
ETHIOPIAN TERRAIN ITS BEST DEFENCE ol a For Liver and Stomach Ailments The men from opia with Egypt. Palestine, Arabia. esture of recent years was the re in form that of an absolute monarchy selected in my map wanderings at they were greeted with ofifcial ho men of Ethiopia.
men a Continued From last issue AR The true Ethiopian is often de pregarded as the real beginning cidedly dark complexioned and his modern Ethiopia contact with the hair is frequently somewhat more outside world. King Theodore of EVERY ETHIOPIAN POTENCIAL SOLDIER than curly, but he is not a negro. Ethiopia imprudently imprisoned Delvers in ethnological research British consul. British emissaries sent and traditional history may be to investigate and remonstrate were Every Man Soldier found who agree with the Ethi. also seized and imprisoned by the By Charles Norman From the earliest times to the opians characterization of them willful monarch.
selves as the result of graftings of There resulted the British expediA LAND with an area greater present day, no foreigner visiting than England, France and Italy the ancient empire has failed to Arabic and Jewish blood upon or. tion under Lord Napier, who, assisted combined listens for the beat of remark on the warlike attributes iginal non negro tribes of north and sponsored by an Ethiopian faceastern Africa. find many of the tion opposed to Theodore, invaded the war drums it feels will sound of the population.
true Ethiopians to have distinct the country as far as Magdala, where INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF soon from over its borders.
It has been said that every Ethiocharactedistics of these two Theodore, defeated, committed suiIt listens. and feels confident pian is a potential soldier, with a great branches of the Semitic race.
of the issue.
rifle an indispensable piece of ciOf Hebraic settlement in Ethiopia, The British expedition then with Flatulence And all forms vilian equipment.
the Falasha, of so called Black drew and left their Ethiopian allies Ethiopia terrain has provided are great horsemen, Jews. are a religious remnant. The to crown the rival Emperor, Joahn Indigestion of Stomach the empire of Haile Selassie with and Ethiopia cavalry, whether aract origin of this community, residnes, as successor to Theodore.
a natural stronghold. It contains med with the spears of the ninetejust north of Lake Tsana, in Colics Disorders the greatest mountain area on the enth century, or the rifles of the iopia, is obscured in mystery. Ethiopia has never been conquered African continent, steep, inaccesi present, present an awesome specy are as dark as the Ethiopians, ble ranges that hem the Abyssinian tacle as they wheel through man preserve a form of the Jewish! The united Ethiopians have never FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES tableland, giving that fertile por euvers. They ride with only the which probably preceded Chiris been defeated in a war. The only tion ofj the country the appearance big toe in the stirrup.
inity as the State reliigon of the foreign invasion of their of a turreted castle surrounded by country They are of consistently tall Empire. An organization sponsored which did not come to grief was that MANUFACTURED BY: moats that are mountains. stature and splendid physiques. In by prominent American Hebrews is led by Lord Napier. His success was race that has fought against northeastern Abyssinia they are HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA interested in uplifting the Falasha based to an important extent upon foreign aggression and as conque almost white skinned, but towards from their centuries old isolation. the large faction in Ethiopia which SAN JOSE rors for centuries has produced like the south this color gives place to allied itself with him as a means of the country abundant crops, a black, with the prevailing skin tone Science may read forgotten history in defeating Theodore.
superabundance of redoubtable of the country described as copperEthiopia Lord Napier took back with him to warriors.
England one of the Ethiopian roya!
there is a strong national feeling that Day in Addis Ababa equipped with rifles taken Many of them are at present In anthropology and archeology crowns as well as priceless manus Ethiopia should be for the Ethiopians. Coronation that Ethiopia offers much of fascinating cripts and related material. Many of there is also an appreciation By Robert Moore tion they appeared in all the gold the Italians, Egyptians and Suinterest. That the ancient Ethiopians these relics are in the British Museum there is much for them to learn from braid, plumes, and glittering medals danese whom they have defeated.
were chišelers and hewers of stone, and are of intense interest to Ethi Europe and America.
For years Ethiopia had high po of full ofifcial dress; for as the vari Kind to children. cruel to the close relation of ancient Ethiopian scholars. gracious British The Ethiopian Government is still sition in the list of special places, ous delegations arrived at the capital beasts has been applied to the and other georgraphical units of the turn to Ethiopia of Theodore throne état. est moi may quite accura home which secrethy hoped to visti nors. in a brief reception at the new tely be remarked by the present Em yet it seemed highly improbable that railway station, by the Crown Prince Red Sea area seems to make reason and crown.
Few Ethiopians Work ably certain. Earlier scientific invesperor; but Haile Selassie is a broadI should ever have my hopes fulfilled, and high officials. Then they were Egyptian expeditions sent by Ismail minded and progressive ruler. He tigation has been handicapped by the Pasha, the Khedive, to extend his wants his people to participate in the waved her wand in the form of a respective legations or to the homes have when, out in Bangkok, Siam, a fairy escorted by a troop of cavalry to their Half of the able bodied heretofore firmly rooted Ethiopian no productive occupation frontiers at Ethiopian expense met Government and is taking educa radiogram from the National suspicion of any foreign curiosity.
This situation is now much improved. Eritrea. have traversed the battle have personal knowledge of his plansment of visiting Ethiopia to make a sentatives of the three countries has are to be seen always with a rifle Geo they were to occupy during their Attired in picturesque chamma: with defeat in territory which is now tional and other steps to that end graphic Society giving me the assign visit. Upon the arrival of the represtandard garb of the country, the Incidentally, northern Ethiopia.
where ancient history left most of ground of 1876, where the Egyptians to draw and promulgate a constito natural color record of the corona ing neighboring colonies. France, slung over the shoulder and color its evidence, is not so accessible as were defeated by the Ethiopians. tion as soon as that work can tion ceremonies.
Englant, and Italy, His Majesty the ful cartridge belts around the waist.
member of the Egyptian commander properly done and adapted to the part of the Empire centering read unbelievingly, faltered, and Emperor accorded them a special Now they are being mustered, into otherwise country and people not yet out of) within two weeks had around Addis Abeba. Approach from staff was Loring Pasha, temporarily reception, he being present at the a fighting force as Italy modern the north through the Italian colony the Confederate veteran Lor the feudal stage, in which they ap deserted my family and was on my station to welcome them to the city. legions mass on their borders.
ing, who, after the Civil War, took parently have for centuries been way to Singapore to embark for Djiof Eritrea is good as far as the After a day or two in Addis Abe An ample food supply leaves frontier, for the Italians have built a commission in the Khedive army contented.
boute en route to Addis Abeba. ba, attached unto myself a young little ambition for commerce and fine roads all over their colony, which The natives of Eritrea, mostly, Mo The stirrings of republicanism have Djibouti, on the French Somali man, Friday. to act as interpreter trade, which is chiefly carried on actually is the northern tip of the nophysite Christians of the true Ethi not yet developed in Ethiopia, nor is coast, at the west end of the Gulf of and camerabearer. His arms proved by foreigners. In times of peace the Ethiopian plateau proper.
opian type, look to Ethiopia as their there yet any organized internal po Aden, where we disembarked early to be somewhat stronger than his Ethiopian attaches him self to the Massaua, on the Red Sea, is the motherland. Many of them, after litical opposition to the present Govern one morning, is the chief gateway to linguistic abilities or his influence in retinue of higher personages whose Eritrean port. From it a railway runs education in the excellent Italian ment. The Emperor intentions for Ethiopia. After a wait of three days getting various subjects to pose mark of rank can be gauged by up in the mountains to Asmara, the schools of Eritrea, come south and governmental reform are, therefore in this sweltering port proceeded by before my camera lens.
the richness of their chammas and capital. From Asmara have travel take service under the Ethiopian entirely voluntary and from the innate train to the capital.
But, except for getting himself in the number of their horses and ed on a beautiful motor road due Government.
goodness of his heart and mind.
police court twice in as many days followers.
south to the Ethiopian frontier opDiplomats don gold braid and once for arising while it was yet The Ethiopian, with his splendid posite Adowa.
Ethiopia is a member of the league Haile Selassie prizes American plumes dark, in order to come to my hotel physique, is said to be unexcelled This highway passes Senafé, the or nations friendship Our train stopped for a time a on a morning when was to photo as a courier. Observors in the dark place where the notable Napier expeAn outstanding impression which short distance outside the city to graph some priests at early mass, and empire of Haile Selassie report dition (1867 8) first reached the Ethiopia is a member of the League have of this country during the 14 allow the diplomatic representatives to again for quarreling over changing some of them have been known to plateau after climbing up from the of Nations. It has diplomatic or con years have known it first hand is plunge into the depths of their trunks a bill that had given him to buyrun 24 hours at a stretch bearing Red Sea. Here one may see a grave sular representation either to or from the feeling of friendship and admi in the luggage van, so that when they some clean clothes. Friday served important news to almost inaccesyard wherein are buried several many of the important governments ration for the United States and its emerged from their cars at the sta me well.
British soldiers, including a colonel of the world. Notwithstanding the citizens freely expressed by all clas.
The Ethiopians are a race of whose grave marker indicates that reputation of the Ethiopians as a es of the dominating Ethiopian ele. CONTRACT APPROVED highlanders who do not like to get he was a The historic little mountaineer warrior race, they ap ment of the population. American The Contract under which the sc much importance to our Provinto the lowlands.
burial ground is now kept in order preciate the value of peace.
The visitors to this country, who fortu. Good Year Company will establish ince.
throungh the fine courtesy of (to be continued)
the Gonvernment has adhered to the nately are becoming more frequent, Rubber plantations in the country officers of an Italian mountain arti. Kellog Pact. It seeks progress, and are received with courtesy and corlery post near by.
modernization of its feudal system of diality.
THE PEOPLES BAKERY The Napier expedition may be official and social organization. While very frequent remark of His day session of Congress. It is to he hoped that no further hitch will Imperial Majesty to me is, We want occur in this matter which is of We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the THE MOST MODERN THERAPEUTIC closer relations with America; BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders want more Americans to visit us; we position and exceptional natural can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase ist TREATMENT FOR VARICOSE VEINS want American assistance in the deve resources which entitle it definitely output.
lopment of our country. recent to a place in the international spotCome in and try a Loaf.
REPORTS INDICATE IT IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE step in this direction is the appoint light.
No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH Specialists recommend that the treatment of Varicose Veins ment of an American financial ad.
My friend the Ethiopian Minister impressed on them.
should not be neglected; rather that they be attended to from their viser.
of Foreign Affairs says: We are the BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALI ENGE IMITATORS first appearance, otherwise there is the danger of serious complica The Ethiopians are convinced, and only purely native governed State in tions resulting in the formation of annoying and very painful vari have convinced me since have liv Africa. We have a culture as old as SPECIAL CRUISE RATES FOR ZONE EMPLOYEES cose ulcers.
ed and traveled in their country, that any, with our own literature and our Patent medicines ond elastic stockings have hitherto been used while modern Ethiopia may not come own grammatical lenguage. Our coun stated to be offering to Panama transferred with their baggage The United Fruit Company is, dition to which passengers will be for their treatment with little or no results, surgical operations have to be, with respect to our world, what try has the longest continuous his Railroad employees special low ra from the steamship to the railroad also been resorted to with more success.
ancient Ethiopia was to the world of tory of stable sovereignty in the In most modern therapeutics VARICOSAN in preferably used Solomon, it does have geographical world.
tes on all expense cruises to ehis station and from there to the hotel for the treatment.
country according to information and return.
reaching us from that end. Passports will not be required VARICOSAN is a medical preparation of Dr. Harris, For a ten day, stay, adults will for any who may take advantage which differs essentially from the formulas used up to now: it is rebe changed 63, 75, children from of this offer, but it will be necesgarded as the most scientific. Hundreds of doctors have for some time to 12 years 44. 13; for a 17 day sary for them to secure from our declared that VARICOSAN cures enlarged veins in a definite ma.
nner. Mony hospitals in Canada and the United States reportinLIMON visit, 91. 75 for adults and. Consul a form, known as a Salvo 68. 63 for children; and for a Conducto. which will also serve, teresting cases of cures obtaned from this treatment.
VARICOSAN is sold in concentrated form to be taken by Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa 24 day tour, 97. 75 for adults and together with the Panama Canal 71. 13 for children.
Transportation Request, as a means Irops, and its vigorous action gives rapid evidence of its good effecImportation and Sale. For this reason the treatment is more economic.
of General These round trip of identification for re entry into VARICOSAN is on sale in all the most up to date Drug StoMerchandise steamship and railroad transporta the Canal Zone.
tion, room and bath, with meals, Vaccination certificates are necesof the country. at the Gran Hotel San Jose, in ad Isary with validity for five years.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
sible points.
was definitely approved at yester: THE PEOPLES we ALLAN SIME rates cover

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