
Where will the Italo Abyssinian TILE ATLANTIC VOTO Criketing Visitors Arrive from Jamaica The War in Ethiopia one mei SU enter commence a people Warfare End?
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone The world is confronted with a, gue or against the League, Ethiopia veritable Crisis, although not quite must be conquered, the Race elimiLimón, Costa Rica, Saturday 19th. October 1935.
like those which we have been nated from the face of the earth. Año ll No. 67 Editor English Section Nab through since 1914. Many dangeThe while man equips an army rous emergencies have been encoun with pernicious weapons, especially tered, yet never before was it pos Gas Bombs, for the destruction of sible to record that an issue had so young and old women and innocent aroused the conscious mind of man children. The black man in denied The Cricketers from Claren. determined to win fashion so of. No news of a really reliable should emanate from the kind, as a whole, as this struggle access to these by reason of the emdon, Jamaica, invited here by the ten exhibited by the Britisher.
destined has done. The entire world is an bargo placed on all arms nature can be obtained from the gue not from any xiously watching to ascertain what for the defence of his country. Ita Motive Power Sport Club, arri. We congratulate Mr. Johnston Battlefront as to the positions nation; besides the as of the contestants; however it by France tha tshe remov.
will be the next move.
ly gets her raw material from neigh ved last Thursday morning and for the sportive example he Mediterra Europe watches, in terms of di bouring nations, members of the went on to San José the same shown the many sons of Britain does seem as if the Ethiopians fleet from the day.
plomacy, the pounds, marks, francs League, to manufacture these car Chey are returning today domiciled in the Province, and are holding their own against tantamounts to impertinence.
and liras; Asia in terms of Indian, goes of death dealing munitions. Must to open the contest, tomorrow at will only pray that his collea the terrific onslaught of the She has been greatly insul Arabian and Japanese militarism. But not, therefore, the quarrel between Carmen, wither they journey by gues will follow on. The follo. Italians.
and threatened by Italy and France what of Africa? In the whole of this Italy and Ethiopia resolve itself into an excursion train under the aus. wing is a copy of Mr. Johnston is endeavouring to will never remove one ship letter to the President of the Ex. get Mussolini to into those waters until she is sati.
country, know as the Black Conti a rivalry, not of Flags but of Skin? pices of the Sport Club.
nent, there remain but two nations on the one hand the White man (the The following are the mem. celsior Sport Club.
overtures for Peace, but Selassie that Italy attitude toward who assert a Black Independence supposed civilizer) is the aggressor; bers of the Team: Revd.
is not thinking of such a move is sincerely friendly. She Dear Sir: the more modern Republic of Libe on the other the Black man is for Spencer, Manager; Messrs.
in any other direction than a long also notified France that u ria on the Atlantic seaboard, and ced to defend himself with absolote Virtue Captain; Grant, fought out victory.
she consents to assist her in Ethiopia, an ancient Realm which rifles and ancient unwieldly cannon; Vice Captain; Leo Forbes, Se.
In reply to your letter dated Hesle Hawariate, former De of a conflict with Italy in made history in the days of King to devise ambushes and shelter him cretary; Henry, Treasu 12th. October, beg to inform legate to the League but now Mediterranean she will reg Salomon, the Queen of Sheba and self in his caves only to be poison rer; Robinson; Monair you that am willing to donate General Commanding the defen. the Anglo. French co opera the building of the famous Temple ed by the civilizing Gas seak him Birbari; Fuller; Mc a new full sized Cricket Bat to ding forces, asserts that Ethio. agreement as broken. Meant of Salomon at Jefusalem.
by Rome.
Donald; Whittingham; any one player of a Cricket phia is prepared for a twelve or England continues her extens Ethiopia was Christianized long, The threat of Ethiopia conguest Herron; Steer; Hendricks; Club in Costa Rica who obstains fifteen year war while Italy is preparations in Egypt part long before the Emperor Constantine has a significance of its own; here Johnson; Lewin and the highest individual score aga. not. He was in Belgium buying larly along the western fi accepted Christianity; yet Mussoli we find Emperor Selassie solemny Other inst the Clarendon Sporting Club war material and has obtained a where the Italians are stil ni and Rome say she must be Chris leading his people in prayer to that The Team is scheduled to of Jamaica during the forth three million pound loan in En. centrating large quantities tianized by blood shed. She is a same God whom she aggressor also play the following matches in coming series of matches to be gland. As a consequence, six artillery, airplanes and member of the Family of Nations worships; both praying at the same addition to that at Carmen: played during the last weeks of vesels laden with the necessary forces.
composed of a civilized body of time Plead my cause oh God, fight Pathfinders on the 21st. Costa this month.
material are now unloading at It has been reported that Sister Nations, yet Italy says she must against them that fight against me. Rica Burial Scheme, 22nd. trust that you, and other a port in British Somaliland; Abyssinian traitor, Chief Gu be civilized by the slaying not only But it is not Africa alone that is in Wanderers, 23rd. Fearless, 24th. responsible members of the Cric. hence hiş remarks. We the has been proclaimed Ruler of her soldiers but of her defence terested; Negroes all over the world. All Limon, 25th. Motive Poket League, will take charge of Ethiopians were never thinking province of Tigre now or less ancients the aged men, the are awakened; thousands of Negroes wer 26th. Bocas, 27th. Excel. the necessary records being kept of war; we thought that the Lea. by the Italians. Th women and the children slaugh who fought on behalf of the British sior, 28th. Construction, 29th. of the high scores and report to gue would have been able mony was conducted by the tered by the thousand and scores of and the French, for the subjugation. These matches will be played on me officially in time that the to control Mussolini in his fits lian General De Bono at Adri thousands by Asfixiating gas whicho fthe Zulus, the Congos, the Ban the Limon Oval, and the last presentation may be made. he. of madness, but since he has ma in the name of the King of Italy herself denounced in the Lea tus, the Bechuanas, the Bagandas, against the Siquirres Combina fore the departure of our visi. de the attack and Ethiopia can ly. Addis Ababa however rep gue as a pernicious and uncivilized are all ready, willing and anxious to tion at Siquirres on the 30th.
tors for Jamaica now, with the lifting of the em that Minister of War( Mulu method of warfare which should be return and fight for Ethiopia, the All matches will bargo on arms, obtain ammuni. started at the head of 10 relegated into the past as a disgra only vestige of coloured Independen at 10. 30 a. and continue until Yours truly, tion to cope with the Italian outf men to commence a counte ce to modern ideas of civilization. ce to be found nthe world. But they the light fails. sgd. it, the world will see who are ensive against the operation: Still Rome acknowledges its use and cannot go except England and FranOur Britannic Majesty Con Johnston the better warriors. Ethiopians the invaders in that sectior glories in its efficacy among an other ce enter the fray.
sul, Mr. Johnston, in his or Italians. We can stand one the Empire.
wise peaceful people It will, however, be noted that in ustdal sportive spirit, has gene. THE ATLANTIC VOICE thing, a long drawnout warfare, Djibouti French Somaliland confident in the protection and ci a world already greatly disturbed, rously offered a Bat as an in. wishes the Rev. Spencer and his while Italy cannot.
out the somewhat sensation vilized guidance of her white con there is revealed a surging rivalry centive to our leading batsmen Team a very happy stay with In consequence of the attempt vice that Italian troops freres in the League of Nation. between the Orient and the Occito play the great game in by France to make peace overtu crossed into Britisth Soma Ethiopia is the last remaining dent. Ethiopia, though mainly Chrisres to Mussolini she and England attacked and killed a num stronghold of Coloured Civilization. tian, and Arabia Moslem, are symare as near the grips as anyone Britishers and natives. Tk Here is the moving drama: Italy pathetic; The Arab, jealous of his else. England, naturally, says tish Vice Cónsul ad permits the maniac Mussolini to say, own independence, is volunteering to We beg to call your attention to our remerk that France had no right to is supposed to have received With the League, without the LeaTo Page a the back of receipt which reads: make such overtures singlehan firmation of the incident dediy, if such had to be done it the authorities of Zeilah.
This bill must be paid at our Automobile Accident on Westfalia Road On Tuesday last an automo. tric wires came down but fortuna In consequence of the very, ber of farmers are not onl bile, number 80, supposed to be tely there was no current on at Be so good as to comply with this request creditable efforts being made by icbeartedy supporting the owned by Mr. Pascial and driven the time.
and do not oblige us to suspend our service, the Management of the local in this respect but are exter by a young man named AbraBranch of the Banco de Costa Ri. their plantations in view of hams, while out on a joy ride to The occupants, a few girls a step which we would much regret to take. ca to improve our Cocoa trade, we financial returns assured Westfalia, took a jump off the and two youngmen, were unin.
are reliably imformed that a num!
roadway and was heading for jured except for a few minor Compañía Eléctrica de Limón the potrero of Mr. Joe. Grey bruises. It is surprising that more when it was stopped by a pole serious accidents of this kind do Our Nickel Currency of the Electric Light Company. not occur having regard to the Rubber and Balsa The speed at which the car was velocity at which some of the car Future emissions of our Nic. Expert in this line.
being driven was so great that are driven on this roadway and Should the Good Year Corpo received from an American Com.
kel currency will be coined loca. The minting of the coil the impact completely displaced to which the attention of the ration succeed with their applica. pany regarding the possibility of lly; the Management of the In be conducted in a separat the pole although is was imbed. Traffic Inspector has already tion for a concession to establish securing contracts from local par. in the interests of economy, and will, it is estimated, prod ternational Bank have so decided partment of this Institutio ded in a block of concrete three been called through these co Rubber plantations in this country ties for the supply of the wood in feet in the ground. All the elec lumns.
it is expected they will acquire lots of from 30, 000 to 40, 000 feet. arrangements are being made to large saving in this brand 000 hectareans in this Zone for The Agricultural Department of import the required machinery their business.
their own cultivation, apart from the International Bank is dealing and for the engagement of the areas they will assist private with the matter, HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE parties to place under cultivation. As these projects would provide There is a likelihood of the Balsa additional sources of livelihood for Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón wood export trade, which was car many of our farmers and work.
Para EUROPA ried on somewhat extensively fromers and so assist in bettering their SERVICIO DE VAPORES (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, this port, some years ago, being economic conditions, we are hoping AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
resustitated. An enquiry has been for their success.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA Caribia 11 de Noviembre The Burial Scheme Excursión LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EURO Para GUATEMALA VAPORES SALID The Costa Rica Burial Scheme the enjoyment of the Excursion VERAGUA (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
20 de OC Association excursion to San ists, large numbers of whon jo. QUIRIGUA 27 de Oc Caribia de Noviembre Jose came off as arranged and urneyed by road to Cartago, He.
PETEN was a complete success.
redia and other points of inte. de Novi SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Three coaches crowded to ca rest.
pacity left here at a. Wed.
Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: nesdey moring and arrived The return trip was made on Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS HAPAG LLOYD the capital shortly after p. Friday, and on arrival here one Pare otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la Un Unlike the previous occasion, and all were full of the higest Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Conta AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 the weather was all that could appreciation for the exceedingly TELEFONO 3156 be desired and greatly facilitated good time afforded them.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
the us.
office before the 10th of the month Cocoa Cultivations Being Exten an UNITED FRUIT at


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