
as For Liver and Stomach Ailments INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF the year.
LO the west side of the FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES anner sancA Hope For Hauptmann coverContinued From last issue Consequent on the damages pro the damage which the high winds must duced by the recent hurricanes and have done to a large percentage of the For my own comfort, considered tion with the priests in St. Georgs floods, conditions in the foreign Ba plants.
hiring a mule to ride. But that would Cathedral.
nana trade are reported much im We are not at this time in posseshave necessitated one or more gun he throne room is a scene proved, in both the English and Eas sion of any information regarding bearers to make my retinue complete tern American markets.
conditions on the Pacific side; but of splendor in the sight of the Ethiopians, and, In England the price has risen from we note that the Firm of Messrs. Sa Trough the early morning the as had no gun, had to forego that 15 to 18. 10. large percentage of borio Ulloa are expecting to augchanting of praises continued, ac pleasure and luxury and walk the fruit for this market is obtained ment their shipments, having secured compained by the dancing of the much as possible to avoid the exfrom Jamaica, but as that Island had the support of a number of agricut priests with their great pulsating orbitant taxi fares.
the sad experience of being visited by turists in the provinces of San Jose.
drums, the whole suggestive of the The taxi men had such a keen two hurricanes she is now unable to Heredia and Alajuela who were hiancient Jewish rites which were in desire to let the coronation visitors meet the requirements of that mar therto using their Bananas merely cover the last payments and the year danced before the Ark of the Coveuse at the time when King David ket. The demand in the Eastern Amer for shade purpose and animal feed, overhead expenses on their cars that ican markets is also reported as beingſ but who now intend to extend their nant.
the Emperor eventually had to issue exceptionly good for this period cultivations and to dispose of the The ritualistic ceremonies of the a bulletin stating the maximum rates fruit to the Firm under open mar.
that could be charged between various coronation were performed in a larSupples for the latter markests wercket conditions.
ge auditorium, immediately adjacent Flatulence And all forms points in the city.
principally obtained from these parts, Cathedral, The hotels, too, were pressed to the but owing to the serious losses suffer There is also the rumour that limit for accommodations, and prices led for the occasion to provide adeworca hac been espec. a. y conscruc Indigestion of Stomach ed by the inundations which occurred certain parties interested in the exmounted.
recently, exportations have been con portations from the central provin But it is not every day that a coun quate. y for the seating of the 700 ofColics Disorders siderably reduced.
ficials and guests.
ces are arranging to acquire trucks try may have a coronation.
We were in hopes that this will of a very much larger tonnage than The side walls of the building were wind would have blown us some those now being used in the transof white cloth, decorated only at the New Flower in holiday mood good; but we are now fearing that portation of the fruit from the pillars with clusters of small flags: the results of the existing weather various points to San Jose, so that For the period of the festivities, he lofty ceiling was formed of oran conditions will also so materially ef larger weekly shipments may, be ge lyellow cloth caught in several draMANUFACTURED BY: Addis Ababa, New Flower. was in fect our trade that we too are in for made. There is also said to be the full bloom and in a cheerful holiday pes, and across the entire front rich, HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA heavy losses; as apart from the inabi proposal to erect a special loading mood. Many of the streets had been gold shot. red curtains fell in loose lity of the Railroad to transport fruit station in the Capital and to secure to. ds to separale the freshly asphalted or metaled; too SAN JOSE immediately, a large number of the machines similar to those in use many, perhaps, were lined on either tuary from the main portion of the farms will be so flooded that it will lere by the United Fruit Com.
side with tall eucalyptus picket fenbe impossible for farmers to obtain pany, for the loading of the frui Some distance apart, and about ces to conceal the native tukuls their usual guantities, in addition to in Puntarenas.
onethird of the length of the room RAILWAY COMMUNICATION INTERRUMPED (huts. But everywhere quantities of from the sanctuary, stood the wide bunting and flags lent it a colorful Once again we are without dipended since Thursday.
air against the general backdrop of carones of the Emperor and the Emcanopies rect communication with the in Every effort is being made by cable dated Trenton the 6th. result of the investigations made green foliage and beneath the clear press, beneach golapostea surmountea by large goiden crowns. terior. Owing the torrential fall the Company to repair the dama states the Governor has declared and evidence received by him.
sky of rare November blue.
Over the main routes that the Em. The throne at the fet, designated of rain during the past few days ges for an early resumption of that Elis Parker, the famous Chief for the Emperor, was decorated in several landslides have occurred throught traffic, but so long as thel of the Detective force of Burring In view of this important declaperor was to pass, several great scarlet and gold, while that at the along the Northern Railway with heavy rains contiune this work ton is fully convinced that Bruno ration it is felt that there is a arches had been erected. Workmen right, for Her Viajesiy, was the result that all communication will be greatly hampered and Richard Hauptmann did not assas chance of the condemned man eswere still busily engaged in the fiew in blue and gold.
with the Interior had to be sus. retarded.
sinate the Lindbergh infant, as a caping the Electric Chair.
nal completion of the coronation muOn each side of the room, facing nument, which was being erected on the open space between the thrones a newly built triangle in the center and the scarlet covered tables before PALESTINE FIRST CONTINGENT FOR ETHIOPIA No Scientist will deny the dangerous Reper.
cussions of Uric Acid in the Human System of the city.
the sanctuary, upon which reposed Cable dated Jerusalem the 4th. Among the number are many influen Nearly all the aflicted do not consider, on the appearance of On the day proceding the coronaand about seventy the first symtoms, that they are harbouring the most terrible of is tion, in the circle in front of St Geor the royal insignia, sat the Ethiopian instant states that the first contin tial merchants ge Cathedral, the Emperor, in the Princes and nobles, accompanied by gent of Ethiopian soldiers left Pales. members of various commercial and toxications.
the plomatic representat. ves in a tine on that day for Addis Ababa. industrial organizations.
Interesting information by Dr. Denty.
presence of diplomatic groups and We consider it of interest to partially reproduce the inform kaleidoscopic display or full ofhcia thousands of his own people, attion given by Dr. Denty of Toronto, Canada, regarding the dang tented the unveiling of the gilded sta) dress. The space back of the thrones was reserved for the other Ethiopian which Uric Acid introduces and the results obtained in many cases tue portraying his venerable predeby the Active Radio treatment of Dr. Harris.
cessor, Menelik II, and paid tribute dignitaries and foreign guests.
Long shafts of early morning sunThis information was published by the Medical Record Assa to his illustrious great uncle, whose ciation: strict justice and whose iron hand had light streaming throught the tall winHaving regard to the desire of Instructions have been issued to dows and diffusing torough the whi No Scientist will deny the dangerous repercussions, even in so effectively quieted the internal strite de walls lifted out the rich comercial community some of the members of our com the Governor by the Minister of fe and had brought a measurable ex lors of the hangings, the thick floor themselves by the benefit State to vigorously proceed against an apparently mild form, of Uric Acid in the human system. It tent of unity in the land.
unfortunate any merchant found unduly in. now definitely known that a large number of the disorders whic It was Menelik, too, who successrugs, and the resplendent costumes, condition now existing by increas creasing his prices. The government our Quacks list as having no relation with one another result fro.
cle of unmatched prismatic beauty. day necessity, the government has, should it be necessary, to authorize patic and blood functions as also that of the heart. This last change aggression, and also sought to bring The inner sanctuary, behind the drapon the commendable action of our importations from Colon and New is one of the most serious and is usually fatal. large majority of his country, which had been so long ed red curtains, was suffused with a Governor, don Julio Jurado, taken Orleans of commodities of primery rebral embolism, sore chests, hardness of the arteries or pains of the the cases which suffer from simple headaches, rheumatic pains, ce.
isolatea, into touch with the progress golden red light of the world.
Shortly latfter 7:30 o clock, His steps to restrict such inhuman ex. necessity free of duty.
heart originate from Uric Acid. Almost all those afflicted do not Two days later, in the quiet of the ploitation.
Imperial Majesty, attired in white silk consider, on the appearance of the first, symtoms, that they are harbeuatiful mausoleum on Palace Hill, communion robes, entered the cerebouring the most terrible of intoxications and in place of having re while the priests moved about swing monial hall from the church, with an ing sinver belled censers of fragrant in scort of aides and the clergy, and course to special preparations, in their ignorance, they resort to simple narcotict.
cense, the diplomatic representatives We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the large number of cases, from lumbago, rheumatic pains, par.
Taid wreaths before the tomb of Me took his piace upon the throne. Thenelik and that of his daugheter, the BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders tial rheumatic paralysis to the terrible arterial esclorosis have been reupon the ceremony began.
can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase ist treated with ARTHRITOL of Dr. Harris. In several cases Jate Empress Zauditu.
His Majesty makes his coronation output.
like that of partial paralysis it was combined with the diathermy As the Ethiopians have maintained Come in and try a Loaf.
treatment. The results have been so conclusive and rapid that do their independence through the cen The liturgy was performed in Ara No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH not hesitate in recommending it to my colleagues. All who carefully turies so too they have been able to bic by the Abuna, assisted by a Cop impressed on them.
examine the ARTHRITOL formula have concluded that they maintain their chosen religion, often tic representative of the Alexandrian BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS have been confronted with a product of the highest scientific founat the point of the spear. An island, Patriarch and several Coptic deacons, dation.
of Christians in a sea of pagans. is Ethiopian bishops from the different this he was presented with the royal the chanting of Psalms, nothing dis the expression once used by Mene parts of the country, high priests from insignia.
burbed the impressive solemnity sa ARTHRITOL is not a poisonours medicine. It is, on the lik in referring to his country in a the chief monasteries, and a grow and blessings of the high Ethiopian airplanes which circled above. Other ty of its composition ensures rapidity of action not hitherto known One by one, with the solemn rites ve the staccato exhaust of low flying contrary, a regenerator of the blood protoplasm. The radio activi.
letter to the European powers. of the metropolitan clergy.
Before the questioning of the Abu clergy, he received the gold embroid wise the centuries seemed to have and for this reason the treatment of all Uric disorders by means of The dawn of the coronation na, the Emperor gave, his sacred ered soarlet coronation robes, the slipped suddenly backward into Bi ARTHRITOL becomes the most economical. This medicine is sold in concentrated form to be taken in drops. It is on sale in all ceremony pledge to uphold the orthodox reli jeweled sword, imperial gold scepter. blical ritual.
the best Drug Stores throughout the country.
gion of the Alexandrian Church, to the orb, the diamond incrusted ring Crowning the Empress As Sunday, November 2, dawned support and administer the laws of and two gold filigree lances in to In a brief ceremony the Crown DEATH OF KING GEORGE SISTER clear, all in Addis Ababa began to the country for the betternent of the ken of his position and responsibili: prepare for the impressive event of the people, to maintain the integrity of ty.
Prince pledged to serve and support Princess Victoria, Sister of King the stomach, and on Monday last morning. The Emperor and Empress Ethiopia, and to found schools for Following ancient custom, as when his father, the Emperor. The princes George died in London on the severe hemorrage set in and despi had already spent the hours since the developing the spiritual and material Samuel anointed David, and Zadok then made obeisance on bended knee 3rd. instant, at the advanced age of te the efforts and united attention night previous in prayer and medita welfare of his subjects; and after and Nathan anointed Salomon, so the before the Emperor, the assembly apof your noted physicians she passed Abuna anointed His Majesty head plauded their greeting, and the visitThe Princess had been for some away during the early hours of that th oil, and then placed thereon the ing naval band played the national time suffering from an affection of day. crown, made from pure native gold, anthem, while outside cannon roared incructed with diamonds and eme a salute of 101 guns, and cheer after STATION RESTAURANT ralds. He then concluded with the cheer came from thousands of subSIQUIRRES words, That God may make this jects massed in the vicinity of the LIMON (Under New Management)
crown a crown of sancity and glory. Cathedral.
That( by the grace and the glessings As soon as the ceremonies for the The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be which we have given, you may ha Emperor had ended, the Empress, acserved on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res ve an unshaken faith and a pure companied by her ladies of honor, Importation and Sale of General taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Sp hoart, in order that you may inherit entered from the right side of the ken, Se habla español, Merchandise the crown eternal. So be it.
sanctuary and took her throne. SULLIV Throughout the whole ritual and (To be continued)
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ALLAN SIME Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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