
PAGINA Saturday 18th. January 1936. THE ATLANTIC VOICE The Abyssinian Superiority Complex SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
see SO For Liver and Stomach Ailments a Earthquakes, Landslides and floods ce.
courses AN EXAMPLE WORTH FOLLOWING In our today article regard. and last year the total came to Writing to his journal some ccession of men of the type of ing the present political cam 946. 000 gallons. This increase ime ago, a well informed Ro Madero, Huerta and Carranza paign, we directed attention to officials ascribe to the opening me correspondent stated what spelt anarchy. In other words, the lack of progressive ideas in up of the new roads.
exactly Italy will insist upon ob. the forces of atavism, which had the platforms of the aspirants for Is it not possible for our Mutaining from Abyssinia is still long been supressed, finally gaithe country Presidency. and nicipal Fathers and Government being kept a secret from the pu ded the upper hand when advan particularly referred to our Pro Officials to the benefits blic. The same newspaper ob cing years caused Diaz bo fal.
vince need of roadways. which would similary be obtaiserved that Rome gives the a. ter.
It is therefore of interest, we ned if such a policy were underppearance of simply wanting to Mussolini is now at the zenith feel, to mention one at least of taken in this Province, more seize Abyssinia.
of his intellectual strength. He the many benefits which can be with our government holding the When it stresses this latter has no such heredity to overcoderived from even a moderate monopoly of the gasoline trade.
point the author of the present me as that which in the end over expansion of a country road and it should be remembered article, Pierre Crabites, says the threw the Mexican leader. His system that these benefits would not be journal overlooks the salient obs partisans insist that his influence During the past couple of confined merely to an improveINVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF tacle which confronts those who is greater today than it has ever years our neighbouring Republic ment in gasoline revenue as it is are sincerely endeavouring to belen. do not attempt to dispuof Panama has been devoting well known that an increase in stop the conflict between Italy te their claim. confine myself Flatulence And all forms much attention to her roadways, motor traffic would react in and Abyssinia. He says, if such to pointing out that hi spolitical extending them in many direc similar manner on our comerwere the crux of tne difficulty, di sirategy ha long been that which Indigestion of Stomach tions, with the result that the cial and general economic condiplomacy would have already diplomatists describe as a politiappreciable increase of 95. 000 tions.
found a solution to the problem que de prestige and which the Colics Disorders dollars was obtained by her Treawhich is now causing such con average American would prefer sury during last year.
May we hope that attention cern. He continues: to characterize as carryng a chip According to the official sta will be directed to this and other The issue is far more serious. on one shoulder.
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES tistics, 650. 000 gallons of ga relevant matters of outstanding It revolves around the Italian in Such tactics usually escape con soline were sold in Colon during interest to our Province by those frdority complex which Musso demnation as long as they are the year 1933; in 1934 the con who will be assuming office in MANUFACTURED BY: lini is seeking to correct and the successful. Nothing sucreeds like sumption reached 771. 209 gallons the near future.
Abysinian superiority complex success. Year after year Musso. HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA THE NATIONAL PARTY which the King of Kings of lini has adhered to his politique Kings of the Realm of Ethiopia de prestige and has won repea.
SAN JOSE Announcing is doing his utmost to stiffen. ted victories in the domestic Two moral forces, which have field. The world at large now Lic. Don Octavio Beeche nought to do with trade expan looks upon him as being the per nión, territorial aggrandizement sinification of present day Italy THE GREAT MATHEMATICIAN or militarism are thus face to fa, and aclaims him as a great man.
He is worthy of the laurels which He Mussolnii has worked wonders he has won. He is ambitious and Since the night of the 10th. in. ely destroyed and the inhabitants for his country.
Some writers revels in this glory.
stant the southern region of the Re killed by the heavy fall of the land Adds to your Popularity credit him with having saved Oc But the Duce is first and fo. public of Colombia has been stric which, by blocking river Subtracts your Worries to the enor cidental Europe from Bolshevism. remost la patriot. The incarnation ken by terrible earthquakes, lands have further added Multiplies your Joys He has unquestionably made Ita of egoism, his love of Italy traslides and floods.
mous loss of life now reported as ly neater in apparance, more or cends everything else. He would Many villages have been complet over three hundred.
VOTE FOR BEECHE derly in outward respect of the cheerfully shed his blood for law and more comfortable to the his country. He delights in the REV. RIDER LEAVES BOCAS foreign visitor. His accond with plaudits whirh are showered upon All Efforts at Peace failed at the Vatican is a masterly accom him not because they burn incen The many friends here of the two years ago, to Bocas as Priest Liberty Hall plishment. His creation of a new se to his vanity but because they Rev. Clifford Rider will be in charge of the Anglican MisAs announced in last week im. and who were to be on the Board of Italian mentality marks him as one are a tribute to what Italy has sorry to learn that through illsion there; but as he twice sufof the outstanding men of the become under his guidance.
health he has had to leave the fered from attacks of Black Wat pression, following the melee at the Directors; nothing was more suron prising therefore than hear at twentieth century: In fact, what The leadership which Musso Bocas del Toro Mission.
er fever, he was medically advis above Hall of Instruction he is now universally proclaimed lini covets, not for himself but The Rev. gentleman after la ed to leave.
Wednesday night sth. inst. pro the meeting of Sunday night Ras positions for a Peace Pact were Mitchell and his Bishop indulging to be recalls to my mend what was for Italy, is based, in the last ana bouring here for a short while in said of Porfirio Diaz when visi Vysis, upon force. do not su connection with the St. Mark He left for England on the set in motion, and on Friday, Sa in the Sankey tune This Klondyke turday and Sunday the terms were is our own boys, when you are ted Mexico in 1901.
ggest by this that Fascism gó. Church was transferred, about sth. instant.
discussed by the wellwishers of the tempted have courage to say No. do not question the Duce verns Italy by the sword. What exalted patriotism, dynamic energy am endeavoring to bring out is Organization; Mr. Mitchell of the and without any further discussions one factor and Mr. Nation of the of Peace, the Ras walked on Monor intellectual resiliency. pay that Italy status as a great poother. The acceptance of all mem day before the Agent of Police homage to his qualities of heart wer depends upon the Duce abers willing to enroll and the div and instituted proceedings against and mind. yield to no man in bility to convince Europe of the ision of the Board of Directors Mr. Roberts and his Re organizaLIMON my, admiration of the results of efficiency of the Italian fighting was the topic to be discussed, and it tion Committee, asking for an Inhis creative genius. But with my machine.
pas practically admitted by both junction that they should be resPurchaser and Exporter of Cocoa Porfirio Diaz experince staring Armaments and artillery, batparties.
trained from entering into the Lime in the face cannot help in tleships and submarines, aeropla.
berty Hall any more to molest him Importation and Sale of General interpreting the present and futu nes and food supplies playa On Sunday morning for two in his manipulations of the proceeds re with my eye riveted upon the great part in modern warfare.
Merchandise hours the delegates discussed and from the property in the best inThey mean but :le, however actually agreed to go back to their terests of himself and his chosen The great Mexican fell from compared to the spirit of the men ty complex can produce sol Italy is not the Italy of the past. constituents to be met on Monday band of Innocents. Therefore he power not merely because old who man the guns. It is the per diers who have the stamina to He is certein that the men of his in a Committee of three of each himself has now put the Society agesapped his vitality but becau sonal equation that wins the final se, with all his talents, strength victory. Until the morale of the go through a grueling war. He fase yield to no other in those factor, to decide definitely as to who in Law.
cannot close his eyes to the fact qualities of military deadership, of purpose and courage he was enemy has been destroyed, until that the Italians are suffering stamina and self sacrifice that ma Guillermo Niehaus Co.
manable to create a new Mexican the soul of the soldiers has been from an inferiority complex ke great soldiers. He is determimentality or a new Mexican soul conquered, no permanent success He perceives that until he can ned to eradicate this inferiority LIMON or a new Mexican outlook on li has been won.
eradicate it his politique de preschimplex and re create an ItaMaderas Extranjeras y del País fe.
Mussolini graps this truims as tige and Italy status in Europe lian fighting spirit even as he did Diaz organized out of nothing, well as anybody. He understands repose upon an insecure basis.
COMPRA CACAO a new civic Italian soul.
or rather out of bandits a cons his people far better than do. This Italian inferiority com. Mussolini is not a theorist. He MATERIAL DE TRANVIA tabulary or corps of rurales which He is a psychologist as well as a plex in respect of warfare which is a realist. This inferiirity com was a model of efficiency. He Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo.
statesman. He knows that no na thwarts the Duce ambitions to plex is due to the mental pic.
made of the Mexican army of tion suffering from an inferiori. make modern Rome what was tures that linger of Lissa, AdoImportación de mercadería en general: the nineties of the last century a ancient Rome, is the outcome of wia and Caporetto. He proposes body whose mobility was high To Thine Own Self Be True IN SOCIAL GATHERINGS ly praised by military experts.
conditions which precede the nine to extirpate them from the Ita.
To All Men Goodwill teenth century.
His administration of the finan. We Thank Our Numerous Client The failure of lian mind.
On Monday night last the La The Rev. Fathers John and ACarlo Alberto and of Piedmont ces of his country especially when For Their Past Support dies Auxiliary of the Knights costa were very pleased with the to make any headlway against Fate has already made it im And Wish Them Limantour was in charge of that of St. John had their Installation smart appearance and exercises service, was said to be most ad. Merry Christmas Happy Pros Austria, the disastrous defeat at possible for him meet Austria on Lissa, the fact that it was Napo the sea and blot out the memory There was a large gathering of ted them to works of piety and of Officers for the 1936 term. of the Body of Ladies, and shsor mirable. But the rank and file of perous New Year.
the Mexican people remained im The Metropolitan Bureau leon III. and, to a certain extent, of Lissa. Austria no longer has pervious to all this. When natu Egbert Polson Prussia that finally made United a seacoast and no navy and the earnest workers of the Auxiliary Christian Charity.
Attired in their uniforms, all who pledged themselves to bring Italy a possibility and the culmi book of history has closed upon the Branch up to a first stand the members of the Auxiliary re took her toll of him, the su Our Fifth Year Of Service.
nating disaster of Adowa accen the Hapsburg dynasty. It would tuated this inferiority complex be hazardous for him to think of ard of fraternalties numerica marched in a body to Masson lly, financially and socially. Wednesday morning.
STATION RESTAURANT virtually from the beginning to dealing with Caporretto until the end of the nineteenth centu dowa has first been deleted from SIQUIRRES ry.
the record. And Mussolini, both (Under New Management) am afraid that the Great because he is practical and logiLimon, Costa Rica, On ocean front The passenger train from Limon stops at Siouirres 20 Mi War and Caporetto have further cal thus centers his attention uComfortable rooms. tes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be Rooms with bath. Well ventilated developed this inferirity compon seeking to make it possible rved on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
dining room. First class table. Good assorted bar.
urant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo plex. At all events, Mussolini for Italy to forget what happened Sample room ken, Se habla español, knows that Europe has not forgo in 1896, when pre Fascist ItaLUISE SCHUSTER, Proprietress SULLIVAN then Lissa, Adowa and Caporelians met Abyssinias in battle Post Office Box 236 Telephone Bidirecionanyinges that Fascistlaseny Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Culori ALLAN SIME past.
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