
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, January 4th. 1936 Season Cup Competition Closes Proper Leadership Needed Marian could we re.
our even The Five Year Plan ALLAN SIME Quite possibly, which, of them do you wish, young Sir? The cook, the kitchen maid, the parlour maid or the scullery mad? was the curt reply.
The long expected decision in fixed.
Dear Mr. Editor.
intelligence and integrity. What Landiady to lodger, whose account the Cup Competition was consuadvancement ean they accord us?
was not being promptly paid. Immated last Sunday when the Ex It never rains but it pours. SoPlease again grant me space in What examples of home life can think you had better board elsewhe celsior met the Motive Power metimes one never hears a word of in the Tie match, each Club hav the game then all of a sudden it your valuable columns to say a they afford us when theirs are so few words on the question of lead. very scandalous. How Lodger, Yes, have had, ot ing secured four pints in the sea. is nothing but Cricket.
son tournament. Several dates attempt to follow their line of conOn New Year Eve the Path ership among our people.
It should hardly be necessary to duet as husbands and fathers?
Landlady. Had what? had been fixed for completing the finders entertained the Cairo EleLodger, Oh, better board el task, but from week to week dis. ven to a very exciting game. The reiterate that men chosen as lead. Can anything, therefore, other than sewhere.
appointment was experienced on visitors took their stand at the ers in our Clubs and Associatiins retrogation among our girls and account of unfavourable weather. wickets and made 63 runs, of which should be men of culture, vision young men be expected when such and integrity.
conduct is exhibited by those who Bumptious young man, m a Father Sol however afforded us a the last man made 22. The score Unfortunately, our leading Or assume to teach and guide us?
thought reader, so always know what fine day on Sunday and enabled stood at for 23; for 24; for the Excelsior to put the trick over 25; for 28; then Suares went in the contrary, they seem cursed by let their light so shine that we ganizations are not so blessed; to No, Mr. Editor, leaders should a person is thinking.
Bored old gentleman, Well that the Ironsides.
and brought it up to for 38 and having men whose only ambition shall be able to follow in their being so, must ask you to pardon The Motive Power went in 10 for 63.
test the bowling of Maxwell and The Youths then went in and is to abuse, belittle and scandalize footprints and do likewise. We do me.
those who are blessed with greater not Johnson which proved too much barely made the deal, securing 69 culture, intelligence andl influen whose intergrity and whose intel.
wish men whose morality, The young suitor was interviewing for them and sent them back to runs all out. Escoe was top scorer his father in law elect, who after giv the Pavilion all out for 22 Runs. with 19, Young Tas following with ligence are of lower standards leader should, in my humble than ours, men devoid of stamina ing a disapproving glance at his visi Capt. Delpratt made and Le 14; Butty 11 and Brown The City Dude. am determined tor, asked.
Ray Johnson took wickets for finish was most exciting, the last opinion, be one who, above all else, and even one admirable and outsnot to get married until meet a Do you seriously think you could 15 and Maxwell for wicket just harely making the two knows when he knows not, hence tanding characteristic, for woman who is ny absoate oppo support a daugheter of mine on seruns needed to save the homesters is anxious to learn and, thereafter, leaders; thest would be the breaks willing to teach those around him ing down of any Club or Organi; site.
The Excelsior then tried their a drubbing.
venty shillings a week?
who are ready to be taught. Herem zation; membership would fall and Rustic Maid. do not think The visitors seem to have en The young man beamed and hur luck at the trundling of Babb and you will have much difficulty in find ridiy replied Td have a good try, Groves, and succeeded in pulling joyed themselves immensely under lies the cause of the scarcity of intelligence degenerate under their ing such a one. Most of the girls in sir, if that is all you can manage ar off the match by making 35 Runs the entertaimment of the Pathfin. our ambitious youths in our lead guidance. Instance the this district are known to be very present.
all out. Captain Sutton got 13 and ders. who are to be congratulated ing Clubs and Organizations. Association; is it not apparent that intelligent.
Thurburn Scott got wickets for the high standar of culture Some of our older folk accuse proper and efficient leadership is Business Man, who was much for runs, Groves (or Bones) exhibited. The dance, given at the us of being non ambitious, want lacking there why our youths and Rich and rather vulgar young annoyed with the conduct of a cus for 17 and Babb for 11. spacious Hall of the Club Oriente, ling in self respect and of no good; intelligent citizens abhor it as if it man on meeting the staid aristocra tomer (dictating. Sir, my Se The date for the Presentation was socially a great success and a but they forget that they are the were plague infected? Let all tic father of his girl friend announ cretary, being a lady, cannot ask match, when the Excelsior will credit to the management of the ones responsible for our carelessenss read, mark, learn and mentally in matters of communal progress digest.
her to type what think of you. I, meet All Comers, is now to be Pathfinders. Say, old one, m thinking of being a gentleman, cannot by the sad examples set us. How Thanking you, Mr. Editor, marrying one of your girls. sup think it. You, being neither, can eacan we worry over joining Orgapose it will be quite with you? sily guess what mean.
nizations when we find their leadEdwin Horde ers lacking in moral character, in Limon, Ap. 211.
The Soviet government has seen and deserves every consideration, but fit to have a Five Year Plan esta in its pathway lie so many obstacles blished in all its agricultural and in and difficulties to be overcome that dustrial pursuits, no doubt to stimu it needs men at the helm who possess PARK HOTEL late greater efforts in production as a very wide range of vision. Men LIMON well Limón, Costa Rica as economy. Some claim it who enjoy the greatest confidence achieved much success while others and influence in the different areas Situado frente al mar Cómodas habitaciones Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa think the contrary.
in which they would operate. Men Unico establecimiento en el Puerto con cuartos con baño We now observe other people who live above reproach; men who Importation and Sale General Cantina bien surtida. Salón para muestras adopting similar propositions for will not condem a fallen Angel to Merchandise the encouragement of thrift and stea the guillotine, but would rather adLUISE SCHUSTER, Propietaria dy application in industrial, commermonish and try him in another sphere Teléfono No. Apartado 236 cial, educational and agricultural according to the enormity of his misContributors to Christmas Dole pursuits. It is noted that the Univer take.
Thanked sal Negro Improvement Society al There have been so many mista Quintuplets Born in Nicaragua so strikes out with these aims in a kes in past attempts which have ocThe Editor, ed the opportunity of doing a great five year drive among all its members casioned such great sufferings that MANAGUA. Dec. 26, Medical, They are worried, however, because deal more in so worthy a cause. scattered throughout the world. indeed the present proposal needs a authorities are interested in a report the infant death rate of Nicaragua Through the medium of your va Once again expressing our hearty On Sunday last, there was a rally man of the type of a Lincoln, or a that señora Timotea Laines gave is high, especially in the outlying lued columns we desire to convey and sincere thanks to all with our of many adherents of this Organi Bishop Jackson to carry it to a lo birth to three boys and two girls, all districts, such as Metagalpa, where our sincere thanks to the various So wishes for a prosperous and healthyzation at the St. Mark Hall, when gical conclusion, healthy, in the village of Sabana proper communications are meagre.
cieties and many sympathising friends New Year, the principles of the Plan were ex Many promises and pledges were Grande, department of Metagalpa.
who, by their generous contributions, Yours in humanity Service, pounded. It shews that all people of made at the meeting on Sunday, but enabled us to bring some joy and Wright colour are called upon to pledge them it as left to be seen what results Imprenta BORRASE HERMANOS happiness on Christmas Day, to the Adjutant Salvation Army. selves to a subscription of an amount will be obtained. It its hoped that such hearts and homes of more than forty BAKERY of our deserving poor not attached Ed Note, We thank Adjutant status, which they will this to any of our religious denominations. Wright very much for his as to hand in to the Organization through gigantic Plan, not only by those who We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the The recipients were addressed by complaints have reached us that so the medium of its Agents. to be ap will be placed in charge of local oper BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders Mr. Burrow, who, assuring them me of those concerned did not dis pointed in the different countries ations buy by the Execueive Coun can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase ist of the joys which the coming of Ch tribute the Dole but to those who where the Society operates, to be cil in London, that all fears and output.
rist signified, urged them to place were registered members of the de forwarded to the Head Offices in doubts as to ist success will be brushCome in and try a Loaf.
their faith in Him with the hope for nominations in which they were in England. The idea is to accumulate ed aside and so inthuse confidence No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH a change in their present conditions terested, although the contributing the respectable sum of 300, 000. in the proposition and secure thou impressed on them.
should it be the will of Him who di Societies intended the dole to be for 000 within this five year drive. This sands and thousands of subscribers BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS rects all things.
all who were recognized as needy sum is to be utilized in the different to the ranks of its Share holders.
Through the kind aid of a couple persons. We are sorry to hear that countries in Commercial, Scientific, Xalal ole ole ole ole ole ole of gentlemen, the members of our there was an exhibition of such sel Industrial, Agricultural and Educa Home League were also able to dis fishness by Christian leaders; and do tional lines; pro ratio payments being tribute a few articles of wearing ap hope that in the future no such in approtioned out of the allotments parel which were most gratefully ap human discrimination will be shown subscribed in such districts and appreciated. We are hoping that on by those from whom a better exam propriations made on the recommenthe next occasion we will be afford ple is expected.
dations of the Agents as to the fitness or adaptability of the particular line Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue Did You Know of pursuits to which such country or district could be made practicable; Unico Emisor State Bank That Santa Claus actually lived That every girl who is not kissed that is if a certain line of business and was Bishop during the earlier under the mistletoe at Christmas will were considered suitable for say Cosofrece al público los Christian era, the name being a cor not be married during the following ta Rica and was so recommended by Offers the Public the ruption of that of St. Nicholas. year, and that every one so kissed the Agents to the Central Body in servicios de su Services of its should be presented with a berry London, the proper appropriations That when Christmas decorations from it to bring her luck.
would be made to exploit the partiare taken down, they should be left cular line of venture.
in some convenient place to decay naTo Thine Own Self Be True There is also proposed to be insturally. To burn or otherwise destroy To All Men Goodwill tituted a College where leaders for them is said to be unlucky.
We Thank Our Numerous Client the Society would be trained in the EN LA IN THE separate lines of business suggested That the origin of the Christmas For Their Past Support by the officials of the Society, and Stocking is said to be that St. NiCIUDAD from this College Administrations DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON And Wish Them cholas, always good to the poor, on Merry Christmas Happy Pros would be allotted to the different ce dropped a purse down a cotager countries in keeping with their qualipara toda clase de perous New Year.
All Kinds of Bank Service chimney, which, instead of falling on fications for managing the affairs the hearth, fell into a stocking hung The Metropolitan Bureau and particular lines of business carservicio bancario Rendered there to dry. Egbert Polson ried on in such district or country.
Our Fifth YeapocopServleedad de la blestesohemienaisMiquel byegórloftyno onesis within the capacity of their financial sound businnes acumen will be por THE PEOPLES BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA DE SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE


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