
LA VOZ DE ATLANTICO Saturday 14th. December 1935.
PARK HOTEL was Serious Accident On Monday last a carpenter, a rope or ladder to avoid his slip HAUPTMANN CHANCE DWINDLES more ALLAN SIME FROM PANDORA THE CENTRAL AMERICAN EXPRESS CHRISTMAS RACES AT BANANITO IN HUMOROUS VEIN SUFFER DAMAGES Turfites will all turn to Bana The programme is under the By Bob Sutherland nito on Christmas Day were there Printer fingers and will be out Repeated conscientious efforts in handled.
ome time ago attention was on the good names of intelligent will be a big Race Meeting at in a couple of days. There will local journalism have been attempt Notwithstanding the foregoing in this Journal to the honourable residents of the com the original Race ground. Away be a special train from Limón ed by men who have realized that drawbacks, there are still those who ess manner in which Presid munity, they get annoyed and from the many small horses aro to Bananito, thence to Penshurst vast importance and dire necessity of visualize the tremendous benefits to Mitchell of the As look with an evil eye on such an und the Estrella Valley Division, and back to Bananito. The char a provincial organ, designed princi be accrued from the operation of a ciation was attempting the re endeavour to protect their stan the crack thoroughbreds that range for the round trip and en pally with the view of championing progressive newspaper in our commuairs of the Liberty Hall, and ding in the vicinity; and they at the 24 Miles Track have been trance to ground has been fixed and defending the cause of the co nity; and with this urge have resolvhe notice of those interested was invoke the 35th. 109th. and invited to compete and it is ex at the small sum of Two colones, lored masses, and generally for the ed to continue the exploration cam.
ecifically called to the condi other Psalms for the destruction pected they will respond, as it and if Yankee Band is engag dissemination of interesting local, na paign, feeling confident that with the an of the roof over the shed of those whom they designate natural to expect that, if Races ed, as we hear it will be, there tional and foreign news.
in dom table spirit to overcome and ich covers the offices of Mr. enemies of the Organization. are to be continued at that cen should be, weather permitting, a Unfortunately, the success attend remedy the difficulties encountered Davis printing outfit. Such persons are, really, not ene tre in February, the promotors wonderful day sport and a re ing such ventures has always been in the past, success will ultimately agh Mr. Mitchell refuted mies of the Organization, but must accept invitations to visit turn home in time for Christmas negligible in the extreme and, despite triumph This column, while it will dabble atement causing it to ap enemies of the wicked, slander other centres just as they expect dinner for all lovers of the Sport the untiring zeal and devotion of tho as untrue, he took po steps ous, malicious, false, dishonest, others to visit theirs.
of Kings.
se who in the past have unselfishly in, will not, strictly speaking, be dededicated themselves to the establish voted to the serious discussion of any replace the sheets of zince filthy methods under which the mplained about, with the result affairs of the Organization are ment of a reputable local paper as given problem; for as the caption it, during the inclement wea being conducted.
the official mouthpiece of the mas clearly indicates, it is nather more from which wo are suffer There is a case in hand now ses, such worthy projects have inva humorously bent, so that the precedLimon, Costa Rica, On ocean front g, Mr. Davis offices were de where the President was indicted riably suffered an ignominious death. ing introductory remarks, are simply Comfortable rooms. Rooms with bath Well ventilated iged with rainwater and the for defamation of the Character In discussing the pros and cons of offered as a preliminary canter. In dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar. this subject, have discovered that succeeding issues will endeavor to Centleman was unable to issue of a respectable gentleman and Sample room is Journal on Saturday 7th, he brought his troupe of officipast failures have been attributed pack you full of humor, using chiefly LUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress astant.
als to defend him, showing clearprimarily to the lack of an apprecia local settings for my background Post Office Box 236 Telephone tive reading public, to the scarcity and perhaps drawing deeply on my This is the sort of administra ly that they encouraged and of important local news and to the imagination in order to add lustre Fon which the few members of approved the slanderous remarks timidity with which certain matters to the settings and provide the mae Organization encourage and used by him.
of burning public interest have been ximum of hilarity.
mire; and when steps are ta He fined for his before the Law Courts and very charitable utterances. caamages secured against the Se for 000 colones damages for Jciety, the complaintants are such defamatory assertion is now known generally as Jack. was ping on the wet surface of the On Monday last the Judges of within a month, a year or many jagnosed as its enemies the So in progress against this person engaged to repair the roofing of roofing, the result being that, sty, the complaintants are diag in his capacity as President of the store premises of Messrs. while attempting to do the work the United States Supreme Court years, there will finally come the sed as its enemies by the ig the Organization; yet the mem Niehaus and Co. which had occa for wich he was engaged, he ska refused Hauptmann appeal a proof by which will be declaant members. But. in reality bers are so shortsighted they will sioned leaks on the merchandi ted and fell to the street dropp gainst the sentence of the trial red innocent.
o can stand such wilful and not compel him to resign and se during the week of very hea ing squarely on the tail end of court. When informed of the There is now but one parently malicious, careless ac vacate to more diplomatic offi vy rains.
his cerebral column from a height Court decision, the condemned ons? There are those of this cers. The prosecutor has imtimatof fully twenty five feet. He man is said to have received it chance left Hauptmann, that of roup of weaklings who feel and ed to the few who are encour The man carelessly mounted was hurried to the hospital where with a smile of infinite sadness appealing to the Count of Pary the Organization is a big aging him to dismiss him and the roof on a wet morning, with he now lies in a precarious con and to have inmediately after dons, the personnel of which inwards written the following oncludes the Governor of New Jere and one man can win out, apologize for the wrong commi out first securing his safety by dition.
an envelope: This decision disi sey who has recently been deapecially as there is now to be tted and the lawsuit will be stopllusions me for had hopes of ling with the statement of the no und in their midst a Papa ped but, being so ignorant, they proving my innocence in a new ted Criminal Investigator Ellis Good. a seer, a vidente, an are not willing to acquiesce until trial; but still have faith in Parker, which asserted the innoopirico.
the hatchet falls. Can they not men, and though die tomorrow cence of Hauptmann.
These people, from their ros see, as Mr. Horde told them in LIMON in, vilify others at the top of a recent issue of this Journal, ir voices, forgeting that such that they are working for the Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa abuses can be heard a block destruction of the OrganizaOwing to the excessive rains and an inmate of one was forced w, and when prosecuted for tion, the sale of the property and which fell from the 2nd. instant to climb into the loft to escape the Importation and Sale of General lying malicious expressions liquidation of the Society. much damage has been done to water which reached up to the winMerchandise the tram lines and bridges of the dows. All this poor man effects Atalanta, Bethy and Alsace Lo were washed away and a mule of rtaine districts which prevented his was drowned. Several of the jere are many persons who the Courts have issued 2, 343 Orthe the cutting of fruit. Up to the banana farms suffered from that the Laws of Costa Rica ders for maintenance allowances.
time of writing 10th. instant, it is high winds. So far no loss of life too liberal to those who would in the year 1930 there were 65 still raining though in much ligh has been reported.
to break loose from their divorces and 29 separations in Many investigations are being In Puntarenas, the loss of much ter showers. What our Father does is well, trimonial obligations, so over San Jose and 13 divorces in Li held in this City and Puntarenas dynamite has been traced to a Several of the cottages on the Blessed truths His children tell.
were made to the Lawgiv mon. In 1931, in San Jose 80 di in connection with the large detective in the Comandancia Alsace settlement flooded, Hart.
with the result that certain vorces and 30 separations; in Li amount of contraband trade in and he has lost his position, albrought a proposition mon 14 divorces. In 1932, 87 di dulged in at these ports. though he says his dismissal from Another Dividend For Congress to amend the vorces and 26 mutual separaservice is due to his intervention METROPOLITAN BUREAU the Keith Creditora Divorces. The propositions in San Jose and divorin a big contraband deal in Lot Legal, Notarial General is, however, been suspend ces in Limon. In 1933 there were tery Tickets (foreign. Business Transactions The Trustee of the Keith Bank 76 divorces and 23 separations In Limon, much contraband Box 544. Cable. Metrobur. Bankruptcy having accumlated Statistics have been forthco in San Jose, and divorces in trading in merchandise has been My untarnished reputation of further stims, we understand there which prove that the mari Limon. In 1934, San Jose proFRANK MADURO Jr. taking place and as result a Cus honesty. My intelligence and is a possibility of the unsecured elationship among the citi duced 96 divorces and 35 separaProp.
toms Guard has been dismissed, high calibre efficiency constitute credito obtaining another or third of the Republic has been tions while Limon had 13 divorand a locomotive Engineer and the necessary and all important dividend at an early date.
ng on a point where it will ces. For the current year Best native lumber his fireman laid off for allow FACTORS which constitute my meeting of the Junta is to roof conclusive that Marria Jose has already had 113 divoring the Guards to carry contrab Iron Clad Guarantee to my actake place during the coming werk a failure.
ces and 39 separations and Liat moderate prices and goods out the wharves on tual and prospective CLIENTS, the payment, which according to to definitely decide the amount of om the year 1927 to 1935 mon divorces.
their engine. An old brakeman who confide to my care, di.
ela de la reale el alle ole ole also nearly got framed. friend rection and administration, the reports may be within the vicinity of the Guards seem to have pla handling of their BUSINESS and creditors have already been paid of five per cent.
The unsecured ced some contraband stuff in a GENERAL AFFAIRS. two dividends of two per cent each. freight car, but when the car aW. EGBERT POLSON to rrived outside the dock the goods so should this coming one be aftet Accountant, Interpreter, Trans the ratę stated their payments will had disappeared. detective lator, Judicial Business Agent.
friend of the contrabandist attotal nine per cent of their claims.
Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue BAKERY Unico Emisor State Bank he went so far as to search the man home and not finding anyWe wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for ths ofrece al público los thing there they tried to place BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing ordere Offers the Public the a case against him by claiming can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase ist servicios de su that the contrabandist had given output.
Services of its him three hundred colones to buy Come in and try a Loaf.
Panama Lottery Tickets on board impressed on them.
No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH a ship; this also failed, BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS The matter being reported to Headquarters an investigation EN LA IN THE of the conduct of the detective STATION RESTAURANT was ordered from San José, but SIQUIRRES CIUDAD DE LIMON there was not sufficient proof CITY OF LIMON (Under New Management)
forthcoming to connect him with shielding the smuggler.
The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Mipara toda clase de nutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be All Kinds of Bank Service However the government ac served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Resservicio bancario Rendered tivity has served a purpose and taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo will no doubt alleviate the whoken, Se habla español, lesale smuggling which has been SULLIVAN the order of the day recently.
THE QUESTION OF DIVORCES CONTRABANDISTS IN DISPUTE were Maduro Lumber Yard San BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA who was in charge of the train THE PEOPLES SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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