
THE PAST CHRISTMAS TIIE ATLANTIC VOICE Happenings In Venezuela we come men arrests The Lindbergh Family Leave America one day rope.
Britain will now proceed ply with their obligations under Extensive Aircraft Improvement Projected The Christmas Feast for even a series o four national LotDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone 1935 is past on to History. So terf Tickets would be specially many things have been contem played for at his instance for the plated, so many have been accom benefit of these unfortunates. Año II. No. 77 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 28th. December 1935 Editor English Section Nation plished and yet to many have We wonder why there is no one been left undone.
who can fill his place in this respect; one ready and willing for The War Situation The dances have had their service in so benevolent a cause.
sway, the feastings have given What of his sons? Is there noEngagements of a more inten is said to be taking every possitheir pleasures, the many dinners ne valient enough to buckle on se nature have been taking place ble precaution to meet whatever of General Juan Vicente Gomez, act of General Lopez was to grant Immediately following the death In spite of the fact that the first among friends have accomplished the armouh of plrilanthrophy along the northren front during emergency may arise in the Me: the great Dictator President of freedom to the many hundreds of a closer touch between certain which father had worn? Let us the past week. On Snnday last derranean as members of our community. The hope we shall soon find one wor there was heavy figthting, in application.
a result of such Venezuela, there has been a week political prisoners whom Gomez Additional Picnic trains to the Races at Ba of these past deeds.
troops of bloodshed in that prosperous had confined for rebellious conspiwhich the bombing planes of the are being sent to Egypt for sernanito and other pleasure sponts. And here country.
to the Italians took part in the section vice along the Lybian frontier racies, no sooner than the doors rour Zone have been du as also thought of the issue, we are now lying between Dessie and Maka and the co operation of the coun dollars in the Treasury did not fail these favoured The luxe of having 82, 000. 000 were opened to set them free than excursion Launches to the Quay in a particular season of Good le. According to Italy, the tries along the southern coast of started to where many ve been, not so will to Mankind. Surely the thiopians suffered heavily and we Etiople are alsteady being arran certain of the populace, hence there row the same government whose to attract the peculiar ambitions of hatch and foment plots to overthmuch for the pleasure of having great Song of the Angels did not re repulsed, while Addis Abeba ged the trip across the harbour as to intend to convey the idea that report that the forces of Ras Seare many who would like a change Chief Executive was the man who know and become familiar with this Goodwill should only be ex youm succeeded in capturing im report that Ras Kassa, one of the ing how quickly they can dispose From Addis Abeba comes the of government to have a try in see. had set them free.
the sorroundings ofthat small but pressed for the particular day on portant positions near Makale. principal Chiefs of the Ethiopian of that amount During the week there has been of ready cash; over fifty deaths, many pretty plot of earth surface which is celebrated the Advent subsequent engagement occurred forces, has initiated an offensive conspiracies in that dircetion start and parts of the country placed washed on all sides by the wa of Him who was emblematic of near Askum in which there was action on a large scale along the ed the very day of General Gomez under Martial Law. The govern ters of the Atlantic. Many poor such Goodwill to all mankind; also said to be heavy losses on northern front in which he is ha death with the result that General ment, however, reports the uprising persons have met for their dinner but rather that this emblem of both sides.
ving the cooperation of several Lopez, former Minister of War has been quelled but for how long or dole as the case may be, some kindness, meekness, humility and On the 26th the Abyssinians of the local Chiefs who were se and now Provisional President, has is left to be seen. The sons and forthe frist time because of the goodness was to be considered a shot down one of wear and tear of time which have sign of the times of great com which were bombarding Daga the mountainous regions during this turbulent spirit.
two planes aretely amassing their forces in had to use a strong arm to quell grandson of General Gomez have had to quit the country.
brought them to their present rodeship among men. Why then buhr; of the three occupants of the past canple weeks. It is beconditions and circumstances; should this feeling of hilarity the plane, two escaped but the lieved that the objective of this some our former friends of af and tolerance, of mirth and uni third was taken prisoner and movement is the retaking of Mafluence and influence who have versal friendship be made appli beheaded. It is remoured that the kale. It is also reported that a geben forced to face new environ cable to but one day? Why should Italians are endeavouring to in neral offensive on the south has In consequence it is believed of Unless the Court of Pardons ments of life. Yes, the Salvation we not carry this expression of tensify their activities with a view been ordered by the Ethiopian the large number of letters which intervenes, Hauptmann will be elec Army, the St. Vincent de Paul service and love throughout the of bringing the conflict to as ear government.
members of the Lindbergh family trocuted on January 13th. in the Society, the Baptist Ladies Fede whole year?
ly a close as possible consequent have been receiving threatening State prison of Trenton, as direct ration, the Wesleyan Benevolent There is, we think, too much on the threatening situation in Eu It was yesterday officially an their lives should Hauptmann elec. ed by the order of death which has Society, the St. Marks Charity individuality in this nounced in London that Fran. trocuted Col. Lindbergh, his wife been signed by Judge Trenchard Board, the St. Anthony Burial service; each Society and each With the appointment of Sir ce, Turkey, Greece and Yugoesla and young son have left the United who presided at the trial in Fle aid Society, the Costa Rica and individual seem to be working Anthony Eden as successor to Siria had assured England that States for Europe.
mington Jamaica Burial Scheme Soci for the praise of each particular Samuel Hoare, it is generally felt they would be willing to cometies as well as the many other unit in the great work. Such a Jthalt Benevolent Societies and Lodges, spirit of selfishness to excel in with her determination of having the Geneva Covenant in case the our merchants and charitably dis kind acts on a special day ruins the full force of the Sanctions British fsoces or interest th were With a view of bringing the prin, with a span of 114 feet and an over posed citizens, who subscribed so the true intention of the beautiful applied against Italy, without fur attacked. The replies of Spain and cipal sections of the British Empirerall lenght of 22. feet. Two decks substantially to make these Christ service rendered.
ther undue delay. Meantime she, Portugal are now awaited.
into to closest possible touch with will be provided in the forepart of mas dinners and Doles possibieach other, the Imperial Airways ha the hull, the upper one for the aclity, are all to be congratulated Until our ladies and gentleve ordered the building of a fleet of commodation of the crew, mail car for the parts they played and the men who undertake this responnew airships with a range, in still go and office, and the lower one charitable feeling exhibited on sability enter the good work in air, of 1, 500 miles an hour. The ma for passengers.
this memorable occasion. Each the true spirit of benevolence and chines are to be ready for a sche The cruising speed of the ship, Prosperous New Year and every one especially the la love for the cause of eliminating duled expansion of air traffic in will, it is estimated, ensure a sever dies sacrificed their home com suffering among mankind, the 1937.
To All day service between London and Aus forts, at times even running the genuineness of the act cannot be Each machine will weight 17 tons. Itralia.
Is The Sincere Wish Of risk of a broken health in order appreciated to its fullest extent.
to get around and accomplish the We therefore hope that this The Atlantic Voice Haupma ns Hope Vain things which would assist in ma spirit of sympathy for those who CRISTOBAL. No hope of par Asked if he believed that the king the needy and the unhappy are in a more straitened circumsdon for Richard Bruno Hauptmann, convicted man might receive a last spend a comfortable and cheery tance than ourselves will be exhiconvicted slayer of the Lindbergh minute parcon from Governor HaDay. All this has been done and bited all the year round. Let us baby, is extended by Congressman rold Hoffman the congressman re even the this Randolph that and sunny day for experiencing one another; not of haughtiness who arrived this morning on the Ssi ber of the pardon board and the the pleasure of accomplishing because we happen to be better During the earlier perior of the supplies but as Djibouti is a French Cristobal accompanied by Mrs. Per pervading opinion makes it difficult the things which were planned to situated for the moment than the African conflict it was believed that port it would be closed to them.
kins and their daughter.
to believe that all of the members bring good cheer into the hearts one we serve. Let us look at the the Italians were anxious to secure To safeguard himself againt such The feeling is a hundred to one might be swayed even were Goverand minds of those who have fa unfortunate with a true spirit of possession of Ethiopia only railroad; a possibility it is said the Ethiopian against Hauptman in New Jersey. nor Hoffman inclined to be.
llen into the slough of misfortu comradeship. Let us look at the they have not yet done so and, accord Emperor has been speeding up work declared the New Jersey congressne on life wayside. And while prisoner, the sick, the beggar, ing to French officials, should they on roads leading to the Anglo Egypman in answer to questions after his we recollect the many schemes the downtrodden on life road lever do so it would not assist them tian Soudan. highway has already arrival. He had a fair trial and his Here To Study Canal Zone Code which have been brought to bear way with real sympathy from the in solving their trasportation problem, been completed, in the Soudan, to appeal was refused by the Court of to the Canal Zone is primarily a vaThough professing that his visit to enhance this laudable satisfac standpoint that the same condi for the moment it fell into their hands connected the Ethiopian frontier with Errors and Appeals. The Supreme cation trip. Representative Perkins, tion of Service to mankind, wetions might have been our had the port of Djibouti. which is in the Anglo Egyptian railroad and a court refused to review the proceed a member of the House Judiciary cannot fail to remember one Great it not been for the goodness of French Somaliland, would be clos contract has been awarded a Swissings. The feeling is very greatly in Committee, stated that it was his Heart who has passed to the God to us; and so let us endea ed against them.
firm for the building of a road from sympathy with the Lindbergh and intention to study the codification beyond, one who was untiring vour to help the situation of such Under the French irxterpretation Addis Abeba to Kurmuk on the Southe Morrows throughout the state. of Canal Zone Laws with a view to in his efforts and real zeal in a one with the idea of sharing of the economic sanctions, as soon dan frontier.
The late Senator Morrow was held making any necessary recommendathis respect Isidore Asch. spiritually such misfortunes. as any part of the line is taken pos While the taking of the railroad dear. He was a personal friend of mi tions before his committee when it How well we recall him acting Should we do this all the year session of by the Italians the railroad by the Italians might to a certain exinconvenience the Negus, et chance for Hauptman.
ne as is Colonel Lindbergh. see no meets in Washington prior on behalf of the Masonic Lorge round the intention of the Song ceases to be an Ethiopian line, be tent opening of Congress in January on behalf of the Masonic Lodge, of those Angels shall have been coming instead a road from French would in no way debar him from obaround town collecting presents carried out with real understand territory into Italian territory and so taining his supplies, for with the road and cash to distribute among the ing of Goodwill to mankind subject to the Sanctions being en to Djibouti closed, he will use the poor not even forgetting those from Heaven shall have begun forced against Italy. Il Duce forces route through the Anglo. Egyptian would, consequently, be in possession Soudan thereby gwin to the BriSERVICIO DE VAPORES who were confined in our. Jail; and never shall cease.
of a railroad which they could not tish ports of Swakin ond Port SuSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con use for the transportation of supples dan, at the Red Sea end of the Souescala en CRISTOBAL HABANA and munitions. As a private enterpri dan Railway, the trade which was LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS se, the Railroad Company, would previously held by the French. FranWe beg to call your attention to our remark a the back probably be glad to transport the ce loss would be England gain. VAPORES SALIDAS of receipt which reads: QUIRIGUA 29 de Diciembre PETEN de Enero This bill must be paid at our office VERAGUA 12 de Enero beffore the 10th. of the month The long pending plan for the The plans and specifications for construction of an interoceanic wa this work are already prepared, it is ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot krway through Nicaraguan territo said, although it is not expected that ARIGUANI de Enero Llavando café solamente para Londres ry has, we understand, been defini an actual start with the work will be oblige us to suspend our service, a step which tely abandoned by the government made withing the next few years, as FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
we would much regret to takt, of the United States, the War De the outcome of the present naval Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS partment having instead decided to conference in London and the cons Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON construct a third set of Locky for the truction of future commercial vesFruit Company am In, hain. del Gran Hotel Costa Rics Panama Canal and to widen the sels and warships will have a great TELEFONO 3156 Gaidlaidotai Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano de bienesta athathe smallers del Ministerio de Cultura valuventud Costa Rica very doustfu gremial in affording us a bright a true feeling of sympathy to Ethiopian Railroad of No Benefit to Mussolini centative of the State of New Jersey. since the covernor is only one mem to the UNITED FRUIT Co.
Nicaraguan Canal Project Abandoned


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