
and an are In spite of the many conflicting Ethiopians who captured further statements by some our local pa large quantities of war material Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone pers, the Radio news from London including machine guns which they shows very clearly that the Ethi turned on the fleeing eneemy.
Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 30th November 1935. Editor English Section Nation opians are holding their The town of Lugh Ferrandi near Año 11 No. 73 against the Italians. For the past the frontier of Somaliland has also fifteen days, the victories have been taken and much arms and been very much on the side of the munition captured.
Africans. On Monday, it was gi Ras Seyoum, who was reported ven out that during the previous by the Italians as having died from As we appreach the 9th of Fe Mssrs. Claudio, Manuel Vicente and!
weeks over four thousand wounds received in his recently bruary, the day on which our citizens Ricardo Cortés, brothers of Mr. Leon Shortly before noon yesterda: la. We have received no infor Italians had been killed. On Tues commenced offensive, has received will, by their votes declare who shall Cortés. The grounds for these dem an accident, fo a rather serious ne matioonn as to whether Mr. Beche day, it was stated that an entire additonal reinforcements from direct the affairs of State during the ands were that all the parties were ture, took place on the Northerr has been injured, but it is stated column of Italians were destroyed Addis Ababa fully armed with the 1936. 40 Presidential term, the aliens at law and could not, in con Railroad in the vicinity of 48 Mithat the Manager of the Marimby General Nasibu forces. On most modern implements, and is chief lieutenants ba and his daughter as also con of the contendingj sequence, be allowed to take part in les, near Florida.
Wednesday, news came that Go preparing to check the advance of forces are exerting evry known poli the election as voters.
According to the information ductor Esquivel, and Engineer trahei, Gabridarre and surrounding Grl. Maraoigna in the region of tical effort to place their particular The Registrar admitted the dem which reached us shortly before Gonzálezs fireman Galeano who villages had been recaptured; the Tembien.
Candidate in the most favourable po and made against the Beeches but re going to press, we understand that were on the special received rather Italians running away and leaving The Emperor War Counci sition.
jected that with regard to the brothers la special train which left San Jo serfius injuries. 19 persons, in all, an innumerable quantity of dead, has ordered reinforcements to be One of these efforts has been the of the National Republican Candidate, se for Limon collided with the re have been injuried while the enlarge stores of food and war mate sent to all fronts so that the of exercise of the privilege afforded by The matter then went before the gular local train on its way to the gine No 61 of the special is torial. General Debucasa is prepar. fensive may be intensified.
the Election Laws of demanding the First Civil Judge tally destroyed.
whose ing a general offensive against In view of the decision of the removel from the Voter Lista, of the directly reversed those of the Regis Aboard the special were Lic. On the news reaching SequiMussolini forces; and if the Lea League to enforce the petroleum nams of such persons claimed to be trar.
don Ricardo Castro Beeche, the rres, a special train was inmegue includes petroleum and gas in embargo, Italy is stated to have not entitled to exercise the franchise.
dispached to the scene As may be imaginated, the incident. President of Congress who was dately the list of restrictive articles to be crdered the concentration of a Several hundreds of these demands has produced a great amount of agi travelling to Limon to meet hi wiht the Alcalde, the Jefe Politikept away from Italy, this would large number of her forces in Afri have been lodged with the Civil Registation in political circles, family on their return from New co and the Government doctor.
place Ethiopian arms nearer on a ca at convenient points for their trar and two of them have brought effort is being made to have the reso York as also the Costa Rica Ma Mr. Sheehey and Dr. Umaña al par with Italy, as they would not return to Europè in case of neces about certain complications in official lution of the Judge cancelled in so rimba on their way to Venezue so left here in another special.
be able to use the disastrous air sity; 100, 000 reservists who were and political circles in the Capital. far as it applies to the brothers of the plane bombardments so frequently given a three months license have The National Republican Party or National Republican Party.
THE EXCHANGE TAKES RISE on the Ethiopian infantry who have also been called to arms.
Cortesistas, requested the removal of It is also stated that the Communist but so few planes with which tol the names of Mesrs. Eduardo Beeche, Party han made request for the retionary for some weeks cur mone increasing the rate at which liqui After remaining somewhat staf the Chamber of Compensations protect themselves against the ons Notwithstanding the threats of Rafael Beche and Luciano Beechemoval of the name of Mr. Felipe Officers have been embalmed and the opinion that having regard to laught. Sixty six bodies of Italian Mussolini the English press express brothers, nophew and grand nephew Alvarado on the ground that he tary exchange has again taken a dations of gold accounts should rise, the Banks on Wednesday be made.
sent back to Italy as well as thous the reversals which the Italians are from the Voters Lists. The National whon the law required his presence respectively of Mr. Octavio Beeche was absent from the country at a time last increasing their rate to 675 There is a belief current, in cerands of wounded and sick soldiers. experiencing in Abyssinia, it wouldists or Bechistas also filed a demand here as also that of Dr. Carlos Pupo per cent.
tain circles in the Capital, that The Ethiopian attacks on Italian hardly be possible for Italy to asThis action is said to have the rate may before long reach for the elimination of the names Somaliland have been the means of sume the responsibilities of anotof as being an alien.
been decided on as a result of the vicinity of 700 per cent, their great successes, thus causing her war this time against fully the great fracaso of General Gra equipped forces. The tension among AN AGRICULTURAL INSPECTOR AMONG US Two Thousand Killed is Explosion ziani movements.
the European nations is reported to As the result of the explosión It is supposed that the explo SABEMOR.
Gerahie has been retaken and be most grave and it would not It is refreshing to see among us The injections for animals which occurred at the Lanchow sion was the work of the Commu the Italian Somalies fleeing in pa Le surprising if an outbreak were Mr. Juan Bautista Chinchilla, airee, these being given by the gov arsenal in the province of Kansu, nists in retaliation for the activi nic, were furiously pursued by the to occur shortly.
Veterinary Surgeon, who was fot ernment for distribution, but he China, at the end of last month. ties being waged against them by merly Inspector of the Stock charges seventy five cents per head it is now officially reported that General Chiang Kai Shek whose OBITUARY breeding Industry of the country. for his time in the operation.
two thousand persons lost their headquarters are situated there.
Mr. Chinchilla is on his yearly It is well known that Bayer prelives.
With sadness we have to relate He left for Honduras where he trip for vaccinating cattle and hor. parations are very efficient in the the unfortunate occurrence of the instituted the plantations of the ses with the very latest vaccines cure and prevention of diseases in death of Mr.
United Fruit Company. He return known to science, for the preven man and beast; therefore every ed and founded the Penshurst Ba tion of Anthrax (Blackleg. Tu milkman might, for his own security Frederick Victor Galbraith nana Company with Mr. King and berculosis, White Diarrhoea and in the business, take advantage of Mr. Findlay. Mr. King soon died other dangerous diseases among Mr. Chinchilla presence and have in Panama, whither he had been leaving himself and Mr. Findlay horned and maned stock. his animals vaccinated. In times for the benefit of his health Mr. to carry on this gigantic agricultu It behoves every cattle owner in like these when there is such a labourer, named Ernest Brown y come to a standstill at the point Galbraith was in failing healthral operation, which is today the the province to meet Mr. Chinchi wonderful moving around with cat. alias Blueskin, while crossing the between this liquor shop and the here for some time and went to most important Banana Centre in lla and get his advices on stock tle and horses from Nicaragua and Railway lines at the Cieneguite telephone shed this being a very Ancon Hospital for consultation the country.
rearing which are very interesting elsewhere, there is no telling when Crossing in front of the Telephone narrow and difficult passage with where, according to the cable, he Mrs. Galbraith died some time and instructive. His store of expe an infection may catch hold of your Shed here, got his foot crushed by two deep water tables on either died at 15 on Monday morning ago in England, which occurrenceriences in the line is most exhaus stock and kill out the best of the the Bogie truck wheel of engine side of the railway lines. If one sees last.
deeply undermined the health of tive, especially on Tropical diseases herd before you can get help against 60 on Friday night last; this result. danger and wants to jump, he does Mr. Galbraith to this this great thinker. He has left no common among animals. including it. To be fore warned is to be ed in the amputation of the foot in not have jumping space to get country as a Civil Engineer and did close relative, it is said, but a brot. Dogs, Pigs and Poultry.
the hospital.
away from those deep dirty holes, much work for the United Fruit her in New Zealand and two weal.
While coming out of Mr. Acu which ought to be covered with Company and Costa Rican Railway. thy old sisters to whom The Atlanña shop to cross the line on the concrete slabs.
It was he who located the site for tic Voice of Limon begs to tender curve, Brown had some oranges in the present bridge at Pacuare Ri. its sincere condolence.
a bag some of them got loose from It is hoped that the Company, ver; he also did all the calculations The transition of so progressive his parcel, stooping down to pick in love of justice will take care of for the construction and launching a mind from among us is indeed a The revolution which broke out, bombarding the strongholds of the them up the engine going over to this poor sufferer, because there of the Raventazon Bridge after the serious blow to the advancement in certain of the outlying districts revolutionists.
ne shed, struck the unfortunate was no need for such an occurrengreat washout in December 1908, of scientific and agricultural pur of the Republic of Brazil The revolution is supposed to man who fell his foot getting unce. Brakeman called Ziah was this construction being the first of suits of our much neglected Prov days ago, is reported to be gradual. have been brought about by Com. der the front wheel.
sitting on the front end of the enits kind seen in Costa Rica.
ly spreading and to have reached munist propaganda and more than It is rather mysterious that more gine and should have stopped the the Capital, Rio de Janeiro. 100 suspects are under arrest. accidents do not occur at this spot. engineer. The engine should have Italy advised regarding any Over 100 deaths have already The government is making every a large grocery and liquor establish been brought to a standstill within been reported as the result of en effort to warlike acts control the situation ment being not ten feet away from five feet of the danger at the parcounters between the rebels and although it is believed that the the curve in front of the shop. ticulat spet if the engineer was not PARIS. In well informed cir ber nations of the League including government troops in the affected general discontent against the Var. When there are several engines gazing around. There was neither cles it is stated that Premier Laval, France.
areas, in which airplanes dispatch gas regime will, in all probability, working there, especially on Friday bell nor whistle Sounded on that through the Italian Minister, has The Italian Minister is supposed from the Capital took part in create serious difficulties. nights, people, taking exist from engine, as they should have been.
advised Mussolini that any attack ed to have privately informed the the shop, are apt to get confused But, of course, with the proximity on or warlike act against a British French Premier that Italy was disnot knowing for which track an of The at that junction, ship, would he regarded as a decla. posed engine may be blowing.
human nature is apt, if not very ration of war, not only against sanction regarding it as an act of Coming around the curve to that serious mindet, to forget one England but against all the mem. war against her.
point, hardly seventy five feet duty; so it is hoped the Company SERVICIO DE VAPORES from the switch, engines ought to will do justice to that poor man.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA of receipt which reads: LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS VAPORES SALIDAS This bill must be paid at our office VERAGUA (CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
19 de Diciembre beffore the 10th of the month QUIRIGUA. de Diciembre 59 We buy COPF (Meat of Cocoanut)
PETEN 15 de Diciembre Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot Price. 11. 00 Quintal oblige us to suspend our service, a step which FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
Pagamos cantidades grandes. 225. 00 Tonelada we would much regret to takt.
Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Sell COPR nd get more money for your CO Coconuts with LESS WORK Pare otros informes, diríase a las oficinas de la United COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Cocos a 00 el cien Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 Further Information: BEECHE parindo 73. limón, Costa Rica AN ACCIDENT WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN AVOUDED came THE REVOLUTION IN BRAZIL some ince.
Costa Rican Palm Nut Company Compra COPRA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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