
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO NA Saturday 19th. October 1935.
Our Cup Competition day. The Foresters Miscellany their engagement ereby Hangs Ta Suero Butantán buried but a few months prev. o.
usly, and watering them from a DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA pot she also carried.
Avenida San José What are you doing there?
On Sunday last we saw the Ex ing after the point was secured in Between Office of Monte Nacional de Piedad he asked. m planting some celsior and the Pathfinders at favour of another batsman.
and Colegio de Señoritas grass seeds on my husband grips. It had always been thought As stated, Charlie Johnson made MEDICAL DIATHERMY: Arthritis, Lumbago, Gonorrhoea, that the Youths had as good a havoc of the defence of the Pathgrave, she replied.
Prostatitis, Cystitis, Discharges and Inflamation of the Womb But what the use of water.
chance as anyone else of taking finders by taking seven of the ten SURGICAL DIATHERMY: Warts, papielomas, Ulcers of the home the coveted Mug, but now wickets for nine runs. We certain ing them now? They will get all neck of Womb we are all disappointed to see them ly hope to see him doing a similar the water they require as soon as RADIO KNIFE: For the treatment of enlarged Prostates (small cut of running in consequence of feat on the 28th. instant when his it rains medium sized) by way of the Urethra their failure to put it over their Club meets the Clarendon players. That may be, remarked the ambitious Mother Club on SunThe Mug now hangs between widow, but when my husband th eExcelsior with her four died, he made me promise The Youhs went into under points and no matches to play and would not re marry until the take the great task but could cnly the Motive Power with her three grass grew on his grave. and By courtesy of one of our Fo gigantic humanitarian Society, muster 54 runs in consequence of points and two matches to play. had a good offer last night.
rester friends, we are in receipt an amalgamation of several Se the destroying attack of Charlie if the Wanderers can defeat the of a beautiful Magazine of 231cret and Friendly Societies, Johnson. The Excelsior then went Motive in m afraid your husband pages of closely printed material, known as the National Confe. in with a determination to do or (which should take place on the hasn got very long to live, edited, printed and issued by the rence of Friendly Societies, it die as having three points in tie 27th. but is postponed in consesaid a doctor to the wife of one Ancient Order of Foresters. consists of 79 Societies with a with the Motive Power, they need quence of that date being fixed of his patients: ll be a round The get up of this Magazine is a member ship of 12, 349, 160, com. ed this point to forge themselves for the Bocas vs. the Clarenhere were two convicts in again tomorrow to have another great credit to the intellectual trol Funds amounting to. ahead and so they did, by knock don team) then the Excelsior must State prison. Say, buddy, look at him. The next day the ability of the Editor and his 99. 222, 688 and an annual inco. ing up 57 for six wickets of which win the Trophy.
ow long a stretch you got? doctor report aws still gloomy staff, and they as shining lights me of 14, 074, 474. Sick dues Vincent Walker played a fine, deI in for life. How about but on the third day the patient to the Order.
paid to members in the yea: termined game for 17 runs, retirSpectator ou when do you get out? showed decided signs of recov.
The Magazine discloses there 1933 totalled 6, 750, 546. Twenty five years. Then, ery, and on the fourth he was are over half a million members The scope and immensity of will you mail a letter for out of danger.
of this great Order, which boasts such a Conference of Societies in your way out. Well, missus, said the doc. of being over one hundrd years may wll be conjectured and its tor, your man is going to pull of age, with 219 District Courts. utility appreciated. There is Contra mordedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano he sexton of a church one through all right after all.
five High Courts; 4, 006 Courts much need for such a Society saw a widow. crossing the Ah, doctor, that puts me in and 927 Juvenile Societies. The in this country. The writer endea en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale por dos.
urch yard. Uknown to her, he quite a bit of hole, though, an. Funds controlled by the Order voured, on two occasions, to in.
Existencia permanente: lowed and observed her plant. swered the woman, ve gone for the maintenance of its half stitufe such an amalgamation in Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del lic. Carlos Viguez some grass seeds on the gra. and sold all his clothes to provide million of members, in sickness this town, but those whom it was of her husband, who had been for the funeral.
and distress, amount to.
intended to reach did not see the Avenida Central Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas 17, 369, 105.
grasp it was intended to take so We note, from the Magazine, it fell through; but we shall ma.
HE PEOPLES BAKERY that there operates in the Buila ke another try in the near futu.
Where will the Italo Abyssin.
ing and Head Offices of this re.
From Page and the Negroid are, consequently, We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the affair as a test of European imperianow awakened, hence the Italian eleCRLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders Coming Visit of Salvation Army Egyptian. India too is regarding the ment of Port Limon or among any group be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its affair as a test of European mperiaof Coloured people should Officers but.
not be surprised if their wares are lism. In the West Indies as well as Among the visitors to arrive touring these centres since the on the American Continent, the conot purchased because the League Come in and try a Loaf.
here during the coming week latter part of last year. loured people are advocating of Nations, a White Club, has placed the will be Lieutenant Colonel Gor.
No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH cause of Ethiopia; and for the first a commercial and financial Boycott essed on them.
don Simpson of the Salvation reception will be accorded time Ethiopia has brought about a on everything Italian; and Costa RiArmy.
the Visitor at the Army Hall contact, though somewhat frail, with ca as a member of the League has not dissented to that agreement.
BOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS son of Commissioner Wild on his arrival and many func Japan.
dred and Mrs. Simpson, the tions of a public nature will be The heart of Africa is Negro and red women in this Republic will get It is to be hoped that the colouLieut. Col. is one of the Army held during his stay here Among beats throughout the Equatorial tro awakened, as the men have, to the most experienced Officers. He then will be the following. pics. Whatever be his tribe, Zulu, has occupied many important public welcome at the Baptist Congo, Bechtana or Bantu, the blood fact that Italy and her people are positions in various parts of the Church; a soldiers Council at of the Negro pulsates outward in all desiving every means, fair or foul.
Bluefileds, Nic. Among the, ed him with greater determina world and, as Chief Secretary the Hall and a lecture on the directions pregnating India, Arato exterminate the people of the onsengers who sailed away from tion and unquenchable zeal to 1 for the Central America and Romance of the Salvation Ar. bia, North, Central and South Ame ly remaining independent coloured port on the Motor Schooner, complish his objective. Today, The West Indies Territory, has been my.
rica with negroid strain, as also on State in the world. And it is evident speratriz today was the Rev. Zion Baptist Church and the nuthe southern seaboard of the Methat encircling the immediate Italovid Timpson, pioneer black merous out posts along the Atditerranean among the people of Exhiopian struggle lies a greater isaraguan Minister and founder lantic Coas: stand out as a mute but darkened complexions Along the sue. the relationship between the e Zion Baptist Church on the potent testimony of the success of Coasts of the Continent, many races dates of the League with their pledBlack and White Races; for the manern Coast of Nicaragua, and this black son of Nicaragua.
have intermingled, though not speciwife.
We wish the Rev. Timpson and fied as Negroes. There are the Hot ges against oppressive abuses are the In an interview with the per his family bon voyage and feel that (CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
tentots or Bushmen of the Cape; the Magna Charter of the smaller nations ve pulpit oracor, it was learn his further studies in Howard Congolese Jungles; the Barbes of the or backward peoples, hence the he is going, on invitation, University and the conference with We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut) Barbary States, immigrant world, particularly the weaker peoIndians ashinton, where he ll Baptist Ministers in Washington nastors of the Baptist Church will fortify him with renewed zeal Price 11. 00 Quintal and Arabs. To all of these mingled ples, are watching to see whether or peoples Ethiopia has become a Sym not the Powers that be will live up conference, after which he will to carry on, when he returns, the bol.
to their guarantee of integrity.
Pagamos cantidades grandes. 225. 00 Tonelada 11 for special studies in the work he has so nobly built and so!
vard University before return valiantly defends.
Sell COPRA and get more money for your Though the Ethiopians, especiaCoconuts with LESS WORK lly the aristocracy may not be NeWe show you HOW TO DO IT gro they have been in intimate se Rev.
David Timpson touch with the Egyptians, the Heordained August 8, 1921 in METROPOLITAN BUREAU Further Information: CALDWELL brews and the Greeks, therefore it leston, West Virginia, Apartado 173, Limón, Costa Rica Legal, Notarial General is enough that the Empire is today FRANK MADURO Jr.
By Dr. Mordecai Johnson, Business Transactions a country of colour and so must be Prop.
ident of Howard University, differentiated from the White man.
shington, The young Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. She is regarded as a Symbol of Best native lumber ster did a great deal of preach the Southern States of Ame My untarnished reputation of On Wednesday last there was a Mr. Mitchell regime, particularly the independence of the Coloured at moderate prices sefore he returned to his native honesty. My intelligence and big meeting in consequence of a a Barbadian Brayer, who should people and becomes a Test case of high calibre efficiency constitute ietter forwarded to the Limon Di certainly obtain the service of an the White man justice. The Negro urteen years ago, Rev. Timp the necessary and all important vision by the Reorganizing Com interpreter if he wishes to be unreturned here with his Porto FACTORS which constitute my mittee of the Universal Negro derstood.
One of the matters opposed by wife to labor among his peo Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac Improvement Association in which nd became the founder of the tual and prospective CLIENTS, Mr. George Cuthbert, as Chairman the Committee is the proposal to raguan, Baptist Mission and who confide to my care, di of the Committee, offered to turn borrow money to install a Radio or of the Zion Baptist Church rection and administration, the over sixty members, duly register in the Hall, notwithstanding the aefields, where he has baptized handling of their BUSINESS and ed and recognized by the Parent fact that Taxes for three quarters my of converts.
Body in England, to reinforce the are due the Municipality. Mr. FRANK MADURO HIJO, Propietario a pioneer in this field of relitwelve financial members on the Garvey is not asking that such ex(Antes Mc. Guinness y Chamberlain)
endeavor, the Rev. Timpson EGBERT POLSON Roll o fthe existing Limon Divi penses be incurred in order to hear sion.
ad to pay the usual price of The letter was, however, his speeches, why then pile on the Maderas del país. Existencia permanente en nuestro detion and unkind criticism, but Accountant, Interpreter, Trans tabled, after some very fierce re agony when dozens of good Rapósito 50 varas al Sur del Correo obstacles seem to have inspir lator, Judicial Business Agent. marks by certain high Officers of dios are here to be listened to.
aptist Mitister On Missionary Tour Costa Rican Palm Nut Company Compra COPRA nome.
Maduro Lumber Yard At Liberty Hall Depósito de Maderas Nacionales EL ATLANTICO Buy Your Shirts at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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