
FROM THE SEAT OF WAR THE ATLANTIC VOICE MR. CHITTENDEN RETURN THE DEPARTURE OF OUR CRIKET Reports from the front continue It is further reported from Harrar very contradictony. On the 6th. the that due to the heavy rainfall now Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Italian command reported they had occurring in the Ogaden region, the reached the outskirts of Makale Italians have had to suspend their without encountering much resistan military operations and may possibly Año 11 No. 70 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 9th. November 1935 Editor English Section Nation ce from the Abyssinians, while mes vacate some of the points already sages arriving in London from Addisoccupied on account of the many difAbeba indicate that the Italian ad ficulties being encountered.
vance along their northern front had Pending the 17th. instant, the dabeen absolutely paralised on account te on which it has been finally deof the heavy rains and the marshy cided to put the full pressure of the Old and Young, rich and poor, sultations at Boston. He was in Thursday night send off at the. hakings, shoulder pattings and condition of the country through Penalties on Italy, the sub committees all hail the return to this country strumental, some twenty years ago, Club rooms of the Motive Power would be huggings amidst some which they were compelled to tra are completing and perfecting the on Saturday last, of Mr. George in getting our planters the ten cents Sport Club, as well as the leave tears, indicative of the varying verse to reach their objective. The plan of the measures approved by Chittenden, General Manager bonus and we are feeling that he taking of the sporting visitors from shades of sorrow ever present in al Abyssinians further reported that they the Co ordination Committee Noth for Panama and Costa Rica of the has brought us something to con Jamaica. at the Pier the following leavetakings, came happily, as a had, during the night of the 5th. in withstanding this, supreme efforts are affairs of the United Fruit Com. firm our admiration of him. Every Frid afternoon, are events which break to such emotions, the presen flicted such heavy losses on the in being made to renew negociations pany, along with his most esteemed time a father returns from a visit will go down in the history of Li tation of a Cup to the visitors by vaders that they were compelled to between London, Paris and Roma to wife, Mrs. Jessie Chittenden, and abroad he brings presents for the mon and be long remembered. Messrs. Barrett, Hayling retire for several miles, They also put an end to the conflict or at least why? Because every time this great children and other members of his The function at the Club was and Hamilton and the reading advised that they had gained a nic to avoid its being converted into a friend and benefactor of Costa Ri household, something is therefore marked by the most cordial expres of an address by Mr. Hylton tory to the south of Goerahami and European War. Rome is, however. ca arrives he always has something being expected from Mass George sions of comradeship from all the on behalf of the Motive Power taken many prisioners.
said to be so very much perturbed representatives of Sport in our in which was expressed the Consequent on many of the roads regarding the movements of the En up his sleeves for the country and he knows it.
Mr. Chinttenden knows that ba Province, and reflected much cre highest appreciation of the sport recently constructed in the north be glish and French ships in the Medinanas cannot now be grown less dit to Messrs. David Hamilton, ing ability and gentlemanly depor coming impassable the Italians are terranean that it is doubted if this Mr. Chittenden came here a than thirty cents, hence the falling Hayling, Barrett, Hylton, ment of the Clarendon Sportir stated to be using airplanes to supply new effort will succeed, at least, at young man and devoted himself off in the output. It would be bad Capt. Delpratt and other officers Team by which they were leavit their troops with water and provision. this time.
strenuously to the many responsi policy to change the Contracts, but of the Club.
Djiboute, however, on the 5th. rea great mark of respectability bilities by which he was surround possibly, Boston might admit a The leave taking on Friday af. delibly imprinted on the minds ported that three Italian armies we The latest official advices from ed in connection with the best in Bonus and we know Mr. Chitten ternoon, Ist. instant, was again sig every member of the Communi se on the march converging on Ma the seat of War disclose that the Ita terests of Minor Keith and the den would not be slow in propos nificant of the admiration with lo Limon and which could not fa kale, in spite of the rains. One army, lians have gained four very impor United Fruit Company, but in all ing it, for he likes to see everyone which the members of the visiting to redound in better feelings to being in occupation of the village of tant positions on the northern front. his operations, with all his zeal for around him happy, and the only team had, by their geniality and those remaining behind them.
Addis Baghi, the other, consisting of Wolond Broglio and the Abyssi a successful manipulation of the thing to bring happiness and con sporting deportment, interwoven Eritrea natives, at Hausien and the nian Gugsa have entered Makale; trusts imposed in him, he has al. tentment on this end of Costa Ri themselves in the hearts of all.
The Manager, in accepting the third, which formed the left wing, General Santiani the ancient town of ways been reasonable and just to ca, and incidentally the whole Cup and address, suitably repliec were operating in the desert of Da Dola near Makale: General Mara his workers, we therefore feel that country, is the fomentation of the of every shade and class of our to God for their achievements ang There were ladies and gentlemen in happy expressions of gratitud nakil.
vigna, operating on the right wing of his advent again in our midst na Banana output, the great increase society bidding Adios to the Cla the good impressions his team were The general advance toward Ma the advance, has entered the region turally carries with it some good in its production, back to the days rendon Sporting team kale has since been reported to have of Adiaba; while a column on the for the country.
when we were accustomed to load genial Manager, the Rev. tue voiced a Vote of Thanks and their leaving behind them. Captain Vit commenced early on Thursday, and left have occupied the town of Azbi The Banana Industry here is in 200, 000 stems on our three boats Spencer of Mocho, Clarendon. The lowed by the singing of For th it is stated that as soon as this pla situated nean the western frontier a very struggling, uncertain condi each week. Something is necessary, crew of the Venezuela looked are jolly good fellows. and ce has been completely subdued. the of the Danaki desert.
tion, When one views that we are and if any man in the world knowson, in apparent wonderment, at the all promising to come again, th Italians will launch an attack against The inhabitants of various villages only shipping about 50, 000 stems what that thing is Mr. Chittenden congeniality and affectionate leave boarded the good ship to start Alagi which is about 65 kilometer in the vecinity of Makale are report of fruit weekly from this God blest does. And since the God of nature taking by such a mixed multitude their happy voyage across the Bring distant, for the purpose of getting ed to have abandoned their residen country, one wonders how is it pos bas visited, so severely nearly all of a party of visiting sportsmen.
access to the Lake Ascinaghi from ces after having set them on fire.
Blue toward the land of Aule sible that this small quantity can the Banana producing centers this Toward the end of the hands Langsyne.
whence there is said easy communi: It is expected that other positions cation can be had with Addis Ababa will be taken by the Italians withing pay, the heavy overhead expenses will be a lesson to the Gods of of the Compañia Bananera de Cos. Banana at Boston to hear and RACIAL CONDITIONS IN the next twenty four hours.
by the way of Dessie.
WORLD POPULATION ta Rica and the Northern Railway hearken to the voice of reason, for Co. It is certainly impossible, hence Costa Rica is my Chosen one in IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE ATLANTIC VOICE The white race, the world over, cian, to the coloured races. we must realize that both concerns whom am well pleased attend ye is in danger of dying out through world total population in 1800 In compliance ith the insistent An Economic column, for casual are being run at a loss; and as no unto her.
The Atlantic Voice takes the Chief Covernment Statistician 800, 000, 000; in 1900 as the lowering of birthrates, asserts given as 600, 000, 000; in 1830 business man would conjecure runacclamations of the patrons of this advertisements, will also be conJournal, and as a means of further ducted at the cost of about fifty ning his business with a continual pleasure; along with all Costa of Germany in a report on present 1, 500, 000, 000 and 2, 000, 000, 000 pleasing our many clients and ad. cents per 20 words per insertion, debit, we are aticipating that Mr. Rica. in welcoming back among us day conditions of the world popu. the present time. The Europe mirers, the Administration has de for the accommodation of those Chittenden has brought back the Mr. Chittenden and his lation. Philosopher Stone after his con wife.
increase rose, between the ye cided to increase its pages, giving wishing to dispose of or acquire Statistics are quoted to show 1750 and 1830 from 110, 000, it a better presentation, greater ad something.
that the white nations of North to 251, 000, 000; but the AN EXCURSION TRAIN vertising facilities and a larger With our sincere gratitude for America, Australia and Western has now been checked mainly amount of reading matter. past support we anticipate the con Excursion train to Guapiles Europe, particularly the German account of the falling birth This improvement will take ef tinued and increasing patronage of 19th. November 1935 and Anglo Saxon are perishing, among the whites but with a stea fect from the first issue in the our clients.
The birthrate of Germany, though increase among the Negroes al Dont worry about Eats, we are taking all you may need as also coming month (December. but as the best of Refreshments. Train leaves Limon a. Guápiles stlil exhibiting a certain lead over indians.
it is well known that the cost of Correspondence on all matters of p. Good Band of Music in attendance. Adults Round other Western countries, is stated Asia is said to have begun ta printing in English is much more vital importance to the interests of Trip Fare 50; Zent, Estrada and Matina, 00; Siquirres to be falling more rapidly than ing the lead about the year 183 expensive than in the native tongue, the Community are invited, addres 50.
that of France which was, until her population rising from the price of the Journal will be sed to Nation, Editor En.
Tren de Excursión a Guápiles recently, the traditional land of 450, 000, 000 at that time to Twenty cents per copy or seventy glish Section, Atlantic Voice. race suicide; while the Eastern Slav 1, 125, 000, 000 in 1930. or to five cents per month to subscribers. Box 137, Limon.
el 19 del corriente and Southern Latin races of Europe than one. half of the populatie No pierda esta gran oportunidad para una corta visita a sus fa maintain satisfactory increases due, of the world. Africa also show miliares en la Línea Vieja. Habrá música. El tren sale de Limón according to the report, to the Rus an increase from 82, 000, 000 to a las a. y de Guápiles a las p. Adultos 50 ida y sian Slav admixture of Mongol (To Page 7)
vuelta Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association blood and the Latin with that of As will be remembered, some instant, the voting resulted in a the coloured African. Dance General Kondylis of complete victory for the Monarchy The population of the earth, Greece made a coup etat on. 98 per cent of the votes being which is estimated as being capable the Republican government by in favour of the restoration. The of maintaining 10, 000, 000, 000 per. Hey! Hey! by cracky. m.
which he obtained control of the King was informed of this result The Races at 24 Miles tomorrow ba, Guabito and other points along sons, increased at an unparalleled to the Barn Dance. Saturday destinies of State in favour of for Ly cable from the Chancellor who promises to be the grestest Meet in the Lines are entered up. Tico, rate during the nineteenth century. at the Community House.
mer King George II, who since also stated that a Commission would years. There will be no tie up on the pride of Limon and Bananito with the white races playing the Prizes for Best Costumes Greece became a Republic. had be sent to London to officially re Trees to await a rescally opportun, will be there to find the Path for icading part, but this leadership Barquero Orquestra.
been residing in London. quest his return. Tomorrow, 10th. ity; horses must have been entered all comers in his class.
has now passed, says the Statisti 05. 00.
The King was invited by the instant, all the high dignatories of and staked by Friday (yesterday) fine day sport is anticipated staff in power to return and assu State will take the path of alle and be in the paddock, in time for me charge of his country, but he giance to the King of the Grecians, the racing. Those otherwise dispos and much dough will change hands.
suggested that a plebiscite should whose photograph has been ordered can remain on the Railway The Peruvian mare of Molino; be taken to test the feelings of the ed to be replaced in all public of. Track and watch sporting people. The suggestion was adopt. fices, schools and colleges of the conduct the Sport of Kings as it the Dreamers (Earl Clonmels)
should be and thereby lear ed and on Sunday last, the 3rd, Ination.
decen English blood colts and the colts SERVICIO DE VAPORES cy.
of Philantrophist of Jamaica will Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK COI There will be an immense crowd all meet for the survival of the We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back from Guapiles and Limon. All the tittest.
escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA best horses from Cartago, Turrial Be there to see em do it.
of receipt which reads: LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS THE NEW CATHEDRAL VAPORES SALIDAS This bill must be paid at our office VERAGUA 10 de Noviembre beffore the 10th. of the month Our Catholic adherents are very by being so, should assist in its active seeking funds by special of embellishment.
QUIRIGUA 17 de Noviembre ferings, functions, etc. for the purPETEN 24 de Noviembre Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot pose of building a new Cathedral. new and modern Cathedral is oblige us to suspend our service, a step which This is a very worthy cause and urgently needed to meet the requirFELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
we would much regret to takt.
should be heartily supported by ements of the Vacariate, and if Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS every inhabitant of Limon, who every inhabitant would donate a has an interest in this city of his Colon our affectionate Bishop Al Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON native land or adopted home irres berto would soon be in a position Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica pective of creed. Every citizen to begin the erection of the sacred TELEFONO 3156 add ang hotela NeoRiquer his home and edifice.
Migue Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
gros MONARCHY RESTORED weeks ago TOMORROW RACES AT 24 MILES men the Sargen breed of Bocas fame UNITED UNITED FRUIT Co.


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