
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 18th. January 1936.
Among The The Harvesters ON ETHIOPIAN MATTERS HEREBY HANGS TALE Maduro Lumber Yard of pia: El Caballo Blanco conscience is.
At the Hall of the Costa Ri of the floral presentation.
ca Burial Scheme Association on Professor Hylton, in his usual The following is taken from lation. That Negroes of the world FRANK MADURO Jr.
Monday the 13th. there was a rich expressiorfs of oratorical dis the Pittsburgh Curier of the 4th.
instant: recognize Ethiopia as their Mothvery enthusiastic meeting of the play, in his welcome to all preProp.
Samuel Daniels, President of herland and Ethiopians as their Tr. soner Judge, don know Society, when 13 new members sent and of thanks to the donwere received and enrolled; this ors, in his explanation as to what the Pan African Reconstruction Brothers, regardless of insiduous what to do.
Judge. Why, how is that?
Best native lumber of course spells success for the Harvest really means and from Association, and well known as propaganda to the contrary. That any peace which parPrisoner. swore to tell the new Administration.
whence it originated, was certain a leader of Ethiopian enlistment at moderate prices movements in Harlem, in a stat titions, subjugates or violates truth, but every time try some lawOn Tuesday night, 14 th. ins ly a plecsure to listen to.
tant, there was also a Harvest Promotor Blackman, as usualement here last Monday revea thiopia in any way will be resen yer objects.
festival held by the many mem in his thrusts of hilarity, explain led that a meeting of the Pan ted by the Negroes of America, frican Reconstruction Associa the West Indies and the entire Plenty What would get. bers of this philanthropic Socie ed the doctrines of the Society, tion, held Sunday here, sent a world to the detriment of world inquired the man who had just in SALOMON CHING WEE LE ty. The offerings of fruits, pro re iterating the many acts sured his property against fire, if duce and vegetables of all kinds humanitarian services that had six point protest to members of Peace.
Estrada were very prolific. Financially been undertaken by the Society following demaikls for Ethio ce on the part of the Italian night. the League of Nations with the 6, We reprehend the cowardi this building should burn down toAbarrotes y Licores as well as socially the festival during the year and in wishing his Ishould say. replied the Insurangovernment and Army in their was a great success. Too much hearers a Happy and prosperous 1, That there would be abso use of Askaris troops, blood ce Agent, about ten years. Artículos del País praise cannot be thrown at Mrs. 1936, he implored his bands of lutely no ceding of Ethiopian brothers of the Ethiopians, as Daisy Hamm and her string of busy workers in propaganda work Territory to Italy or any other shock troops and cannon fodder Utopia. Arry (holding communicaPrecios Econó nicos enthusiastic workers who put to be most vigilant in their cotion with the departed spirit of his European country.
for native Italian Black Shirts.
before the Harvesters and their operation to the best interests of LA IBERIA That there be no violation wife) Is that you Arriet?
friends and visitors a great treat the Organization. Yes.
or limiting of the authority of Daniels said the following ca in musical and oratorical talent.
the Ethiophian government by ble was sent to the Emperor: Very appy. Are you appy, Arriet?
There were 23 items of rich me The chairman, in a few epilody on the programme and all thets of choice language, thanked League Agents or any foreign. Fight on, fight on, fight on. Appier than you was with me?
cede not an inch of territory. The were executed in fine style. all for their assistance in makng Much appier.
3, That Ethiopia be indemni Entire Negro Race of the world Bro. Da Costa was the function the success it was Where are you Arriet?
field by Italy for destruction will enter his fight if justice Cantina, Posada y Cafetería In ell.
Chairman for the performance, financially and socially, and told Felipe Wing Ching and his timely hints and exhor his audience why it was so neces caused to her territory and popu is not done to you. Boss How do you manage latatinos to disinterested Sacrifice sary for all citizens to enlist in POLITICS.
Apartado 9 in humanitarian Services did some fraternal or philanthropic tely to get to work on time in the much to enhance the enthusiasm Society so as to be of some ser From Page mornings?
per day; how is it adequate for a which was evident in the deport vice in the Community. happy ered voters only, 1, 107 went to the labourer in Limon to exist on ame up when they come home from Young Clerk My parents wake Dad, what is an optimist. asked ment of every participant. Mrs. function, was then brought to a poling stations to cast their votes. wage of fifty cents per hour of a Bridge parties.
Johnny DaCosta also helped the little close in expressions of the ut Can it not be seen that there is a six hour day as provided by the ones to present their Baskets of most cordiality and goodwill great cause of disinterest reigning? Law on Minimum Wage on the He a mere man, son, who thinks And we are feeling that the cause farms, at a time when exchange is get a man pay. declared the inde of the ridiculous in clothes and hats. m going in for a flowers in the different exercises among all present.
career and the women have reached the height of such unconcern is due to the 675 per cent. Is it not evident that pendent lass.
and can get any new styles that THE PEOPLES BAKERY fact that there is a lack of a pro the people must be in misery? They m going in for marriage and will look worse, growled his dad.
gressive platform towards the best cannot buy clothing and the neces. get a big businessman income. sities of Life; therefore the mer boasted the bride.
We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the interests of the country.
BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders It is obvious that 80 per cent of chants cannot import, the ships Daughter, said Dad sternly, hope when you are with that young can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its the voters are government employees cannot bring cargoes, thus the laMrs. Biter Talk of conscience, man there is none of this petting and who with their friends depend on bourers on the waterfront can only don believe you know what a kissing foolishness.
Come in and try a Loaf.
the administration for favours of work three hours per day in the No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH every nature; meantime the inde. wharves and Customs ware houses.
On, be yourself, retorter daugheter Mr. Biter do. It that in We re not married so you can expect impressed on them.
pendent agricultural and industrial ward monitor that, when you ve do us to spend all our time scrapping BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS thinkers and workers are disinter These are matters for a wise ested because there is no effort to Candidate to Presidency to base an excuse for blaming some one else. and mother do.
ne wrong, prompts you to think up when we are together, the way you FROM NEW CASTLE better the communal suffering of his platform on and if these prothe populace.
gressive ideas are proposed and The Editor: Five Year Plan.
Please afford me space in your short address by young ble for the labourers in the Coffee be assured of success because every Can we imagine how is it possi followed out such a Candidate will valuable columns to report the Miss Jenny Mc Farlane was Estates to exist on a wage of one voter would be tempted to go out En sus almacenes de San José, Puntarenas y Limón following, On Sunday 12th. heartily applauded; this was foll colon and in some places 75 cents in support of such a one.
Ofrece al Comercio el más extenso surtido de instant the New Castle Division owed by a recitation by Miss May Abarrotes y Licores of the held a very Medford and another by Miss ANOTHER LODGE FUNCTION interesting mass meeting. Chap May Bramwell. Miss Burton Depósito permanente de los afomados productos: lain Gordon presided and the and Mr. Medford then favoOn Wednesday the 15th. instant and Bro. Prince as Tyler.
meeting opened with the singing ured us with a finely executed the newly elected officers of the Lo!
Swift Company. Tales como manteca LA PRIMERA la favorita de los After the Ritualistic Ceremony familias: carnes en borriles, elc.
of the processional hymn Shine duet as also the Misses Calvinjyal Hope Lodge were installed in was at an end the Brothers all repair Libby McNeil Libby. Leche Condensada, Carnes, Frutas, Legumbres, Enon eternal light followed by the and McFarlane.
their respected places by the Unioned to the Banquet Hall where the curtidos y fodo extenso surtido de lateria de esta renombroda Fábrica Té Solado. Un producto que ocupa lugar preferente en fodos los hogares.
Opening Ode. very successful and enjoya District of Costa Rica with Bro. niceties of life were in store for repor su exquisito aromo. very interesting letter was ble function was then brought to Nelson, Grand Master, presiding.
Cemento. Leon Danés, el avorito de los constructores, por su insuperable read from Mr. Garvey regarding a close by the singing of the These were assisted by Bros. Banton freshment to the Bee Hive after cualidad y resistencia.
the raising of contributions Antes de colocor sus pedidos consulte nuestros precios, in thiopian National Athem. of the Mizpah, Bogle of the Loyal labour. Speeches of congratulations Compra de productos del pais, tales como cacao, COCOB, etc.
connection with the drive for the McPherson King George and Campbell of were showered on the Officers insthe Guiding Star of Cuba. talled as well as the retiring ones The following Officers were set in who had kept the embers alive. The DEFENCE OF OUR WOMENFOLK We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back their respective chairs. Bro. Char health of the members of the Loyal of receipt which reads: les as Bro. Walker as De Hope and the prosperity of the Lod Mr. Editor: Benito Mussolini, Italian Dicpusty Master; Bro. Smith as Senior ge was drunk in Cocori and Moun Please allow me a small space tator, declares he wants Ethiopia Deacon; Bro. Lewis as Junior tain Dew, after which a pleasant in your very interesting Weekly the only remaining sovereign NeThis bill must be paid at our office Deacon; Bro. Connell as Secre evening pastime was brought to al to express my opinion on the Ita gro Nation.
tary: Bro. Foote as beffore the 10th. of the month Treasurer close.
to Ethiopian conflict.
We are thrilled to see how male stelle ole ole ny of our men are willing to offer their lives in defence of the Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot Emperor throne. We are proua oblige us to suspend our service, a step which to see that the soul of the Race we would much regret to takt.
can still be aroused ot of the mire of. Indifference and apathy, but we feel too that if our men Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue con offer theih lices so readily in Unico Emisor State Bank the cause of Ethiopia they should CRICKET with equal promptness be willing to make some sacrifice for the Last Sunday we saw a very ers. Both these youngsters have ofrece al público los defence of their womenfolk and Offers the Public the pleasant game of Cricket played just made their appearance in servicios de su to provide for the future of their between the Juniors of the Path. Cricket, Services of its children.
finders and the Motive Power.
It can easily be seen that the We are of the opinion that they The Youths had the first knock recent tour of the Clarendon would best begin by burying and made 98, due to the hard Team has left some impression their petty malices and spitefulhitting of Johnson who made which is being copied by some of ness and acting as a united mass 32.
our young players. Johnson EN LÀ to command respect here ar IN THE The motive Power replied takes a 19 yard run and bowls a now; to raise the standard of ith 124, Kerr contributing faster ball than any other of our living condition; to support 39. The latter team were re in country fast bowlers; if he CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON own enterprises in their forced with four of their senior could secure proper coaching from struggle for economic inde players.
some of our older players, bacpara toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service dence no less important Coleman, of Base Ball fa ked by his ambition, he should the struggle of Ethiopia for servicio bancario Rendered me, got four good wickets for the be very successful.
National independence.
Motivt Power while Johnson With thanks for space, got six for 26 for the Pathfindpropie Edwin Hdde Limon Trading Company BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE egle als Este documento


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