
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, 11th. January 1936.
At Old Concordia Demonstration at Libery Hall we can as se.
de one Movement Toward On Tuesday night the 7th. inst. The, colours and decorations in apparel On Wednesday night last a; ber husband as Treasurer, con Higher Education Old Temple of the Concordia was in were put away from the gaze of the splendour to afford the Installation rude world, the Brothers repaired to great demonstration was witnessed trary to the Construction which deBelow we produce a copy of Cannot you realize how of the Officers elected for the ensu the Banquet Hall downtairs where a at the above Hall when the Reor clares that no two mmebers of one the Circular letter which Mr. Da have suffered under the power hold such positions; ing term. The preliminary business delicious array of dainties in dishes ganizing Committee of the Limon family osta is sending to the leading funl hands of those to whom we being got through, Bro. Na and glasses were prepared at the Division, No. 300, by remitting the ineficient and suspicious mani.
tion, Past Grand Master of the Or hands of Bro. Llewelyn Brok. Much their quotas since July, had caused pulation of the documents of the Educationalists and other Ladies have gone for defense? Are we der, in the absence by illness, of White Label and Cocori were put the Division to be re instated and Society in which he endeavours to and Gentlemen likely to apprecia going to continue drifting, drifte the intentions cited therein. ting, drifting with no destination?
Grand Master Nelson, took the away that evening as the feast cele acknowledged by the Parent Body unlawfully inscribe himself We have no doubt the call will None of our own to help us when Throne and in a most solemn and brated, not only the Installation of in England, marched in a large Trustee of the Property.
be readily accepted by all who in need? Are not negros in other dignified manner carried out the ce Officers, but the 30th anniversary body of over sixty members to de The question of the ownership realize that if a Community of parts of the world holding their remonial rites of installation. He was of the life of the Lodge which was mand participation in the business of the Siquirres property, which is ably assistod by Bros. Petgra founded in 1906 by Bro. Na transactions of the Organization blocked in the Record Office of grown up people must advance in own. These are the peints on which civilization, such advancement am asking your consideration and ve, Past Master of the Progressive tion, and as a consequence, after the along with Mr. Mitchell 18. Titles and Deeds, and in connecLodge of Siquirres, as Master of Cetoast to King and President were ho The Parent Bady members were tion with which it is feared there can only be consummated by the asking your consideration and which can be worked out provi: remonies; Salvador Arauz of Fraternidad as a Grand Deputy Mas speech were indulged in. Many re along with Mr. Franklin, is a tions of transfer and regarding the Clarion on this theme in the heat give below a brief outline the noured, much hilarity in feast and led by Mr. Daniel Roberts who, are irregularities in the manipula education of our youths.
In our last issue, we sounded, ding we cooperate and harmoni ter; Bogle of the King Charles ferences were made to the states registered Trustee of the Society, which Mr. Mitchell will give no of Estrada as Grand Senior Deacon: manlike management of Bro. Mr. Mitchell and his group re information, is also a matter of article entitled Great Thought, of what can be accomplished.
To Educate a young man Fowler, Grand Treasurer and Smith, the retiring Master, coming fused to admit the monthly quotas much alarm and lack of confidence which has been much sought aftGrand Secretary. Among the many in as he did at a time when serious of the Reorganizing Committee among the members; hence the call ter and acclaimed a splendid sug native birth and 21 years of age other luminaries of the Order present differences of opinions as to certain group and their participation in the for his demitting office and the gestion toward the advancement in the Medical and Surgical of the Criollos. We therefore ex profession either in Europe o were Bros. Franco Daniel Jimenez vital points of the administration or business of the Society which they. presentation of his Books.
The large crowd was in a very pect a unanimous response to Mr.
and Lorenzo Domian, Grand Master a Society existed. The Audit report claim he is grossly mismanaging, in the United States.
and Grand Secretary respectively of also showed great financial growth hence a great melee started. By angry mood and it was only the Da Costa invitation. As soon as To Educate another youngthe Grand Oricate of Costa Rica, during his term, and he was highly this time a huge crowd of sympat. judicious action of Mr. Stephen these have been received a monster man, of age and bith as men and John Barley, rast Master of the complimented in connection there hizers of the Committee had gather Clarke of the Police Department, mass meeting will take place in tioned above, in the Laws of Loyal Mizpah.
with. The function came to a close ed and shouts of Down with with his colleagues, that saved the one of the Churches to more fully expound the Aims and Objects Jose; also a knowledge of Inter Costa Rica to be acquired in San at a. am. by Praise and Prayer to Mitchell ond other insultisg epit shedding of much blood.
The beautiful little Hall of Con the Great Architect of the Universe. Thets could be heard. The intervenof the proyect and to consider the cord, undoubtedly the best of its tion of the Police saved a sangui.
mean sand ways of raising the national Laws through the me dium of a correspondence Cour kind in Costa Rica, was to be seen required funds.
The Installation of the Loyal Honary combat. Messrs. Roberts and COSTA RICA SODA at her best, being recently repaired pe Lodge will take place on the 15th. Mitchell were invited to the CoTHE CIRCULAR Now that we have begun a new Young Lady also of age at a cost of some 500 colones and instant; and that of the Loyal Miz mandancia to explain their rights, WATER FACTORY repainted by our famous Artist, Mr. pah on the 25th. idem.
when the entire crowd of over 200 year, a new thought should be and birth as aforementioned, to be trained a Nurse in Jamaica. Newton; her lonic and Corim The Union District will also meer persons triumphantly marched up given due consideration by eveLIMON This we hople to accomplish thian mouldings and architecture at Concordia Hall on the Ist. Febrau to Colonel Campos quarters, all ry man, woman and child of our being made resplendent with glitter ry for important business in the ma ready to go to jail with Mr. Ro.
Fábrica de Hielo Race regarding our present co through the medium of public ing stars of the Mechanic Order management of the affairs of the ma berts if the necessity arose. The mmercial, financial, social and cotributions. would also like to mention feel certainly homely and chanic Order, when Bro. Nel. Colonel not bieng able to pacify Refrescos pa dical standing in this Repu loathe to leave.
son and his staff will be pleased to the movement dismissed them all that this matter has been taken blic.
The following Bros. were installed welcome all Sir Knights and members to settle their affairs elsewhere so must need mention the great up with the following gentlemen to guide the destinies of the Lodge of the Higher Temple of the Order away they all went again. FLORIDA ICE AND amount of energy, cooperation and Ladies among many others for the year 1936: Goulbour to discuss closer consolidation of all Among the many complaints and hard work this plan is going of this City who have all decided ne, Worshipful Master; Smith, Mechanics. The Knights of the Lo against Mr. Mitchell are: his mis FARM CO. to cause us, but stop and think to harmonize and cooperate in Deputy Master; Edwards, yal Phoenix, the oldest Temple of management of the financial af.
for a moment how our labors are whatever venture we shall make.
Treasurer; Luther Henry, Secretary: Mechanics, and those of the Pro fairs of the property for which LA FLORIDA going to be sweetened by that Revs. Forde and Berry; Babb, Senior Deacon; Cecil Da gresisve, the 3rd. eldest in this coun Messrs. Roberts ond Franklin are Brotherfly and Sisperlyi reMrs. Hamm, Mrs. Rivis, Junior Deacon and Sinclair, try, will be particularly welcomed at responsible to the Parent Body, Fábrica de Hielo ward which has been lacking a. verds and Mrs. Spencer Alick; Tyler.
this Session. great Rally under the Government and the members; mongst us.
Misses Weeks and Omear; After this gorgeous assemblage of Arms is to be effected.
his recent clandestine re election of Venta de Leche Can you realize how many ne Messrs. Rodgers, Jack Orane, himself as President, Ars. CipriaTHE NATIONAL PARTY Maderas y gros are now residing in this pea. Gourzong, Harold Smith na McPherson as Presidentses (as ceful Country? Which compara Rouse, Britton, Roberts, such now for about 10 years) and Announcing tively speaking 90 are native Blackman, Pena, born. How many can master the Nation, Goulbourne, Frank Lic. Don Octavio Beeche language? Hog many of us ha Hart, Gooden and Babb.
ve nationalized and legalized our shall greatly appreciate an full THE GREAT MATHEMATICIAN The Loyal Fraternidad Lodge Geminis of Puntarenas; The Per selves as real Citizens? have early reply, giving your He No. 10 of the Independent Order severance being represented by been thinking very seriously of views, in order that can add your (of Mechanics elected the follow Bros. Jose Baltodano ond Felipe our vast population in Costa Ri name to those who have already Adds to your Popularity ing, on the 16th. December, as Pardo; the Eureka by Bros. Tomas ca; how many professional men decided to work for the future Subtracts your Worries their officers for the year 1936. Felipe Ponce and Tomas Rodriguez and women of our race have welfare and progress of our Ra.
Worshipful Master, Juan de Dios the Loyal Geminis by Bros. We Have we a professional Doc 29 in Costa Rica.
Multiplies your Joys Ramirez Deputy Master; Ra Juan de Dios Ramirez and Rafael tor? Have we a Licened Law. Da Costa fael Rojas Secretary, Franco Rojas.
yer? How many trained Nurses har Daniel Jiménez Treasurer, LoVOTE FOR BEECHE The elections resulted as fol. Ive we?
Limon, Ap. 248.
renzo Domian Senior Deacon, lows: Bros. Franco Daniel Ji.
Owner of Vast Fortune Arroyo; Junior Deacon, Felipe menez Grand Master; Etelberto THE PEOPLES BAKERY Pardo Tyler, Salvador Arauz Arroyo, Grand Deputy Master; Assists Italy They were duly installed on the Lorenzo Domian, Grand Secretary; We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the Fifty years ago Francisco Mata tensive lumber and grazing proper night of Saturday 6th. instant, Bros Pedro Pablo Boza, Grand Treasu: BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only starding orders razzo arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil, ties and five coastal freighters. Its Nation; Goulbourne and rer; Manuel Galagarza, Grand can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its alone and almost penniless after ex annual gross earnings are estimated Fowler of the Concordia Senior Deacon and Samuel Best, output.
periencing a shipwreck; he shortly at about 21. 000. 000 and 15. 000 Lodge assistign in the ceremony. Grand Junior Deacon.
Come in and try a Loaf.
after purchased half a porker at a persons are carried on its payrolls.
As soon as the Installation cere The Installotion of these offi. No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH slaughter house and started business The owner of this vast industry, mony was completed, the usual cers will take place at an early impressed on them.
as a lard merchant, also later engag who now bears the title of Count by courtesies were exchanged and all date.
BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS ing in grain and feed selling. dispensation of Italy King, has pla repaired to the Banquet Hall where Today, at the age of 82 years, Iced his fortune at the service of his a sumptious Feast was offered, he is regarded as the richest man country; and offers to maintain the when toasts for the prosperity of in South America. He owns the dependents in Brazil of as many of the Order and the aggrandizement United Matarazzo Industrias, which his employees who enlist for the Ethio of the Lodge were given and suitoperate in five States of the Repu pian campaign, and assures them of ably acknowledged. The fiesta blic, and incdudes 84 factories, ex reemployment should they return.
ended a little after midnight amid the greatest expressions of Love, Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue Peace and harmony defitting such a Unico Emisor State Bank The District Grand Lodge The Presentation Match, bet Club, Champions of the Season The Officers of the District ween the Excelsior Cham 1935.
ofrece al público los Grand Lodge, The Oriente de vions of the Season. and the This Season competition was Costa Rica, were also elected on Offers the Public the servicios de su Rest took place last Sunday the best we have yet had, for up the 18th.
Services of its ult. by representatives but was not as interesting as was to a very late stage no one was from the Fraternidad of Limon, expected. The Motive Power was certain which of the Clubs would the Perseverance of Cairo, the not represented and Mr. Knott secure the Cup. congratulate Eureka of Siquirres and the Loyal of the Wanderers captained the the Excelsior on achieving side.
the premier position on this oc To Thine Own Self Be True EN LA IN THE The Rest batted first and casion as Season after Season To All Men Goodwill made 111 for the loss of wic she had been finishing at the We Thank Our Numerous Client kets; the Champions had up 46 foot of the table. My congratu For Their Past Support CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON por when, at the call of time lations also to the runners up And Wish Them the game was drawn.
the Motive Power, may their ef Merry Christmas Happy Prospara toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service Mr. Sheehy did not make the forts be amply rewarded at ano perous New Year.
presentation, but the Cup could ther time.
The Metropolitan Bureau servicio bancario Rendered be seen with the following insW. Egbert Polson cribed on it Excelsior Sport SPECTATOR Our Fifth Year Of Service.
At the Temple Fraternidad BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA The Presentation Match benevolent Society.
SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del


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