
Modern Ethiopia SAL UVINA The Penalties Imposed on Italy by The League are For Liver and Stomach Ailments as Indigestion or nature.
are Haile Selassie the First. Formerly, Ras Tafari, Succeeds to the World Oldest Continuously Sovereign Throne The following reccommenda means of credits must cease.
BY ADDI SOUTHARD tions have been agreed to and adopt 5th. The emission of Bonds United States Minister to Ethiopia ed by the League of Nations, ex or amassing of capital to benefit (Continued from last issue)
THE RIGHT SALTS cept Austria, Hungary and Vene Italy, directly or indirectly Modern Ethiopia includes more portant to Ethiopia. It is head zuela, against Italy as the Agressor prohibited.
in the War on Abyssinia: than 350. 000 square miles of the quarters for an Ethiopian consul No Loans, directly or in The governments of the nation rich and productive northeastern who gives intending visitors their a visas. My first Ethiopian African plateau. It is mainly friend directly, will be made to Italy. members of the League will prohi2. No Banking credits destin bit these operations, even though mountainous region, much broken there was the one time consul, Ato by deep valleys. Arid, semidesert Yusef (Anglicized Gentle ed, directly or indirectly, to ben they may be launched by other efit the Italian government in any nations to benefit Italy, directly or country surrounds it on every side. ian Joseph. an elderly individual way will be undertaken.
indirectly, except they be for reliIt does not touch the sea, although with snow white hair and a decidsome Ethiopian feudal chieftains edly Hamitic caste of countenance lovaluable for the Treatment of All Loans destined for gious or humanitarian purposes.
any corporations, or individuals like to grasp a marine telescope as and color, who wore with ostenta6th. No member nation of or subscriptions to any loans is the League will sell to Italy any they pose for a formal photograph. tion and pride the Legion of Hosued in Italy, will be prohibited. kind of raw material for manuIn the population there are, per nor insignia. He gave me always a Flatulence And all forms haps, 000. 000 Christians of the hearty welcome and always assured All Banking credits to facturing munitions or implements.
Italian individuals or public cor of war.
true Ethiopian (Hamitic Semitic) hearty welcome and always assured of Stomach porations established in Italian Although tardy, the embargo on type. They are the inheritors of an me that the Ethiopian Government territory, or any overdrafts or other arms to Abyssinia has been lifted.
ancient civilization under whose was looking forward to my visit. Colics Disorders feudal form of government are Ato Yusef is gone these many Cruel Case of Infanticide estimated to be 000. 000 Moslems years.
and pagans. The latter are mainly FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES From Osa, on the Pacific ed; he called to a neighbour and to negroes.
The fast express makes nearly 14 side comes the report of the case gether they opened the packages The country is surrounded, miles an hour MANUFACTURED BY: of an Infanticide of a most cruel which revealed the dead body of a embraced, we might say, by Afrimale infant about two days old.
can colonial possessions of Great There are two kinds of trains Hermann Zeledon. Botica Francesa According to the particulars, it The infant was fully materd and Britain, France, and Italy. As the now on the efficient but expensive SAN JOSE is stated that early on Tuesday shewed signs of having been cruel.
Ethiopia of Solomon time, it prob little Franco Ethiopian Railway.
morning a man, going in search ly strangled.
ably included all of these adjacent On Sunday and Wednesday mornof wood, came across a package in The Legal authorities are makterritories, with an Egyptian fronings a train leaves Djibouti to ara patch of brambles. In conse ing investigation, but no trace of tier, and that part of southwest rive three days later in Addis dozen Armenians and Greeks leopard, speare perhaps, the quence of the offensive smell en the guilty party has yet been ern Arabia known to day as the Ababa. Each Tuesday evening de make up the first and second class act of filching a fat tailed sheep countered his suspicion was arous found.
Yemen and Hadhramaut.
parts the through express, which We find in Ethiopia a very evid does the 500 miles in 36 hours.
complement of the average train. from the thorn zareba (stockade)
near by.
ent mixture of Asia and Africa. Passengers can sleep on this fast Luggage racks hold spears and RESTAURANT ESTACION Some of the blood came from train, not in Pullmans, but in adrifles The nomands cannot resist copper SIQUIRRES ancient Palestine, some from Ara justable seats. On the three day wire bia, and some from the shores of trains sleeping is done at little The third class passengers El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en Sithe Caspian. Authorities do not wayside hotels the two nights en largely natives of the country This desert view is not as monoquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea aten agree as to the elements in this route.
They ride in what we Americans tonous as one might think. The African melting pot of races. But My first, and of course best re would call small box cars, provided train stops occasionally in the open dido a la llegada. El precio es 50. El Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, Cigarros y Cigarillos. Se habla the Ethiopian claims with pride a membered, trip into Ethiopia was with lengthwise benches or un country between stations. We inglés, español, strong relation to the Semites. To in the days when there was no ex upholstered cross seats. No third wonder why until we discover scamP. SULLIVAN one who knows them well this claim press service. To see the semiweekly class coach on this railway is com pering back from the locomotive is quite understandable.
morning train off, there is always plete without a rack from which to tender a couple of dusky wiremen Rasselas was the first Ethiopian a considerable assemblage in the hang the rifles and spears of the trousered, but otherwise unimpRevolutionary Plot frustra ed knew. met him in the pages of Djibouti station mostly native passengers. Windows and doors eded by clothing. who climb in El Salvador that beautiful work of the imagi loafers, of whom the majority are are rarely, if ever, closed. The thin poles with barefoot agility to nation of the illustrious Samuel ausky Somalis and Danakil in the problem of ventilation, which in mend a break in the telephone and Toward the latter part of last twenty six of them were shot last Johnson, published as Rasselas, usual abbreviated desert costume these usually much crowded cars telegraph line paralleling the rail. week another plot of a revolution Sunday, by order of President Mar a Prince of Abyssinia. of a yard or so of cotton cloth. would be one of importance, thus way.
ary character was discovered and tinez, has been officially denied. have met many less imaginary Sometimes there may be observed solves itself.
The breaks once occurred more frustrated in El Salvador. large Fourteen years ago first visited a more dandified individual sportThe scenery, after the train frequently than now, because of number of the conspirators have It will be remembered that not but equally interesting Ethiopians. ing leopard skin as costume. leaves Djibouti, is more or less an the attraction the bright copper been placed under arrest, includ so many months ago a batch of Ethiopia. At various times since Nearly every one of these fel ascending stretch of tawny desert, wire held for the nomadic tribes ing several prominent politicians; Communists weđe put to death bave renewed my acquaintance. My lows carries a spear shaft minus its broken here and there by outcrop men, who purloined lengths of it they are to be brought to trial in for a similar attempt against the latest visit has run into a continu business end. The omission of the pings of great gray and black from which to fashion armlets, an the usual manner. The report that regime of General Martinez.
cus residence of three years. As my lethal point, have been told, is rocks. Occasional patches of thorn klets, and other trinkets for perso eye is becoming glazed with drow goat milk, carried in ancient skin acquaintance has grown, so has my in deference to the enforced wis bushes, delectable provender for nal adornment. The use of copper siness from the torrid heat, it cat or burnt bark containers not accus interest increased in fascinating hes of the French police authorities camels, vary the pattern. The only wire has now been more or less ches sight of two or three dik dik, tomed to cleansing contact with Ethiopia.
at Djibouti. who find these dark green is at the little stations where controlled by the authorities, but tiny antelope not much larger than water; and other odds and ends of sons of the desert unduly careless water kept for the locomotive per. breaks occur still by reason of the small dogs, which flit in and out not particularly appetizing foods Djibouti is Ethiopia pront door in the use of any cold steel handy mits cultivation of a tiny patch of gymnastics of the troops of great of the scrub, disturbed by the pas tuffs. Cash in advance is the rule, when emphasizing the wordy dif. vegetables and two or three papaya dog faced baboos which often sing train. Hundreds of thousands to prevent the customers profiting The front door entrance and ferences of opinion to which they trees.
cross the right of way. Giraffes, of dik dik skins are used by Amre. by a premature start of the train.
to Ethiopia is Djibouti, are prone.
Sometimes the station building too, have been known to cause da ican tanners.
French Somaliland. have travel The traveling public on the is kept company by a few native mage by hanging themselves in the By an application of animal fat ed, as you may also, from Europe Franco Ethiopian Railway is truly huts, in the construction of which wire.
Native coiffures serve two purposes or rancid butter as a hair pomade, toAden, and thence across the international. Usually an English kerosene tins and cases are widely From time to time a pair or more some of the natives seek to produce Gulf of Aden to Djibouti. pre man, a German, or an American, used. An occasional hut is embel of wild guinea fowl rise with a In desert Somaliland the people modish coiffures and at the same ferable and more modern route is two or three Frenchmen or Ita lished on front or side with the whir and screech from almost un who come to meet the train at way time to discommode small parasites from Europe directly to Djibouti. lians, Arabs or Turks, and perhaps stretched skin of an unfortunate der one car window. Just as the stations combine curiosity with whose favorite habitat is the human Djibouti is poetically termed by and de business. They bring for sale to head. One application on this unthe French Queen of the Sands.
native travelers raw morsels of ique pomade may be used as the From offshore its small group of goat and sheep; sometimes a bit base of another, and the olfactory whitewashed stone and mud buildof camel meat, high in age if not cffect is not to be recommended.
ings andl pyramidal piles of salt, in price; small eggs of doubtful from the principal industry of quality; scrawny chickens; camel or (to be continued)
evaporating sea water, glisten and sparkle in the tropical sun. There AEROGRAMAS is just a suggestion of the inm Banco del Estado State Bank mediate background of tawny desert POLITICA DE ALBANIA la Liga de las Naciones discute el and of the purplish mountain Unico Emisor Sole Bank of Issue asunto de las sanciones contra Italia, shapes of Ethiopia in the far disTIRANA, 18. Un cambio mi en Argentina, especialmente la enor ofrece al público los nisterial fue últimamente Offers the Public the necesario me colonia italiana, espera el resulta The sea water is bluest of blue de una parte por la dimisión del mi do de los acontecimientos y las muservicios de su and the beach sands are snowy Services of its nistro de trabajos públicos e instruc chedumbres se agolpan frente a las ción pública y de otro lado por el pizarras de los periódicos.
white. The picture is singularly hecho de que Pandeli Evangheli, La discusión de las sanciones coin attractive, although must admit presidente del Consejo desde marzo cide con la patida de un sub secreta that on shore the heat, the flies, and de 1930 ha solicitado desde hace al rio de Estado, quien se dirigirá ha the fleas vie at certain seasons in gún tiempo retirarse del poder para cia Génova al frente de una misión descansar. Evangheli tiene 78 años que espera revivir el intercambio co establishing a maximum of human de edad.
mercial italo argentino el cual en los discomfort.
IN THE Se rumora sin embargo que la cau primeros siete meses de este año, ha The French are commendably sa de su demanda es la impopulari decaído grandemente.
responsibl efor Djibouti. It is the dad de que goza actualmente. No Si la Liga aprueba las sanciones ni base of their 500 mile railways from parece que la crisis ministerial ac puede que se impida la partida de the coast directly inland to Addis tual tenga por efecto un cambio im los voluntarios italanos a bordo de portante en la política actual exte trasatlántico Oceanía que zarpa Abeba, the Ethiopian capital. This para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service rior e interior de Albania.
viernes. Exste cierto sentimiento agu railway sis Ethiopia only modcontra las canciones.
connection with the outside servicio bancario Rendered LAS SANCIONES LA La Nación editorializa diciendo word.
ARGENTINA que las sanciones completas será Djibouti is, therefore, very imBUENOS AIRES, Mientras impracticables, por excesivas.
vort Banco Internacional de Costa Rica tance.
SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA. CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON ern Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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