
The African Conflict TIE ATLANTIC VOICE CATHOLIC ACTION Change In Presidential men to are Disappearance of Lottery Ticket 9, 007 Refuses Offer of 3, 750 for Bible natural and efficacious regula wise prescriptions issued by the and subsequently fowarded The much dreaded rains are now forwarded the sensational informafalling throughout the regions in tion to Mussolini that he estimates Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone which the contending forces oper. it will take him eight long years of ate and have already so interfered fighting to overcome the Ethi.
with the movements of the Ita opians, if even he persists in the Año Il No. 79 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 11th. January 1936. Editor English Section Nation lians that it is reported they will diabolical use of poisonous gases.
have to delay activities for two To us this spells ultimate defeat months. The Ethiopians, however for the Italian Arms, for we cannot are apparently experiencing no dif imagine how Italy will be able to ficulties as they are reported to carry on over such a long stretch Bishop Wollgarten Pastoral Letter On Subject have regained the entire region of of time due to her straitened finanCandidates Tembien and to have captured cial circumstances and the effects Almost a century and a half of usly during the pilgrimage of change has taken place in the interests of the Workers at much material abandonel by the of the sanctions now in force. The sad experience of the Rights of their earthly existence.
the personnel of the Candidates whetever sacrifice, was duly insItalians in their hurried evacuation. 20th. instant is the date fixed for Man. proclaimed in the French Due to his most noble understak for the coming 1936 1940 Pre talled as the Party representaThey are also continuing the con the meeting of the League Council Revolution, have past. It spreading are the strict orders of Hissidential term.
tive for the Presidency of the centration of their forces in the for coming to decision regarding over the world like an Univer Holiness Pope Luis XI given to As it was found that Mr. Ma Republic. In a very impressive vicinity of Makale which they anti. the petroleum embargo, and it is sal Remedy to cure the social us, the Bishops of the catholic nuel Mora, the Candidate of the discourse which followed, Prof.
cipate they will soon be able to just possible that this forecast of infirmities. teaching man to free world to organize in union with Communist Party, was debarred Saenz promised to faithfully caregain.
che Field Marshall may assist in himself every moral yoke and the venerable Clergy and the de by reason of his not having rea rry ou the responsabilities they In the Dolo section Ras Desta giving it an early enforcement. make himself independent to terined collaboration of the good ched the minumum age required had placed on him, and would, reports that his forces routed those Meantime France is concentrat exercise his freedom whenever catholic laity, the christian ranks by the Policital Constitution of with all his energy and intellect, of General Graziani when they ing no less than ninety of her fightand wherever he desires, in tight battle lines, well train the country, he decid he would resist the political troubles with attempted to invade the valley of ing units, alongside those of En without bond or control, nei ed and willing to do their duty withdraw in favour of some one which they were threatened.
Dolo and Sidamo.
gland in the Mediterranean, to ther in commercial transac for Christ and His Holy Church, else to be selected by the Party. It is understood that had the Fearing no doubt that their re meet any action which Mussolini tions, nor social relations, nor in not in the field of politics, but in general Convention took Communists presisted with the cent successes may induce his war. may resort to in his desperation dreadful slavery of the weak with every branch of social life with place in San José last Monday candidature of Mr. Mora, all the riors to oppose the invaders in mas should the embargo be actually regard to the strong, in any kindſ all its activities and manifesta night at which 500 delegates ass votes polled in his favour would sed formation, the Emperor has enforced at this time.
of transactions; which has pro tions. ted. Mr. Mora presided and have been declared null and void again issued instructions that under We are now more than ever in. voked, on the one hand, outragi CATHOLIC ACTION is the after fully explaining the reasons by the Legislature; and thus the no circumstances should they de clined to the belief which we moot ous injustice of Capitalism and, name which the Popes of late ha. which had brought about the Party would have been deprived part from the guerilla tactics they ed in one of our earlier issues, that on the other hand despair and ve given to this undertaking of proposed change, requested no of the services of those represenhave been pursuing and which difficulties of a very serious and rebellious conspiracy and plots the Church on behalf of Christ minations. Six were named, Prof. tatives might have succeeded in have been so effective. far reaching nature are threatening of oppressed poverty; again, reign nthe world. CATHOLIC Carlos Luis Sáenz, Jaime Cer being elected to Congress and Consequent, it is believed, on a the Italian nation by reason of the egoism of the wealthy whose feel ACTION of the Hierarchy and das, Dr. Montero Segura Octavio the Municipal Boards.
request by Field Marshall Badoglio freedom with which her Premierings are controlled only by their of the Faithful, which in its es Jiménez, Agustín Astorga and for re inforcements, 50, 000 has bene allowed to pursue his ag craving for money, and envy, sence has always existed; for, at Marcelino Molina. The voting The suggested fusion with have been dispatched from Italy gressive acts.
hatred and robbery of those who all times the christian people has followed and resulted in 448 the Socialists for the purposes during the past few days for Eri From Dessie it is officially an are deprived of wealth and for worked in pursuing, more or less being cast in favour of Prof. of this coming election, is we trea. When the Field Marshall as. nounced that the Ethiopians yes tune; and all this is, in plain consciously, the aim of CA Saenz, who, after making the further understand, still receivsumed command of affairs in the terday started a series oof heavy language, the accursed basis and THOLIC ACTION. our pius as required declaration defendl ing consideration.
conflict, it was said he would attacks on both fronts, and cause of the crisis which afflicts sociation for self sanctification have inflicted such crushing de meeting with such successes that the world.
and social walfare bear eloquent feats on the then semi organized they appear to have destroyed the But moreover, such, a liberty witness to this fact. But the CAand poorly armed troops of the discipline of the Italians who are without control and restraint has THOLIC ACTION which the The National Lottery ticket Nº Mr. Richter now claims he bought Negus that he would been able to unable to resist the furious assaults. induced the individual man to Roman Pontiff commands us to 9007 which secured the first pri the ticket in Cartago but that bring the warfare to an early and Many prisoners have been taken in place, in any affair whatsoever, organize is: methodical action, ze of 75. 000 colones in the spe since the drawing he has been victorious close. After, however, the South and heavy casualties in his personal whim over the im deliberate effort, SYSTEMATIcial Christmas drawing cannot unable to locate it.
this further lapse of time, he has flicted by the use of tanks and perative duty of conscience; and ZED preoccupation COORDI we understand be located.
not only not done so, but has just machine guns.
with this, the Law of God has NATE labour of all the different The ticket was among thosej The Junta has been advised ceased to be for many the super catholic forces according to the sent here to Mr. Méndez of the loss so we are expecting by something more will be heard of Holy him along with others to the matter should anyone other George Ward, landlord of Ye Old Bible had been in his family and un Fatal consequence thereof is His Holiness Pius XIth has tago.
than Mr. Richter apply for payTrippe to Jerusalem Inn in Not der the same roof for three genera also the immense carelessness, called this organization of the It was sold there but there ap ment.
tingham, England, owns a Bible prin tions and that he would never sell even amongst those who still CATHOLIC ACTION the pu pears to be some doubt regarding We had previously heard that ted by Robert Barker in London in it. It has been inspected by hun claim to be good catholics, to edu pil of his eye or his darling the purchaser, severtl names ha a part of the ticket had been sold the year 1611, which consists of 750 dreds of people and some years ago cate their mind according to the daughter considering same his ve been mentioned but the parties by Mr. Méndez to a resident pages each being a wood cut on an attempt was made to tear out a Divine Law and to soften their predilected child, nearest and all disclaimed possessing it. One here.
parchment and all bound between few of its pages.
heart with the Charity of our dearest to his paternal heart, and beautifully embossed calf leather coLord Jesus Christ.
The Inn is also noted as the ol In order to cure the many ca piness and well being for Mr. Ward was recently offered dest in Britain dating back to 1189. lamities among the oppressed christian society in this calamitFive pounds per page by an Ameri It derived its name from the fact poor people, godless thinkers, ous age of egoism, hatred and year. Installations among the fra from the Records that several hunWith the arrival of the new on the 5th of May. It can be seen can Collector for the book, but he that Crusaders stopped there while trusting only in mere human ef separation from the supernatural. ternal Organizations are the order dreds of colones have been apporrefused to sell. He sated that the on their way to the Holy Land, fort, in the power of the masses From the definition which the of the day. The Costa Rica Burial tioned for charitable aid to deserv.
Father and 16 Sons Help Ethiopia suffered in common and whith THOLICATION we may dedu ful ceremony was very ably carried alike.
torn by the miseries which they Pope himself gave of the CA Scheme led the way when a beauti ing poor members and nonmembers HARAR, Ethiopia. father Addis Ababa where he was received out the Balm of supernatural ho ce its transcendental importance. out by Mr. Peter Blackman on The following Principal Offi and sixteen sons are fighting as one by the Emperor and congratulated pes which might comfort them CATHOLIC ACTION, as defi Monday night the 6th. instant. cers took up their duties: military unit for Ethiopia on the for his long services in behalf of the in their struggles, hurled in ned by Pius XI, is: The The Hall was thronged to its Ogaden front government.
1847 the cry into the world. participation of the laity in the capacity, even the balconies of the Burial Department. Hyh Emperor Haile Selassie authorized have come to offer you my Workers, unite! in the Ma hierarchical Apostolate of the commodious building were packed ton, President; Edwards, an order preventing any separation harvest, 16 sons. the chief told the nifest of Marx and Engels. And Church. a definition which hel to their utmost.
Vice President; Mrs. Hamm, of the family by military comman Emperor. We want to fight as one this strident cry became a bitter gave, according to his own words, After the ceremony, cakes, wines Treasurer; DaCosta, Chairman ders following a personal appeal ma unit for Ethiopia and under my com reality; because the UNION premeditatedly, deliberately and, and ice cream were freely distribut Investigating Committee.
de by the father.
mand can promise you no Italian WHITHOUT GOD, the union one might say, not without divi ed among the members and their Sick Benefit Dept. Mettie, The latter, a burly 65 year old will live who dares to challenge us. trusting only in the power of man ne inspiration (Discourse to the friends.
President; Gaston, Vice Pres.
Amharic chieftain, as fit for action The Emperor assured him his wish ready and determined to fight women of the Feminina The spirit of conradeship, which ident; Emeline Mullings, Rec: Seas any of his husky sons, went to would be gratified.
a desperate battle, keeps the world, Italiana, March 19th. 1927. prevailed among all ranks of the cretary; Mrs. Sterling, Treasin convulsion since then. in other Its supreme aim, which to ob membership, bespeaks a year ofurer.
words, Socialism and Commu tain we must combine all our ef great activity and consequent prosJuvenile Dept. Miss Reid, The Scottsboro Case nism are the terrible menaces forts, is to place all mankind un perity for this most charitable hu. President; Master Henry, Rec.
At Decatour, Alabama, the sentenced to death for their alle that endanger the social order in der the rulership of our Lord Je manitarian Organization which will Secy. Miss Mannings, Treasucivilized Humanity.
fourth trial of the celebrate its 8th. year of good work) rer.
Scottoro ged attack on a white girl; but sus Christ. Encyclical suBoys was commenced on Monday these were all annulled on appeal, The Catholic Church contem premi Apostulatus Cathedra last. The accused, whose case has the last by the Supreme Court plated the advances of these prin Oct. 4th. 1903) This shows cleattracted worldwide interest, we of the United States.
ciples of a dissociating union, arly, that, if up to this day the SERVICIO DE VAPORES re on three previons occasions!
and through the mouth of the collaborttion of the christian Roman Pontiffs of the XIXth. people in the works of the reign Salidas senianales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con and XXth. centuries, particularly of Christ has been of a rather escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back Gregory XVI. Pius IX, Leo XIII, passive character listening and LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS Pius X, Benedict XV and our glo following with docility the insAMERICANOS EUROPEOS of receipt which reads: riously reigning Pope Pius XI, tructions of the ecclesiastical HiVapores: Salidas: has continuously instructed the erarchy, then, from now on this VERAGUA 12 de Enero This bill must be paid at our office christian people in their social du collaboration must be an ACTIQUIRIGUA 19 de Enero ties and proclaimed the Union of VE one, even with its own iniciabeffore the 10th. of the month PETEN 26 de Enero ALL CATHOLIC EFFORTS tives, though under the vigilanto defend themselves against the ce of those to whom Our Lord ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot influence of dissolvent doctrines Jesus Christ gave the exclusive and practices, and to procure that right to rule the Holy Church CAVINA.
oblige us to suspend our service, a step which 17 de Enero Llevando café solamente para Londres we would much regret to takt.
the Gospel become once more the of God, namely the Pope and the light of human consciences and Bishops, the latter ones with indiFELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
the standard of christian life for vidual right, but with submission Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON the rich as well as for the poor to the Pope.
Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica who, in evangelical brotherhood, Analizing the frequent pontiTELEFONO 3156 piedad degà BibliotedadNacionaicInigoàılobregon ticano de Sisteriegrācichal de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de difura y Juventud Costa Rica.
placing their baie goes of hart Starting the Year 1936 vers.

    CapitalismCarlos Luis SáenzCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFranceItalyMarxMilitantes del PCCRMussoliniSocialism

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