
Saturday 14th. December 1935. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA A Real Benefactor Coronation Daysin Addis Ababa one SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
For Liver and Stomach Ailments escort to on CONSIDERATION SOLICITED Continued From last issue One Cannot help realizing, at, nowledge the good does, times, the benefits which a Com that Mr. Niehaus has made moAfter the chanting of Psalms, warrior chiefs in full regalia, with munity derives from the actions ney by buying all the Cacao ofshe was presented with a ring in their gorgeous silk tunics, lioncrusted with diamonds, as a sym nane headdresses, and collars flutof certain men of vision; and so fered him Yes, this may be true, has Mr. Guillermo Niehaus been but if he had not the farsightbol of the faith, and then assum tering in the breeze, as they rode acknowledged to the 28 Miles edness to have erected a driying ed the scarlet and gold coronation their richly caparisoned mules and robes.
District and adjacent Sections. plant in the district, who would The morning sunlnight If his usefulnes was never be. have suffered. Taking the Empress crown from danced and sparkled from their fore acknowledged it has been The Community of course Mr.
the hands of the Emperor, the gilt bound rhinoceros shields and Abuna offered the prayer, our gleaming spears.
during the recent floods. The Niehaus would have lost nothing genial Manager of Waldeck Es had be not decided to save the Lord, place this crown of glory Following them came the mounttate opened the doors of his Ca product of all these people.
and joy on the brow of thy servant ed, redclad war drummers beating Manen. Make it the Es cao drying departmente to Therefore the Community is out a march of victory. Companies the neighbourhood and took in all loud in its expressions of apprecrown of charity, piety, wisdom, of warriors in ancient military atINVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF and of intelligence. Heavenly tire passed along afoot, preceding the wet and half dried product ciation of the good fortune of which had been caught by the having in its midst such Father, make this crown to be a the modern khaki clad infantry proinclement weather and would gressive minds ts Messrs. Nie Flatulence And all forms crown of honor and glory. So be Then came a troop of modern catheir it.
surely have been a dead loss toi haus and Company and valry as the immediate all the citizens around him genial Manager, Mr. Zejka.
He then placed the crown on the motor car bearing the royal Indigestion of Stomach serious suffering and distress to It can only be hoped that similar her head, after which the Empress party, who were shaded from the advanced toward the throne of the direct rays of the Sun by red and every home in that thriving dis Benefactors will spring up in Colics Disorders trict. other districts to assist in fosEmperor, bowed, and returned gold parasols.
It might be contended by so tering progress and properity again to her throne.
In the company immediately me who are never keen to ack among the inhabitants.
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Again the national anthem was behind Their Majesties were sevplayed, the cannon voiced their eral cars escorting a number of the salute, and the multitude cheered, high officials, after which came AMONG THOSE IN SEARCH OF HEALTH MANUFACTURED BY: following the obeisance of the no more mounted troops, forming in bles and the applauded greeting all a magnificent procession upWe are pleased to see Mrs. fares of our City; when last we HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA of the assembly.
ward of a mil ein length.
Naomi Russell again with us. met him he was suffering from Thereafter Their Majesties removMrs. Russell had been ailing severe abdominal pains and SAN JOSE Closing in upon the rear of the ed their for sometime and went crowns and coronation procession, the white chamma clad across sulting the medicos of the Meto the Sixaola Division and on tropolis he was diagnosed a fit robes and again, in white com soldiers, who had been stationed to Panamá in search of health subject for the table.
muniondress, they retired to the along the streets, formed a veritaand business combined. We hope inner sanctuary of the Cathedral ble sea of seething rifle barrels, as to attend the sacred mass and they marched toward the palace.
she will be feeling as well as ever He has undergone a very delicommunion. They later presented so as to continue being as affa cate operation and is now we are ble and congenial to sea of flashing shields and all her pleased to learn out of danger.
Recently much criticism has are returned, those attending to themselves in full coronation dress, spears friends and patrons as she used Courage Charlie, be quick and been showered on us for the ma them make greater muddles. He in company with the high dignitato be.
convalesce among us early; the ny errors, by Printers Devil. re a line or two are left out, there ries and the diplomatic missions, sea breezes of Westfalia and appearing in several articles; we a word is broken or one or more in an outdoor pavilion before the Early on Friday morning the our letters added or omitted; and so multitude.
wide plain at the edge of the city Mr. Charles Masos has been Portette will soon put you again! must therefore again ask much missed along the thorough on your legs.
patrons to realize that a publis on. The final corrections are not Quitting the pavilion shortly af became an animated hive of actihe s life is at at best not a seen until after the first issue ter in the State coach (which oncevity, as 100, 000 soldiers encamped bed of Roses, especially one who is launched; we are shocked, but did service at the coronation of around it prepared for a military ¿Cómo puede Ud. soportar esa tos must carry on in a foreign office what can we do when the machi the Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany. review.
where not even one of the Com nist is the only one then in at drawn by six bay horses, Their It was hardly a military display que día a día le va debilitando sus pulmones?
positors or Linotypists is ac tendance. We therefore crave Majesties proceeded through the with cavalry and infantry marchDebe Ud. seguir mi consejo, vaya inmediatamente quainted with English. the consideration and leniency of crowded streets. After reaching the ing with precise formation in stiff Our proof Reader labours con all until we may be able to con royal palace they received the com review, to which we ofthe West a la tinually under a great disadvan trol our PLANT EDI pliments and the wishes for a long are accustomed, but far more intage; he corrects and after these TOR.
rule from the thirteen visiting formal and spectacular.
FARMACIA GRILL foreign delegations.
Dashing in groups. FRENTE AL MERCADO)
In a to y compre una cajita de las famosas pastillas race meet, and numerous There are many nations who, to abstain from buying from or official functions, two events stand light the warriors rushed down the other spears flashing in the golden sunwhether from fear of Mussolini selling to those countries who de out in brilliant relief chupe con frecuencia una de estas deliciosas pastillas the State plain of the position before the hill threats or from friendship to the cline to participate in the efforts procession through the city, when in which the Emperor pavilion was many thousands of Italian domicil of the League. Coffee from such Their Majesties visited the princi located. Then in a mad whirl, they y su tos desaparecerá como por encanto. Esto es un consejo de un buen amigo, que se interesa por su salud. ed among them such as exist here, countries is especially banned.
have kept themselves from interferIf such a closure be placed on great military review.
pal metropolitan churches, and the would charge up the steep, rocky slope direct toward the Emperor in the Italian Abyssinian all these conscientious abstaining struggle in any shape or manner. countries. there is just a possibility Their Majesties, in full imperial they cried out their past accomplishEarly Tuesday morning tent, where, in wild pandemonium, Now, as the embargo on petro that Banana and Cacao may also leum and its byeproducts and soon be placed on the list of ob robes of the coronation, with the ments and deeds of valor against other commodities used in warfare jectionable products to be imported. exception of the crowns, proceed wild beast and enemy. How many lions, how has been agreed on by the League Should such a decision be put in ed from the royal palace by State elephants, how many of Nations, we find this great So operation where would Brazil, motor car. The streets along the many men. Company after company surged ciety asking all those who are in Costa Rica and other abstainers royal route to the various churches BASED ON THE MODERN THEORY THAT THIS DISEASE consonance with the dictates of sell their Coffee and other pro; side with the multitudes. who wait get nearer. past the guards, who of the city were pressed on each toward the throne, each trying to its Council to put an end to War, ducts?
IN RELATED TO TUBERCULOSIS ed eagerly to catch a glimpse of the forced them back, to shout their party.
war cries and proclaim their proPreceding the royal car were the wess.
Investigations have for some time been conducted regarding the relationship which could exist between Bronchial Asthma and Tuberculosis. One on the reasons for supposing that Asthma could be It is evident the Powers are and bombarding planes at a cost passive Tuberculosis was the reaction experienced by patients who were submitted to certain anti tuberculosis treatment. Medical expecting a great conflict. Whith of five million dollars.
Due to two political meetings and the previous occurrences by men of world wide reputation are inclined to the theory that Asthma the threats of Mussolini each Japan will not be satisfied to occurring at the same time in the which two lives were sacrificed, one apparently feels its arma be second to any Power; Italy park at Puntarenas by two of the the President of the Republic has is a form of Tuberculosis.
ments are inadquate for the pos has laid down two of the largest factions in the present Presidential issued a very drastic communicaIt is in keepnig with such information that the disease is now being scientifically treated and its radical cure hoped for. One of sibility of a general outbreak. battleships the world has yet contest, a regular riot broke out tion to the Police authorities callthe treatments now most in use is that of EUPNEOL with Bron England Arms Conference seen.
there last Monday so that the poling in all permits for the carrying It is therefore clearly evident ice were compelled to fire to quiet of arms.
chitis of Dr. Harris, based on the theory in question. This is doomed to failure as all the Peace, Peace, the melee.
method is entirely different from the antiquated ones wich rather Powers are demanding a parity that the call for The note the President tend to alleviate he attacks by use of anaesthetics than to cure the of Arms; hence it must resolve through all these years, is rapiAs a consequence of this fight, very clear and threatens with insin a Race for the constructions dly changing notwithstanding sufferer.
tant dismissal from service any EUPNEOL is not a compound of narcotics and may be taken of Armaments, with the nation all the knowledge and experien with adequate protection; and as Governor, Comandante or other without any ill results whatever. It is essentially sanative.
who can command the greather ces in its horrors, into one of a consequence of all the warlike official, who may allow any forIts effects are vigorous: a rapid mobilization of defence; a re financial capabilities securing War, War.
preparations a calles for a loan mer license to remain in the hands vitalization of the tissues and a prompt normalization of the bron the largest variety of material. With Mussolini additional of 200, 000, 000 to bear inter of any person without special perchial and pulmonary functions. The attacks diminish until they al. England, in preparation to threat to regard the enforcement est after the rate of 272 per cent mission having been secured.
together disppear; oppressiveness, and fatigue are relieved and meet Italy airforce, is construc. of the Embargo on Petroleum and repayable from 1956 to This order will not affect such respiration greatly facilited.
ting another thousand airplanes. against his country as a declara 1961 has been made; persons who from the nature of EUPNEOL. like Bronchitis. is taken internally. It is sold The American Army has just tion of war, the British govern 100. 0000. 000 War Bonds are their duties have been allowed to in concentrated form to be taken by drops, and is on sale in all the obtained an appropriation for ment is taking steps to provide also to be issued at one per cent carry arms and who have been best Drug Stores.
one hundred and thirty bombing the civil population of London redeemable from 1939 to 1941. specially mentioned.
own on horse As Consequence of Mussolini Madness State and diplomatic dinners, a robes and polished shields and LUD ENS ence on NEW METHOD TO RADICALLY CURE ASTHMA THE NATIONS ARE ARMING The Rioting In Puntarenas An Assortment of GEORGE BREEDY English Tweeds at the JAMAICA STORE LIMON Este documeros propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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