
Prospects of Our THE ATLANTIC VOICE Cacao Industry Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Race Day At La Joya Prognostications Re the tion in Eu Paolino Coming Fight with Louis There is great hope for the Ca and with our exchange ranging Año 11 No. 71 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 16th. November 1935. Editor English Section Nati cao Industry of our Province from around 675 per cent the cause of the fact that Exporters of this com the increase will readily be observmodity are exceedingly active in ed.
competitive trade. Judging from the activities being displayed by The Banco de Costa Rica efthe buying Agents of the different forts, as an exporter on the profit War in Africa Firms, there seem to be a great de sharing basis, have done much to Dame Time, the Balm for allſttleton Barland Lass with Mr.
mand for it in foreign markets. In accelerate these activities and im anxieties, has again accomplished Lewis Dick second and Mr. Many and varied are the opinions much time wasted and a better fo far away Cahuita and Old Har provement in prices. It is true that a wonderful feat. Sunday, 10th. Tully Morning Stan third in a regarding the final winding up of ing guaranted Italy. An outbreak bour the price has reached as high the question of high fermentation Novemberg, has come and gone field of five. The second Race, the ambitions of the Italian Dicta Europe is inevitable, the discussi as twenty eight cents per pound. has acted, particularly in these and the hippie achievements The a ide Race for half tor Mussolini and his Imperialistic of Premier Baldwin, during his el In and around Limon, as well as rainy seasons, as a serious deterent at 24 Miles have passed into his buled horses, was won by Mister Campaign.
campaign, are incentives on the Lines, the Cia. Bananera in their exportations; but producers torty. Clarke Kentucky Boy The whole world, particularly Eu war. He has said that the actual has also been on the alert; her should always remember, whenever Had it not been for the ince with Mr. Romero Almirante rope, has been much perturbed by test is between British Democcr Agents can be seen running here it be possible, to properly cure and ssant rains all during the week, it Bay second and Mr. Hugg Sun the aggression of Italy, and all sorts and the Fascist dictatorship. This and there on motor cars buyig all grade their Cacao by sunshine, that would certainly have been the Led third in a field of seven. of overtures were made to avoid the an actual throwing of the gaunt the wet Cacao they can get at an equal support should be given biggest Meet in the history of Mr. Gilmore Bubbling Lady ca sheedding of blood; and even since to Mussolini pet government, and 70 per keresine tin, and as it the Bank so as to keep the compe Costa Rica rivalling those of New me first in the thind, The Maiden the invasion began on the 2nd. of has acknowledged the challen takes seven tins to produce 100 tition alive, for should the Bank, market; but Jupiter Pluvius insis Race for horses of common na October have every measure of a for in a recent speech to his Co pounds of the dry article, 25. 90 through lack of sufficient support, ted on imposing his influence, attive breed, with Mr. Domian pacific nature been brought to bear cil of Leadera, he said that all per quintal is not se bad, particul cease to operate in Cacao, the price this time, on all out door sports. Black Bee second in a field of to put a stop to this unwarrantable pressure was being engineered by arly during this wet season, when is almost certain to fall back to Al Saturday night and the follo five. Mr. Nation Tico was awar sacrifice of human life, until nearly greatest enemy of Fascism, Stan one need not be pestered with the the fifteen cents per pound. There wing morning it stained in such ded the fourth. The fifth, a field all the nations on earth have dic Baldwin and his Cabinet. Theref drying.
fore, whenever possible, every pro torrents that the majority of tur of five, was won by Mr. Wal tated penalties to become effective, just as soon as the elections, wh Of course this quick rise in the ducer should ferment his cacao for fites did not see the wisdom of cott Sky Ball with Mr. Ro as from Monday next the 18 ins commence on the 14 th. inst local price is not altogether due to the required four days and give spending a long day on the wetse Rex secnod an Mdr. Turry tant, for such trangressions; but will are over, and the fate Baldw a marked increase in the price in the Bank at least fifty per cent of ground However, those who we Lady Luck third. The sixth, a even this stop Mussolini? No, how government is settled, the policy the foreign markets, but rather to his crop. By acting in this manner re determined to have the day, field of six, was won by Mr. can at? Mussolini must, in keeping Britain politics will have to go our high rate of exchange. The healthy competition will be main. did so and resulted in many stran Gilmore Bubbling Lady, Mr. with age old prognostications press ward and rigidly enforce the pe normal rates in the foreign markets tained and the best interests of ge things being observed. Young Littleton Barland Lass unfortu forward with his ambicious desings ties as from the 18th. instant, if are from 41 to cents per pound every producer protected. leidies were seen using their es nately fell or she would certain until he has enveloped all Europe, Asia by blockade; then, as Mussolini fi corts handkerchiefs to keep their ly have won. Mr. Romero Al and Africa with the spirit of War, his hands tied in Africa, he will danity shoes in place while per mirante Bay won the seventh in and general conglagation. He can tainily blaze the Torch forming the Caricoa on the mu a field of four, with Mr. Clar not retractá his personal security is and with what consequences? If ddy dance lawn; yong men, di ke Kentucky Boy second and not only compromised but also tho Sanctions are enforced as rigidly vested of their shoes and Mr. Littleton Barland Knightse of his political party, Fascism, they ought to be they must bring Sports Correspondent of the out when asked regardless of the with pants rolled above the third; Mr. Nation Tico refusing and his country. How, therefore, can vation on the Italians at home Associated Press states it is not worth of his opponent; his only in knees, tripping the light fantastic to face the mud came in brin. he desist from his rapacious inclina terrible sufferings to the soldier likely that Paolino Uzcudum, who terest being that he be paid off in toe, as if on the most polished ging up the rear guard.
tions without bringing oblivion on the Africa, and thus produce the admits being 36 years old but may gold.
floor. Then Mr. Nation famous It is hoped that during the dry party he has reared and nursed for bitter hatred beetwen the people be at least five years older, retains He anticipates that Louis will horse, Tico. the prime favou weather the Meet will be repea nearly a quarter of a century, the ruin both countries with the ultimate sufficient of his old endurance and have another easy target with little rite in the seventh Race, was ob ted when a more enpoyable day of his country and the end of his pects of a general European coni modest punching power to offer to be feared in rebuttal. He also served refusing to place his feet could be spent and real sport wit fond hope for world fame for him The situation is most precari anything more than another gory expects that Paolino will be unable in the mud, which accounted for nessed, both special trains left in self and his lineage?
perplexing and serious. France sacrifice to the stolid slaughterer to preserve his record of never hav his admirers losing their Stakes. mediately after the last race one If the League of Nations pressed no wish of becoming engaged from Detroit in their meeting next ing been knocked off his feet; not There were 24 competing hor for Limon and the other to Guapi him too heavily by the impasition of a England in a war against Italy. month.
withstanding his being game, unses under 17 owners, which should les. The behaviour was exemplary miiltary blockade, the only effecti of the same Latin blood and her SISERS afraid and a charging warrior, have made the rivalry very keen. and although many were covered ve means to adopt, he would then by traitory to Germany in the Paolino will, this writer states, which is more, he asserts, than can The first Race. The Untried Sta with mud, the best sporting spirit strike the blow which would cause a War: but the cannot afford take all the punishment his croco be said of the last three who fought kes, was won by Mr. Li prevailed throughout the day. European conflict; and do not the Pol gland displeasure with the po.
dile hull will hold, and although Louis, and by their own failure wers and the League know thislity of an alliance with Germ he has not done much fighting dur apart from his great punching, lif. Cricketing Team Could Not Enter They do. See England attitude in her natural enemy. Italy and ing the past three years, he still ted him to his present nigh standPanama bringing about the restoration of the ce are both engaged making ove likes to do so and will always come ing in the heavyweight picture.
Monarchy in Greece. She now com res to Hitler, who now holds the Due to the Committee in char were also sadly disappointed by pletes an alliance with that country lancing power in Europe. Hence ge of the arrangements for enter the abandonment of the proposed and Turkey in order to secure con reason for feeling that no one taining the Clarendon Cricket game between the visitors and a trol of the Archipellago and the Dar conjecture the consequences of!
Team failing to obtain the nece local selection, due to the bad danelles. She has courted the friend solini error. England and Gerr ssery permit, we are informed condition of the Mount Hope ship of Hitler and she has the word in an extremely friendly underst New items from the seat of war, by either the French airplanes or that the Panamanian authorities Bell Park as a result of the heavy of France; but can she realy on the ing; Italy and France are have been of the most unreliable Abyssinian troops who have been would not allow our late visitors rains which fell there during the se promises? May something not disposed; while England guara nature, generally, the majority giv endeavouring to locate them.
to enter Colon while on their way Saturday night and Sunday. happen as that which took place in France every assistance against ing reports of the slaughter of large In view of the renewed activities home; and a last moment effort Russia during the World War? An many, should the necessity arise numbers of Abyssinians with little on both fronts, it is expected that to do so resulteld, it is stated, in According to a statement of a Anglo Malian conflict is inevitable, exchange for her aid against or no reference to Italian casualties. serious encounters will shortly he the Port Officials demanding a correspondent of the Star He for England cannot allow the domi and she agress; yet France, the However, those reaching us wit reported.
cash deposit of five hundred riald, efforts are to be made for nation of Ethiopia by Italy; she can tural and inveterate enemy of hin us within the past fortyeight Meantime, European circles have llers. They were, however, given the team to visit Panama, during not afford it, because if Italy esta many, and Italy, the traitor to hours indicate that the Emperor become much parturbed consequent forces have been obtaining some on England failure to reach a sa Zone.
a warm reception on the Canal the earlier part of next year, forblishes herself solidly in Africa by many in the Warld War, now successes and that their guerillatisfactory agreament with Italy the purpose of playing a series of a supreme conquest of Ethiopia, Bri friendly conversations with Hi The Isthmian cricket enthusiasts games.
tish prestige would materially suffer Can any confidence be placed in tactics are harrassing and impeding during the latest conferences. Musin the Soudan and the South Afri help of man? We shall see. We the advance of the Italians. solini hawing rejected the request An Italian column, which some) that the forces in Lybia be reduced Green Shirts for England can States; even her security as the not, however, help feeling leading Power would be seriously should there be no hypocritica days ago left Mussa Ali in a directo their normal peace standing, Green Shirt Party, said, all citizens, employed or unem compromised tions in the enforcement of the tion presumably to Danakil is sus. England expressed her inability to to be patterned after the Social ployed, by means of the establish No matter what the League may tions, there must be war between pected of having been anihilated remove any of her ships from the Credit Party of Canadá, has en nent of a national credit office, do to bring pressure on Italy to stop gland and Italy within the co by one of the fierce desert tribes, Mediterranean in view of the tered candidates for the British which would also be required to the conquest of Ethiopia, it is just fortnight.
as nothing has been seen of them strength of Italy air fleet.
Parliamentary elections.
adjust pricse so that they should not be raised beyond the normal The Party adocaties the ment of an annual dividend of the party manifesto declared the 500 to, each family apart time has cme to replace the ecoPróximas salidas de Puerto Limón from their present incomes. The nomics of bedlan and establish a SERVICIO DE VAPORES Para EUROPA se payments would be issued to sane and economic system. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Anti British Manifestations AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Anti British manifestations of a and a large number of wounded. Thrygia Noviembre LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS rather serious character are report The Oppositionists claim that VAPORES ed from Egypt.
Diciembre England se activities are entirely Cordillera SALIDAS QUIRIGUA 17 de Noviembre According to the reports, it is against their country interests and stated that the Nationist Group are in direct conflict with the policy Para GUATEMALA PETEN 24 de Noviembre strongly opposed to the military enunciated by the British represen(PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
VERAGUA de Diciembre and naval operations being conduct tatives before the League. They ed there by England; and as a con also assert that they threaten to Cordillera Diciembre FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs. sequence o fthis, aided it is alleged destroy Egypts friendship with SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS by Italian propaganda, a series of Italy which has existed from the disturbances broke out in Cairo days of the Roman Empire.
Parte de informas, dirigirse a Para otros informes, dirí jase a las oficinas de la United during the day and night of Wed The sympathy of the populace is Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica nesday last. Several clashes occur said to be on the side of Italy and HAPAG LLOYD TELEFONO 3156 red between the demonstrators and against the hostile preparations of AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 20 the police resulting in many deaths England.
Regarding The Warfare simi pay, pur chasing power of the people. AMB URG. AMERIKA LINI UNITED FRUIT Co.
con Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniWorld War

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