
Saturday, January 4th. 1936 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA ITALY CASE AGAINST ETHIOPIA SAL UVINA Great Thought For Liver and Stomach Ailments at a at We are Vibrations Continued in acts of war, do not at all feel it In 1925 26 there followed the dis their duty to dismember the British During the week we felt inspired who may be found adaptable by his patch of Ethiopian arms and muni Empire. They hold their empire by a conversation tions to the rebels of the Mijjertein tight, while they would prohibit others (THE RIGHT SALTS)
we had with a fitness of brainpower and dedication young gentleman of colour in this vi to learning. As we say his vibrations during the Italian operations for the from participating in that European cinity. The theme of his argument is caught on to our negative and a peroccupation of Northern Somaliland expansion which has left its mark on co incident with a constant thoughtfect current is the result. meeting and the rebel chiefs were later grant a whole century of colonial enterpriof ours, that we felt, as we say, insis to be called at an early date among ed pensions and land by Ethiopia. se. Indeed, not only do they hold it pired to set up a propaganda in an the more enlightened of the group to Finally, in 1931, the Dejazmach Ga tight but they do not disdain to maeffort to arouse public sentiment in devise ways and means for the supbre Merrian organized an expedition, ke use of it for their own ends, and the matter.
port and tuuition of the best boy and threatening a sudden attack against when they clamor for the closing of The coincidence is so marked that girl of the Province to enable them the frontier of Italian Somaliland on the Suez Canal and the Straits of ing is worthy of mention. On com to merit diplomas in the Arts and Scien the Sheibeli and, in 1934, the situa Gibraltar, when, in other words, they ing out of St. Marks Churchs on Sun ces.
tion culminated in the violent and demand that a position that is impeday night we came across a young It is certainly hoped that such bloody encounter at Walwal. cial, and exclusively imperial, should INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF gentleman. whose affectionate a laudable thought will have the Is must be borne in mind that the be used against Italy and therefore tention to his mother we have always moral and financial backing it attack against the Italian garrison at against all nations, because what is noticed and admired. The Scribe said deserves.
Walwal, which followed an intimation done today against Italy can be do Flatulence And all forms to this younster, who works at the The idea is a monthly contrito the commander of the post to me tomorrow against another power.
Grillo drug store, Well hope bution will be solicited from symwithdraw (because, according to an It has been said that Ethiopia is Indigestion of Stomach you are not one of those who only pathizers in the cause, to form a arbitrary Ethiopian assertion, Wal an independent State, worthy of liv. work with their hands and feet but fund to meet the expences of such wal does not belong to Somaliland. ing on as the last surviving native Colics Disorders will also work with your head. mean was carried out by a group of armed State in the whole of Africa. This continued the Scribe, that you are scholarship men who had reached the frontier statement in false and willfully misTwo students, a male and a in a position to study in the line of in the company of a mixed Anglo leading. Ethiopia is not a State, but FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES life in which God has placed you, female, will be decided on by Ethiopian commision charged with the negation of a State, because it is a therefore hope you will do so and enan examinations as to their prothe delimitation of the frontier of a feudal, slave trafficking and slaveBritish Somaliland. The British re owning composition, possessing not MANUFACTURED BY: deavour to pass your examination as ficiency, and will be sent to the first diplomatized coloured Phar. college to pjass the degrees of presentative on the commision, Lieut. even the slightest element that consHERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA macist we shall have in the country some profession, preferably Col. Clifford, not only was present titutes a State. Ethiopia it not even for the coloured people have need of this moment, Law and Meat the attack, even if at a disance, a national agglomeration. It is the SAN JOSE their own, professional men and wo dicine.
but he had already clearly shown result of successive conquests, almost men as the other races have.
As stated a meeting will soon himself to be favorable to the un all of them recent and made to mainHow surprising nt was for us to see be called to elect a Borad of Mawarranted and unacceptable demand tain the absolute predominance of that the Italian troops should aban the conqueror.
The Jimira, to the west of the Ka. State and abolish slavery. These the activity in transference of thougt, nagers; circulars will be sent out to the don a contested territory. Nobody can Ethiopia comprises only four fre fa, was another small State that re conditions have not been fulfilled, when on Monday morning we were soliciting contributions claim that the conduct of Lieut. Col. gions. the Tigré, the Asmara, the cognized the sovereignty of the King and they cannot be fulfilled. Ethiopia met by Mr. DaCosta who expressed fund and suggestions sought for Clifford, in this typical episode, was Gojjam and the Shoa. The other re of the Kala. In 1912 the Swiss trav will never be worthy of comparison himself as being obsessed with the ideal its control.
disinterested and would bear inquir gions Wallega, Jimma, Kafa, Si eler George Montandon was able to with any State of Western civiliza of working to the end of founding a committed scholarship by which some worthy boy confident that the ing into more closely.
damo, Boran, Bale, Arussi, Harrar ascertain on the spot that the popu tion. The error that was From all the foregoing it may be and Ogaden. have been acquired lation of the Jimira had decreased when she was accepted by the Lea or girl of the community might be beauty of the thought will catch concluded: by violent conquest, for the purpose in fifteen years from 100, 000 to on gue must not be aggravated by mak helped to further their studies and on as soon as it is set on foot, ly 20, 000.
ing her the State by which the effec enter the line of professionals, in this and thus afford this coloured Italian penetration in East Afri of enslaving tributary populations.
ca has over half a century of poli In a territorry of 430. 000 square which Bottego had met in 1895 to guarantees are to be tested. The ho certainly seemed positive for possessing their The tribes of Ciara and Nano, tiveness of the League of Nations country. Mr. DaCosta Vibrations community the opportunity of own Doctors, tical, military and commercial his miles there lives a population estion the League of Nations, which has not the he right away proposed to start and Lawyers, Nurses, and tory. It is therefore not at all im mated at 000. 000. One must doubt the south of the Kafa and provised but represents a vast, essen the accuracy of the larger figures banks of the Omo, may be said to power to undertake any action rehead a subscription list monthly for of other professions of honour tial problem, the solution of which sometimes quoted, no census being exist no longer, having been extermi quiring a show of strength and which furthering the studies of such a pupil and culture.
nated by the raids of the slavers. On has not intervened on numerous other cannot be further postponed. possible in a country that keeps no must not be asked to Italy in 1889, as in 1928 by record of births and deaths. These ly five years ago, a few surviving occasions, Mussolini initiative, attempted to 6, 000, 000 inhabitants belong to dif Nao were still offered on Ethiopian exert its authority for the first time carry out a policy with Ethiopia offerent races, among which the Ethio markets as a rarity. They were divid Ion behalf of Ethiopia of all counBY BOB SUTHERLAND good fneighborüiness and of direct pians are not a majority, for they ed into two species, the Red Nao tries a country organically devoid cooperation, from which Ethiopia are estimated at 2, 200, 000, as against and the Black Nao. according to of all the qualities necessary for the more or less dark color of their membership. would have derived very great be 2, 500, 000 Galla, 550, 000, Sidama, nefits.
350, 000 Somalis, 50, 000 Dakalis and skins, and they fetched an average On the other side exists the clear, Mussolini vs. Selassie rally conceded to be vastly supe3. Ethiopia, on the contrary, has 350, 000 Negroes and negroids. There price of 80 or 90 Maria Theresa tha incontrovertible right of Italy to corior to that of the Ethiopians.
proved and is proving by a multitu is no common lenguage, for six prinlonial expansion. Italy has a territo So far the net result to Italy This brilliant achievement on The Burgi, inhabiting the mountain ry of 135, 000 square miles with al in her undeclared de of undeniable facts that she wishes cipal languages exist Tigrean, Am war against the part of Selassie force is all to pursue and develop a policy of haric, Orreno, Somali, Sidama and range to the east of Loke Queen Mar population of 43, 000, 000 inhabitants. Ethiopia has been the mere ad the more significant when it is open antagonism to Italy. This poli Ofar. none of which has any lite gherita to the estimated in 1895 by More than 10, 000, 000 Italans, ecat vance from Eritrea into Makale remembered that in recent oy culminated in the episode of Wal rary value, and a number of lesser Bottego to number about 200, 000. tered in all the countries of the world, in the north, from Somaliland to major engagements with very wal, which is not an isolated event, dialects. Nor is there any religious Nowadays. being much sought after bear proof to how vigorous is the around Gorchai in the South, and definite results usually begin to but can be considered as the alarm unity, for there are 2, 750, 000 Chris in the slave markets because they expansion of their race. The Italian the holding of a few little towns occur within one month after the signal that revealed a situation fun tian Copts, 2, 900, 000 Mohamme are strong and skilled agriculturists, population increases at the rate of of no real strategic importance. commencement of hostilities and the Burgi who have escaped slavery 450, 000 a year. But that is not all. She has not yet accomplished a it is now almost three months damentally hostile to the two Italian dans, only 11, 000 Catholics and.
and remained in their country do not The Italian as colonies in East Africa.
can be seen in all single outstanding military feat since the start of the present Italy has the right and the duty As for the relations between the number more than 15, 000, accord countries where Italian communities and has been greatly balked in confl during which time Italy, to face and solve this situation, af Ethiopian conquerors and the subjecting to the report made three years live and work, is a born colonizer. what she considered an easy walk notwithstanding her recognized He is sober, industrious, hard workter half a century of bloody expe populations, a few facts made public ago by an Italian traveler.
Bottego, Ruspoli and James men ing, thrifty, prolific, and he superiority, has not been able to prorience, as she cannot admit that she in a debate in the Italian Senate have Being unprepared and lacking gain any decided advantage.
is to allow Ethiopia to have her own shown that they are destructive. Ehio tion the presence in the upper valley spers in all climates. He is at once modern armaments and munition, way in aggravating matters. pian domination is a cruel dominal of the Shibeli of large villages of soldier, agriculturist artisan, mechaImi, a population speaking the So nic. Wherever he goes, he takes root it was natural to expect the Ethi Since De Bono could not make Mussolini decision to take the tion.
Ethiopian problem in hand is perfec The Kafa, an independent kingdom mali language. The villages were in and works. These qualities, which opians would be forced to re any appreciable progress, he had tly justified and timely. His method and one of the most fertile countries habited by vast numbers of prospeare necessary to carry on civilization treat before the motorized and to give way to Badoglio who is of dealing with it was designed to in East Africa, has a population rous agriculturists, who offered the in the colonies, do not exist in any disciplined Italian army, equip now the supreme Italian field circles restrict the controversy to the Afri that Cardinal Massaja, a profound explorers haspitaly and foods. In 1928 country that is not in possession of ped with all the latest death im authority and who Rome plements. However, since the lif predicted would immediately macan and colonial field. framing it in expert of that region, estimated at the Duke of the Abruzzi. in his me a vast colonial empire.
ting of the embargo and the re ke things hum; but he does not the great historical phase of the Eu 1, 500, 000. In 1897 the Ethiopians morable exploration of the Webbe Something of this is known to ceipt of an adequate supply of seem to be faring any better than Topeanization of Africa. To oppose conquered this kingdom and began Shibeli. noted that not a single Imi Italy it is necessary to deny the for the most ferocious devastation of men village was in existence and that the England, who no longer suceeds in modern war weapons and mate his predecessor and may also be midable fact of the conquest of Af and property. Today, after forty years whole land was completely deserted. making her sons venture forth in rials, Ethiopia has not only made short lived. Loud. barking MusEhtiopia, finally, has not even dy to the world, who cannot induce her a stand on both fronts but in solini is kept so busy lately that fica in which England played the part of a régime of slavery, the popular nastic continuity. Each Negus ascends millions of unemployed to leave her certain sectors has assumed the he hardly seems to gnarl any of the protagonist. The British Labortion does not exceed 20, 000, accordspokesmen, who accuse a pacifisting to the estimates of European tra. the throne only by means of bloody shores and who no longer has the offensive inflicting heavy losses, more and reticent Selassie may srusade that would find expression velers.
rights, of intrigue and ambush, of the strength or the capacity to make and forcing the enemy to re yet bring him to his knees, now imprisionment and violent death of them return to the land, which is larthat Ethiopia is well supplied his rivals. Negus cannot therefore gely uncultivated.
That the Ehiopians are a mar with war contrivances and is stabilize his power even in his own We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back Italy must expand. Her road must velous fighting unit and a most daily getting more conversant person, because when he becomes Em not be crossed by other countries, formidable foe is apparent from with the tactics of modern warof receipt which reads: peror he carries with him the taint certainly not by that country which the fact that prior to the receipt fare.
of violence, which brings into opera has taken possession of all the con of modern implements and pro In the meantime, John Bull This bill must be paid at our office tion the law of an eye for an eye, tinents and of all the roads of the videl with only spears and anti has been in the arena short of a tooth for a tooth.
quated musketry they comparati refereeing the bout and representbeffore the 10th. of the month Ethiopia therefore remains entirely CLOA vely held the Italians in check, ing the European Boxing Comtrue to African type, which is an inand while retreating in an order missión, otherwise known as the Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot ferior type, and cannot lay claim to y fashion stubbornly prevented League of Nations, while Frenoblige us to suspend our service, a step which an ancient, even if now no longer ex the invader from scoring anychy has been seconding; but in isting, civilization, such as that of Advertice in the signal success such as was anti spite of all the diplomatic strings we would much regret to takt. which Egypt boasts.
cipated from so powerful an ar being pulled the whole affair Ethiopia was, nevertheess, admitmy, equipped with all the mo might suddlenly develop into COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON ted to the League of Nations. She dern machinery of war including fierce battle royal with no tellwas admitted on condition that she would reach artillery, tanks, airplanes, etc. ing who will be left standing VOICE a certain level as a directed by an intelligence gene in the ring.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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