
SCARCITY OF WATER IN LIMON TUE ATLANTIC VOICE From Ethiopia War Fronts POLITICS not per day can For many years, each succeed going up higher through the ing Governor has done his best mountains and cutting a firm Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone to see that something might be roadway for the passing of the done by the Supreme Government heavy waterpipes, even to the Año ll. No. 80 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 18th. January 1936. Editor English Section Nation to give Limon an adequate supply cost of tunneling a hill to get of the Crystal Fluid.
the proper gradient whereby graThe first supply of water for vitation would be made admissiLimon was from the Pump be ble, what occurred. Engineers yond the Cemetery, which was of supposed repute were sent to done by the Railway under cons locate the Roadbed for conveying The expected intensive movem will be agreed to further Our political discussions are being a blessing to the community material and truction, at where was designated the heavy water postpone as Milla Una, Camp. No. 1; but these, along with our Committee, ents on both fronts have commenc the declaration of the Petroleum getting more and more serious as they were rather a catastrophe, beed. 100, 000 Ethiopians and 60, 000 embargo against Italy in conse the day draws nigh for going to cause the profits were all in the later it was found it could not agreed to traverse the banks of Italians are said to be engaged in quence of present conditions in the Poles to decide who shall be the hands of a few Capitalists, who be enough to supply the Pueblo the Rio Banena, and even in some the offensive launched by General Africa, although there is the furt future President of Costa Rica.
paid their labourers wages that and the Railway labourers and places the one time bed of the Grazziani over a frontage of 400 her suspicion that Sweden indends delegation of Bechistas visit could not supply the necessaries of engines, hence in 1897 the Rio river to place the piping.
miles extending from the Kenya to press the declaration in view of ed Limon and sung the praises of life: and the small Banana farmers Banano had to be harnessed; and Huge flat iron tanks were erthereafter the water troubles star ected on top of a hill as reservoirs frontier to that of the Somaliland. Italy action against her Red Cross their Candidate, who according to could not pay their men any adeThe results of the engagements Unit.
them, is sure to win.
quate wages because they were not ted in earnest; every time the to receive and filter this great which have already taken place are Operating on the Eritrea fronThe Cortes delegation also visit equally paid with the rich men.
river flooded the pipes were put supply of water to be distributed still conflicting; the Italians claim tier a section of Ras Seyoum for edi us using the same tactics to de There is one thing however that out of order, and in those days with sufficient force to the high they have routed the forces of ces captured 65 Italians along with preciate the merits of the Beeche may be noticed in all these political the floodings were more frequent est floor of any home in Limon. Ras Desta and obtained much new a number of guns.
Party. These came in on Saturday, discussions, there is no significant as it rained the 366 days each During the dry seasons all went The Italians continue their des and Sunday the Communist Party, programme put forward for the year. Fortunately watertanks and well, but no sooner than the riv territory, while other reports indicate that they are meeting with a truation of Ethiopia Church pro who by the way have had to change progress of the country. Having so barrils were admissable SO the er flooded it broke away in its most stubborn resistance from the poerty, the Church of Santa Ma cheir Candidate Mora for a man many matters of a detrimental nalack of water was such a former bed (which is only too naEthiopians.
ria situated 25 miles from Dessye of more advanced years, Mr. ture baffling the progress; such grievous suffering as it is now. tural to expect. washed away the On the Eritrea front, London was reported on the 14th. instant Saenz. Mr. Mora, well known in items as the rate of exchange, the There were the Uncles Tanks, banks on which these tubings we cables report that the Ethiopians to have been completely destroyed Limon on account of his interven need of a continuous water supply six in number, the Arnolds tanks re placed, and TOTAL! our great have succeeded in breaking the by bombs. They also again bom tion of the recent Strike movement for Limon, the proper Lighting of and innumerable smaller ones; dream is gone Limon has no Italians lines of communication barded the headquarters of the as leader of Communism in this the City; the nede of a Roadway and besides, the familia Limonen. Water supply after spending a between Makale and Adua, the Emperor causing the deaths of five country, is only 26 years of age, to the Cemetery; a Roadway from se was comparatively a very small fabulous amount of money, and former being now in an isolated persons.
and as the Constitution provides Limon to Peralta, so that in times one, there were hardly the bak we have to revert to our old fash condition, and that the invaders Premier Laval is once more enthat no one can be President who of washouts on the Railway commu er dozen of natives residing he ioned Pump which is innefficient are retreating to their original lines, gaged in formulating a Peace pro. hence the Party has has not attained his 30th year nication can still be had with the re in those days. Yellow feverj to supply us, with the result that From Dessye, it is also reported position which he expects to be seen fit to Interior, Such a platform would was the sentry stationed at La we can only get Water three hours that the Italians, on the 15th. in able to present to the League at change him for a Mr. Saenz.
be appreciated by the populace of Junta Bridge.
We ali must bathe stant bombarded an English Red the coming meeting.
On Saturday night a meeting Limon, but to be only pointing out within those three hours of gift. Cross Caravan in Waldia. Fourteen Italy is said to be greatly pert was held at their Club rooms, when the weaknesses of others, of what These conditions continued unpersons were killed of whom seven urbed in consequence of activities the Bee Hive was disturbed by a avail is this to us? Is it any wonder til the advent of the Hubbard The Water Closets cannot be were women. One half of the town in the Mediterranean by the com bold gentleman of the community that our voters are so disinterested?
Co. who had charge of the Sanea flushed, hence an awful stench was destroyed by fire from the in bined fleets of Britain, France, who went up and yelled out Viva According to statistics, one miento of Limon along with its arises, not only at the manholes cendiary bombs. Waldia is located Greece and Turkey! as well as the Cortes. all eyes went after him find that at the stations of the water supply. All felt sure thatſ along the streets but in the resi ninety five miles to the north of inforcements Britain has placed in and soon there was a great melee, Central Districts of Limon there Limon was to be favoured with dences, to the detriment of not Dessye and the Caravan was under Egypt.
a free fight was on; the police how are supposed to be 1, 846 voters, good pure drinking water and a only our hard worn old bodies but the direction of Major Burgoyne Information coming from Addis ever soon quelled the disturbance. but at the last elections of 1932 constant supply of it too, for was to that of our children as well. an Englishman.
Ababa state that 2, 500 Italians are On Sunday these held another only 683 voted. For the District of it not to come to us by gravita How on earth can we be free According to rumours it is believ practically bottled up on the Mak meeting at the Southeastern corner Guapiles there should be 724 while tion. the Engineers had found from malignant fevers. Kidneyed that when the League of Na ale hill, their only means of obta: of the Market square. They dwelt only 244 voted; around. Siquitres on several topics of vital interests there were 350 whereas only 180 a sufficient quantity of drinka an dLiver complaints, skin erup tions meets on the 20th. instant, it lining assistance being by planes.
to Limon, principally the Banana voted. So it will be seen that of the ble water in a stream several mi tions and the like diseases.
les up the mountains with head There are those who are blamIndustry and, incidentally, the Province of Limon, of 2920 registA FATAL ACCIDENT Coffee production of the country.
enough that would give us all the ing the Central Government for water we would need for a rising not apportioning us another heavy Oi Sunday night Mr. Farrid They showed that instead of these He is so affectionately known To Page population for a quarter of a grant to find a better source of Jalet driving his automobile from on the streets that there was not centuary to come, without having a water supply; but don Ricardo the Hospital came in collision any that were not in sympathy to revert to the old Pump which is a wise man, he came from a with an old servant of the Nurses for the poor woman who met so was erected in 1910. All Limon stock that when a Son was start Department, Mrs.
Mary untimely an end, but more for was in a glee at such prospects; ed out in life it was expected by Thomas, who died on the spot. Farrid who had got in trouble. In what in described by one to determine the cause and other the Supreme Government voted Father that he would be discreet The entire community sympaof the participants as a drunken circumtances surrounding this the money; we of Limón elected enoguh to keep his line of busi thizes with Mr. Jalet, who is a The ATLANTIC VOICE begs fight, Miguel Tejada, 50 year, unique case.
a Committee of gentlemen to see ness agoing without having to most careful driver and so genial to sympathize with the relatives old Panamanian, lost half of his According to investigators, the that the money was well spent, resort to Father for another and obliging to all pedestrians of the unfortunate woman who tongue and probably as big a Espinosa woman contends she but unfortunately there was not start; so, naturally, he says to When the news of the accident had been, it it said, for 25 years percentage of his power of was so drunk she hardly recalls.
one on that Commitee who had our Municipal Officers, you all was rumoured, the entire town a faithful Servant at the Hospi speech.
what happened.
any practical knowledge of cons got a sufficient quantity of mo was surprised as to how it hap tal, land deeply shares the anxie Writhing in pain, in a pool She pretends to remember ontruction works of such a nature, ney to get a good water supply pened because Farrid is never in ties of Mr. Jalet in his misfortu. of blood, the speechless Tejada ly that she had an argument Mr. Rees, an office man; Mr. and you threw it carelessly away, a hurry; even the children call ne of being contributory to the was picked up from the floor of with her husband ans attempted Wendorf, a Train Despatcher, you must now wait for another and stop hom on the streets for a death of another inoffensive his room, where he was found by to bite his face, when he fell and Mr. Finlay, a Planter; hen chance. He however, has just ride.
being the first to arrive on the scene, bleeding and she ran out of the ce they were not there to see the spent two millions of colones on and rushed to the Santo Tomás room seeking refuge the howork was well done, for they had the Puntarenas Water supply and, Hospital, where atterlding phy me of a neighbour.
to agree with whatever the Con considering that ours was hardly Cortesistas Bombard The Town sicians reported amputation of The victim being unable to tractors told them for their tech a quarter of that amount it is honical knowledge did not admit ped that his eye will catch this With the approach of the day laden with supposed voters who half to the tongue.
talk, the police have not be able This unsual loss of one half to obtain his version of the inof questioning the whys and where aritcle and allot us a quarter mi of election, the political fight be would form a great demonstration of his organ of speech and taste cident, but they are inclined to fores of such a route or the qua llion to repair, judiciously, the comes more pronounced and fierce. in favour of their Candidate.
The Cortesistas veritably bombar Refreshments served by was sustained by Tejada during believe the woman inveigled her lity of such a material, or the damage done by our lack of ex ded this town last Wednesday; from many prominent ladies of the town an encounter with his conmmon husband into a trap and when he stability of such a Road Bed for perience so as to afford the Abearing up heavy Rolling stock. tlantic Gateway to the country early afternoon the Black Shirt Re and at o clock the usual political law wife, Margarita Espinosa, least suspested, napped off his The results is that instead of an adequate Water Supply.
giment paraded with their drum oratory began; but, as stated in who is now at police headquarters tongued.
Corps in anticipation of the arrival another column, there was no pro where an attempt is being made (Te Panamá Star and Herald. cf their Candidate, don Leon Cor. position of betterment for the tes, and his party, they arrived by country of the Province brought HAMBURG. AMERIKA a special train after three o clock forward, only insults and abuse to LINIE and were met at the Station by a the opposing Candidate and his Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón SERVICIO DE VAPORES mixed crowd of adherents to the followers.
Para EUROPA Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con cause of the noted politician as well The elections will take place on escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA as spectators and critics. Later on the 9th. February, hence we shall (SANTANDER. PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS another special train arrived from have three weeks more of this busy AMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
AMERICANOS EUROPEOS the old Lines with seven coaches propaganda work. Patricia Enero 23 Vapores: Salidas: QUIRIGUA Febrero 19 de Enero Cordillera PETEN 26 de Enero VERAGUA de Febrero Para GUATEMALA Bruno Hauptmann has been ac pus appeal. Although the Gover(PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
ELDERS FYFFES, LTD. corded thirty days more of life. nor would give no other explana. Cordillera CAVINA.
His electrocution should have taken tion to the press than that he had Enero 27 17 de Enero Llevando café solamente para Londres place last night but on Thursday been actuated for various reasons SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS FELIPE ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
Governor Hoffmann issued an or it is presumed he is giving his der suspending it for a further personal attention to cretain addi.
Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: period of 30 days. The Governor tional facts which have recently Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United was made shortly come to his attention in connection Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica HAPAG LLOYD TELEFONO 3156 after the Supreme Court had deni with many of the statements given AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Ted Hauptmann last habeas cor. Iat the trial in Flemington. Revolting Incident one were UNITED FRUIT Co.
Hauptmann Given 30 Days More announcement Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismCommunist PartyFranceItaly

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