
The Conflict TILE ATLANTIC VOICE Rica Departure of the Visiting Team Would Legalize Suicide UNITED FRUIT Co.
as that no more Little or no advances of serious nor militarily, nor will the recog.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone importance are being reported. The nition of the territories already Ethiopian Emperor has issued or conquered be granted and allowed ders to his Generals to fall back as a part of Italian Colony, such Año 11 No. 69 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 2th. November 1935. Editor English Section Nation to the hills, so as to lure the Ita not being acceptable to Abyssinia, lians as far away from their head. England nor France; nor would it quarters as possible. thus giving be in accord with the principles of Panama Places Guard On Frontier With Costa them a greater haulage for provi. the League. Possibly, how ever, sions and supplies of material, Italy will be allowed control of the The Panamanian Government smuggling and clandestine immibefore a decisive blow will be struck neighbouring districts to the Brit has established a Customs Station gration.
against the flanks of the invadors. ish Colony of Kenya which are and Frontier Guard in the region telephone line, which will place The Clarendon Touring eleven left He was of the opinion the Tour had The cables are rather conflicting, very sparcely inhabited but very of Cañas Gordas on her border the station in direct communication yesterday for their Island home by done much for our Cricket, although but many foreign newspaper co fertile. England proposes to advise with this country, where a strict with all other parts of the Repub the Dutch Liner Venejuela. In an he had observed some amount of rrespondents affirm that many Ita. the Emperor of Abyssinia to accept watch is to be maintained against lic, is now being erected.
interview with the Manager, the Rev. conceit among Cricketers and their lian Tanks and much ammunition this agreement and France underC. Spencer, he expressed himse! Clubs which he hoped such visits as have been captured by the Ethio takes to similarly advise Mussolini.
as very deeply impressed with the this would eradicate. He particularpians and several of their airplanes Should Mussolini reject the plan, hospitality shown them and hopes it ly eulogized the country, people, shot down.
the Economic and Commercial penalwill be his good fortune to again viits Capital and the scenery on the Rome asserts continued airplane ties will be enforced with the ut. LONON. Bill which wouldſ would be obligated to arrange all ther in connection with Cricket or on refer to this in our next issue. sit our shores at an early date whe way up from this City. We shall bombardment of towns and the most rigidity, and these will have legalize Suicide has been actually his affairs in proper order and to bowing submission and allegiance the effect of bringing utter vacation.
ruin prepared by Lord Mongham, a obtain the consent In leaving, our esteemed visito Italian rule. But what else could to Italy with the certain downfall member of the House of Lords who would be charged with the of the doctor He was much infatuated with the tor wishes o say aurevoir for himbe expected if these towns are of Mussolini, such as occurred to and President of a body of Medi responsibility of putting an end to Ministers of Religion whom he metters of Costa Rica, and to the nu comradeship extended him by the self and his team, to the Crickeabandoned for more strategic points Napoleon, cal Practitioners.
his life.
and the Italians coming by bom In as much as the United States The Project suggests that an and in whose Churches he had the merous friends they had met; bard them with incendiary bombs had declared her position of stric. idividual, affected with a painful to terrorize the civil population. test neutrality, yet; in keeping incurable disease be permitted to, are said to be favourably disposed remember, Several members of the House pleasure of officiating. He would ever with the assurance that they will said, the loving Bro be ever gisteful for the happy What could these do but submit? with her policy involved in the precipitate death. The party to the proposed legislation.
therly treatment extended him by the days spent with us and will ferMussolini has issued orders that Kellogg Briand Pact of non aggresRev. Wm. Forde, while the endearing vently entertain the pleasant re.
no Italian Radio receiving machin sion on smaller nations, she too has association with the Rev. Pitt miniscenses lie was their privileery in Italy must tune in on any declared she will not recognize the and family as also the affability of ge to take back home.
foreign station, hence no news can sovreignty of Italy over the territothe Rev. Berry and wife would be circulated in that country ex ries conquered by aggression, SERVICIO DE VAPORES long linger in his memory.
The following are the results of cept what is given out by the gov. was done by Mr, Stimson in the The many friends he had met and the matches played subsequent ernment. Is it not evident that tht case of Manchuria and Chaco. She Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con made had showered such kindnesses to those reported in our last issue: people are being deceived as to the also includes in her list of war maescala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA and affectionate attentions on him. Fearless 31 Jamaicans 160 for 8; true state of affairs?
terials on which the embargo must self and h4 colleagues, that he All Limon Combination 66 Jamai Due to the penalties being im be placed. cotton, wheat, petroLLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS could only pray the Wise Disposer cans 160 for 5; Motive Power 91, posed, a decree has been issued leum, and other crude material for VAPORES SALIDAS of events to afford him an opportu Jamaicans 92 for 4; Excelsior 64 Hotel, Restaurant or manufacturing warlike goods.
Boarding House can serve PETEN nity, if even in some humble way, Jamaicans 84, Construct. 39 for Musslini has called a conference de Noviembre of recompensing such affability, Jamaicans 197; All Costa Rithan one meal of fish or meat per of his Great Council of fascist VERAGUA 10 de Noviembre ca (at Siquirnes) 38 Jamaicans 88 day, and all necessaries of life must Leaders. As this is the Supreme QUIRIGUA 17 de Noviembre He would also be always mindful for be curtailed throughout the count authority of the regime and is only of the sincere attentions received from By scoring 102 runs in the ry. If the Commission which has called to deliberate on matters of FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs. the Motive Power Sports Club and match against the Pathfinders, been sent to the Argentine Repu extreme and transcendental imporAgentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS all the Cricketers past and present, CM. Mc. Donald of the visiting ic to purchase an immense stock tance, it is expected that they are and hoped that these interchanges of Team won the two bats offered for of refrigerated meats as well as now summoned to decide whether Para otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la United wool, cotton and skins for shoes he should bow to the dictates of Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ideas on sports will be more frequent the first batsman to score 100 should fail, Italy will be in a very the League or run Italy to complete TELEFONO 3156 so as to bring about a closer rela runs. The bats were the gifts of sad plight within a few months. ruin by Revolution as well as fortionship between the Jamaicans at Mr. George Headley of Jamaica home and those abroad.
and our Mr. Ames.
Meat shops can only sell this com eign pressure.
modity three days in the week, It appears, from the latest cables, upreme Court Hears Hauptmann Appeal and on Sundays no butcheries are that the expected heavy engageThe Disastrous Hurricane allowed; even paper for communi. ments on both fronts have begun.
cations, newspapers and public do In the North, the Ethiopians are The appeal on behalf of Haupt Hauptman trial is stated to be cuments are curtailed in size and reported to have successfully given mann was heard by the Supreme one of the most costly to have ever On Saturday last news reached the loss in lives in Honduras is at frequency of use.
battle, in the vicinity of Mount Court of Appeal of the United taken place in the United States. us of the terrifie hurricane and present placed at 100, but as many There is no doubt that the de. Mussa Ali, to a force of 15, 000 States on the 28th. October. It is The expenses of the State of New destructive wave which had destro districts are still isolated, this numnonstrations of solidarity being Italians and native Eritreans who expected that judgment will be Jersey mounted to 162, 713, those ed Cape Gracios a Dios in Nica ber may be very much increased.
The disturbance adopted by all the nations, great are endeavouring to cross the desert delivered before Christmas. Should of the Federal Government are esragua. The sea is stated to have seem to have înd small, are sufficient to prove of Danakil which separates them the sentence of the lower court becimated at 800, 000, while the penetrated into and inundated the been scouring the Caribbean sea for Mussolini that his acts of ag. from Dessie. In the Southern prov. sustained, the Governor of New City of New York expended ar country for eleven miles while the after leaving Jamaica and passing gression will not be tolerated by ince, the Italians are supposed to Jersey has intimated he will imme ound 250, 000; thus bringing a wind which reached a velocity of over the eastern section of Cuba, the world. According to the cables have started their advance in an ditely proceed with the electrocu total of over 1, 200, 000, without nearly almost 100 miles per hour, it hit Haiti and Santo Domingo rom Paris, 38 countries have de effort to reach the Railroad.
tion of the condemned man, and taking into consideration the am left but very few of the residences where more than 2, 000 persons are ared their willingness to place an The League Commission to which will only be admitted the ount paid on account of the defen standing. Later advices disclosed said to have preished, and bananas mbargo against all armaments and Sanctions met on Thursday but up legal witnesses and six reporters.
that the torrential rains which ac plantations badly destroyed.
naterial for construction of war to the time of our going to press companied the hurricane had flood Additional information, coming ke implements; 29 are ready to no decisions have been reported.
OB TUA ed all the rivers and caused addi through from Managua, state that pply the restrictions in financios Meantime the Suropean situation tional inundations all along the the inundations caused by the over.
nd 24 are ready to stop all impor has become so intense that consulnorthern section of Honduras and flowing of the Rio Coco have exThe large circle of Mr. Mitri prominently identified with the ations and exportations with Italy tations are said to have commenced Breedy friends resident in this commercial life of our city but sub. the Caribbean seacoast of Nicara tended to a distance of twenty five per the decisions to be adopted between the military Chiefs of miles on either side rising in some gua.
city and province, will exceedingly sequently transferred his activities England and France for the arranPuerto Cabezas is stated to be places to the heigth of seven feet.
The new plan for the solution gement of a co ordinate line of ac took place in San Jose last Sunday regret to learn of his death which to the Capital. practically ruined with but one In all the places which so badly the conflict and cessation of hos tion in case of an outbreak.
private residence and the Customs suffered rapid and energetic meas shortly after his return from a trip les in Ethiopia, which was forTo his brother, Mr. George building standing. The towns of ures are being taken for the salvagulated in the London Foreign In consequence of the hostile ciergo medical treatment.
10 Panama where he had to un. Breedy and his other bereaved re Progreso, San Pedro Sula, Sico, ing, peovisioning and protection of latives, the Atlantic Voice tenders Tocoa and Iriona ffice and approved by the Quay attitude of the populace, the also suffered the unfortunates.
Mr. Breedy was at one time its sincerest sympathy. Orsay in Paris, declares that British Legation in Rome has had heavily, and at Chamalecon over Although there has been some aly will not be permitted to do to be placed under a heavier ar600 families have been felt home small amount of damage effected inate Abyssinia, neither politically med Guard.
less, three fourths of the town be in our Pacific region by heavy HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE ing destroyed. But little is said to rains, we of this country have Labour Riot in Vincent, have been left of the National much for which to be truly grate.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Railway. In the region of Puerto ful; and it is hopel that, as eviMarines from a British warship wounded. Six policemen were also ere landed at Kingstown, St. Vin injured. Several homes were rePara EUROPA Cortes the damage is estimated at dence of this gratitude, contributions nt, on the 22nd. October and ported looted and wrecked by the (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, over 10, 000, 000 with the United to aid the sufferers will be startlartial Law enforced in Fruit Company the heaviest losers. Ied.
consemob while the Governor of the AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
ience of rioting by discontented Island was imprisoned in his home bourers. clash occurred bet at King House.
the police and the rioters, After the Governor had been ior to the landing of the Mari released by the Marines, he proPara GUATEMALA We very much regret having to, came on the 18th. October.
s, and resulted in three of the mised to confer with representatives (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
mention the loss which our Com The deceased to Costa sters being killed and eight lof the workers.
munity has suffered by the sad Rica with his parents when quite Caribia de Noviembre passing of Mr. Egbert Browne young, and throughout the long Dick. The sad event took place in period of his residence in this Coty, SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS San Jose.
he took an active interest in every movement which tended to benefit ast minute advices state suggested as the day on which Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse ai Mr. Browne had been for some our social, religious and political at the further meeting of the application of the Sanctions HAPAG LLOYD ime in failing health and left us life. He leaves a widow, several ple Co ordination Committee of decreed against Italy should for the Capital to undrego special children and a sister to whom the le League held yesterday, the Commence.
AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 reatment, but despite this he gra Atlantic Voice tenders its dee5th, of the present month was dually grew worse till the end pest condolence.
on ce.
the League. Caribia 11 de Noviembre The Passing Of Well known Citizen pen came anctions Applicable 15th. November instaly Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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