
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 16th. November 1935.
Modern Ethiopia Announcements for the Caming Week to amusement on on Rains in in the Atlantic Zone Costa Rican Palm Nut Company Compra COPRA practice ap ing of a ceremonial feast with bits Read The Atlantic Voice We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back (Continued From last issue)
of receipt which reads: There will be an Excursion to fering humanity.
Guapiles on Tuesday the 19th. by Succession to the throne in Ethio ſses to which much alcoholic vigor This bill must be paid at our office the Costa Rica Burial Scheme So The Salvation Army, a great pia is inherited as to family, but not is imparted by fermented honey.
ciety. As this is for humanitarian Organization which has done much necessarily as to individual. The Tej, the national Ethiopian drink beffore the 10th. of the month purposes to raise funds for the care good in every country, will hold strongest or most astute prince of is essentially a home brew, made and attention o fthe sick and for their Harvest Thanksgiving on the family rather than the one in usually by the wife, daughters, or Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot burial of the dead, the train should Sunday and Monday, and expect most direct descent may, and often servants of the thousehold.
be well patronized.
a silver collection from all their Hoes, succeed to the imperial crown. Many of the leading families oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Cricket team will be going out friends to aid them in carrying on Succession is, of course, usually pride themselves upon tej made we would much regret to takt.
to engage the Cairo and their good work.
imited to one of the royal line of after old recipes handed down from another Guacimo to play a Solomon, of which the present generation to generation. That COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON match at that Section.
On Sunday the 24th. the Meth.
Emperor is an illustrious member. made in the household of Hapta odist Church will be crowded to Feudal barons still have power Giorgis was famous for its quality.
The St. Anthony Burial Aid hear three of the highest dignataPrimogeniture does not opply The old warrior favorite garden Society will be affording all a very ries of that Denomination of Japecessarily in Ethiopia in the royal of the geshu plant, the leaves of SPECIAL MEETING pleasant, profitable and educative maica address a men gathering at amily, with the nobility, or even which are used in tej fermentation, Wednesday the p. Every one whe can posmong the families of lesser note. may still be seen in the grounds of Men Monthly Meeting 20th. when an Elocution Contest sibly do so should not fail to spend The feudal chieftains have been a the American Legation in Addis another an hour in an exchange of thought is to be staged. This is aw unto themselves, and up to at Ababa. It is now the home of a special meeting, in place of Jamaica District; Mr. Hick. worthy cause which should claim with such well known speakers as that usually held on the fourth man Johnson, Secretary of Confe. the assistance of all it is for the the Rev. Armon Jones; Mr.
Sast recent times might have been pair or two of hyenas.
ompared in their activities to the Other sorts of brewed and distil Wednesday of each month, will rence, and Layman Henderson of purpose of aiding the sick and Kickman Johnson and Mr. Henreat barons of Norman times. led liquors are made in Ethiopian take place in the Methodist Church London.
burying the dead, and everyone derson of London, who pass Cheir power has waned much of households, but there is as yet lit. cn Sunday 24 th. instant at All gentlemen are cordially infifty cents will help to relieve suf their return to Jamaica.
ate, but it is doubtful even yet tle commercialized form of manu Whether any prince might succeed facture. Imported liquors are fav It is expected that the meeting will Just a break from folly make the imperial throne if he were ored by some, particularly by the be honoured with the presence and it. Newton pposed by a majority of them. Ethiopian soldier, who appears to service of the Rev. Armon Jones, eudalism appears, however, under dote on the more furious joys of Chairman of the Methodist Circuit, Secretary The incessant rains washed out METROPOLITAN BUREAU he new order in Ethiopia, to be imported Greek brandy, which is many of the Social gatherings anoomed.
reasonably cheap and unreasonably nounced during the past two weeks. Legal, Notarial General In these recent years of transi potent. However, the upper classes Our first day of good weather apBusiness Transactions on in Ethiopia have seer many of Ethiopians of the newer generapeared as a great relief, on Wed.
hanges, political, social, and other tion are becoming more and more nesday last and with it the resump Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. ise. Not the least interesting of temperate in their use of alcohol.
tion of activities in social life.
lese changes may be observed in Ras Kassa, second in rank only (CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
Among the Catholics, Friday My untarnished reputation of se attitude of increasing disfavor to the Emperor as a member of the night was utilized as an evening of honesty. My intelligence and ward strong drink.
royal line of Solomon, has even We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut)
mirth, hilarity and congratulations high calibre efficiency constitute Even so great a man as the late considered the proposal of tempePrice 11. 00 Quintal to Bishop Alberto on the anniver the necessary and all important etawrari Hapta Giorgis reserved rance laws for Ethiopia. His Highsary of his Birth. The function was FACTORS which constitute my a special honor to a guest the ness not long ago asked the Amer Pagamos cantidades grandes. 225. 00 Tonelada got up by the teachers of the school Iron Clad Guarantee to my acfering of his famous and inspir ican Legation to obtain for him Sell COPRA and get more money for your conducted in connection with the tual and prospective CLIENTS, tej in a rhinoceros horn cup, aſ from the United States copies of Coconuts with LESS WORK Church, and many and happy were who confide to my care, di.
aker, as remember it, of amaz. some of our prohibition regulations.
Cocos a 00 el cien the expressions of joy for the bless rection and administration, the capacity.
The Ethiopian in general is not Further Information: BEECHE ings enjoyed by his flock since his handling of their BUSINESS and advent in the Vicariate.
Tej and talla are native bevera. a user of tobacco. He neither smo Apartado 173, imón, Costa Rica GENERAL AFFAIRS. kes nor chews the weed. Smoking EGBERT POLSON GRAND ELOCUTIONARY in the presence of most Ethiopians Ethiopians tell me that the openCONTEST is not good form, as leraned many eating a bit of raw beef as a sort Accountant, Interpreter, Trans years ago. have been told that as of hors oeuvre. The lator, Judicial Business Agent.
PARISH HALL recently as the first half of the last parently has led many an amateur, of raw meat is a tribute to tradition century there were Ethiopian rulers as well as professional writer, in coming down from the times when Wednesday, November 20th. who so objected to tobacco that search of the sensational to devote the country was nearly engulfed by 30 they ordered the mutilation of the rooted taste of the Ethiopian for eral centuries ago. Ethiopian sol.
much space to an allegedly deep the Mohammedan invasion of sevUnder Auspices of St. Antho lips of any subject caught smoking. This beef raw, warm and quivering, diers, hard pressed by the enemy: y Association with twor fold Foreign manufacturers of cigaThe Salvation Army will celebrate their annual Harvest bject of providing Xmas Cheer rettes continue in their efforts to as it comes from the freshly but hid in the forests, where they could Thanksgiving on Sunday 17th. instant. On Saturday the 16th, the the poor and needy and the cultivate an Ethiopian market, butchered animal. Such writers have not make fires for fear of betrayal doors of the Church will remain open all day to receive the ingathe icouragement of Literary Pur thus far without signal success.
been known to stage raw meat by the smoke. Since they could not ring. Offerings from all friends will be gladly accepted.
Services will be as follows: Sunday 17th. Service of Thanks In my social calls upon. Ethio feasts for photographic purposes. cook their meat, it was, perforce, Number of WELL KNOWN pian families have been much imI cannot corroborate their state. eaten raw. At great feasts. parti. and Praise at II o clock. At. p. the Young peoples ThanksgiTERARY TALENTS will wage pressed with the number of culinary ments from my own somewhat un cularly among the soldiers, a first ving; at p. Altar service for Adults. Special addresses.
of often attle for Supremacy.
On Monday 18th. a rich and profitsble programme on Har.
uses for red pepper of a superla usual opportunities for observation course Five Prominent Citizens will tively scarifying effect upon the of Ethiopian appetite. Here, as in served as a historical tribute to vest Time will be rendered. All are invited. WRIGHT Judges. Elaborate First Part tongue and innards of the un other countries, only an occasional those perilous early times.
Ligitation is a favorite outdoor Adjutant usical Programme. An Evening initiated. In my opinion, tabasco palate fancies the taste of raw sport rare entertainment, education sauce would be regarded in Ethi meat. remember having seen a id surprises.
Ethiopians appear to enjoy liticpia as a rather mild condiment. raw Hamburger sandwich consumed with apparent gusto both in gation, whether friendly or otherJPPORT WORTHY CAUSE Raw meat eating is largely Europe and America. The Ethi wise. One of the important centers Significant Discovery ceremonial opian who likes a bit of meat raw of the market place in Addis It is reported that on the 12th. Col. Jimenez is a brotherGeneral Admission 50. Ethiopia produces many fine doesn chop it up with onions, etc. Ababa and in other large towns is Instant the police authorities of in law of Mr. Domingo Diaz, por opens 30 Prizes grabeef cattle and the people are great but he often passes the morsel the courthouse. It consists usually Panama made a search in a hou who is a candidate in the forthfully accepted from any Socie meat caters. They have what might through a bowl of sauce made prin of a sizable wooden booth, with se said to be the property of Co. coming Presidential election; he Club or Interested Individual. be called a ceremonial custom of cipally of red pepper and oil. benches on three sides for the jud lionel Juan Antonio Jiménez and last year resigned his position of ges and their friends. The fourth dsicovered 200 rifles bearing the Minister of Justice on account of side is entirely open to the market seal of the government of the a son of his being complicated ground. In front of this open side United States of America. in a plot against the life of Pregather those who have complaints sident Arias.
to be heard. They are given all the time they desire to argue their own AN EXCURSION TRAIN cases, for time is of small import in Ethiopia.
Excursion train to Guapiles Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue When inquired which were the 19th. November 1935 lawyers, was told that in EthiDont worry about Eats, we are taking all you may need as also Unico Emisor State Bank opia every man is his own lawyer, the best of Refreshments. Train leaves Limon a. Guápiles if he desires. Individuals may, by p. Good Band of Music in attendance. Adults Round the custom of the country, call, in Trip Fare 50; Zent, Estrada and Matina, 00; Siquirres ofrece al público los 50.
Offers the Public the the name of the Emperor, upon servicios de su any passer by to sit in judgment on Tren de Excursión a Guápiles Services of its their differences. The opposing parties then proceed to argue. In el 19 del corriente their interest and excitement they No pierda esta gran oportunidad para una corta visita a sus faoften rise to somewhat starling vomiliares en la Línea Vieja. Habrá música. El tren sale de Limón a las a. y de Guápiles a las p. Adultos 50 ida y cal and physical efforts. Their en vuelta EN LA IN THE joyment is obvious.
Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association The extemporized judge eventually gives his decision, which may CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON or may not be accepted. If it is not have frequently come across these interpreter aid. For participants acceptable, the case is carried to impromptu roadside courts. They as well as for onlookers, these spirthe Government courts. Here jus are both interesting and amusing, ited court proceeding seem to have para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service tice is dispensed much less expedi to judge from the expressions of almost the status of a national sport servicio bancario Rendered tiously and, of course, more expen the native onlookers, who can fol of the masses, and the trials are sively.
low the argument and exchange of popular social events. Following the trails of Ethiopia, Amharic imprecations without an (To be continued)
Harvest Thanksgiving raw meat IS BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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