
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday 25th. January 1936.
An Ultimatum Jamaica Burial Scheme Branch Society Badly Hit She, mother engage Vera, HEREBY HANGS TALE as you live, Yours ever, Why is it that lightning never strikes twice in the same place?
Because after it struck once, The Coniext and mistakes in spelling by our Gritic iphold the same place isn there.
the phrase Fools rush in where Angels fear to trezo The Editor, the wor news which is of vital inHe, as they drove along a lonely By the Panama Tribune of the buying homes which they never had terest to us who are the Kit and road, You look lovelier to me 12th. instant, it is shown that a hoped to have done; others are This is to advise you that, voic Kin of the Ethiopians.
every minute. Do you know what Branch of the Jamaica Burial carrying on their otherwsie banking the sentiments of the English In your present writings that a sign of?
Scheme Society in Colon was rob krupt business because there is reading public, some of us are not you sow your pro Italian and antiSure; You re about to bed of over eight hundred dollars really no real check on the receivals, satisfied with your editions now a Ethiopian feelings. Your article, run out of gas.
by the apparent carelessness of the and the foolish membership cant days; and if you do not make the Italy Case against Ethiopia, President and Trustees.
see where the leak in the cask is, changes to suit our likings, we will shows that Italy should own Ethi.
Caller. Is your This is a great lesson to all So and of course some of the officials caese our subscritions (sic. and may opia and that all she is doing her is ed?
cieties here in Limon, and members do not like to admit intelligent even attempt a Boycott.
Little Boy. think she is mar of all Organizations ought to see inembers who will probe into the 1st. You have too mutch Now Mr. Nation, we want you ried.
that lodgments are made in recog secret corners. When the Books are (sic) misspelt words and misplaced to under and tat we are in simprized Banks by their Officers as asked for, tey appoint an Audit letters. Often we have to stop forhaty (sic) with Ethiopia; we are. Do you thing he mar. ordered by the Regulations. Committee who cannot even check minutes in our reading to find the coloured, and as humans we upried her for her wealth?
It appears as if the Treasurer of their own time with the concerns correct spelling of the words. Now, hold the principles of the 5th.
Doris, Not if her face is het this Branch was ordered to lodge with whom they labour to see if Sir, better spare a little more time Chapter of St. Matthew, 7th. and fortune.
all funds in the Bank save 75 for their payments are right or wrong. with your proofs to keep up your 9th. verses; as also specially the emergencies; but, possibly due to For instance, the Auditors appoint. literary dignity both in Costa Rica 8th. and 10th. Connandmets (sic. Little Bay. think she is mar friendship of the leading Officers jed by the Officers of th Universal and abroad.
Please see that such is corrected m writing to my wife, how shall with such Treasurer, this was not Negro Improvement Association 2nd. News of interest in AT ONCE or don count me and end up?
cone, with the result that the con have not until now been able to this town and country, sports, co collegues (sic) as paronizers (sic)
Mr. Oldboy. ve had my life Little Pam, Oh, just put, tributions in the officer hands arrive at a Balance Sheet for the merce (sic. labour and politics of your Anti Honest principles. insured in your name for 10, 000. Your obedient husband.
accumulated until they amounted year tranasctions. No proper concerning us could well be found think it would be more beneficial Now, can do anything more than to 810. Then suddenly, this Treasurer reports have been given to fill space occupied by those for you, if you would not express that to show my dveotion? Judge, You say your wife amount was reported stolen from from Treasurer Williams death. everlasting Long tail black Cats and yaur pro Italian sentiments in the Young Wife. No, not as long attacked you with a death dealing under a bed, in daytime, while the Why? because the man appointed their stories; a little now and then English edition of the Atlantic weapon. What was it?
officer responsible for same was cannot do it, and it is well known is all right but not so mutch (sic. Voice. warn you as a friend.
Victim. fly swatter. within the premises attending to he cannot, that why he was ap 3rd. It seem as if your paper her business, pointed; hence the Holy Trinity is anti Ethiopian, from the fact William Pearson This has been a practice among have to make it somehow to suit that for weeks you have been pubWe beg to call your attention to our remark a the back many of the high Officers of some their purposes.
lishing the uncivilized lives of peoSubscriber.
of receipt which reads: of our Societies, who purposely This is why the Re organizing ple written by some gentleman who Limon, January.
allow funds to accumulate in the Committee request to present the feels that he and his people have hands of Treasurers for the purp Books before the government was always, from creation, been civiliz. disclosed in our comments app Ed. Note. For the reasons This bill must be paid at our office ose of getting loans secretly from so strenuously opposed, even a ed and are paterns (sic) of human earing on another page the such officers; naturally, they too Lawyer being employed to assist ity. Perhaps he does not belong context of the above was in no beffore the 10th of the month borrow, until an outburst comes, such opposition.
to the Cave men or slave owners when a cry of robbery is made, and As already said, the Jamaica of recient (sic) days or of present way interfered with Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot as the high officers are implicated Burial Scheme loss in Colon ought day Linchers (sic) or Gangsters.
oblige us to suspend our service, a step which nothing is done except a huge to be a lesson to all members of We observe the humanitarian we would much regret to takt.
scandal on the streets. We have Societies in Limon. They should acts of the Italians, boming (sic)
had many such experiences here in see that public Auditors be appo defenceles (sic) Towns, with wo.
Advertise in COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Limon where the poor floor mem inted and all monies lodged imme men, oldmen and children in Ethi. The Atlantic Voice bers are swindled in these Socie diatley alter collection in the In opia have been published by you, ties.
ternational or Costa Rican Banks but now that there is not so much and watch Results We have here two reliable Banks, by capable Trustees.
in such modern civilized hence there is no need for Treasur There is to be instituted a Five acts, nothing is even published of The Man Who Eats Glass ers keeping any funds in their Year Plan of economy, but let us hands whatever. Lodgments should hope that members will not pledge We came across this strange effects, and has performed for the be made after every meeting and one dollar until they are sure the phenomenon, Juan Anibal Saborio Stanley Circus Company in this withdrawals effected through the officer in charge gives sufficient by name, on his recent visit to our marvelous feat.
Trustees when payments are order Bond as a security against possible very pleasant and interesting ſhe and Moore opened the little City. He was born in San He claims that our Theatres reed by the membership. By this pro losses; thus the Colon Society game was played on the Limon inning and played real good cricJose in 1905 and has travelled much fused to entertain our public with cedure such rascalities would be loss will be Limon gain.
in these Central and South Amer an exhibition, but he was permit avoided and the subcriptions of the pitch on Sunday last, 19th. instant, ket. Chambers and Victor between the married Men and Bat. Hayling surprised the spectators by ican countries. He has never been ted at the Club Miramar where he poor innocent people safeguarded, was given a subscription of fifteen so that when distress overtakes an ATTENTION! RACE LOVERS!
chelors of this town.
their exhibition of defensive criccolones and was heartily applaud individual member the organization The Benedicts were captained by ket. In fact its the best game we Mr. Luther Henry while the Bat have witnessed from Victor who He has been eating glassware ea. He is indeed a great curiosity would be in a position to come to Are you following the Progress chelors were led to viitory by that has the pose and appearance of a for nine years now without any illl around town.
of the Race? enthusiastic veteran Cricketer, Mr. first class Bat, its a pity he will not These robberies and misapproAubrey Spyer, President of the be more aggressive. If a better cause of scanty Read THE PITTSBURGH Cricket Board of Control. attack on the bowling was taken memberships in all our humanitaCOURIER The Batchelors occupied the the married men would certainly On Wednesday night Ras Gugsa on the Southern front, and after rian Societies. Our Burial Aid Sowickets first and made 106 runs, have won. Every batsman of theirs had a picket of Police at the above General Orders had been commun cieties have suffered and some have The Negro Weekly that tells due to the superb batting of broke the egg, but the offensive place; one uptairs and one at the icated in the midst of dead silence, disappeared in consequence; a law. you all you want to know about Lawrence and Smith, who con stand of Lawrence and Smith was gun and sword to the 14 troops assembled under the suit was once instituted as a result Joe Louis, Henry Lewis, the tributed 36 and 24 runs respectiv. too much for the pavilion display prevent an Italian attack. There distinguished Big Thee Scout, dis of one such occurrence but was Italo Ethiopian situation and ely. The Benedicts then took their of the padres de familias. Campbell was also a male and female senti persed at 10. 30.
compromised. Many Lodges have ther political, educational and so stand but although they played dismissed Dixon with a beautiful nel patroling the verandahs from also suffered similarly. The great cial Features. It gives you the stirling, good, defensive cricket catch, running from fine leg to the back step to the Hall. This useless Police Guard servi. Political Organization of the Un Best.
could only succeed in putting up third man, about 20 yards, across However, after the Bugle Call ce cost the poor groaning Organi iversal Negro Improvement Asso Sod by. Edwin Horde Box 72 runs. Campbell made top the field; the spectators gave him a and National Anthem were sound zation Funds the sum of Ten ciation has also suffered; some are l211, Limón.
score for his side of a round dozen, tremendous ovation for such a ed and sung, all was found quiet Colones.
lala olles ale dless Captain Spyer exhibition with the bat showed he has not forgotten his prowess at the game as a According to reports from Aus The Jugoslavian press recently worthy representative yet of the St. Catherine of Jamaica; tria and Bavaria, an exceedingly estimated that those who had taken and if he had some practise he large number of Italians have been refuge in that going across the Italian frontiers to near 3, 000.
Banco del Estado would be yet one of our best to be Sole Bank of Issue reckoned with.
avoid being sent to Ethiopia. couple of mounths ago a numThe number estimated to have ber of these deserters took their Unico Emisor State Bank The public was so delighted with arrived in Bavaria since the out military equipment with them into the sportive spirit of the game that break is placed at between 1, 500 Austria, whereupon the Italian many enthusiasts have asked for a and 2, 000; while those entering the government made an effort to exofrece al público los repitition of same, so it is proposed Offers the Public the to have the return game on the Austrian Tyrol are given as around tradite them on a charge of theft; servicios de su Services of its 16th. February 1, 700. Many have continued their Austria declined to consider the flight into Germany it was also charge but permitted the equipment In our next edition we will publish the names of the players.
to be returned.
success Cricket In Limon up North.
the rescue.
Liberty Hall now War Office priations are the step armed Italians Fleeing From Service BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA country totalled SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE Our Banana Exports Show Decrease CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON EN LA IN THE According to the figures recently 2, 887, 534.
released by the Statistical Depart. It is however expected the adment of the government our Bana ditional quantities now being obna exportations during last year tained from the Pacific region and fell short of those of the previous the amounts being secured from the para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service period by 322, 635 stems. central provinces for the CaliforIn 1934 the total stems exported nian markets will appreciably inservicio bancario Rendered amounted to 3, 210, 169 while those crease the total output for the curfor last year only reached. rent year.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The former Eleven Bros. renamed The Burial Scheme during the last season, will be known hereafter as The Unity the Officers being Messres. Matthews, Manager; Campbell, President; Bernard, Captain and Treasurer; White, Secretary; Bernard, Asst. Se cretary; Spence, Vice Captain; Nation, Coach.


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