
as For Liver and Stomach Ailments is a INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Janipha Manihot according CENTRO COMERCIAL Made which all but made color to as a coma Continued From last issue (CONTINUED)
est which various countries taking in the use of yuca flour The Emperor, dressed in a scar certainly Sot so picturesque Yuca is known by different as a substitute for wheat flour, let and gold military uniform, those charging warriors who in the names in Latin American coun the Agricultural Department of with a tall lionmane busby on his past have maintained the freedom tries, being called Manioca, Al the United States made a very head, presented a magnificent ap of Ethiopia, but have also caused pim, Mandioca Casabe and Yu valuable study of the matter and pearance, as he sat on his red throne much internal strife.
ca. ún the United States it is discovered that the yuca flour in the richly carpeted pavilion, known as Cassava.
attended on each side by the di The Emperor poses for the national could not be wholly substituted The aborigines of Haiti called for that of wheat for the makplomatic groups and the high dig. geographic society it Kasabi, from which was dering of bread on account of its exnitaries in full military dress. In cooperation with my efforts ived the Spanish name of Casa cessive content of hydrate of carOut on the plain, in sure seated to picture the coronation in full mounting, and moving almost as color for the National Geographic be and the English Cassava, Its bon and its deficiency of nitrogscientific names are part of the wild dashing steeds on Society, the Emperor, who Manihot en matter; for this reason it which they rode, the warriors member of The Society, kindly Utilissima, Jatropha Manitoh and should only be used along with harged and threw long, slender, consented to pose his coronation to wheat flour.
wooden spears at fleeing comrades. robes, as poor lighting had preclutvariety. In Brazil the sweet va In Cuba and Switzerland saTheirs it was to live again for the ed the possibity of making the Flatulence And all forms riety is called Aipin and the tisfactory experiments have been morning, in mimic pageant, the photograph on the day of the acbitter Mandioca. Probably all made in the manufacture of battles that had won for them tual coronation.
the varieties originate from that bread with the use of from 60 EU their lion mane headdress of Stomach Indigestion and But to secure adequate time durwhich grew wildly in the valley 85 per cent of yuca flour. In Cur capes.
ing the strenuous ceremonial days of the Amazon when the white ba, a dcree was promulgated on In sharp contrast to the early of His Majesty and to select proColics Disorders men arrived there toward the end the 2nd. July 1932, a little bedisplay of soldiery came the Empe per position and lightings for my of the fifteenth centuary. In fore ours, which directed that ror well trained and modernly color plates necessitated many de15 41 Pinzon made the first bread and similar foodstuffs FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES equipped infantry and cavalry, lays. On the late afternoon before scientific refeerence to yuya as should not have less than 10 nor which filed past in ordered lines. left Addis Ababa, on a last mi.
an indigenous plant of Bra more than 40 per cent of yuca It is more efficient, perhaps, but nute special train which would conMANUFACTURED BY: zil.
flour. Here, in Costa Rica, the nect with my steamer at Djibouti, However the first explorers law did not have the desired efI made the exposures of Their HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA assert that the yuca was cultivat fect because, in the first place, Majesties in the rapidly failing SAN JOSE ed by the natives of the Guianas real yuca flour is not manufactulight and in the hot regioes of Mexico red, and in the second, the metObsequia a su Clientela photography impossible.
as also in the West Indies.
hod of mixing is not understood.
In waiting, too, had the opThe Portuguese early observing According to an article in a Cu10 REGALOS PARA AÑO NUEVO portunity to see the great open CROWN LANDS FOR EX SOLDIERS its easy cultivation and food va ban magazine, it is stated that in markets again in activity, with lue carried it to their colonies order to obtain the best results 1 juego de té de piezas from 15, 000 to 20, 000 people from The many hundreds of ex Ser the island Treasurer for a furt thence it spread to India and from the mixture, the yuca flour 1 juego de café de piezas the provinces bringing in long ca vice men domiciled heer will be her sam of 4, 827 to be spent to other countries where condition should be of the best quality, 31 juego de ollas aluminio mel and donkey caravans the laden glad to learn that vexed enable 2, 480 men 1 juego de ollas enlozadas settle on were favourable for its cultivat that the wheat flour should be 1 juego de vasos con pichel with hides and skins, wax, honey, question of portioning out lands these lands by the 31st. Marchion. The plant resembles the separately kneaded along with 1 juego de vasos con pichel and other produce to barter and to the natives of the Island of 1936.
small palma Christi fig, both the yeast and both doughs mixed 1 juego de macetas elegantes sell in the city.
Jamaica who served in the World It will be remembered that this being of the same euphorbius fa shortly before being placed in 89 juego de floreros al óleo When at last departed from War is now taking definite was an agreement from the go mily. Two types of the cultivated the oven. Only one third of the 99 frutera de vidrio pintado the capital, New Flower had shape.
vernment of Jamaica that they yuca exist; the sweet and the usual quantity of salt should be 10 jardinera de plata alemana already shed almost all of the By the Gleaner of the 4th. would allot a portion of land to bitter. The first is of the palmata used.
Por CADA COLON que usted colorful petals of the coronation instant, it is noticed that sanct each ex soldier of the West In manihot specie and the second of In Brazil, the production of compre exija su número que le dará derecho a participar en el sorteo que that blossom are the seeds of proof the Island to expend an ad from service. That it should ha ter contains festivities, but within the calyx of ion is sought by the Governor dian Contingents on their return the manihot utilissima. The lat yuca acohol, for use se verificará el 19 de Enero de 1936.
much greater bustible, is becoming more impor.
gress and enlightenment, which ditional sum of 17, 500 to cov ve taken 18 years to bring the quantity of hydrocyanic or prus tant every day. Experiments carTOMAS FERNANDEZ should grow and flourish in the er the loans to be made ex soldi promise into effect is certainly a sic acid in its pulp, bark and root ried out by the Experimental long fallow land of Ethiopia. ers to assist them in settling shame in the Island govern than the former.
Institute of Viarmao in, the State on the allotted Crown Lands. ment. However its bettler late This acid, which is highly to of the Rio Grande de Sur, with Permission is also sought by than never.
xical and constitutes the poison eight varieties of fresh pulp, in all yucas, is certainly very vo produced 35 litros of absolute acoEn sus almacenes de son Jose, Puntarenas y Limón latile and disappears, in both hol of 287 kilograms. In SwitzOfrece el Com rcio el más extenso surtido de types, by evaporation, when heat erland, experiments have also Abarrotes y Licores ed by the sun or artificially. Ac been made with the flour for the tually there are many known va manufacture of beer and it was Depósito permanente de los afumados productos: rieties.
found to offer exceptional qua(CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
Cigarrillos CH STERFIELD.
In Java, the country with the lities for this purpose and supeSwift Company. Tales como manteca LA PRIMERA lo favorita de las most advanced cultivation andrior to all the other materials familias: cornes en barriles, etc.
Libby McNeil Libby. Leche Condensada, Carnes, Frutas. Legumbres, Enexportation, 25 commercial varie tried in competition to barley and curlidos y todo extenso surtido de loteria de esta renombrado Fábrica.
Price 11. 00 Quintal ties are known.
Té Solado. Un producto que ocupa lugor preferente en todos los hogares, por su exqui ito aromo Pagamos cantidades grandes 225. 00 Tonelada In view of the increasing interTo be continued Cemento. León Danés, el ovorito de los constructores, por su insuperable cualidad y resistencia, Sell COPRA and get more money for your nles de culorirnus pedidon consulte nuestros precios.
Coconuts with LESS WORK Compra de productos del pois, les como cacao, coors, etc.
Cocos a 00 el cien Further Information: BEECHE BY BOB SUTHERLAND employees. The increase in incoSunday Nights At Liberty Hall Aparlado 173. Limón, Costa Rica Not being cheerfully disposed, me tax would naturally only afmy obscure mentality cannot ra fect the privileged class and conAs a resident in the vicinity of full of hair growth. You Mr. EdiA POLICE MAN CHARGED WITH THEFT diate humorous glows of the des sequently will probably not pass. is great structure, intended for tou, were as Lncifer, leading the ired intensity The Police force must certa visits of watchfulness. On to permit me a Congress, while the wharfage inthe the improvement of the members fallen Angels with the Virgin of the black face in this city, Queen praying invocations inly feel ashamed of the conduct ship last trip a member of the continue writing under the head crease would rebound on the cost for of ing In Humorous Vein as of imported goods to the detripannot help saying it is vulgar, it your safety through life. As the of one of their members. Reports force evaded the vigilence is degrading for one to reside, in benches were unoccupied he ye. Cocaine were being smuggled in light; the owner soon missed it my future ravings will appear Solution were made that much Ganja and the crew and swiped a search had orginally proposed, therefore ment of the working class.
these days, in proximity to the Aled, dormed aid bellowed for which Fortunately quite a lot of us Hall for as a result of the qua the passersby to hear his scandal and out the Peten hence and suspicion fell on a detective under VIBRATIONS welsome meeting which from ti and the only thing wich was requi the police authorities have recen and a sub officer of the force more adequately fits the rambl poor suckers are minus the fancy apeitte for the foreign luxuries we me to time take place there the red to make him a finished lu tly been very frequent in their who were last seen aboard. The ing outbursts in contemplation.
matter was reported to headquarused to ardently cherish in by goarea is earning a very bad repute natic was the straight jacket.
ters and on a search being made Choking the Goat ne days land, outside of one on It is a pity the owners of su Tte names of several gentleThe Goverment its considering two commodities, the missing article was found we cen now rounding properties do not com men in the vicinity were among the belongings of a poli the renewal of payments on its subsist almost wholly on local or Slain to the authorities of the bois tioned and denounced as thieves ceman who had been on the ship. external obligations, amounting country produce, our only concern erous, unseemly conduct of those and rogues. It is learnt that Mr.
Estrada We need not think twice whether to several million colones annua would therefore be wearing apassembled therein, creating a Pa Garvey has written him two leour genial Comandante, Col. lly for interest and amortization. parel. To minimize the latter exPlic Nuisance to the community (ters advising him to vacate or Abarrotes y Licores Campos, dismissed him ignomini Presene revenue will not suffice, penditure, and considering ecoit all hours of the night. Dive nohte pacifically with the. On Sunday night last there we members; but he wont read the Artículos del País ously from service or not. He has so to meet this extraordinary dem nomic conditions are daily growalso been handed over to the Po and it is planned to increase ing more acute, it is feared woe gathered there just the rouna se to the scanty membership.
Precios Econó nicos With thesse letters galling him lice Court to be dealt with for wharfage dues and income tax men will shortly be driven to the anzen to hear their Saviour. his mean act.
and reduce the salaries of public adoption of knee lenght dresses ind whether it was from remorse and the Lawsuits worrying him LA IBERIA with sleeveless bodices dispensing having only his chosen twelve he does seem to be getting off his commune with him or whether pins; it wont be long, am thintheir already there was an elemental distur king, before he goes absolutely der the Municipal taxes cannot ༡༠ སད sance whirling in his pocket by mad. What a pity it is that in be paid. Are our Trustees going We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for ths scanty ensemble, and completely discarding the superflous stockeason of the letter recently re serious times like these we should to wait till the Government steps BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing ordere seived from the Patent Body is have a mad man keeping away in and embargo before they co can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase istings, while men will be content with only a shirt and knee length: yot known, but gee whiz, it was good, zealous members. Can the me in and throw this maniac out output.
candalous to hear this protector force of the law not be brought for mismanagement?
Come in and try a Loaf.
trousers, eliminating socks altoof old y Garveyism denounce all and to bear to alleviate the situation? Thanking you for space, Mr. No BISCUITS are genuine withont the name BOOTH gether and using ends shirts for handkerchiefs as many undry as Rogues and Thieves How can a dozen members keep Editor, impressed on them.
of us now do.
and he the only one with palms up this great Instfestebog menees wesiedad de la Biblioteca NacioTrue Garveyiteano del BOOTH PRODUCTS. CHALLENGE. IMITATORS Limon Trading Company Costa Rican Palm Nut Company compra COPRA We buy COPRA (Meat of Coceanut)
VIBRATIONS menSALOMON CHING WEE LE THE PEOPLES BAKERY with at least one piece of under

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