
Saturday 26th, October 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA CRITICIZES CONDUCT DURING CRICKET MATCH Modern Ethiopia SAL UVINA For Liver and Stomach Ailments a a the goat.
Another style of hair dressing in customs for others (THE RIGHT SALTS)
vogue is achieved by the application of a plaster of lime. The ef.
The customs ordeal is not fc The Editor.
running on to the ground and fect is not only the eradication of me. am a visiting official. Th placing money in the hands of a insects, but a bleaching of the Ethiopian governor of the tow am not fond of rushing into fieldsman or batsman who might black, frizzly hair to a most glo neets me with a considerable nun print, but the conduct of the sym have made a brilliant stroke or feat.
rious and pinkish red.
pathizers as well as of some of the This is entirely incorrect, and the ber of capablelooking soldiers.
The Somali or Dankali beau am escorted with marked ceremon players in the Wanderers. Jamaica Captains should ask such admirers with his locks thus tinted, his ra through the customs to one of th match today inthuses me to make to desist from making such dea few remarks, not so much by monstrations as they are compromdiantly blank skin well oiled, his two frontier style hotels. There white teeth dazzling, and his should also a third hotel when the proprie way of criticism as by way of ad ising the dignity and respect of the vice.
particular player. If one appreciaers draped with several yards of tor is not away hunting antelope white cotton sheeting arranged like or lions.
by a INVA The game of Cricket, as taught tes the feat of a player and wishes LE FOR THE TREATMENT OF a toga, is a vison not easily over An interesting side trip fror a gentleman game and is expected cription, such a laudable looked or forgotten. To complete Diredkwa is the old Mohammeda expres to be played by persons of gentle son of appreciation should be done Flatulence And all forms the picture, there is usually a pet walled town of Harar, four hour goat or fat tailed sheep which has away by rough motor trip or manly habits. It was a pleasure to away from the ground; in fact it followed its master out of the hut whole day by muleback. Camel sit and watch the gentlemanly de might best be presented to the Indigestion of Stomach and blinks in bored manner at the horses, or mules are available as portment, and the sportive spirit in player by his Captain with a train. Since the natives which the Pathfinders and the Bu few words of praise by way are at means of transportation, but th rial Scheme Clubs played their of recognition, etc. but to do Colics Disorders least nominally Moslems, dogs are mule is considered the most appre taboo. But man must have his ani priate for one of actual or appa games and accepted their defeats, it in so commonplace a style emwhile it was most disgusting to see barrasses the would be idol and no FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES mal companion; hence the sheep or ent high station in life.
The trip is now almost a con the display of incivility and rude self respecting cricketer should acThe first day of this railway monplace one. When first kne ness extended the visitors by the cept it. it savours of Bribery and fieldsmen of the mixed Wanderers Corruption.
MANUFACTURED BY: journey ends usually at in the it, the governor provided an escor team. should also like to say a word afternoon, at Diredawa, the first of about 30 soldiers to frighte Whenever the Ball in play struck or two to our Umpires. There have HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA town of importance after the train away renegade tribesmen from th a batsman body, one could hear been some very dubious decisions enters Ethiopia. It is on the fringe coastal desert country, who in thos SAN JOSE of a plateau 4, 000 feet above sea days of greater personal liberty yells of appeal from all parts of of given in this game; level and a 200 mile climb from the found much diverson and occasior the ground; and if the Umpire and it would be well if our Judges coast. Rain sometim falls decision was not nsidered satis bear in mind that it is the most and al profit in looting the lone trave the climate is equable. There is a ler on the trail to Harar. Th factory caps, gloves and the Ball intricate decision to render. ball substantial and well kept railway Ethiopian authorities in recent year could be seen being thrown on the often passes a half inch or so over station and an Ethiopian custom have become kill joys in so far a ground in gestures of anger mean or alongside of the stumps, which house.
time the actors ejaculated impolite although precious near would not that particular diversion is com cerned.
nave hit the wicket. Five of these In the face of overwhelwing of which Italy was accused in re, Ceremonies for visiting officials: Now let me advise our Cricketers decisions were given today, and if (to be continued of the Wanderers, whose habit it the batsman is always to have the odds, Ethiopian courage has on presing Tripolitan insurrection, the other hand challenge have expressed the same has always been to do this thing benefit of the doubt, then two of senti.
that a fildsman has no right to these would have been enough. But the admiration of the world. ment.
Strategic positions upon all From French Senegal to Bri. Limon, Costa Rica, shout an appeal at the Umpire, this what impresses me most of all is On ocean front Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath Well ventilated is the prerogative of the bowler or how was it prossible for Umpire fronys, especially in the north, tist Zululand and Portuguese dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
the wicketkeep; every other play Chambers to have stood there and have been fortified under the Angola the native races of Africa Sample room er mouth should be closed at this see bowler Lucie jerking (I wont guidance of European experts. are learning of the Italian threat LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress crucial moment, and if the Umpire say shying) as he did without even Large troop movements, for the and showing resentment Even in Post Office Box 236 Telephone decides against the appeal it is dis censuring him once for it. Was he most part secret, have taken pla far off India and Indo China Is Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww courteous, ungentlemanly, rude, intiminated by the hostill attitude ce. Men are being trained and there may be repercussions.
vulgar, to show signs of resent of the crowd?
stores of provisions accumulated. this war the natives will ask, an REGARDING OUR BURIAL SCHEEME SOCIETIES ment.
As Lucie and Bones are Motive The little halfarmed nation is other chapter in the eternal sub The Editor.
ities have not yet done so, as th Certain admirers of the Club Power men and shall be playing preparing to die in the lastjection of the colored races to In your issue of the 12th. inst. matter concerns the members o also have the pernicious habit of tomorrow, shall watch someth trench rather than see the inde. the whites?
ant, the Costa Rica Burial Scheme the three Societies who wish to un To be continued ing.
pendence, maintained for so ma.
Association answered the questions derstand their position.
It is understood that Big Boy ny centuries, stamped out.
asked by Rex am sorry the Ja. Thanking you for space censure is declared condoned by As the crisis has become inten. IN MEMORIUM maica and the St. Anthony Socie Member of Two Societies the request of Mr. Prince, hence sified the sympathy of the Colo In loving memory of our darling CONFERENCIA DEL TRABAJO POMBO BORDO he plays tomorrow. Lets hope this ured, Coptic and Moslem popul.
Ruth Wright FRANK MADURO Jr.
EN GINEBRA DEL HABANA will be a lesson for better behaation of the world for Etiopia has who fell asleep on the 23rd GINEBRA, 24. El delegado Prop.
viour in our matches as the public risen like a tidal wave.
October 1934 canadiense a la Organización Inter NUEVA YORK, 24. El aviado will not tolerate ungentlemanly In the United States, Negro nacional del Trabajo ha sido electo Pombo, se embarcó a bordo del va Best native lumber remarks and unseemly gestures on mass meetings were being held, There is a link death cannot sover, gobierno de la misma. Representancomo Presidente de la directiva de por Habana.
Plaza Yglesias.
at moderate prices funds raised and Negro soldiers Love and remembrance last for ever; tes de todos los países del mundo se TRAVES DEL ATLANTICO Leg Stump and nurses encouraged to volun. Time may wear the edge of grief, han reunido en esta ciudad para a NUEVA YORK, 24. El vapo Limon, Oct. 23rd.
teer for service. Indignation me. But mem ry turns back each leaf. bordar el problema común a todas danés de carga Herdis llegó aquí col sus naciones. Se dice que el tópico tres horas adelante del vapor britá etings have been held in the An. Asleep in Jesus, Blessed Sleep.
ep in principal de dicha conferencia en la nico de carga Gorgistan, procedente Father, Mother, Sisters, Brother de la semana de cuarenta horas en 16 de setiembre pasado en la com sesión de hoy, ha sida la aplicación de Basrah, Iraq, de donde salieron e has given the world an eloquent Label Matina.
expression of Arab sympathy with la industria textil.
We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the the Ethiopians, and a blistering petencia anual con carga.
BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders excoriation of Italian greed and can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its ruthlessness. The Coptic Patri.
Come in and try a Loaf.
arch in Alexandria on July 28 No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH called a meeting of the Coptic impressed on them.
Community Council to discuss BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS measures for showing sympathy All Dividends in for the Ethiopian Copts.
connection with the SAVINGS In Turkey, which remembers DEPARTMENT of the above named Bank will be paid MANY BRAGGARTS how Italy took Tripoli from the by the Branch of the International Bank in this City.
old Turkish Empire, expressions Mr. Eugene Roper of Liverpool ing the King English as did these of anger are also loud and fre.
wites of a function at Old Har Bombastic Gasbags, while exhibit. quent. The Turks are aware that Applicants must present their Baok Pass Books and Cedulas of Identity bour, in which he officiated as In ing the full depth of their ignoran for years only their own milita, stalling Master of the Officers of cc, a very prominent characteristic ry strength has kept the Italians.
the Association when among such tramps at these cere from attempting to seize part of Trustee he was very rudely obstructed by monies.
Anatolia. The Arabs of Northern VOM obiscam two gentlemen, one Allwood from Estrella and a Mr. Bernard MISSIONARY SOCIAL Africa, recalling the atrocities mobillabA Special Missionary Social LABOUR TROUBLES THREATEN BR. GUIANA MURDER AT BEVERLY the exponents of the Organization ceremonials.
will take place on the 3033 Consequent on threatened vio British Guiana on the 17th instant.
Mr. Roper suggests that these Free Seventh Day Adventist lence inspired by a strike of the It was also unofficially reportAs the outcome of a dispute which Smith last Wednesdey at Beverly Rostrum rats should never allow Church Lawn workers on the Sugar cane planta ed that a British warship had been is reported to have taken place bet Farm, Estrella, in connection with themselves to be without pocket Tuesday, November 12th. at tions, Martial Law was proclaim dispatched to the locality. ween one John Fraser and another some farm work, Smith shot Fraser dictionaries to avoid their illtreat Admission 25.
led in the Georgetown district of man known by the name of Busby killing him on the spot.
Maduro Lumber Yard THE PEOPLES BAKERY illes. In Transjordania the Fimir Bankruptcy John Keith Bank EO at their Bank Pass Bool José Cordero Zamora, from Colon, both professing to be as Buy Your Shirts at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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