
tone PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 30th November 1935.
op de fiets dowYour illustration is WHY SHOULD ITALY CONQUER ABYSSINIA NATIONAL LOTTERY URGED FOR UNITED STATES more. in. as any good. By Tom, wish you would come ve part in the possessioning of available territory, adequate for their fuUnder the Sponsorship of Ed. would revert to the National Treto see me a littel often.
Why. Bess, thought you were vasion of Ethiopia is not Italy pretext for her unjust inture developments, the whole world ward Kenney, the representative asury while the remaining three strongis now operated under a NEW for New Jersey, a Bill, which pro quarters would be divided among engaged to Jimmy Smith.
enough for lovers of Civilization and DEAL. that is to say, what was poses the establishment of a Na the States, according to the proNo m not, but think could Justice to wink at ot to allow any considered unquestionable in the tional Lottery, is now in the hands visions set out in the Bill.
be if could get up alittle brisk particle of acquiescence in this most past, has now become hideous and of the United States House Sub Congressman Kenney, who excompetition. Will you come?
offensive and unprovoked rebirth of obnoxious; and that prescribed plans Committee on Ways and Means pressed himself as being rather barbarism.
exist for the rights of peoples and and is expected to come before satisfied with the manner in which Teacher Give sevenal words ending in ous and explain the earth are still feeling the great up The nations and peoples of the nations of the world to which he Congress early in the coming Ses. Panama Lottery was being con.
atself has subscribed.
ducted, is of the opinion that a meaning For example haza heavals caused by the World War dous full of hazard. Pupil of 1914; and although strenuous Italy has thrown aside the usages Congressman Kenney, who beli. lottery in private hands can becoand customs of civilized nations, and, eves that a National Lottery would me a menace but operated legally, Pious full of pie.
forts have been and are still being as Ex Premier Mc Donald says. In be a panacea for the heavy burden as a national institution, could be Mrs. Snapper Remember we made for a restoration and a rebuild these days when the aggressor kills of taxation now carried by the peo a most beneficient instrument for ing of a Status Quo of world before declaring war, bombarding. ple of the United States of Am good. He expects the Bill will have were married by a Justice of the condition in prewar days, this is far women, children, aged people and erica and would be an outlet forla rapid progress through both Peace. Hereby Hangs TI from being accomplished. For this defenceless communities; these acts the gaming propensities of a large Houses, as in a survey recently Mr. Snapper Bah, have had reason we can safely say that it is should be classed as nothing less than percentage of the population, has conducted among the States, it was neither justice nor peace yet.
atrocious to start the shedding of criminal.
been on a recent visit to Panama to estimated that fifty five percent of Mr. Oldwed Aren you afraid blood at so short an interval and wit We imagine that Italy would have make himself personally acquaint the people in the East were Master to New Servant Gai hout even a plausible excuse.
bf letting yourwife tawe out the found her colleagues of the League of ed with the methods under which favour of the legislation as comparto my study, John, and in the autmobile alone, she doesn Italy complains of spasmodic ab. Nations ready to co operate with her, the Republic Lottery is operated ed with thirty per cent avowedly bottom of the bookcase know the traffic rules of our town will see a.
you ses committed by isolated Abyssinian if she had recommended that Abys with a view of adopting such as against it, and the remainder maintribemen far from the control of the sinia should be requested to live up may be regarded of benefit for his taining an open mind. In the Midyet, does she?
Servant. Box of cigars, sir. Government at Addis Abeba; she al to the status of civilization required scheme.
dle West and South fortyone per Newlywed Oh, that doesn Master, somewhat astonished. so complains of the uncivilized state of a member nation, and in line with The plan, as at present suggest cent also favoured the proposal mater in the least, she young Yes, but how did you find in which Emperor Haile Selassie holds her possibilities. The sovereignty ofled, proposes a monthly drawing with the West proclaiming itself you wnow and quite good loothem?
king, his people, yet Mussolini speaks of wyssinia could then have remained with a grand prize of 120, 000, enthusiastic with seventy eight per Servant Only middling, sir. revenge which he wraps in his intact, and Italy contribution to ci the tickets to be sold at 00 cent requesting its passage.
allocutions as the necessity of revilization would have been written cach. quarter of the proceeds Prafessor. What is density. Teacher Is trousers singu cuperating the dignity of Italy. lost in letters of gold not alone in her Student can define it, sir, lar of plural?
at ADOWA in the year 1896. own history, but in that of the great but can give you a good examTO CORRESPONDENT Harold Singular at the top But if Italy has been trained by powers of the world; but to endeaple.
ad plural at the bottom. Mussolini to bear revenge against Abys vour to bring her up to Italy stanconsider sinia for taping 4000 prisioners and dard of civilization by the employ article sent us regarding a func. that it comes up to that standard We are sorry we cannot use the publication, we do not killing 3000 Italians in 1896 and in ment of bombs, tanks, and all the REGARDING THE MITCHELL ADMINISTRATION cidentally saving her independence, machineries of destruction, has been tion recently held in this city, as which we are endeavouring to it was because Italy then attempted to sufficient to raise the indignation of apart from the fact that it is aga inaintain in the literary interests of bring the sovereignty of Abyssinia the whole world against such rapainst our determined policy of not the community we serve.
Dear Editro, Jehovah will destroy those who to a termination, and to subject her ciousness.
accepting anonymous articles for work iniquity; for their curses shall to vassalage, which Abyssinia de What, then were the pretentions of Ita am again thanking you for revert into their own Souls. fended sovereign nationly in introducing Abyssinia for mem sions as dilatory as possible and this has brought over the people of Itaspace in your valuable Weekly to What a pitch our Liberty Hall should. Is it then that after 12 years bership in the League of Nations. only served to handicap Abyssinia ly should extend itself the borders further express myself on the Ad has come to that we have a Papa. of development of her oligarghic go Was it that she used the League as and place Italy in such an advanta ly should extend itself beyong the bor ministration of Mr. Juan Mit do Good watching over the wel. vernment Italy could find no other a safe keeping for the prey she ex geous position that she ignored the ders of his country, and that he should chell, as he signs himself, of Ufare of a flock of 18 members. use for her militaristic officiency pected to make of Abyssinia whit overtures for an amicable settlement excesive it for the subjugation of the Does not this great audience than to have used it at this time for all her available modern military invaded Abyssinia, bombed her unworld? Fortunately for him he has On Sunday last visited that awaken President Mitchell un revenge or to display the revival equipment? Italy of course knew fortified teritories, treated with and already discovered that such an attiInstitution and was amazed at the derstanding that this gives the pub of Roman Imperialism against the that Abyssinia, as a member of the armed the rival tribes of the invaded tude is repulsive to a free and demovery small audience of 18 persons lic an idea of his capacity as a unorganized hosts of Ethiopia If such League, would be at a disadvantage country and established before the cratic world which is ready to use (including himself and his priest leader? am surprised that the be the case, then Mussolini must ha both on account of her unprepared world the simile of a Roman con every effort to repudiate such prePlunkett) In these days of members of the Race in Limon will ve overworked himself to a state of ness and the embargo that would in quest with all the tortures recorded tensions.
thought, will not the empty ben stand by and see the ruin of such demoralized efficiency, which has mediately be placed againt the fac in history.
ches to whom these two great ora a great Organization; and especial served, not for the completion of the tions threatening war.
But Mussolini does not qualify his tors are continually predicating, ly by one who, as a Cuban Negro, superior European State he planned Italy took advantage of this situa invasion of Abissinia as one of the indicate to them the fact that their know nothing of the sufferings of for Italy, but to accelerate her belit tion and transported enough troops, fangs of Roman Imperialism; he presence is obnoxious to the people those who aided in its construction, dement by his own dictatorial cal. arms and ammunition as well as her calls it a just cause. he adulteraof the community? Are they so There is now a Radio in the culations.
vast implements of war as thoughtes, no he defaces the right and lawlacking in self respect? Why will Hall, but it serves no useful pur Mussolini holds as one of his rights gong to war with one of the leading ful translation of the word just they not vacate and allow men of pose, for the family to whom itj of invasion and determination on powers of the world. Abyssinia. who and uses it for rapine and plunder.
wider vision to present a broader belongs cannot under stand it. conquest of Abissinia, the growing had placed her matter under the Lea Is it just to take away a neghbor Prop.
programme for the well being of went there on the 20th. becau population of his country which needs gue direction, had to wait until Ita rights and property, to enter the peathe Race, rather than remain in se of an invitation on the Board expansion. He argues, that as other was declared the aggressor before ceful homes of a people who have Best native lumber lactive in the midst of all this blus to the public to come and hear a nations have aggrandized their teri the arms embargo could be raised. possessed such rights for centuries?
tering of patriotism over Ethi letter read from Mr. Garvey; 1tories through conguests, mandatary The League, with the intention of Surely it is not. Is it because Mus at moderate prices opia.
was however asked to go downs decrees, and the wrestling of coun avoiding the war, made the discussolini believes that the influence he The meeting was called to order tairs. This indicates that the let tries from uncivilized tribes, he by the pious Chaplain, a chapter ter was not very favourable to the should so a step further by eradi de leela was read (this time not the 35th. President or he would not keep it cating the existence of a recognized Psalm. a few songs were sung; so secret. At that meeting there natioa which has already reached the then the valient President was cal. were only 13 members present. calegory of a member of the great led upon to assume command. He am afraid, Mr. Editor, if Mr. oncert of nations. But Mussolini has came out, apparently feeling proud Garvey were to come here he would not taken into account, that if his of the great gathering of 17 per be tempted, in whipping thom out country had slept on her laurels sons before him. His text, the 109 of the Hally to exclaim somewhat ancient day conquests, and if the Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue Psalm, was addressed to me for similar to the age old but well people of the new Italy were indiffehaving addressed my article in the known exclamation. Ye have rent or incompetent to take an actiUnico Emisor State Bank last issue of your Journal to him. made my Peoples house a den We all fully well know that of.
METROPOLITAN BUREAU Necromancers are very fond of With thanks, Mr. Editor, Legal, Notarial General ofrece al público los Offers the Public the invoking this Psalm on their vichwa Business Transactions servicios de su tims; but there is the promise that!
Edwin Herde Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Services of its My untarnished reputation of honesty. My intelligence and THE NARANJO FRUIT EXPORT COMPANY high calibre efficiency constitute the necessary and all important EN LA IN THE Within the past few days the The price being paid by this FACTORS which constitute my Banana trade on the Pacific side new company is sixty cents, local Iron Clad Guarantee to my achas been increased by the inaugur currency, per count bunch; and tual and prospective CLIENTS, CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON ation of the Naranjo Fruit Ex while they are supposed to be get who confide to my care, di.
port Company affiliated with that ting an appreciable quantity of rection and administration, the of Messrs. Saborio and Ulloa, fruit, the planters are said to be handling of their BUSINESS and para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service who have been operating in the unwilling to continue supplying GENERAL AFFAIRS.
servicio bancario Rendered EGBERT POLSON province of Cartago for some time unless an increased amount is of.
with exportations to California by fered.
Accountant, Interpreter, Trans lator, Judicial Business Agent.
way of Puntarenas.
Maduro Lumber Yard BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE RE Large Variety Ladies Hats at the Jamaica Store GEORGE BREEDY. LIMON Este documento espreni

    ImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniWorld War

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