
th rum treatment.
no one has Año 11 No. 74 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 7th. December 1935.
The incessant rains which, al Serious losses are also reported Editor English Section ccompanied by high winds, have from Turrialba and surrounding been falling throughout the coun districts, by reason of the floo.
try, particularly in this and the ding of the rivers Reventazon Pe THE YUCA, ITS FOOD COMMERCIAL VALUES central zones, have caused an jivalle and Gato. The districts of For the benefit of our English, a fattening food it is considered enormous amount of damage. Cachi and Orosi have also expe readers we reproduce the very inte equal to if not better than corn. In the more northern districts riended serious losses in coffee resting article, by our zealous Legis is said that one hectarea of yuca large areas of coffee and toba. and other products. An impor. lative Representaive, Mr. Juan Ro equals eight or ten of corn for the Tre more recent news items north and south in exchange cco have been destroyed; Naran. tant bridge erecteld at cost of magosa on the subject of the Yu fattening of pigs.
from the seat of war indicate that the port of Zeila in British So, jo, San Ramon and Palmares 70, 000 at Cachi by Messrs ca plant.
In the year 1898, the first Yuca the Emperor has now decided land with a strâp of land co are reported to have lost 25 per Lindo Bros, over the Reventazon. Among the indegenous plants of starch factory was established in the to make a supreme effort to drijit with the rest of country cent of their plants.
in reported destroyed.
America is the Yuca, which, with the United States; but the industry did ve the Italians from Ethiopia. mier Laval, on the other The greatest damage has ho.
It is feared that this City will exception of corn beans and potatots, not appear to prosper and the plant general advance has been orde. suggests that Italy should wever been effected in this and be greatly put to for water on is known and most extensively culti continued to be cultivated in the red in the region of Makale, wheven the province of the the central districts.
account of damages to the pipe vated throughout the world. Its tu Southern States only as a food for re his massed forces under the with the zones situate by The inundations in Matina and line.
berous and farinaceous root constitu cattle. The country, however, is the combined command of the War Adrgiat and Makale and th Estrada have been of a more Reports from the old Line alarming character than ever. The state that the entire section has the inhabitanas the propics and per Yuca in the world. The average im equippod with the most modern suggests that Itali receive a tes the principal food of millions of largest consumer of the products of Minister and Ras Kassa are fully tier of Eritrea. In the Sou inhabilitants at several points had been affeceid and that there will haps comes next to rice in importan portations haye been 140 million implements recently imported portion of the province of to abandon their buildings by be much suffering on account of pounds annually with an average va from Europe. It is expect that the den and a bit of Harrar, the aid of boats, the water ha. the inundations of the banana It is one of the most nutritions lue of three million dollars. In 1931 coming battle will have a material this should not be connex ving risen to as high as five feet cultivations.
foods and is served in various ways. the importations were as follows, bearing on the future of the con with Eritrea and that there sho in some parts. The inhabitants of the temperate zo Crude Yuca, 2, 241, 526 pounds vaflict.
be no Italian mandate over nes are only acquainted with some oflued at 21, 180 dollars; Starch and It is stated, though unofficially, Empire which should remai INFANTILE PARALYSIS AND ITS CURE the products manufactured from the Tapioca, 140, 953, 300 pounds va that the Italians continue to abander the rule of the Negu Yuca, such as starch, flour and ta lued at 3, 033, 788 dollats. In 1930 don many of their advanced po.
In the interest of Public Health. had lasted six days before serum pioca, which have a large consump Cuba had 25, 000 hactareas under sitions on account fo their inabi Yesterday 10 Italian airpl Hylton of Estrada writes on the treatment began, still needs crutchestion as dessrts or for the prepara cultivation. In this same year Brazilllity to resist the continuous gue. attacked the town of Dessie above subject which has rightly so and mraces. In all cases trated, pain, tion of other foods.
produced 754, 459 metric tons nearrilla attacks of the Ethiopians. carging some 700 bombs wh The plant grew in alarmed our Department of Health, hyperesthesic beadache and fever dia wild state by all of which was consumed locaaccording to information under the able direction of Dr. So sappeared promptly.
in tropical America long before the Lly. The Islands of Java and Madura In addition to the very large Addis Ababa, caused 50 deaths lon Nuñez as Minister of Public The writes state that the eviden Fipaniards or Portuguese settled the supply about 90 per cent of the yu shipments of arms and munitions injured 200 persons.
Health, that as is well known, hede in these cases seem to indicate te; but it was only rtlatively recent ca products consumed in the world received by the Emperor, it is Many of the bombs were wisely ordered the closing of all that daily Schelling Blood Counts that the inhabitants began to give In 1930 Java exported 270, 274 metric authordatively stated that facto. cially directed against the Impe.
Schools throughout the country un may be of value in indicating the its commercial importance their atten tons of these products with a value ries established in Addis Ababa Palace where the Emperor was til this awful disease has been over need or lack of need of future setion. We, however, have never appre af eight millions dollars, and consist are now turning out appreciable cated at the time; he however (Big 2015 Co. is a 10 yond the amount absolutely neces tapioca and residue.
ciated it and scarcely cultivate it being of flour, dried roots or gaplek, quantities of munition and hand caped without injury.
granades under the supervision of Among the many other buildi Dr. Hlyton says syringe container of Poliomy sary for making starch and for eat If we were to plant Yuca on some European experts.
which were attacked was that clitis antistrip toceic serum refined ing along with other things or the of the abandoned or old banana lands No important changes have ing the hospital under the ch Having read of the appearence of and concentrated. The recommended form of cassava. Notwiststanding the and manufactured the more valuable been noted from the South whe of the American Red Cross Infantile Paralysis (Poliomyelitis) in dose is 10 to 15 The culture facilies which exist, and the possibili product tapioca, using the residue in re the rains are still falling and ciety. although an enormous the Interior, hereby publish the re used in inoculating the horses that ties of its becoming an important ex combination with the unexportable impeding the movements of the cross is displayed on its roof. port from Parke Davis Therapeutic yield this serum are obtained from portable article, Notes on the subject: ever bananas for the fattening of pige we Italians, althought it is said that Emperor has addressed a stro Dr. Rosenow of Mayo Clinic. thought of producing it for this pur would soon be getting wealthy. The the Ethiopians are rearyanging protest against this act to the Encouraged by the results ob Editror Note pose, and thus providing an easy and plant grows rapidly, tapioca is easilly their positions under the direc gue of Nations.
lucrative living.
tained in 1113 cases of Poliomyclimanufactured and our proximity to tion of Ras Nasibu, General We The towns of Gondar, Mais tis by Rosenow and Nickel in 1927.
We are very grateful to Dr. HlyYuca can be exported in either its the North American market places hib Pasha and other Belgian and kona and Oristzera were also Ellsworth Moody and Cora Hesselberg ton for his very instructive and ti natural or variously manufactured us in an essentially good position Turkish Officials with a view of bed the same day, as well as used Rosenow Serum in 15 cases; mely remarks in aid of Pu forms, the more important being, which should not be despised.
avoiding unnecessary losses from armed force on their way to and although the serum was not ad blic Gondar.
Health, which flour, starch, tapioca and gaplek.
air bombings.
reached short time ago an importanti In connection with the latest ministered until paralytic symtoms on the 19th. ultimate and were im a new name given to the peeled, American Company bought four thou efforts for a termination of the were well established, it was given mediately transmitted to San Jose dried and sliced roots. The United sand hectareas of land in the Domi. conflict. it is now disalosed that taning place in the northern vic is freely (20 to 120 by intro they, however, apparently overcarried States of America is the largest im nican Republic one half of which was the proposals suggests the ceding of de Dolo with heavy losse muscular injections, and as a result and never reached our printers. Their porter of these products. Yuca was planted in Yuca. The Company has to Italy certain territories in the both sides.
the paralytic symtoms were comple appearance, in this issue may seem cultivated there from the year 1860: an experimental department for the tely overcome in 13 of the 15 pa tardy to our steemed Medico, but it but it was not until 1894 that its pro making of tapioca and is now exporttients. Of the other two, one who is no fault of ours, and we only ho duction was increassed owing to the ing it to the United States. This ComHURT BY LIGHTNING had complete paralysis was so far pe that the publication may result in cold wtich, in that year, destroyed a pany proposes to augment the faciliOn Monday afternoon while shel iting the cessation of the rain improved that only paralysis of one the good desired and merit the con large parte of the orange plantations ties for the manufacture of tapiocatering himself under a three from the tree was struck by lightning and shoulder remainded; but the other, tinued assistance of such enlightened in the State of Florida and caused the flour as soon as the results of the exa case of complete leg paralysis that thinkers as Dr. Hyiton.
people ot take up the rearing of cat perimental factory indicate the type somewhat seriously hurt on the head him injuring him on his face heavy rain which was then falling, branches, being splintered, fe tle; it then became necessary for of construction and special equip. Mr. Eulogie Alpizar of Guacimo was them to provide abundant but cheap ment needed for giving the most ecofood for their animals and the Yu nomical production.
and face.
Mr. Alpizar is now a pati ca was adopted for this purpose; as According to Mr. Alpizar state the San Juan de Dios Hospital (To be continued)
men, while he was under the tree awa. wish him a speedy recovery.
LONDON. The first born son, as the dignitaries of the Church, of the Duke and Dutchess of Kent, with water specially brought from and at present the seventh in line of the River Jordan dipped from a his Note of Explanation CATASTROPHE TAKES OVER 50 LIVES succession to the throne, was on the toric golden font, baptized the in26th. November given the names of fant born on the 9th October and An enormous lanslide, which was of earth which extended over an Owing to the interruption of the Railroad preceded by prolonged subterranean of five kilometers and resulted in Edward George Nicholas Paul Pa officially declared his name.
and air services we were unable to forward all noises, occurred in the village of Ver deaths of more than fifty.
trick of Kent in baptism in the pri Though in keeping with royal cusvate chapel of Buckinham Palace. tom, the baby was given several na our material to San José in time for this issue, we galo, Ecuador, on the 3rd. instant. large number of cattle were Members of the royal family, in mes, he will be known in everyday therefore crave the sympathy of those of our All the inhabitants are reported to so lost and extensive cultivations cluding the grandparents. King Geor usage as His Ropay Highness Prin esteemed correspondents whose communications have been buried under the huge fall troyed.
ge and Queen Mary, looked once Edward of Kent.
do not appear today.
HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINX THE GOOD YEAR CONTRACT NON IN FORCE Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Contract of the Good Year According to the announcement of Para EUROPA SERVICIO DE VAPORES Rubber Company, recently approved the Company Representative, Mr. SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con by Congress was finally executed by Ingle, an immediate start will be maAMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA the Chief Executive on Tuersday last de in connection with the work of es and published the following day along tablishing plantations, the first of Cordillera Diciei LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS with the enabling law in the official which will be attended to in this ZoGazette. It is now in full force and ef ne. Palatia Diciem SALIDAS fect.
QUIRIGUA de Diciembre Para GUATEMALA PETEN 15 de Diciembre SETTEMENT OF BORDER DISPUTE FURTHER DELAYED (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTO VERAGUA 22 de Diciembre It is understood that there is little, that in view of the political activi Caribia Diciemk FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
likelihood of the discussions for the ties in which our people and those settlement lon pending of the adjoining Republic are now SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS boundary dispute with Panama engaged in connection with the forthPara otros informes, diríjase a las oficinas de la United being resumed during the remainder coming general elections, it will be Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica of the terms of the presen: adminis unpropitious to resume the matter HAPAG LLOYD TELEFONO 3156 trations.
until after normal conditions have The AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA Este documento es proniedad de la Buketecer nadahal benguelasögon affolerennatengste blisbredas del Ministerio de Cultura TELEFONO 208 us PRINCE EDWARD OF KENT.
VAPORES of our Juventud Costa Rica


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