considered real heroes in the gared their judgment in the Haupt. time on which Hauptmann she comparison with his past record; me there.
OF HOSPITAL SIDING mann case which was argued be. uld be electrocuted. The conden Jwhile Gayle bowled nearby thare requested to communicate with fore them several months ago ned man Attorney has intin roughout the inning.
BASE BALLERS The judgment unanimously up ated his intention of carryin FITZBERT BARRETT Tomorrow the Pathfinders will held the decision of the Trial the matter before the Suprem meet the Excelsio. Both these By defeating the Chicago Cubs Court under which Hauptmann Court of the Country in a fina are now running for positions for on Monday last, The Tigers of is condemned as the murderer of effort to save him from the El the Cup, and the winner of this Detroit became the winners of nessed the game, yielding revenue the Nicaragua Idol, Ronald Marti the Lindbergh Infant.
tric Chair.
nez, Wilsito, here on the mission The case game will be the greatest oppo the world chmapionship of Ba of 147, 551. 00.
will now be again nent of the Motive Power. The seballers. They won by four to PUGILISM of giving the revenge to Mora Mo competition has certainly reached three points at the last moment.
lina who was not satisfied with the an interesting stage as there are There were 48, 420 fans who wit In the manly art, find decison in the fight in Managua.
Imprenta BORRASE HERMANOS our potas. Africa.
of SPORTS Hauptmann Loses Appeal WASHINGTON SIMMS Box 8, LIMON we Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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