
aturday 12th. October 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments Besonderscheiden Maduro Lumber Yari the Treatment of visitors who could do their Christ Indigestion as and new probably exactly as it woyld have Blesed be the King of Israel. Sandoval Barahona Placed in Asylum enemy and that great defenses coro.
on Modern Ethiopia The San Jose Excursion by the Costa From Page 5)
from a multitude of priestly Rica Burial Scheme Asstn.
ad of Italy Prince of Udine. throats and reverberate from the acing me across the open space lofty ceiling of the Cathedral.
The many friends and patronscursion would thus be saved by pefore the twin thrones is a Bestowals of the Costa Rica Burial Sche making purchases for the home of the imperial me Association will be pleased to and toys for the kiddies in San row of imposingly large and scepter of ivary and gold and a know that Mr. Blackman has de José and Cartago.
gilded chairs. The first seat golden globe of the earth follow.
THE RIGHT SALTS cided to run the excursion adverholds a prince of England, mo The diamond incrusted ring, tised for Wednesday the 16th re than resplendent in his guard. the two traditional lances fili Sman uniform. Next to him greed in gold, and the imperial instant. The train will leave Lisits a prince of the ancient and vestments are all bestowed in mon, on that day, at a, and San José at one o clock on Friday oyal line of Solomon; then a turn with appropriate and leng18th.
marshal of France, using his thy ceremony. Seventh and last This is the last excursion to San FRANK MADURO Jr.
knee as a rest for his gold baton comes the magnificent crown.
José this side of Christmas, and Prop.
a king of Tigre, an ambassador Seven differently scented oint.
should therefore be crowded with of Belgium, and so on.
ments of ancient precription are Great and representative men received on the imperial head, Invaluable for Best native lumber mas shopping in the Capital at from the Occident and from the brow, and shoulders one wich prices just about half of those in at moderate prices Orient; bearded feudal chisf each of these seven ornaments tains from the north the south of the coronation.
Flatulence And all forms this city. The expenses of the exshe east, and the west of this After the completion of the Incient Empire of Ethiopia coronation THE ITALIAN.
ceremonies for the of Stomach From Page dis Abeba for the front.
Christians and Moslems and ma. Emperor, the Empress enters and Colics Disorders The Italians lost one of th ny others all are gathered for takes her throne. She is Irowned Anyway, while we get cables he coronation of a new emperor with les elaborate but always most modern Caproni bombin from Rome saying how well she planes through a crash on the this second day of November, impressive rites, conducted also FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES is progressing in the South 1930 (the Ethiopian date by the archbishop, his bishops, well as on the North, we also Cara Alta mountain. Two of the Tekemt 23d, 1923. modern and his priets. The final ceremony crew are reported dead.
get news from Addis Abeba that MANUFACTURED BY: Followng on the action of the ivilization cheek by jowl with is a grand tour of the Cathedral desperate fighting is going on Medievalism.
by Their Imperial Majesties.
Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa at these points; that Dolo has League in adopting the vote againt Italy, news from European The studdied doors of the They are escorted by the bishops been recaptured and the Italians SAN JOSE centres state that the Italian Holy of Holies open ponderously and priests, the princes and high driven back into Somaliland with government is rushing prepara.
Through them rolls, in giant and dignitaries, assistants, serious loss; that twenty tions for a possible European stirring hum, the seemingly far. others, carrying palm branches German planes have been bro.
conflict. Airplane factories are of priests, and working day and night with a sounded on an Ethiopian Shortly after noon the cannons daily production of five bombing Nicolás Sandoval Barahona is that of Manuel Mora.
have been placed in practice.
nation day a thousand and more boom. There is the fanfare of planes and 1, 700 planes are be.
In the North, a grandson of Early Saturday morning he ing kept in continuos readiness years ago a thousand trumpets. The trium now a patient in the Lunatic Asy phant ululation of tens of thous. lum. He was taken there during developed such violent symtoms, counter attacks against the in.
the Emperor is operating by for emergencies, while the fleet in the Mediterranean is Enter the Conquering Lion being ands of waiting women is relea: the earlier part of the day last during which he screamed and vaders with good results.
furiously beat himself on the rapidly concentrated at more The conquering Lion of the sed in waves over the city of the The Ethiopians are reported stragetic points.
pavement of the hospital ward, Tribe of Judah and his Empress New Flower.
After making the several sen. that several patients had to as Italian invasion in the Ogaden METROPOLITAN BUREAU to be successfully resisting the have just completed a night of We go forth in proud proces.
santional admissions to which sist the policemen in subduing province, and their operations in prayer and devotion at the most sion, which escorts to his Hill we referred in our previous issue, nad keeping him from further in the southern territory are expecLegal, Notarial General holy aliar within.
Preceded by of the Palace. across the city, the accused man has not only juring himself. Consequent Business Transactions waving incense burners, His Mathey three hundred and thirty.
jesty enters now the main part fourt of all the kings of Ethio retracted all his statements, but this new out break, the doctors ted to be greatly impeded by the Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. system of guerrilla warfare My untarnished reputation of of the Cathedral and takes his pia and the one hundred and declares he cannot recollect ever took steps for his removal and which the defending forces are honesty.
having made them and persists, he was later on transferred to the My intelligence and throne.
thirty fourth of the Christian now, in his innocence as well as Asylum.
adopting to keep the scattered high calibre efficiency constitute The thrlling but solemn silen. kings of the Empire.
watherholes from falling in the the necessary and all important ce gently breaks to the throaty The Ethiopians list their kings hands of the Italians, without FACTORS which constitute my voice of His Holiness the Abu from Ori, of 4478 to Haile call Ethiopia and certainly in. not inspiring. Ethiopia is to them which they will be unable to ma. Iron Clad Guarantee my acna Kyrillos: Selassie the First, of 1930 cluded it in her extended domain more dignified than Abyssinia. ke further advances.
tual and prospective CLIENTS. Ye princes and ministers, ye. with time out, naturally, from Shoa was once Sheba, say my Could King Tutankhamen be body of 1, 000 fully armed who confide to my care, di.
nobles and chiefs of the army, the date of the Deluge until the Ethiopian friends in speaking resurrected spiritually as he has, Askaris, who formed part of the rection and administration, the ye soldiers and people of Ethio. Fall of the Tower of Babel. of their principal province of to. in recent years, been resurrec Italian force in the vicinity of handling of their BUSINESS and and ye doctors and chiefs of What matters time in a country day. The royal house of Shoa ted materially he would find in. Makalle have deserted to join GENERAL AFFAIRS.
clergy, ye professors and which can reach with such ap claims the present Emperor. terest in this modern an decide the Ethiopians while a large EGBERT POLSON priests, look ye upon oui Empe. parent certainly directly back have also been told by many dly vigoruos survival of that force of young Moslems armed Accountant, Interpreter, Trans ror Haile Selassie the First, des. into the dim mists of the past! Abyssians that, since their coun. Ethiopia which is said to have with mauser rifles have left Ad lator, Judicial Business Agent.
ended from the dynasty of Was the Qeen of Sheba an try was Ethiopia in the time of provided not the least of the fo.
Menelik the First, who was Abyssinian? believe that she their Queen visit to Solomon, reign relations problems with orn of Solomon and of the was, and that more intimately they rightfully prefer that geo which the Pharaohs of ancient Jueen of Sheba, a dynasty per. known to her contemporaries as graphical designation to the one Egypt wrestled.
Stuated without interruption Makeda the Ethiopian, she pos favored by recentmap makers, rom that time to King Sehalé sibly lived in what we now again! which has an origin obscure and Continued Dear Mr. Editor: interested to know whether the selassie and to our times.
Replying to the very pertinent member supports the dependent questions of Rex in your issue or the dependent the member.
Seven symbols of awe and ofthe 28th. ultimo, we beg to Our aim and object is to assist majesty are bestowed.
state that our operations for the all our members whether finan.
For five hours then we wit.
present are. Entrance Fee cial or not. At no time, during ness the unfolding of the ancient 00; Monthly dues 60; our eight years of operation, ha.
and traditional Hebraic ChrisDeath Grant 150. 00 this ve we ever made an investigation tian ceremony of the crowning of Banco del Estado grant is, however, not the maxi. concerning a family private a ruler of the Empire of Ethio.
State Bank num figure, as we raise it in affairs.
pia. Forty nine bishops and Unico Emisor accordance to our increase of Our application for member priests of this ancient Christian Sole Bank of Issue membership. member becomes ship, when accepted by the So.
country, in groups of seven, have held place for seven ofrece al público los non financial when in arrear for city, duly filled in by the appli.
days and Ofters the Public the an amount in excess of three cant, becames a valid contract nightsin the seven corners of this servicios de su Services of its colones. The dependents of a binding of both sides. All our national Cathedral to chant with.
member, whom the Society ac. members have printed copies of out ceasing nine Psalms of Da.
cepts and pays the death grant our laws to guide them.
vid. They are now joined by hun without a quible, are the follow. Should Rex or any other dreds mare.
The Established ing: Father, Mother, Wife, Hus. member of the public require Coptic Church in revered and band and children from three further information, we shall allpowerful in Ethiopia. This to fifteen years of age. mem. cherfully supply same at any EN LA is day when it many, and does, IN THE ber, with no dependent s, is allo. time, as we have nothing to hide, show its impressive might and wed to adopt two children, prov. nothing we would not wish to be splendor.
iding they are under the mem seen in public print.
The Emperor, whose name ber control and are within the Thanking you for space, Mr.
may be Anglocized as Power of age limits.
the Trinity, is vested first with para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service Editor, and wishing you abun.
There are no obligations with dant success.
is sword of gold studded with servicio bancario Rendered regard to a dependent. Our So. Secy. Promoters Mngt: Commitee, precious stones. Chanting and ciety is conducted on the most Costa Rica Assn.
prayers to the God of Gods rise humanitarian lines, we are not Limon, Oct. 1935.
ye In Reply to Enquiries of Rex regarding Burial Schemes Banco Internacional de Costa Rica SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Buy Your Shirts at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGuerrillaInvasionItalyManuel Mora

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