
NEWS OF THE WAR TIIE ATLANTIC VOIC The Weather current pany.
st exists So much delay has resulted from as its previous acceptance by the the many talks and conferences League.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone one way and another, that the va. In the meantime weather condilue of an embargo on petroleumtions and the determined efforts Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 14th. December 1935. Editor English Section may be found to be useless in halt of the Ethiopians are helping the Año Il No. 75 ing Mussolini motorized war Emperor forces to inflict much machine against Ethiopia. It is ap damage on the hordes of Mussoliparent to the most casual thinkerni. Little by little Emperor Salas THE PRESENT LANDS DENOUNCEMENT that the whole matter is naught sie men are driving back the but hyprocrisy. The English di Italians in every engagement. The PROBLEM plomats have allowed the French comparative quiet, which has for to lure them into arguments and some days existed on all fronts, is If the philosopher cycle of that house, due to the collap conferences on this all important stated by the Italians to be caused Much comments are seven counts for anything, cer ofthe Dam at 25 Miles, question, until Italy has been gi by the necessity of establishing anent the possibility of denounc Small cultivators ven sufficient time to store such more solid lines of defence and bet ing the lands which are being fore have no fear of disadvant in the change we are experienc the large volume of need there tainly we should not be surprised wall not given way anchor vast amounts of petroleum, gas, ter service for provisioning the handed over to the government ages being taken of them. Theying in the seasons this year. Just spread ever a vast area, etc. in Eritrea that when, if ever, army as it advances. On the other by the United Fruit Co. in keep have one at the head of the seven years ago we had similar would have occurred in the the embargo is placed it will be hand it has been officially announcing with the dictates of the last gricultural Department of the occurrences by Rains and Floods, llage of Matina? Two he nothing ohter than a huge childs ced that Ras Seyoum has been concession. Ten thousand hecta government who is a lover of Wash outs and Landslides, all were washed away at this play.
meeting continued success in his reas are to be handed over bet justice tnd Fairplay; all they over the country. month ago and one death resulted. Two weeks ago it was pointed surprise attacks on the invaders, ween Zent, Indiana and Santa have to do is to give a proper these experiences were encoun sympathetic native, after res out by experts that Mussolini had and also inflicting much loss by Clara.
return to the Engineer who will tered in Nicaragua, Honduras ing half a dozen women fr stored sufficient oil in Eritrea to the guerilla tactics of his large and Many natives are very anxious be sent to survey the lands and and El Salvador; and now we their swamped houses, beca: push his war preparations full well equipped force.
to denounce the lost settled by the delineate the holdings. All de are having seasons similar to cramped and died from the speed for six months. The embarIn the south the Italians are re coloured people, who rented them nouncements are being held in those we experienced in 1928. fects, his death is much deplo go should have taken effect on the ported to be suffering much from from the Company and cultiva abeyance until the lots are meas In that year, the flood came ed in the vicinity.
12th. instant, but here we have a cholera epidemic. More than one ted them with catchcrops, later ured.
on somewhat suddenly; there was At Estrada, two houses another fake cropping up Foreign hundred cases have already been with Cacao and various kinds of!
Minister Hoare agrees with Laval registered in the region of Moga fruit plants.
In the meantime let us once really not the amount of rains also reported washed off again give a warning, to our poor nor a duration of the showers to bases and much damage dor to allow Italy to take over one half dicio, Italian Somaliland.
The Minister of Fomento, labouring men. There are unscru have caused such floodings; stock. The Municipality sen of Ethiopia, without any permis The British sion from the Cabinet for such an are strongly opposing the proposals the matter, is however press and public whose department has charge of pulous village lawyers whom we hence some persons were led to dozen boats equipped with re a most learn are charging a hundred co believe that the cause was a su and tackling and a score and arrangement. Naturally, Ethiopia of Hoare and Laval, and great sympathetic Officer of the go lones to make Solicitudes to the terranean upheaval. This year half of boatmen to rescue will refuse to accept such an im consternation among the vernmente and has admirably ar government for these lands; but we have had a series of continu poor people who were in ter position which the Emperor has members of the League. Eden has gued the case for these occupants. as there is a regular form of ap ous downpours of showers which difficulties. Reports say the already designated a violation of threatened to resign as Britain He points out to his colleagues plication, the filling out of the should not surprise anyone of the did magnificent work. They the most sacred principles of inter Representative if this state of sub that these poor people were se should not cost more than ten resultant washouts and landslides turned and were paid off national integrity. majority of mission to all the demands of Italy brought here when they were or fifteen colones at the outside, particularly throughout the following day, each man get the smaller nations too are oppos obtains.
young men, and laboured on the none should therefore pay fa tlantic Division. There has been we were informed, twentyf ed to the proposal, which they The world now watches to see farms and on the railroads for bulous prices for having this very much more storm waters colones for the two days sp claim is in direct conflict with the what will be the next piece of by the benefit of the industrial life done. Remember too, denounce accumulated in every section of out there.
principles of the League of Na procrisy in this great wait and of the country during the bestments are only available to Naſ the great improvements made at The damages and losses tions. The integrity of British Jus watch farce.
part of their manhood; later, in tionals; though there are men the Lines; but from the fact of sed to produce and live tice and Fairplay will certainly suffer much from the proposal. Italy The British Liberal Party has dedicated themselves to agricultu hundred colones and make their declining years, they have here in Limon who will take your enormous cost by the Northern have been appalling. Up to is of course disposed to agree, al called on Parliament to condemn re for their support in their old application, knowing it will an Railway Officials at the weaker turday the trains could only though it is said Mussolini will ask any arrangement which violates the age and have been honest ten turned down. They may be spots, to safeguard a continuity as far as Estrada, but on to be allowed a week within which territorial integrity and political in ants of the Company, paying probably make another applica have been disastrous interruption worst slides are reported as then of traffic, there certainly would day Siquirres was reached.
to submit his reply, and there is dependence of Ethiopia as treason their rentals all these many years, tion through a lawyer friend in onthe Company lines.
the rumour that he will be suggest to the League and an injury to the it would therefore now be unjust, San Jose knowing also that such ween Devil Elbow and To ing certain modifications as well honour of the Nation.
The estimates given out by Those between Turrialba, Sa he says, to dispossess them me a one can do no more for you. the Company Officials place go and Paraíso have bene rely because they are not Natio In the meantime they will en the interruption as a month de so trains are now running nals, for the purpose of handing deavour to impress you with the privation of direct traffic between San, Jose to Turrialba.
such lands over to the latter be belief that they have worked this city and San Jose, but had On the Estrella Line, ti cause they are under cultivation, most interestedly for you. it not been for the constant tigh could only run as far as It is indeed fortunate that ne. It is by reason of such con No, declares the Minister, its You may then be advised to tening of places likely to give hurst up to Saturday but the United Fruit Company has siderations that the losses from only right and just that if these get naturalized which should way, and improvements at points Tuesday has been able to been buying this product in its undried Cacao have not been so lands are to be denounced, the have been the first step taken, of frequent troubles, there is no the slides and washouts.
wet condition from our small terribly felt during these weeks denoucements should apply to and for this you might be charg gainsaying that the delay in open growers otherwise they would of incessant rain; and it is gra the uncultivated portions so ased fifty colones. Therefore be traffic would have been much Consequent on the inte be experiencing serious losses tifying to note that our people to improve the settlements as warned, do not walk tamely into greater than that of 1928. tion of Railway Traffic the with their present crop. Thanks, are quite alive to this fact and the Law prescribes; but the peo a trap, get a conscientious The flooding at Estrada, Ma planes of the National Air however, to the keeen vision of very much appreciate the kind ple occupying the cultivated lots to advise you; of course an ad tina and 27 Miles have been (Mr. Macaya s) as wei Mr. Bookout of the Agricultural sentimentality of the Company should continue in ocupation, vice may cost you five colones much more severe than in the pre of the Enta Compa Department and Mr. Ames much through her Officials.
paying their rents to the govern but it may save you hundreds of vious cycle, seven years ago, The been pretty frequent loss and great suffering have ment just as they did to the Com dollars and years of worry. broken Dam on the Barbilla Ri trips since Saturday. been alleviated by their timely There has consequently been an ver, at 25 Miles, is said to be day the Air Base had three help and accommodations to our enormous shipment of this pro SOMETHING UNUSUAL AT PACUARITO the cause of the increase of these nes landing passengers at poor people of whom, say as one duct during the past wtek or so; floods; it is indeed fortunate that same time.
may, the Company has always remarkably good consignments this is so, because if that did not Our city folk have had it been very very considerate, whe went forward from our several ther from the fact thath it was shippers; and we are proud to As a consequence of the ex ants are much perturbed regard occur there would have been much ticularly hard. With almo week of continuous rainfall traordinary weather we have ing this abnormal occurrence in deeper floodings in Matiña.
she who brought them here or say that the Banco de Costa Ri been having, Mr. Ward of Pa their quiet, thriving, peaceful These were certainly bad who were compelled to be whether from the fact that inca did their fair share, for we cuarito, in an interview, gave us little settlement; and those who enough because the waters was business were seriously ha.
troublesome times as strikes and feel that inasmuch as her modes to understand that on the night are of a fanatical superstitious hed completely over the Station ped; business has been mu the like, she can always depend and procedures in the business of Wednesday 4th. instant there turn of mind, such as the mem platform; and considering that at tarded and the usual me on them as faithful employees, are not yet up to the proper were five distinct subterraneous bers of the Pocomayer Gang La Joya, 24 Miles, there was of all Organizations and As she has nevertheless, as we say stands, she must be supported explosions heard in the hills to or the so called independent fo nearly eight feet of water under tions had to be postponed.
been very considerate to the well to keep competition up to the the south of that village; the lowers of John the Baptist, or being of the settlers in this Zo standard it should be.
fifth sounded like a surface ex the Apostolics, make much meat plosión which sent out a great out of these geological disturban We beg to call your attention to our remark a the bi fountain of water and wich it a ces to feed the ignorant ones; of receipt which reads: landslide of a considerable volu but such things do occur in difwe which pushed toward the rail ferent parts of the world where way track, cultivations, houses, chemical composition of underThis bill must be paid at our offic SERVICIO DE VAPORES Cacao platforms and whatever ground viens coming into contact beffore the 10th. of the month else was in the wake of this vo with other chemicals with which!
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK lume of earth and rock. One of there is no affinity do not easily escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA Be so good os to comply with this request and nu his, Mr. Ward houses was so neutralize and the consequence LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS dislocated that he had to come is an explosion, with its intensioblige us to suspend our service, a step which into town to obtain the necesty and consequent upheaval dewe would much regret to takt.
VAPORES SALIDAS sary lumber and zinc to rebuild pending on the volume of gasses PETEN 15 de Diciembre it as well as to reconstruct his getting in collision. As a proof COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON VERAGUA 22 de Diciembre cacao dryers which have been pla of this, the cables in the New ced in a useless condition. York World. dated 9th. inst. QUIRIGUA 29 de Diciembre new rivulet flooded the ori show where as entire village was ginal creek which flow into the wiped out by a landslide at Ki along the range of the Andes, though it were an infected FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
culvert across the railway tracks rovsk in Russia killing 89 per we only talk and think of Poli in the curriculum: Nat Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS to the east of the village. The sons and injuring 44.
tics. Bananas and Coffee; the our Bedwarditist brethren water of this new strean is of a. word Geologe and pass it by Percy in Siquirres) and Para otros informees, dirijane a las oficinas de la United whitish colour when first taken Fruit Company on Ine briox del Gran Hotel Costa Rica This should be a case for the educational facilities the mayer group say it is due TELEFONO 3156 into a glass but gradually subsi adherents of a Geological society country do not assist such inves sinfulness of the inhabili des into a clear crystalized fluid. to explore and investigate; but tigations; Professors write the the vicinity and a sure Neddless to say the inhabi in our beautiful country lying as quickly as they can, as God is coming to claim The Cacao Crop man UNITED FRUIT Co.
con of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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