
persons lined HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE of speaking, the crowd wiahnrew tuets. We do hope he will pre was The war in Abyssinia is being Another Red Cross unit near Mawaged most vehemently on both kale was bombed on the 27th. two Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone sides; while the reports reaching women and five children being kilus are very conflicting, one day the led.
Año II No. 82 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, 1st. February 1936. Editor English Section Nation Italians claim decisive victories Reports from Addis Ababa deny with much bloodshed and suffering the statement of the victory in the on the part of the Ethiopians, the Southern front, but admit that Ras following day comes news from Desta has fallen back with slight the Ethiopians stating the contrary losses, and that General Graziani and emphatically denying the ver advance is now being hampered by Amid the greatest pomp and in the mausoleum in the Castle at sions given out from Rome. It is the heavy rains. 300 women are said In preparation for the final without being inscribed in the Ci however evident that the Italians to have perished as a result of bom. ceremony, the body of King George Windsor where all his forefathers day, nine days hence, much in vic Register. Leader Mora claims are not having things as easy as bings of civilian populations during y was taken from Westminster are at rest.
traguing is being evidenced on that there is much irregularities in their reports seem to indicate. In the Tambien engagements, whic Hall on Tuesday last for Paddington Notwithstanding the request of the part of all concerned. the Record Office, because it is spite of the superiority of Italy according to Rome cost the lives of Station where it wasentrained for the Monarch that his funeral should The Cortesistas held a meeting now discovered that there are and air forces, the 5, 000 Ethiopians. Grazani forces Windsor.
not interrupt the activities of the on Monday last, and while Lic. many of his adherents who, al The Cortege, which was most nation, all Chambers of Commerce, don Daniel Zeledon was Ethiopians are still holding their are said to have reached Allata, 175 spea though having presented themown as disclosed by the Radio news miles from Addis Ababa; this has spectacular, included no less than Theatres, and other public places king, he had don Carlos Luis selves for civil registration, their however been donied by the Ethi five visiting Kings, those of Bel. were closed for the greater portion Fallas arrested to the great sur names do not now appear on the gium, Norway, Denmark, Bulgaria of the day. Although much snow prise of many persons as he did books of the Registry, naturally By the Mediterranean Pact which opians.
The Emperor has decided to leave and Rumania, as also the Crown and unfavourable weather prevent. Inot, to all intents, seem to have debarring them from voting. One has been agreed to by Britain, France, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria. Ru. Desse for the Southern front to Prince of Traly, the Regent of Yued thousands from attending yet mentiometed ante misedeamleanor: is led to ask, when a citizen is mania and the Balkan States, the personally organize the defence to joslavia, ex King Alfonso of Spain nearly half a million but according to the new law inscribed in the Registro de Perembargo on Oil and steel is evidently be taken against the advance of the Prince Frederick of Prussia (grand the procession.
President Lebearing on political movements sonas does he not receive a tarbeing put in force. The smaller Italians and is rushing additional son of the Kaiser. At the memorial service which he was standnig confronting me jeta, card or coupon of Registia nations of the Pact are determined troone to assist those of Ras Desta brun of France and many Princes was held in the Protestant Church nacingly the speaker in his pri tion? If not, it quite possible that the embargo must be placed who are believed to be somewhat of the European nations.
with all severity so as to handicap exhausted from the incessant fight The Archbishop of Canterbury, of All Saints, Rome, the members vileged area Mr. Fallas was ta that in a rush, such as have been assisted by the Archbishop of York of the Royal family and Premier ken to the Cuartel but soon li taking place, omissions may be Italy in her murderous intentions in ing.
Africa England has pledged her During the bombardment which and the Bishops of Winchester Mussolini attended in addition to berated; a most excited threa made.
Itening crowd of sympathizers al Don Octavio Besche, the Can support to the greatest extreme, and the Italians effected at Adi Adia, and Oxford, officiated at the fun almost all the British Colony.
eral ceremony which was hel in the At the close of the service an so went along with him, but af didate for the National Party.
as the new radical government of took fire. The pilot in attempting France favours intensely the Sanc to land by his parachute got caught Chapel of St. George. At the close Infantry Band played the British ter the Second Comandante car who is in opposition to the Repume out and address old them in blcian National Party, will visit tions being placed, withing a week in a tree and was killed the remain of the service the body was placed and Italian Anthems.
his usual diplomatic, calm way Limon and address his constior two Italy may find herself con der of the crew perished with the fronted with this great dilemma, plane.
hence her reasons for rushing her It is officially announced from and the at liberty. us Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón The surprise to many was, ments for this much neglected several operations. But even nature Addis Ababa that as a result of a Para EUROPA how was it that there were other province of Costa Rica, which up is against her, as the rains have surprise attack a number of their leaders and adherents of the op to nof no other Candidate has made it impossible even for mules warriors captured an Italian position (SANTANDER, PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, posite canninates there, yet no proffered us.
to operate without getting bogged northeast of Makale killing 35 ItaAMSTERDAM HAMBURGO)
in the heavy mud.
lians and taking four trucks. It is one else was arrested? The ans In connection with politics, an Mussolini knows that England also reported that a column of Genl. Cordillera Febrero wer comes, that during the last express train dispatched has been supplying all the munitions Graziani men were forced to abanreunion of the Commhnits, lea from here on Wednesday for of war to Haile Selassie, hence hedon Wadara in the Irgaalen sector Phoenicia Febrero 20 der Fallas delivered a most vici Guapives under the Police to accuses her of being responsible for and retire to Neghelli.
ous speech against Suplente Ze unravel the reported illegal pothe prolongation of the conflict, as As an Offset against the effects Para GUATEMALA ledon, referring to many con ssession of dynamite and other without the moral and material sup of the threatened Oil embargo, we (PUERTO BARRIOS LIVINGSTON)
ditions in his private life and his explosives by political leaders in port of Britain he believes he would are informed that Mussolini has transactions in the province, as hat vicenity, but unfortunately have already dominated the African leased the oilfields at Kucora near CARIBIA.
Febrero 24 well as to how he came to Limon, when this Expressedly Express Empire; but with these obstacles it Beret in Albania and has had a piand how he became possessed of got to Siqurtnes she could pro is known that the campaign will be peline laid to the seaport of Valona, SERVICIO DE CARGA PASAJEROS his fortune.
ceed no further in consequence a long disastrous one to Italy. The a distance of 75 kilometers, capable Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a: We find that in San José De of excessively heated bearings.
consequent feeling in most circles is of handling 1, 000 tons daily. He is puty Mora is also pretty pointed Another engine had to be prethat any little incidend at this time also said to have made arrangements HAPAG LLOYD in his denunciations of President pared for the remainder of the will start a conflagration in Europe, for the erection in Italy of a refinery AGENCIA EN COSTA RICA TELEFONO 2086 Jimenoz land his authorities for journey, and during this time of which experts claim will be short for the production of Gas at a cost fodtering the Cortesistas under waiting the rattlesnake gave its but exceptionally tragic; nevertheless of 75, 000, 000 lire.
his wings. He accuses the Presi warning so when Jumbo arrived all concerned are prepared for it.
The rumour exists in diplomatic MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR LATE KING? dent of shielding unlawful ma all had disappeared and another On the 25th it was reported that circles that an effort is being made solemn Requiem Mass was sala, the Archdeacon said Kingship is on nipulations in the sales and pur freak was registered.
the forces of Ras Seyoum and Ras to include Russia and Poland in the at St. Mark Church on Tuesday ly due to an accident of circumstan chases of Cedulas. He claims theKassa had captured three important Mediterranean Pact.
28th. instant at 30 a. as was ces in the lives of men by which one re are many clever agents in the In our hands is a Leaflet sig towns in the vicinity of Makale, and From London comes the informa announced in these columns, for the may be born a king; but to live the country, who are buying Cedu ned by a Labourite in which El that two Divisions of Blackshirts tion that an Italian airplane, which repose of the soul of King George life of heroic nobleness of mind and la from the colon Leon is designated an invetorahad been completely wiped out by penetrated 80 miles inside the fron. of the United Kingdom. character is what counts and this had each with the idea of selling them te enemy of the Negro. of Fofierce Danakil tribesmen 50 tanks tier of British Soudan, was forced to Due to the zeal and energetic mo been very evident in the life of the to whomsoever they care at fa reigners and of foreign Capital and a large quantity of cannon and land; the crew, a Captain and three vements of Archdeacon Kelly, the one we mourn. It was his uprightness bulous prices. This mans the as well as of the Province of Limachine guns being taken by the men, were interned by the British little Church was filled with partici and genuineness of character which bringing in of people to vote who mon, because it was made habivictors.
pants at the ceremony. Among tho had made him a beloved citizen, not are not entitlen to ho o, in con table for the natives by Foreigse present were the Comandante de only of Britain but of the world travention of article 113 of the ners and is still dominated and Plaza, representing the HONOURED BY LATE KING government throught which his citizen ship extend Election Law which consemms inhabited mainly by foreigners; of Costa Rica; the British Vice Con ed. We do not, continued the Archdea such procedurs with imprison: hence the foreign element who The members of our Method for more than forty years in Pa Consul; Mr. Raul Velasquez, French man in consequence of the greatness ne. But now that the Presiden for voting should absttain fron sul; Mr. Johnson, American can, celebrate the passing of a great ment without the option of a fi have made themselves eligible ist denomination and others will nama and several of the West Consul; Mr. Jose Rodriguez, Spanish of the influence of his sword and has instituted o ruling that a ce voting for don Leon Cortés. But be gratified to learn that the Indians Islands and took a keen Consul; Mr. Alcides Ramirez, Pana sceptre but as a recognition of his dula (permit signifying one is it not a natural instinct in the Rev. Joseph Wright was terest in the well fare of Westmanian Consul; Mr. Lopez, Venezuenable and true characteristics as a right to vote) is among those honoured by the late Indians domiciled on the Isthmian Consul and many ladies and gen man. The late King consistently liv script oi privie ge to the bearer other animals save those of his own a personal, León that he as an enemy to all King George at the opening of us of Panamt. He last year relin tlemen from the American colony of ed the life of Truth; and this was presentấng it Mr. Mora dlaims category? Why, then, such a hullathe New Year. He was made a quished his position of Superint the town. Several Lodges were also symbolized to that of the Gospel. The tigation, thus a means of shifting baleo over natural consequences.
member of the Order of the Bri endent and now resides in En represented, among them being the Gospel had lived and shone in all tish Empire (O. gland.
Foresters the Shepherds the Free ages in spite of all persecutions and justice in the manipulations of an witness in Limon a most determinad tigation, thus o means of shifting On the 9th. February we shall The Rev. gentleman served Gardeners and the Mechanics. Teac acts of suppression; these only maher J: Davidson and his well or de it shine the more gloriously, so impartial election.
fight for election honours. ganized band of pupils were also whatever critics Article 113 of the electoral re would advise all those who have may say of the present.
Kingship of this great man who had, gulations makes it a delito puni privileges in this matter to keep SERVICIO DE VAPORES In his address the Ven: Archdea passed on to that greater Light, it shable by imprisonment for get loof and only watch the Salvatio con spoke of the noble character of can only have the effect of making ting a Codula and not going to of the Country by those who ar Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con the late King which had made him more effulgent the splendour of his register one vote, or for voting qualified to combat for its needs.
escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA the most beloved of all times to his name, for he lived a life of Truth LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS people and on account of which his and nobility of Character second to AMERICANOS EUROPEOS death was so deeply felt, not only no other King who had lived before Vapores: Salidas: by his own people within the Empirhim.
We beg to call your attention to our remark a the back VERAGUA de Febrero re, but by the nationals of all lands.
of receipt which reads: QUIRIGUA de Febrero Coming down the historical line of The Mast was most solemnly sung the British Sovereigns, there were and much praise must be given the This bill must be paid at our office PETEN 16 de Febrero those, he said, who had made them choir who did their part admirably ELDERS selves famous warfare, by the use through with so short a time for beffore the 10th. of the month FYFFES, LTD.
of the sword; others by their great preparation. The only thing which CARARE.
31 de Enero acts of diplomacy or as strategists; slipped the Choirmaster was the Na Be so good os to comply with this request and no dot Llevando café solamente para Londres but King George had made himself tional Anthem, and for which the ceoblige us to suspend our service, a step which FELIPE ALVARADO. Co. Sucs.
historic and beloved by his love and lebrant had on two occasions to call self sacrificing devotion to the well by his eyes and on the third by his we would mush regret to takt.
Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS being of his people, as also by exam lips.
Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United ples of truth and righteusness in eve The usual collection was not taFruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON ry cause.
ken, only a free will offering on be TELEFONO 3156 a de la Bibliotesz Nacjonabidigrate bregón Liango Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de cuda y Juventud Costa Rica. half of the. voters at, a UNITED FRUIT Co.
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