
Saturday 25th. January 1936. THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA The Abyssinian Superiority Complex SAL UVINA (THE RIGHT SALTS)
In Reply to Mr. Pearson Ultimatum For Liver and Stomach Ailments etc. tec.
an name (CONTINUED)
If Mussolini has to grapple with a Swiss who had served for a time this inferiority complex of the in the Pope army, Major Ruchdy, Elsewhere in this issue we produ plaint. This reminds us that with Italians, Haile Selassie and the an Egyptian of Turkish extraction ce a letter in which the writer, Mr. many this unfortunate, though doAbyssinians are suffering from a and Major Dennison of New William Pearson, voicing, mesticated and affectionate animal superiority complex, and if the York and formerly of Iowa, a as he says, the sentiments of the is Bete noir. Tabooed; we there inferiority of the Italians springs Union veteran of the American English reading public, not only fore wonder if it really the Tales from Lissa, Adowa and Caporetto, Civil War who had entered the expresses entire disapproval of our and not the innocent animals themthe Abyssinians superiority may Khedivial service. editions now a days, but threa selves that have produced this obbe traced to Gundat, Gura and! Towards the end of October, tens to attempt a Boycott against jection. Should it be the Tales. Adowa. The results of these three 1875, Arrendrup maved his forces us should we fail to accept and as we hope, then we can only offer latter engagements were so decisive to Asmara and Codofolassie. The give effect to the many changes Mr. Pearson our deepest sympathy that can well understand how Abyssinians retired. The road to suggested. What an idea! Mr. Pear for his misfortune in having sufthey influenced the opinion of their capital appeared to be open.
their invincibility.
son feels HE can voice the senti fered the loss of his risible facKing John ordered that a call to INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF ments of the English reading pub ulties, the while regretting our inAll these battles took place dur arms be sounded throughout his lic of Limon; then he goes on to ability to deprive others of our ing the last third of the nineteenth kingdom. While his heralds were Flatulence And all forms say Someof us are not satisfield, readers, not so afflicted, of the centuary. Since the culminating rushing about from place to place victory of Adowa, no nation has, the Egyptians, numbering 2, 500, opportunity of indulging in a smile Indigestion of Stomach Knowing as we do the literary or two. All work, we remember, until recently, provoked Abysisinia. anned with Remington rifles, two idiocyncrasies of the many among and no play. During the World War her front six gun batteries of mounted artilColics iers remained unassailed. She knows lery and six rocket stands, continDisorders our people, we did not expect to be This brings us now to the last always free of criticisms, destruc and by far the most serious objecthat during those nineteen years that ued their advance.
tive or constructive; we expected tion, our alleged anti Ethiopian run from 1876 to 1895 her troops The Dane thought that he was FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES them, and while we would sympa tendencies. By what stretch of logic overwhelmingly defeated forces led on a dress parade. But the Abyssinthise with the former we would or imagination Mr. Pearson could not only by Italians, but by Egyp ians finally got their forces in ever appreciate the latter. But we have arrived at such a conclusion tians, Swiss, Danes, Austrians and hand, and surprised the invaders MANUFACTURED BY: dislike threats; we positively fear we are at a loss to understand. It Americans. She thus views the fu on November 11, 1875, at a place HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA them, for they have a peculiarity of is an elementary fact, of which we ture with a complacency that begets called Gundet. The Egyptians lost arousing certain qualities which not expected Mr. Pearson to be aware, an attitude of such supreme confi 1, 800 men and 2, 000 rifles. Colonel SAN JOSE even the passing. years have been that whenever Editor prodence that describe it as a Super Arrendrup, when surrounded, first able to eliminate or seriously miti duces fior or reproduces an article.
emptied his revolver into the adgate. Hence we regret our esteemed or under the of the The port of Zeila, which is now vancing foe and then saber in hand, correspondent should have deemed path, he is never regarded English, and which the Bristish defended himself to the last. He Last Minute Notices it essential to suggest such an ex as acquiescing in the sentiments or Government appears to have been died the death of a hero.
pedient willing to turn over to Abyssinia in Major Dennison and Major Refuse Submission to King particularly one of a views expressed therein. The too, as London, where the late King Boycott.
an effort to bring about a settlement Ruchdy were not in this engagemit is essentially the duty of a NewsThe members of the National body lies in state. were thrown Now to the complaints. We paper to disseminate the fullest of the pending controversy, played ent. They, with a small detach Party of South Africa have, re open to the public at eight readily admit the continued presence information possible regarding all a prominent part in starting those ment, were on a mountain top at fused to join in a vote of loyalty clock yesterday morning. More of many misspelt words and mis. matters of public interest, so in wars which led to the series of Addi Huala, some miles away.
to which They remained in complete ignor motion to this effect was propos estimated to have already viewed had read his copy of our impression Italo Abyssinian victories to King Edward VIII. When al than five thousand persons are placed letters; but if Mr. Pearson this all important question of the Ethiopian conflict we enhave just referred. The Khedive ance of the details of the terrible of the 14th. December last as care deavoured to place its salient feaof Egypt purchased it in 1875 from struggle which went on in the valued in the Capetown Parliament the remains.
the members of the party walked fully as he has others, he certainly tures before our readers. No one ley. It was only when a messenger the Sultan of Turkey.
out the House.
should have observed our explana can properly or satisfactorily ad.
Zeila had been used for centu came into camp and informed them To Thine Own Self Be True tion regarding this very unfortunate judicate a subject unless possessed ries by Arab and Turk for unsuccess that a battle was in progress that Italian Plane Destroyed To All Men Goodwill handicap and in which we craved of the full and correct facts; hence ful attacks upon Abyssinia. To men were sent out to learn, if posconsolidate From Harrar it is reported that We Thank Our Numerous Client his leniency and that of his As cur publication, from time to time, this acquisition an sible, the true state of affairs. Bad an Italian plane, a large bimotor, For Their Past Support sociates from the fact of our being of the offending articles.
Egyptian force was sent to Mas news travels rapidly. An Egyptian These And Wish Them compelled to operate in a 100 per gave, the facts from the viewpoint sawah under the command of Co soldier from one of the commands fell in the regin of Dagganbur of Italy and her supporters just as onel Arrendrup, formerly a Lieu soon rushed in and reported the and was greatly damaged. There Merry Christmas Happy Pros cent Spanish office.
were two aviators and three sol nant in the Royal Danish artil defeat.
perous New Year.
others did those of the Abyssinians.
diers aboard, they were taken As an earnest, however, of our In so far, however, as Our opinions This intensified the desire for rery.
The Metropolitan Bureau constant anxiety to meet every are concerned, if Mr. Pearson will The counter move of Abyssinia liable information. It also stimu prisioners by the Ethiopians. Egbert Polson proposal submitted to us for our do us the favour of looking through was the creation of a new province lated Dennison and Ruchdy to preKing George Body In State Our Fifth Year Of Service.
Journal interest and our readers his file of the Atlantic Voice he which abutted upon the Egyptian pare for the worst. The two comThe doors of Westminster Hall, satisfaction, we readily accepted the will note what WE had say on frontier. This district was put un panies were consolidated. The conpresent one to spare a little more the subject in our many editorials der the Governorship of Colonel struction of a wall, of such stone time with our proofs, and so hope These give our considered opinions Kirkman, a Scot in the Abyssinian as they could pick up within hand our strict adherence to the context and we are willing to be adjudged service.
reach, was begun around their posiof the letter to which this refers, by them. Will Mr. Pearson concede Both sides understood what was tion. And ten woundred soldiers bewill not only satisfy our correspon us this Honest request?
meant by the presence of Arren gan to arrive. Their tale left no LIMON dent but convince him of our des It is a pity our Critic should drup at Massawah and of Kirhman doubt of the enormity of the disire to keep up that Literary Dig. have omitted, we wont say preme.
at Ginda. It did not indicate that aster. The troops showed signs of Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa nity so beautifully demonstrated ditatedly, the 8th. verse in his BiDenmark and England were about demoralization. It took violent by him in his Ultimatum. It was blical reference, as it inclines us to to fight but that Egypt and Abys means to hold them in lie. During Importation and Sale of General sinia were getting ready for a strug the night a company which Colorather herculean but we managed the belief he lacks this primary it somehow.
essential to enable him to successgle. With Arrendrup were, among nel Arrendrup had stationed at anMerchandise Our Cats and their Tales fully uphold the principles others, Count Zichy, a brother of other point joined the force under are the cause of the second com which our attention is called.
the Austro Hungarian Ambassador Dennison.
at Constantinople, Major Durholz, to be continued El 21 de junio de 1914 mo. 5, 000, 000. 000 de francos ría un archiduque austriaco proyectiles de cañón. todo paTHE PEOPLES BAKERY Sarajevo. El 29 de julio se rommenso, interminable. cubierto de deos eran tan intensos, que se veía a avanzar diez yo seis kilómetros.
We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the El 31 era cobardemente asesina En abril tumbas. las ciudades de Euro mejor de día; el ruido del com BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders do Jaurés. tres días después, cnante de los mutilados de la kilómetros.
pa se llenaron con el desfile alu bate se escuchaba la doscientos hicieron estallar un día al mismo tiempo diez y nueve minas car an be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its la declaración de guerra de AleJutput.
gran contienda.
En abril del 17, en el sur de gadas con medio millón de kilos mania a Francia convertía la gue.
En la guerra murieron. en de explosivos. Sólo en defender No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH rra en europea, y daba los prime 12, 930. 571 solddaos. De eilas. un frente de 40 kilómetros, 597 Verdún emplearon los franceses impressed on them.
ros 998. 771 pudieron ser identificañones, más millares de morte durante siete días, 120, 000 to mundial. Uno tras otro, con toda BOOTH PRODUCTS CHALLENGE IMITATORS cados y 991. 800 se dieron ros y ametralladoras, disparando neladas de proyectiles y gastaron rapidez, fueron entrando los demás países. Al final, en la luchahtridos pasó de 30. 000. 000, y el nes de granadas y nueve millones por desaparecidos. El número de en pocos días veinticuatro millo 700 millones de francos.
El total de los gastos fue enor.
Memorial Service For Late King intervenía casi todo el mundo en de mutilados fue tan grande co. de proyectiles de artillería pesa me. Alcanza cifras astronómicas Requiem Mass for the late mortal remains of the late Sovere tero. Se habían formado dos in mo el de los muertos.
da: en el combate intervinieron que escapan a la mente humana.
King George will take place atſign are to be laid at rest, the Ven mensos bloques: 129. 545. 627 Algunos datos, elegidos al a1. 330 aviones, de los que se per Según la Fundación Carnegie, St. Mark Church at a. next cess Julia of Holland, the Princesses hombres de un lado y.
zar, nos dan una idea de la bar. dieron 293. Cuando comenzó el de Nueva York, el total de los Tuesday the 28th. instant. all Britishers and other sympathisers 220. 617. 416 de otro. El de barie espantosa de la lucha. En combate, la tierra se estremeció gastos directos e indirectos de la As this is the day on which the whe use posibly do so will attend. agosto de 1914 empezaron a dia. la batalla de Tannenberg, los ru en cincuenta kilómetros a la re guerra en los que exán incluilogar los cañones, a tabletear las sos tuvieron en un solo día 40, 000 donda. Francia tuvo en aquel dos el déficit de producción, etc.
THE NATIONAL PARTY amestalladoras, a caer hombres muertos, 30, 000 heridos y 95, 000 combate 151, 235 bajas. etc. se eelva a la incomparable heridos de muerte, y así trans prisioneros. En Gallipoli, los in La ofensiva del General Bru, cantidad de dólares. Announcing currieron cuatro años largos. Se gleses tuvierno, durante los com silof costó a los rusos 883. 593331. 612. 542. 560.
combatió en todas partes, en tobates de la primavera de 1916, hombres. Fue una mortandad ho Lic. Don Octavio Beeche dos los continentes, en todos los 33, 000 bajas. En el otoño de morosa. Después de ella, en 1917, mares. Se luchó en Francia y THE GREAT MATHEMATICIAN 1915, Joffre emplazó en el fren se calculaba que los rusos habían Flandes, en los Alpes y en los te de Champaña, en un espacio de tenido en los tres años de guerra He Dardanelos, en Besarabia y en 23 kilómetros, 2, 000 cañones pe más de cinco millones de nauer.
Grecia, en Galitzia y en el Asia sados y 3, 000 de campaña, que tos. La batalla del Somme, una Adds to your Popularity Menor; se peleó en Arabia, en arnojaron en sólo tres días un mi de las más empeñadas, hizo que Subtracts your Worries Palestina, en China, en el Camellón de proyectiles, para conse se estremecieron los edificios a rón, en Egipto. Se combatió en guir avanzar cuatro kilómetros. 40 kilómetros de distancia, y lle. Best native lumber Multiplies your Joys tadas partes y en todas las for. En el ataque a Verdún, los alegó a oírse en París. Los aliados al final, como balance, manes tuvieron 500, 000 muertos. tuvieron allí 700, 000 muertos.
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