
GINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 7th. December 1935.
BEFORE THE LAW COURTS PARK HOTEL not fulmarked one of the guests at the wedding. Yeh, relied the other, he con templating the possibility of their To go back to the question of mon Service Bureau represents Ear Limon, Costa Rica, On ocean front coming back to settle down on him how the Laws are scandalized in Li le; The Metropolitan Bureau has Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath. Well ventilated after the honeymoon.
mon, we came across a model case charge of Perry interests while Mr. dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. a few days ago.
Carlos Orozco, Expert at Law, repreSample room Jones. And will your wife hit sents Williams.
LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress the ceiling if the catches you sneak Daniel Earle seem to have been in The summing up of the Judge is Post Office Box 236 Telephone ing in so late?
possession of a farm during the li rather interesting. The Advocate Bill. Sure to, she an awful fetime of the former owner, one Miss for Earle says that the Bill of Sale of his requests clearly and concisely, colones and paid for them. few chot.
Coleman, reaping the products on cannot be considered by the Judge his requests cannot obtain the consi days later she goes into the shop shares. Coleman dies and one Joseph because it is of no legal value being derations which a correctly stated again wearing the glasses; the de What did the doctor say about Perry, while detained in the Cam invauded by many defects you. John? anxiously inquired his pos College, writes to Andrew Wiltilling thereby the requirements which tioner Perry Francis has not proper had made a mistake in his price, accase demands. Therefore as the peti fendant Tang, possibly realized he wife.
lia to take charge of the farm on the Organic Law governing notarial ly stated his case, he is bound to ru costed the woman for not having paid Huh. growled John, from the his account until he should be libe procedure contemplate. The receipt le his petition out of Court. the balance of five colones on the number of things he found the mat rated, alleging that he had purchas also he cited lacks responsible signater with me, you have thought it ed it from the deceased woman (of tures thereon and is void of the re Williams putring in a On Tuesday we find the defendant espectacles. Tht foman recents the atdocument to tack and alleges she bought the glasses IEREBY HANGS was the garage man telling me what course before she died. Willamsquisites which art. 741 of the exonerate himself from all osts in for three colones and paid for them.
was wrong with my car.
acts on this instruction, whereupon vil Code prescribes. TALE the matter, because he was only act The Chinaman goes up to the woEarle naturally issues a suit against The Judge, in nonsuiting Perry ing under orders in writing from man and snatches them from her Achie. And why do you call me him for trespassing on his posses case says that this petitioner does ovie Director Now, here. Pilgrim.
in the eyes and brings two natives to prosional rights. Perry comes Perry as his Administrator in as a not seem really to know what he asks matter and praying the Court to eli ve that the woman acknowledged aere you jump over the cliff. Mabel. Well, just because every third party, defending Williams by a for; he proposes a series of proofs minate him from any responsibility owing the five colones and voluntaNervous Actor. Oh, but suppo time you call you make a little pro terceria or interpleader summons, which are not admissable to the suit in the suit as since Perry had lost, rily returned the glasses to him and m killed or injured. gress.
claiming that inasmuch as Earle had cited; he then asks that the oral through had instructions, it would be he refunded her the three colones.
Director That wouldn matter.
entered into an agreement with the proofs be suspended; then he after unjust to inciminate him for Costs in Judge Vaglio however, being a sort the last scene in the picture, Helen Is your boyfriend the deceased Coleman (again prior towards asks that by all the proofs ad the suit of Earle vs. Williams acting of Solomon, did not quite see (witkind that can smile when things look her death) for the farm in partner duced, that Earle claim be thrown for Perry Francis.
hout the aid of the troublemaking dark?
ship, he had purchased same from out for lack of personality in his claim glasses) the possibility of the alter the bride father looks Lily. Yes, certainly, that the Coleman while she was ill, but be against this farm, whereas in reality MacAdam vs. Sinclair cation having been carried on in sed than the bridegroom. re way he likes the parlor to look. fore she died.
the suit was not against the farm.
In this suit MacAdam charged Mrs. Spanish, as the pair of witnesses de There are no less than three SoliHe winds up by saying that it can Sinclair for accusing him, in an as clared, when the old woman does citors engaged in this case. The Li not be expected that the Akalde sembly of persons in the Liberty Hall not speak Spanish. He consequent set there to give lessons in legal pro with having stolen a fowl.
tly condemned the Chinaman and Ve beg to call your attention to our remark a the back cedure to those who use juridical Mrs. Sinclair failing to prove her fined him for the offence, granting of receipt which reads: METROPOLITAN BUREAU phraseology in so strange a manner.
Legal, Notarial General innocence was fined twenty colones the woman damages and costs. He Neither is it an obligation of the Jud. by His Honour the Judige of the Po appealed but the sentence was up.
Business Transactions This bill must be paid at our office se in a civil suit to divine or pro lice Court. Sinclair appeals before held and it is learned that a case of Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. phesy the intentions of the litigants His Excellency the Governor, who not a thousand bucks damages is to be beffore the 10th. of the month My untarnished reputation of and then order the corresponding only upolds the sentence of Judge launched soon against the offender.
honesty. My inteligence and mode of bringing a suit before the Vaglio, but increases the fine to Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot high calibre efficiency constitute Courts. Escritos ought to be made thirty colones and grants MacAdam the necessary and all important out in a clear and concise manner in oblige us to suspend our service, a step which damages and Costs.
FACTORS which constitute my accordance with the Laws bearing on we would much regret to takt.
Iron Clad Guarantee to my ac such matters asked for.
Christiana vs. Jose Luis Tang itual and prospective CLIENTS. repeat. he says, that it is not FRANK MADURO Jr.
COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON who confide to my care, di possible in Legal procedure to be di This is a curious case instituted by Prop.
rection and administration, the vining the intentions of the petitio the Limon Service Bureau on behalf handling of their BUSINESS and ner and less to give tramitation to the of one Christiana in which it is shewn Best native lumber GENERAL AFFAIRS.
correct interpretation of the desires that the woman bought a pair of of such litigant; thus while the pe spectacles from the Chinaman at the at moderate prices EGBERT POLSON titioner does not give the expressions corner at St. Mark Hall for three Accountant, Interpreter, Trans also lator, Judicial Business Agent.
more Maduro Lumber Yard URTHER DISCLOSURES REGARDING PRESIDENT MITCHELL BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE members of the Division. Much complaint has been received against Mr.
Editor: send as Assessment Tax without a Mitchell, as well as he himself has complained. Members of the quota for membership.
ollowing on the fine letter of The members comprising the Com Division are entitled to meet at and Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue Horde as to the carryings on at mittee for reorganizing the Division use the Hall. Therefore nobody can irty Hall, learn that Mr. Mit on a sound business basis made the be excluded from it by any officer. Unico Emisor State Bank instead of trying to ameliora Division financial with the Parent and it must be further understood he miscarriages around him and Body, in consequence of which it has that if any officer acts contrary to ofrece al público los mall family of devotees, is going been entered in the Blackman as the members of the Associacion, the Offers the Public the ad town threatening to flog Mr. functioning. The Committee forward members have the right to restrain servicios de su le. What a Mussolini Services of its are haved five dollars in July as monthly him for so doing.
in Costa Rica. quota for fifty members for August; his explanations as to his ac in September they forwarded six dol Prior to receiving you letter, com aplishments, Mr. Mitchell the debs he has paid since his ad five dollars as quota, hence the rea Limon Division, with an enclosure of asserts lars; in October they again remitted munication was received from Miss Linda Westney, as Secretary of the as President; but why does he son why the Division appears as func 18 dollars for Assessment Tax for EN LA IN THE tell his few hearers that the timing financially, not from the masts paid by him was possible by nipulations of President Mitchell. He members. Not understanding the simoney he found there borrowed says he will not send a dollar to the tuation, an acknowledgement has been CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON the McPhersons and stowed Parent Body or Mr. Garvey until he made to her for the amount, but she ray in the Chest earmarked for has paid off the indebtedness of the has been told that the amount was para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service Division, but which, instead of being accepted on condition that there is paid is increasing monthly.
going to be good relationship betservicio bancario Rendered would be interesting for him to ween all the members of the Organihow much he has repaid to Mc As proof of the above assertions, zations.
on from the rentals of the pro Mr. Editor, please permit me to pu The group of members that you. which ought to yield 329 co blish Mr. Garvey letter to Mr. Dan represent have equal rights with all cus Garvey, President Grl.
THE RADIO es per month as this was given to Roberts: 23 October 1935, Dear other legitimate members to use the As far as the Ethiopian crisis is! This speaks very clearly on Mr. NON COMMISSIONED Person to repay himself within a Mr. Roberts. have received your Hall, and hope this will be done. concerned, cannot advise anything Mitchell shirthighted manipulations At the expense of the Organiar. So far as we can judge, it is letter under date the 26th, ultimo, as have written to you because you, that would approach what we would at the Hall. He oguht to know that zation he is becoming a Radio nigh on two years but nothing also that from the Committee of Re as a Trustee, are well acquainted like; because we are not in a posi Mr. Garvey is the idol of the people, Expert, but as in the case of all has been paid out organization bearing date the 25th. with all the members and you have tion to do much because of the na hence they will make any sacrifices experiences. No Wreck no Rail plones per annum ren ultimo with enclosure of six dollars authority to see that the property is tionally of the people in Costa Ri to maintain the Parent Body; but if road, he has burnt out two fuses, explain this to his be as a further payment on account of properly used. can only judge Mr. ca. It is impossible for them to ser this is not done they will not fứnc so this convenience must be sus say nothing of the members of the Division. It is re. Mitchell from the complaints made. ve Abyssinia. Then again Abyssinia tion. He is so foolish he cannot see pended until these are replaced. a dances and functions; freshing to have a letter from you, hope that he received the letter ad it not able to transport them; Con this, all he insists on doing is to Radio Operator and Broadcaster is as ticket vendor and and am pleased indeed to learn dressed to his Secretary who forward ditions are of such as to make it al abuse and scandalize anyone who is more profitable than a Baker aud as Collector, who that the property of the Division is led the 18 dollars. He will realize my most impossible for them to help in intelligent enought to point out his trade. especially with flour at 72 gate entry? Of all this now free from troubles as stated by feeling in the matter and that neither the way we would like. All we can sherotcomings. He is going one step colones per sack, hence no wonder a dollar has been sent you in the communication. he nor anyone will give any trouble do therefore is to pray for them and further now by threatening violence he now takes lessons.
nt Body until Lady Ci am rather shocked at the conti to make it impossible for the Organi in there is any financial assistance we to any who will not be led to think Thanks Mr. Editor, loaned eighteen dollars tol nuous disputes between officers and zation to continue in a pacific man can send do so urgently (sgd. Mar as stupidly as he does. Interested.
An Assortment of English Tweeds at the JAMAICA STORE GEORGE BREEDY de la del Juv


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