
For Liver and Stomach Ailments the cause Suero Butantán Catholic Action From page not an essential part of the aposBy Bob Sutherlands ficial declarations, especially tho tolate of the catholic Hierarchy, Italian kultur se of the actual Vicar of Our is, nevertheless, an integral part concocted an obnoxious plan whereby Mussolini was to have half of Divine Saviour, it is easy to de of it, that is to say, it completes duce the double characteristic same in the actual life of the Civilized Rome boasts of its high Ethiopia.
ly developed culture and reddeming This brought forth a storm of wild which distinguishes the actual church in order to obtain the en CATHOLIC ACTION from tire triumph of the reign of christian influence, and stamps the protests and indignation was so rife its similars of previous times Christ in the world; and thus Ethiopians as backward and semi that Hoare lost his job over it while since the beginning of the the Church, while God King.
barbar. The Italians in their mad Laval is still having his worires, with Church.
dom is being spread where is has rape of Ethiopian are reported to each passing the buck and shifting First characteristic: It is THE not yet been made known, tries have committed the most depraved atro, responsibility for the drawing up of OUTSPOKEN WILL of the by all possible means to regain cities on defenceless women, includ this diabolical arrengement which latest Pontiffs that the Catholic the losses suffered in places alreaing unsophisticated girls and nuns, in perforce has since been completely Action exist in this form of the dy conquered. Instaurare omnia utter disgregard of all moral and in buried.
catholic laity in the apostolate in Christo (To renew all things INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF ternational ethics. don know of anything more criminal, abdominal or Timely warning of the Hierarchy, under the su in Christ) has always been the savage than this damnable and ne Ex President Julio Acosta recent preme inspection of same. You device of the Church; and is par Flatulence And all forms farious practice, perpetrated by a sensational announcement strongly like compact ranks. said the Po ticularly Our own in the convulpeople who are supposed to be in urging Costa Rica to arm herself pe Pius IX, Cept. 25th. 1876, in se moments which we go through Indigestion of Stomach the front ranks of civilization and against any possible emergency or a letter to the partakers of the says Pope Pius in his Encybearing the torch of christianity. invasion has created widespread fuCongress of Bologna, must clical Il fermo proposito.
stand close to your pastors to rore and divergent views have been Colics The works of the CATHOLIC Disorders Infernal contraption expressed on the question. consiwatch over the honour of God and ACTION, absolutely alien to any der the warning rather timely, and to fight for the rights of your kind of cviil politics, have their FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES It no use talking peace where on as a human necessity in this malicious religion and of the Church. field, according to the will of the ly war is king. To satisfy Mussolini world of greed and endless strife whe Leo XIII in his Encycl. Cum Pope, in all spheres of christian ambitious pretensions, Sir Samuel re only might is right, and because multi sint. Dec. th. 1882, wri life and its activities: boys and MANUFACTURED BY: Hoare, British Foreign Secretary and feel that jealousies between nations tes: As a help to the work of girls, young men and young laHERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA Premier Laval of France recently will perpetually exist.
the clergy. We consider highly dies, grown up men and women opportune those associations who like soldiers in battle array, must SAN JOSE ar elike auxiliary forces to pro join the ranks of the Catholic AcGoing to Abyssinia mote the catholic interest. tion; but like recruits they must Pius said in his Encycl. Il first be trained before they can Mr. Lindo, of this Cityfir to Mr. Roberts of the Reorfermo proposito that the CA venture to carry on the triumph An Echo Of The Brazilian Disorders. and 28 Miles, begs to announce to ganizing Committee, to Mr.
THOLICATION has all times ant battle for Christ; that is to his many friends and to the sym Nation, Editor of this Journal, aided the Church; and the Church say: they must obtain first a good When the revolts occurred in which followed, Uruguay felt pathizers of the Ethiopian cause, and Mr. Shaw Davis of the has favourably accepted and bless and entire knowledge of the no Brazil during the latter part of convinced that the Soviet Lega that he is preparing to make an Central American Express.
ed its help, although is may have tions of apostolic life and work, the past yea, it was commonly re tion in her Capital was in asso early departure for that country to Mr. Lindo earnestly begs for the manifested itself differently ac before they may enter the wide garded as the outcome of a vast ciation with the plotters; and as enlist in the Red Cross movement. hearty co operation of all who cordin to the respective condi field of successful social labour; plan which members of the Soviet this not only menaced her own He solicits, by these means fi profess their sympathy tions of times.
in other words: it is absolutely Communistic Party had formu safety but threatened to disturb nancial contributions to assist him Afric.
Benedict XV in a letter to his necessary to begin with the inte lated for general action through her relationship with the neigh in his journey; these may be sent Secretary of State, May 19th. rior apostolate, which is the for out the Republics of South Ame bouring countries, she decided on 1921. calls the CATHOLIC AC mation of one own personal rica. This initial movement was severing her relations with the TION: The arm which God and christian life in all its different however, as we know, speedily government at Moscow. Russia the Church have given to the mind aspects: Study of the life Our crushed by the promt and drastic has course or pretested and has reand heart of the parish priest. Lord Jesus Christ and of His doc measures of the President of ferred the matter to the League and its members: The real mak trines, dexterity in using the Brasil.
Contra mordedura de serpientes. Téngalo siempre a mano of Nations.
ers of every exterior progress of means of apologetic defense of en su finca. Hombre prevenido vale As the result of investigations dos.
por the religious and social action the principles of christian teachExistencia permanente: of the catholic people. ing, knowledge of the History Another Effort fo Jamaica Sweepstake Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos del Lic. Carlos Víquez And what must we say of the of the Church; all this concerns actually reigning Pope, who este the training of the intellect; and KINGSTON, Jamaica, At the for St. Andrew, will bring forward Avenida Central. Frente a las Compañías Eléctricas eming the CATHOLIC ACTION faithful practise of the christian coming spring session of the Legis a Bill for the legislation of sweeptaas of supernatural value speaks virtues, frequent reception of the lative Council the Hon. George Sey kes.
of it in his documents for the Holy Sacraments, and loyalty to mour Seymour, In an interview with a Gleaner recatholic world, who makes it ex God and His divine Commandpresentative, a well known public cel in all his discourses, who has ments are the means of training TION.
man said To him it was most perIn view of the 14th. instant, the sentence of death will be comoutlined it in its substantial basis heart and will.
We want to see you all working plexing that in colonies like Ber the date fixed for the execution muted to one of life imprisonfor the new practise, who has gi Nemo dat quod non habet wich zeal. intrepidity and elev muda, Grenada and Trinidad sweeps of Bruno Hauptmann, being al ment.
ven it its most clear definition (Nobody can give of what heated spirits, guided by humility takes were legalised, yet in a colo. so the day on which the State and imposes its organization upon does not possess. is an ancient and prayer, the fundamental vir ny of the importance of Jamaica the Legislature will meet, the Court Meantime the officials of the all the Bishops as a means to saying: It is impossible to be an tues in every good work, particu matter was held up.
hos ordered a postponement of his Trenton prison are making eve.
make the whole world react in Apostle of Christ, if one has notlarly in this one which is noth NOTE. The strongest opponent execution.
ry preparation for the execution.
favour of Christ the King: The Christ well formed within one ing less than making reign of previous efforts was the then Co It is expected that the Court The taking of photographs by Catholic Action. says he in a soul. Every member of the Ca amongst us Christ Our King, the lonial Secy. Sir Arthur Jelf; but as of Pardons will today consider newspaper correspondents who letter to the Primate of Belgium, tholic Action must be a first rate Prince of Peace, Immortal and he is no longer in that Island, the the accused petition for clemen will be admitted has been forbidAug. 15th. 1928, is, in conclu practical Catholic; otherwise one Invisible, who calls us to this un coming effort may succeed. cy. It is currently believed that! den.
sion, nothing else but the aposto might easily trun out to be some dertaking, time and again, by the late of the Faithful who under thing like a soulless phonograph. voice of His egregious Vicar on the guidance of the Bishops place delighting others, but without earth the Roman Pontiff.
themselves at the service of the deriving any personal advantage. We your Bishop, are absolu. Church and help her to accom The Catholic prepared by stu tely convinced that you will not FRANK MADURO Jr.
LIMON plish entirely her pastoral minis dy and sincere practise of Chris be deaf to Our call and petition; Prop.
tianism will go forth to take up that you will be docile soldiers of Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa From this urgent pontificial the work of the lay apostle, not the Holy Church and will give!
movement in favour of the CA singly, isolately, but coordinately, glory and honour to Our VicaBest native lumber Importation and Sale of General THOLIC ACTION we draw its in diciplined collectivity, under riate by working from now on in at moderate prices Merchandise first characteristic, namely its the supreme leadership of the the CATHOLIC ACTION, forspecial JURIDICAL character: Bishops, whom God has placed ming dense and well trained liIt is an outspoken command, de to rule the Church of God (Acts. nes, in obedience to the finite order, universal mandate, XX, 28. And the labour of all which We have received from given by a legal Superior; there christians of good will, united in Rome, and whicho, littel by littel, fore it is LAW and as such en the Association of the CATHO shall be made known to you in ters the sphere of CATHOLIC LIC ACTION will provide for periodical special meetings to seJURISPRUDENCE, not as me every member celestial enlighten cure the full success of so urgent re counsel or admonition, but as ment and rectitude of conscience and important and holy a task as Twas Christmas and felt so funny They yelled for Christmas with a glee a duty which can not be disregar according to the teaching of the is, in our times, the CATHOI knew not rightly what to do Twas Christmas high or nothing sir ded by those who claim to be ab Gospel; and in his apostolate, LIC. ACTION.
Because my precious Christmas money For them and all beside but mesolutely loyal to the Holy See.
Couldn stick a decent drink for two.
As a token of the great conWithout the cash could not stir.
courage, constancy, obedience and Second Characteristic of the persevering patience to win ma fidence We place in your beloved Catholic Action, according to the ny souls for Christ by illuminat faithful, concerning the organiInside the shops the sporting crowd Then suddenly turned my eyes form given recently by the Apos ing minds, restraining customs zation of the CATHOLIC ACWas gaily taking up their booze Away from wife and children good tolic See, is: that by virtue of the and giving new splendour to the TION, We bestow on you lovingAnd with the air of drunkards proud And wondered if they realize juridical condition which adorns glory of God and of His Holy ly Our episcopal blessing in the They danced to tune of Yankee blues. My sad and poor unhappy mood.
it, the participation of the catho Church amongst the Faithful. name of the Father and of the heard the boys with music grand But now the Christmas spree is o er, lic laity in the apostolate of the By what we have explained Son and of the Holy Ghost By flute and drums and saxaphone m glad for am not in debt, Crurch Hierarchy, has an OF. above, beloved faithful, you will FICIAL character, through the easly understand with what anAplaying till their little band From spree to work we turn once more Limón, Dec. 25 th. 1935.
Did make all happy but me one.
To Christiams leave we do regret will of the Supreme Head of the xiety and solicitude Our episcoCatholic Church, the Vicar of pal heart desires to see you all KARL ALBERT CON ADJ. HOWLITT Jesus Christ; which means that enrolled as apostles in the asso Tit. Bishop of Cusira the lay apostolate, thought it be ciation of the CATHOLIC AC Vicar Apostolic of Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Hauptmann Execution Postponed Maduro Lumber Yard ALLAN SIME rules TWAS CHRISTMAS

    Death SentenceFranceInvasionMussoliniSoviet

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