
THE ATLANTIC VOICE IST. JANUARY 1936 At St. Marks was set came, our The dawn of a New Year us. doeth all things well.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone ually brings to those who are bles y And as the closing hours of sed to see it many new hopes and 1935 give acknowledgment to the Año No. 78 many aspirations for accomplish ushering in on us of 1936, by the Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, January 4th. 1936 Editor English Section, Nation ments during the dawning period. joyous chiming fo Bells, the blast While, however, having such hopes of Sirens and Whistles and the and thoughts, we cannot be un burstings of Bombs, we cannot but THE WARFARE mindful of the many blessing which recall the fact that, although this it has been our lot to experience is the season of Peace and GoodWorldwide indignation has been Since the commencement of the during the year which has passed will to all mankind, there are many aroused against Italy by the deli week, the Italians have been intento the historian log book. What millions of anxious, painful hearts berate bombarding of the Swedish sifying their aerial activities in the In strolling around town last The self sacrifice of the devo ever may be our circumstances in brooding and bleeding over the Red Cross Hospital located 30 southern section to such an extent, Sunday night we droppen in fin tional life of the Disciple whom life, there must be much for which fate which awaits their loved ones kilometros from Dolo on Monday that it is believed they are making ally at St. Mark Church to hear Jesús loved was also vividly to thank the Great Disposer of all on the battlefronts of other unlast, causing the deaths of an effort to undertake ad what was is store for zealous Chr thrown on the screen, as it were, events. Even those who may be happy localities, where they are nine Swedes and 23 Ethiopians. In vance.
istians during the Feast of THE as Archdeacon Kelly outlined the experiencing misfortune have much engaged in deadly combat by men reply to the vigorous protests which Consequent on the re inforce BIRTH, at the hands of our many acts of St. John which for which to be grateful; for what. who forget they are Brothers unhave been made against such an ments which Mussolini has been much respected although new went to prove his love and attune ever may be their present condi der the Fatherhood of one Supreinhuman and uncivilized act, the sending to Lybia latterly, Great Rector, the Venerable Archdea ment to the doctrine of his faith tions, they should conjecture that me Being; where Dictators and Italians claim they were justified Britain is again concentrating her con Kelly. One struck on all through his long life of use they might have been far worse. aspirants for fame and conquests in their action from the fact that most powerful battleships in the arrival with the harmonious blen fulness in the Assembly of the Let us hope that 1936 will be the do not seem to fully comprehend the Ethiopians have been taking vicinity of Egypt. The situation ding of the voices of hte Chorist followers of Jesús, and which most active, successful and glori that which is meant by the Brotherrefuge in these Red Cross Units here is said to have once more as ers in their rendition of two bea was left by him as an example of ous year in the history, not only hood of man; who permit the spirit whenever bombing planes appear sumed a serious nature anti British utiful anthems.
consistency to be followed by us of our individual lives, but in that of intollerance, uncharitablemes against them. It is however known demonstrations are again being in our profession to such doctri of our country. Many important and hatred to so completely possess that the heinous deed was an act indulged in by the populace. The Archdeacon explained in ne and which so claimed the con matters, to be undertaken during their minds that they employ of revenge for the beheading of From Addis Ababa it is official. a few brief sentences why it was sideration of the Ecclesiatical this period, will have a direct in mighty armaments and other destwo of their aviators who had somely announced that, with the co that three days following that Lords as to lead them to assign fluence on the destinies of the na tructive means to wreck the finer days previously fallen in to the operation of Ras Kassa and his of THE BIRTH were dedicated the 27th. December as the day tion; Our elections will come by in thoughts of philanthrophy and hands of the Ethiopians during an forces, Ras Seyoum continues to by the authorities of the Church, of recognition to St. John.
February; let us hope that the goodwill which the Season enjoins.
air raid.
succeed in his offensive against to St. Stephen, the first Martyr; It was then shewn that as all electors will be enlightened by di In extending our sympatetic It is being rumoured in London Makale, where it is stated the Ita. St. John the Divine, and the Ho the Infants, who were martyred vine guidance for the best interests emotions to those in distress, we that the bombardment will cause lians are now bottled and against ly Innocents. He explained that by Herod as a means of striking of the Republic, and that no un earnestly hope for an early divine greater pressure to be made in the whom the Ethiopians intend to St. Stephen, being the first vol at the one Child whose Birth ap toward circumstances will crop up, intervention, so that one and all League for the early application make an early attack under the untary soldier to sacrifice his life peared wrongly to him as a me as a consequence of the differen may be led by spiritual guidance to of the Petroleum sanctions aga personal command of Ras Mulug in defence of the doctrine of the nace to the safety of his king ces of opinions among those who think more often along those lines inst Italy.
heta, the Minister of War. In con Crucified One, it was fitting dow, they also were justly consi will be called upon to chose the which will tend to harmonize our So serious was the attitude of sequence of these activities the that his day should succeed that dered worthy of recognition by ruler of our destinies, to mar the understanding of the essential the populace in Sweden on the re Italians have had to delay their of the Nacimiento. He beauti being assigned the 28 th of De integrity and moral conduct of our things which lead to happiness in ceipt of the news that the Italian projected general advance.
fully outlined the constancy, the cember.
march along the path of civiliza human existence; which will Legation in Stockholm had to be fidelity of St. Stephen which The Archdeacon besought his tion, so that future historians may aside this unworthy intollerance; placed under military protection. As the result of a surprise attack Two other Italian planes were on the 27th. ult. the Ethiopians vision of the risen Lord stand ness, so when their time inspired and permitted him tho hearers to live a life of prepared be enabled to agreeably comment will cause the importance of ego on the unusual awakening and istic political discusions to fade destroyed on the northern front captured the town of Abi Addi during later air raids. Four occu along with much war material. The ing at the right hand of the Be even though taken suddlenly as quickening of the spirit of patriotic from among us, thus enabling us to pants of one were burnt when their Italians were reported to have suf loved Father. The Archdeacon were those Infants, they too will activities in the life of our Com think alike, act alike, understand machine took fire.
earnest exhortations to his mem be deemed whorty of acknowled (munity. May our hearts and minds each other alike and so blend in fered heavy losses.
bers to be as steadfast in their gement. His short talk was cer unite in making the coming year unison our actions that universal life of service to the faith as was tainly appreciative; it was histo not only a national and internatio goodwill and love will be identical The Yuca. Its Food Commercial Values Stephens, instead of being surface rical. docerina and sentimental. nal power for good, but the means with us all and usher in on deep only, ready to complain and we left convinced that the goods for extending our individual serv. consciences the Kingdom of God CONTINUED cent phosphoric acid and of get wearied at every little test delivered by the speaker was well ices and expressions of loyalty, de, which foretells happiness and proYuca does not require very hectarea. This mixture increases on them was certainly most re and so we too felt it was good blessings and benedictions receiv lerance, hatred and unpleasantnespotash require 300 kilos to the of faith that might be brought worth the time spent with him votion and goodwill to all around perity by the elimination of all us in recompense for the many anxieties, uncharitableness, intol.
fertile; land it gives good results the yield to almost double. In freshing.
to be there.
ed from the hands of Him whoses.
even in stony places but as may be some soils the application of a supposed this would not be profit little lime produces good results.
able. To secure large crops, and Crops should be ready for rea PROLIFIC MOTHERS ENCOURAGED Jamaica Producers operate to enable the tubercles to deve ping in eight or ten months aftlop as much as possible, the er, planting according to the ferin Bocas?
soil should be light and loose; tility of the soil, though this may Whatever might be the policies considered. Without able women, this would also facilitate the pu be delayed for some time with of other nations on the subject of states a writer in the official press By the issue of the Panama at Bocas is a temporary measure Birth, Germany and Italy are deci service of the Nazi Woman Or Star and Herald of the 21st. to offset the deficiency in Jamai.
lling up of the roots at naturity out doing any damage.
Yuca is an annual plant in can to enganization, who are willing to ultimo, we note that approximately ca.
In the Phillippines the crop is dedly doing all they sacrifice, to bear children and to 15, 000 stems of Bananas are now We also observe that with the temperate climate but perennial generally ready when the plants courage a larger population.
In their latest campaign for establish and maintain family life being shipped weekly to Holland good weather now being experienhas been successfully grown up reach the age of from 12 to 14 increasing their country popula. in its richset and best sense, our from the Bocas del Toro region by ced, Cristobal exporters expect to to an altitude of 850 metros abo months. Yuca is, however, ve sea leval; though in Java it of the plants which it is most tion, the German Nazis are advanc people are nothing, the military the Jamaica Producers. said to be of send away from 30, 000 to 40, 000 has been success fully grown up difficulty to say exactly when ing the code that a woman belongs ability of our husbands is nothing, recent installation in those parts. stems each week. The total ship to 1, 500. It also thrives under it should be reaped; especially whether young or old has the right the Reich are in vain.
to society, that no German woman, and all our efforts to reconstruct as it is further stated that the ped last month amounted to.
fruit is being varying weather conditions, but when it is desired to produce ped on the boats 150, 000 while in November the to consider herself as a private in excessively damp soil the roots starch and the roots should be belonging to such Producers, we quantity was only 103, 000 due to person to do with herself and her In keeping with his policy of en take it that this has reference to the heavy rains and floods.
will rot.
allowed to reach full maturity If health as she pleases. Laws are couraging larger families among the Jamaica Banana Producers CoAlthough, as previously stated reaped before maturity or too long being promulgated forbidding mar the general populace of his count operative Association who the plant does not need much fer. a time after, the percentage of riages of mixed races; decrees are ry. Premier Mussolini on the 21st. and operate a line of ships between tility, it is natural that if the starch is much less.
expected at any early date to chan. December distributed cash prizes Jamaica and Europe. As a result, land be very poor or has been There are now many kinds of planted successively for three or machines for the manufacture of Be the laws on Divorce and illegi ito ninety nine mothers who were however, of the servere damage its timacy. Health offices are being married during the last ten years contractors suffered some months FRANK MADURO Jr.
more years, it should be manured flour, starch and other principal established to give advice to mar and were declared the most proli. ago when two hurricanes hit that Prop.
as yuca is a heavy soil feeder products of yuca, such as, those ried couples and Bureaus to act as fic. Their progeny numbered 616 Island, the Association and rapidly exhausts the land. for peeling, washing, pressing, matrimonial agencies are also being living children.
put to for a sufficient amount of Best native lumber On the score of economy green drying, etc. to be operated by fruit to warrant the continued runmanure may be used such as Vel motors of 2 small hand ning of the ships; it is therefore at moderate prices vet and Cow Peas.
power machines can also be had. presumed that the loading of fruit Commercial manures with a baTo be continued According to the Star and He Colonel Julian future plans HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE rald issue of December 23rd. calls, it was stated, for a lecture SERVICIO DE VAPORES Colonel Hubert Fauntleroy Julian, tour this winter and a trip by airPróximas salidas de Puerto Limón Salidas senianales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK popularly known as the Black plane across the Atlantic next sumPara EUROPA escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Eagle returned to America on mer, with the possibility of extend. SANTANDER. PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, December the 13th. having resign ing it to a trip around the world.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS AMERICANOS EUROPEOS ed his commission in the army The funds for this undertaking the Negus.
would be supplied by an English Caribia Enero PETEN de Enero lady who had met the noted AviaIn a statement given to the Presstor at Port Said and had been atm. Patricia Enero 23 VERAGUA 12 de Enero Colonel Julian is stated to have tracted to him by his apparent QUIRIGUA 19 de Enero declared he had shaken the dust honesty of purpose. 60, 000 had Para GUATEMALA ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
of Ethiopia off his feet for ever in adready been deposited by her for (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
consequence of the inefficiency, the air trip, it was further alleged.
ARIGUANI. de Enero help him all he could, but unfortu. Commenting on the statements Cordillera Enero 27 his former superiors. He had, he of the Aviator, Ras Tasfaye ZapFELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS said, no personal grievance against hiro, Secretary of the Ethiopian Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS the Emperor and would be glad to Legation in London, who also arPara otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de in United help him al he could, but unfortu rived in New York by the same Para cualquiar clase de informos, dirigirse a: Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Cosda Rice nately he (the Emperor) was un ship stated they were to be expect.
HAPAG LLOYD TELEFONO 3156 able to control the Chieftains and ed from an embittered man who!
Este documento es propied araa Biglioliise Nasipalemi e Miguel Obregón Lizano df fig. MB ddarionpaul Spliotecas del Ministerio de Culfa AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 one own Maduro Lumber Yard was hard The Black Eagle Quits Ethiopia UNITED FRUIT Co.
con VAPORES SALIDAS Llevando café solamente para Londres


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