
towthe cemetery.
PROSPECTS OF AN ANGLO. ITALIAN WAR From the advent of the Italo Ethiofore the British public, that is, the pian conflict there has been, in so need for the undisturbed indepenme minds, a wish that there should dence of the Ethiopian Empire; for be a clash between Great Britain and hereby lies, not only the security of Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Italy as a means of distracting the prosperity to Egypt and the Soudan, attention of the latter from her un but also the safety of England tra Año 11 No. 76 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 21th December 1935. Editor English Section Nation warranted aggression on the African de routes between the Mediterranean Empire. There are others who, whi Sea and the Indian Ocean. Therefole feeling that Britain, by her caure it would not suit England to allow tious attitude, is tollerating too ma Italy to overrun Ethiopia as this ny insulte without retaliating by would be a serious menance to her throwing the gauntlet at the mad Ita Eastern possessions and Dominions.
lian, yet from the standpoint of re Thus on the immediate intervention Once again we reach the period in our annual life during which the items of news which have reach as more than 500 on each side with gard for life and the horror of shed of Pritain, Ethiopia would be given we commemorate the Birth of Him who gave the human race that ed us regarding the week acti a majority on that of the Italians ding human blood, are proud that a free hand to drive the Italians not Christianity of which we are the proud inheritors, and so opening for vities give the information that the and of these the greater part being Albion has not yet slung a shot only from her territory but also from us the way to a purer, nobler and more perfect life. It is a period in Ethiopians continue inflicting de natives of Eritrea. The loss of this through an Italian battleship; but Eritrea, thereby leaving Italian So whích it is customary for all to display the basic principles of its feats on the Italian invaders. encounter is regarded as a great indeed the tension is so intensively, maliland insolated.
teachings peace, goodwill and charity. And if ever there was a time On the 16th. it was reported blow to the Italians, Takazze being taut that there is reason to expect Mussolini, by the latest cables, in which the practise of these principles were needed it is now when that an encounter took place to the of strategic importance to their ad something may happen at any mo threatens that on the day the em man is using every God given gift for the cruel destruction of his southwest of Sassabaneh which vance movements. It is thought bargo on petroleum is placed, he will fellow creature; when thousands are being slaughtered as the result resulted in the Abyssinians recov that it is the intention of Ras Kas There are again those who feel dispatch his fleet of suicidal planes of vicious ambitions and other myriads are in danger of being drawn ering several positions which had sas, who commands the troops near that the cause of delay is due to to bombard London and other Bri into the vortex.
been lost during the earlier period Gondar, to work his way the unpreparedness of Britain, hen tish cities; but how it is possible for Let us during the short period in which we are asked to turn our of the conflict. In this fight it is ard the southwest and west of cer her discretionary deductions. Whi a strategist to be so crazy as to give thoughts to this ALL IMPORTANT event which had its origin in the said that the talians placed, as is Aksum where he will join the forle Britain may not be considered up publicity to such a threat is beyond Bethehemite Stable nineteen hundred and thirty five years ago, es their wont, their native troops inces under Ras Ayela for a united to the proper standard of the strength all conception of the ingenuity of a chew hatred, maice, envy, and like evils which can only produce the front of the Europeans so they defence against the front lines of required of her as mistress of the Ruler. To carry this threat into ef. discontent, unhappiness and eventually lead to the shedding of were the ones who mostly suffer. the Italians.
seas by reason of her attitude offect his planes would have to pass blood; and in their place cultivate the spirit of love, charity, good ed.
As has been the custom from persistent exhortations for a curtai over a hostile country (France) and will, confidence and trust in the hidden goodness of our brother man, dispatch from Addis Ababa, the commencement of the conflict, lement or armaments, yet, by a con however pypocritical her present at so that we may reap full harvest of he Season greatest good. dated the 18th. officially announ Rome states that in both the above trast of the magnitude of the arma titude may appear, he must at the Then, too, let us of our Christmas Charity breath a hope, a prayer, ces that the Emperor troops had encounters the losers were the Ethi ments which we have observed from close his flight expect to be met that as a response to the Angelic exhortation of PEACE TO MEN obtained a brilliant victory in the opians and whose casualties far ex.
recent statistics, it will be found by equally efficient forces from the OF GOOD WILL there may, at this time, be found a way for a Takazze battle. The loss is given ceeded theirs.
that England has, ready for war, sea, land and air, not of Abyssinia real and lasting reconciliation among all nations and men.
two thousand military planes in ad but of a powerful country.
The ATLANTIC VOICE therefore extends to each of its Adver.
THE PASSING OF VENEZUELA DICTATOR dition to those used in commercial Of course, the Italian naval fleet tisers, Subscribers, Supporters and Wellwishers its sincerest wish for a aviation which may casily be conver is bottled up in the Mediterranean, ted into bombing planes, while Italy hence one VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS On Tuesday night last General, sion to Over 500 would expect her first Juan Vicente Gomez, who for more wreaths were sent from all parts has two thousand five hundred. dash would be either to get loose by than a quarter of a centuary had of the Republic as tokens of the The British naval machinery way of Gibraltar so as to attack the THE LAVAL HOARE PROJECT FAILS directed the destinies of the Rep. affectionate feelings of the popucounts on a tonnage of 1, 357, 140 home fleet and bombard and destroy ublic of Venezuela died at his re. lace; and while the body was on while Italy boasts but 626, 603 tons; British cities, or by way of the Suez they are divided thus. Dreadnoughts, Canal to blockade British shipping.
As expected the Laval troleum and its products against sidence in the town of Maracay at low was noticed been a week ago its way the cemetry 18 airplanes, Britain 15 Italy 4; Battle cruisers to The first blow would naturally be on Hoare Peace proposals have failed, Italy, but we understand that this the advanced age of 78 years.
His funeral, regarded as the circling overhead, showered flow10. 000 tons, Britain 15 Italy 7: Malta and Tunis; and if Mussolini and instead of bringing about a will not yet be done as there is the Cruisers of from 000 to 000 tons, failed on this first blow he would be reconciliation among the warring suggestion that the application most solemn and imposing ever ers over the coffin meantime a salu Britain 42 Italy 12; Submarine Des irrevocably lost, but if he won out, factions have produced more se should be delayed pending the re witnessed in the Republic, took te of 21 guns was given from troyers, Britain 72 Italy 49; Subma as it is possible he might, judging rious complications than ever be sults of likely ministerial changes place on the 19 th, and was attend eight batteries.
rines, Britain 62 Italy 54; Airplane from the proximity of his military fore existed.
in France and England. Just whated by more than 700, 000 persons. The noted soldier and politician, carries, Britain Italy It will thus base in Sicily, he would still have As an outcome of the Parlia bearing these changes, if they do choir of 200 voices assisted at who was a vastly rich man, has ir be seen that the naval inferiority of to face an immence fighting force at mentary and public opposition with occur, can have on such action we the religious ceremony in the Ca. is said left his entire estate as a Italy leaves little doubt as to what the entrance of the Suez Canal. Alt which he was confronted, Sir Sa Ware at a loss to understand, espe chedral at Maracay and there were gift to his native land.
would be the ultimate result of a hough the importance of the Italian muel Hoare has resigned as Bri cially as Mussolini has again re over 200 automobiles in the procesclash; but as already been said, the Islands of the Archipelago cannot be cain Minister of Foreign Affairs peated his intention of pursuing horror of blooshed would debar any overlooked, the enormous advantaje and there is the probability of La the conflict dispite the egoism MUCH NEEDED IMPROVEMENT highly cultured nation from a pre of Aden to Britain, as well as the val also being forced to demit of and hypocrisy of certain nations cipitate commitment of so serious a fact the she is mistress of the en fice. The Council of the League of who have endeavoured to interfere Is is very fratifying to learn ally experienced.
nature. However, with the many trance to the Red Sea from which Nations, which met on Wednes with the rights of Italy. that a powerful Radio telegra This monument to scientific threats and insults of Mussolini as she could bring wonderful reinfor diay last for the special purpose of phic and meteorological station research which was opened on to what he shall do with Britain and cements, it is evident that with the discussing the matter, suspended The most intense pessimism is has been equipped at George the 21st. of last month, has been Britishers in case the embargo of co operation of France and Greece its session without doing anything said to exist in all the important Town, Grand Cayman. made possible by the co operation oil and its products is enforced, it in this blockade Mussolini would be definite and the proposals are now diplomatic circles of Europe, as to The meteorological station has of the Cuban government, throis evident that if England does not forever ruined; Ethiopia would be regarded as having been shelved in the possibility of staving off a been long needed for making co ugh the untiring efforts of Dr.
allow herself to be held up to ridi counted an important factor in world that direction.
general outbreak of hostilities, for rrect observations regarding we José Carlos Millas, Director of cule a clash of arms is inevitable. affairs; Mussolini, if taken alive, It is the general opinion that it England still persists that the ather variations in the Gulf of the Cuban National Observatory The result of such a clash among would end his days, as Napoleon did is now left for the Committee on sanctions, as agreed on, should be Mexico and Caribian Sea where at Havana, and the Commissionnations would be as it is among in on the Island of St. Helena. Fascism Sanctions to definitely decide the placed in force notwithstanding storms so frequently do immen er of the Cayman Islands.
dividuals; a strong man is generally would receive its death blow, and application of the embargo on pe the threats of Mussolini.
se damage.
The wireless as well as the a docile animal until he is aroused, all this would have been brought Hitherto notices of approa. Meteorological machinery are of so it is only a most foolhardy fellow about by the wild ambitions of an ching cyclones were only obta. the latest, most powerful and who will attempt to arouse him. Wha impetous leader who had been perinable just a very short time fe complete type; they were tever might be said regarding the mitted by a civilized nation to We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back fore they were actually on us; factured by Messrs. Negrelli and real cause of the provocation bet the dictador of the destiny of a great of receipt which reads: with the erection of this station Zambra of London. The baroween these two powers, there is one Kingdom.
it will now be possible for noti metre is from Mr. Jules Richard object which stands out forcibly be This bill must be paid at our office fications to be given in time for of Paris and the wind Vane was precautions to be taken to mini made by Messrs. Green and Combeffore the 10th. of the month TO ASSIST UNEMPLOYMENT mise the amount of damage usu pany of Brooklyn, New York, The operations of the New, utility to further help unemployBe so good os to comply with this request and no dot Cost of New York Sanitation Deal of the United States gov ment. This will, of course, relioblige us to suspend our service, a step which erment is considered a great suc eve the degrading Dole situation we would much regret to takt.
The Sanitary Department of employed, and the work is cacess, and it is now suggested to a considerable degree and alleNew York spends 16. 000 a day rried on throughout the day and to apportation two hundred bi viate the sufferings of the depCOMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON in keeping the City clean. per night, llion dollars for works of public endents of the unemployed.
manent staff of 12. 000 men are was manube HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE UNITED FRUIT Co.
to BRITAIN CALLS IN NAVAL RESERVE OFFICERS Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón SERVICIO DE VAPORES Very significant it was to est time possible.
Para EUROPA shipping men in New York when All men of aircraft experien(SANTANDER. PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG Salidas senianales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con it became known that England ce are also being called in as the AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA had called in all her Naval Re Royal Air force is to be placed serve Officers on the 2nd. inst on a standing of preeminence. alatia Diciembre 26 LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS ant to report immediately The Conference on Naval ArPortsmouth. Caribia Enero VAPORES SALIDAS moments, which opened recenThis is the first call since the tly in London, cannot be expected VERAGUA 22 de Diciembre great World War, and officers to obtain any real co operation Para GUATEMALA QUIRIGUA 29 de Diciembre serving in all departments of at this time in consequence of the (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
PETEN de Enero Merchant Marine the world over Italo. Ethiopian preoccupation are hastening home as fast as and Italy sentiment toward En Caribia Diciembre 30 FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
they con. Those in the United gland on account of her insistenSERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS States, serving in the line, will ce on the Sanctions, and more proceed at once; those serving so in view of the refusal to entPara otros informce, dirijnse a las oficinas de la United in the Far East will report Pa to ertain Japan claim to partis 50. informes, dirigirse a Fruit Company am lo hnio del Gran Hotel Costa Rica their bases; those in other coun with England and the United HAPAG LLOYD TELEFONO 3156 Este documento es propiedad tilaa Bikidecekleciohaemigra bonboğa Siganos de States Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cup AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA to reach Portsmouth in the shortTELEFONO 2086

    EnglandFascismFranceItalyMussoliniWorld War

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