
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 21th December 1935.
Hail to the Atlantic Voice; Hail to the Atlantic Voice, Joe. So you took Nelly hoWe ve made ti now our choice. Of much courage but little noise. me from the movie last night.
We ll ever to it cling, In it we ll place our every want Jack Yeh.
For to us it always bring, The Spanish Buffalo has at last him; the crowd rose to their feet to Topics new and pressing; And never quibble at the cost, Joe. How far does she live For tis known both far and wide, from the theater?
been made to kiss the floor. On Fri see what would happen, while Joe Which so oft we misconceive. And will bring us just reward.
Jack. Oh, just beyond three day night of last week at one minu hammered him so severely that he soda fountains and a candy te past nine, in Madison Square Gar again fell like a log. At the count Barnes store.
den New York, the great contest, in of nine he lifted himself by help of Guácimo.
the pugilistic art, was declared open the ropes but the Referee stopped. Papa, why does the minister between Paulino Uzcudum, the Spa the ill treatment and declared Louis NEW BANANA COMPANY IN FORMATION come every day and pray fornish Idol, and Joe Louis, the Negro the winner by a technical knock out.
exponent. Great expectations were Had the Referee not mercifully stop Another local or national Company which will undertake the dis You ve got it all wrong, son. uppermost in the minds of the supped the bombardment, it is evident pany is about to enter our Banana posal in those markets of all the replied his father; The minis porters of both contestants; Joe, of that in the fifth round Paulino ne exporting trade.
fruit grown on their properties.
ter comes in every day, looks over course, has suddenly become the idol ver would have been able to rise; afAs is well known, the local firm Shipments will be commenced as congress, and then prays for the of not only the Negro people but of ter he left the ring he was in a pi of Saborio and Ulloa has for some soon as the ocean transportation country.
the fistic ring; while Uzcudum is table condition. When asked his opi time been exporting Bananas ob arrangements now under consideconsidered one of the most advanced nion on the unluck date of his fight, tained from planters in the provin ration, have been concluded. Waiter, bring me some fish. representative of the art and a boxer the 13th. Louis said this is my day, ce of Cartago and latterly also from While, in the general interest of who has never been known to be sent was born on the 13th of May others in Heredia, Alajuela and the country, we are pleased to note Yes, sir; which will to the mat by any of the world best. 1914, the year of fights. This ma Puntarenas to the Californian mar this increasing exportation activive, there bluefish, black bass. The water pipes at our home whitefish, Joe however did the unexpected kes my twenty sixth fight, and being kets. The United Fruit Company ties from our northern port, we froze the other night.
and in a manner which surprised his twice thirteen am bound to win. also recently resumed her ship. cannot help expressing the hope On, don care anything most enthusiastic admirers. He hit It is left to be seen what showing ments. Did you have to send for about the colour, just so long as his man to that mat unconscious for Schmeling will have with Joe; who there is said to be still a large de. with those of our Atlantic port, Notwithstanding these, that they will in no way interfere plumber?
it fresh. No; Pa got so hot that he the count of nine, and on rising he will then undertake to bombard Jim mand for our fruit, hence a num. for as we are told, charity should thawed them out himself.
could not fully recover his wits. This my Braddock for the World Chamber of the planters of the Turrial, always be begun among our home What has over your Joe did in the fourth round although pionship. wife that she doesn yell at you he had promised his closest associate ba region have formulated a com. circle.
Visitor. notice your da all the time like she used to?
tes to have done it in the seventh.
SE ughter is taking quite a lot of She said she found it was ma From start to finish Joe was the setting up exercises.
king her pet Fido rerwous. favourite, betting going Mother.
Yes, she sits up one in his favour. Both men were well matched, Paulino turning the scale at two hundred and seven pounds and Joe at two hundred one Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue and a half. Dempsey, Schmeling and Braddock were present at the openLIMON Unico Emisor State Bank ang. The fight was scheduled for fif teen rounds. In the first round neiPurchaser and Exporter of Cocoa ther seriously attacked as is their ofrece al público los Offers the Public the Importation and Sale of General custom; but Louis got in a well timed servicios de su upper cut. In the second, Louis shoServices of its Merchandise wed his superiority by his admirable exhibition, his desperate attacks and connections which made Paulino reAn Unwelcome Visitor cede amid the shouts and whistles The Culebra is known as a vi description of the crowd which soon of the enthusiastic crowd; at the end EN LA IN THE cious enemy to man, although at gathered to see the capture of this of this round Paulino showed signs times he may have the desire of gruesome reptile and the of surpirse and fear. The third round assisting in the preparation of of his head.
brought much blood from Paulino; CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON viands for the sustenance of life The recent rains seem to have his face was beaten to a pulp, his in man body.
dislodged this snake from his hole defence was poor and it was seen para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service so he took refuge in the Chinaman he was at the mercy of his oppoAnd so this seem to have been kitchen, with the result that he nent. This was again Louis round.
servicio bancario Rendered a week ago when an immense fel. was skinned, but let it be stated The fourth and final round found low was noticed in the restaurant that the body was not prepared Joe walloping Paulino on every part at the corner of 4th. Avenue and for food. Many are the supersti of his body in rapid succesive shorts fourth Street, a Terciopelo four tious rumours current as to the and bombarding his face with five Baby Smith and Jibly Ecuador feet in length an dtwo inches in reasons for the snake being found shots which put him to the floor. He went the scheduled eight rounds diameter. We will not attempt alin the kitchen.
rose, but like lightning Joe was on at the end of which the former The Arrasty last Saturday onslaught but was foiled by his was awarded the verdict. This night was packed to capacity to opponent who retaliated furiously fight did not prove so brilliant.
To Thine Own Self Be True witness the feature bout schedu and earned the shade. Early in The first round was tame and led for ten rounds between our the ighth round, Eddie in exec about even, with a lively exchanTo All Men Goodwill local middleweight champion uting one of his tiger rushes was in the second which had We Thank Our Numerous Client the Juan Bagas and Eddie Callahan, caught with clean uppercut crowd chuckling, honors being For Their Past Support sailor on the Peten who came flush on the button which floored in favor of the Baby, while in the El más surtido en Matina And Wish Them highly heralded as a man killer him for the count of nine nd slugfest which marked the third Merry Christmas Happy Pros with the reputation of having probably would have been out for round, Jibly galloped home with perous New Year.
successfully, exhibited his wares keeps had the dumfounded refeagainst doughty pugs in the martsree not lost a few seconds before and sixth rounds were boresome the margin. The fourth, fifth The Metropolitan Bureau of Chicago, New York and other he started counting, Callahan and were characterized by stakW. Egbert Polson large cities. As was to be expect arose and returned to the attack The Mechanic Lodges have de think best.
Our Fifth Year Of Service.
ing and wild swings, both boys ed, there was a large attendance with all his fury, absorving a cided to vote a substantial This is one of the aims of the from the Peten.
few more uppercuts to the head appearing burnt out. There was to assist in providing a dinner for Association, and in times gone Both men appeared confident before the round ended. From enth round when Smith took the a little improvement in the sevthe poor of this city at Christmas by, when Mr. Nation and other EDGAR YOUNG las they cautiously opened the here on to the end of the tenth lead and scored most of the way.
and so afford them some real parti gentlemen of vision and culture prefirst round, warming up towards session Bagas administered a tecipation in the joys of the season. sided, such a provision was always Comerciante All the moneys pooled by the seve made; but now that there is nothing establecido en tqia, la Provincia por in Bagas flavor. The second fought gamely throughout the end with a sligt advantage rrible lacing to his opponent whol getting home some perfectly timed uppercuts. Jibly slowed up the ral Lodges will be devided equally brut blackguardism and vulgar scanround was about even with har. fracas and admirably weathered considerably in the last round among certain Benevolent Societies, dalism being indulged in by the pre Vende al detal, vinos y licores ex while Smith was mare aggressive such as the Salvation Army, the St. sent administration, the respectable tranjeros y del país, abarrotes en gedly any damage done. Vicious the storm.
and appeared much the strongneral. Micelánea, Anthony Burial Aid, The Jamaica shinking members have all had to trato especial para su distinguida fighting took place in the third Altogether is was a good card er when the gong called the end.
frame, with Callahan crowding in which both men fought like Burial, the Baptist Federation and disassociate themselves from the mo numerosa clientela y, muy especial in and shooting haymakers which demons, with Bagas always The six round preliminary betothers, to be distributed as they vement to avoid shame and disgra mente para el público en general.
the end of ween Japony Kerr and Fernando ceful association with unworthy peo Establecimiento Esquina Norte del could not find a vulnerable spot. the front, and at Núñez went the full distance and ple. Naturally the poor of this so Mercado entre la Av. 3a. y la calle 4a while Bagas scored some clean the scrap Bagas was declared the was declared a draw.
ciety are forced to turn to other beuppercuts although not with te winner to the unanimous approval Dont fail to see the revancha nevolent societies for charitable aslling effects.
of the crowd. While we congra between Percy Garnett and Artusistance. Instance the case of Mrs. this Organization hope to terrific exchange of blows tulate Bagas on his brilliant vic ro Clark tonight at the Arrasty, FRANK MADURO Jr. Brown, the wife of Baker Brown, when the man at the head of affairs occurred in the fourth frame with tory, being master of the situa where thrills galore await you.
both of whom were once zealous mer seeks like a Sissy to scandalize those Bagas coming out on top by land tion from the very start. We bers of the Association; Mrs. Brown who would be kindly disposed to ing well directed shots to the must also praise Eddie, a rough Fight FAN Best native lumber died in the hospital on Thursday last wards it and avoid carrying out its head and body. Things tamed up and tumble two fisted fighter, week and was absolutely deserted aims and objects in a manner which quite a bit in the fifth and sixth for his gameness in hotly contestat moderate orices none of the officials taking an inte would command recpect and enhan rounds while the seventh founding every inch of the melee, rest in her burial. How therefore canice co operation.
Callahan attempting a dealdly The semi wind up between IMPRENTA BORRASE HERMANOS befales o BOXING HOP LEE LUNG Establecimiento de licores, Tienda y Abarrotes CHRISTMAS DOLE FOR POOR amount to Maruo Lumber Yard succeed An Assortment of English Tweeds at the JAMAICA STORE GEORGE BREEDY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miquel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura yuventud Costa Ri


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