
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO, Saturday, 1st February 1936.
Siquirres News ALLAN SIME Insane. 15 a Eggs for HatchingBarred Plymouth Rock was a In Disagreement with Mr. Pearson Mr. Editor: cularly refer in your article enOne wonders why the Northern each one thier due, not discriminat As a regular reader of your titled What of our LIMON Railroad does not find out or seeing against any one because of very interesting and much ap which, by the way, co incidentally that the railroad bed in the yard of colour, but remembering that preciated Weekly, permit me appears in the same issue as his Siquirres is entirely too narrow, es God, has made of one blood all na not only to express my entire Literary Masterpiece.
Purchaser and Exporter of Cocoa pecially between the bridge and the tions of the world to dwell in it, re disagreement with the statements Yours with thanks.
Station, it Importation and Sale of General wonder membering also that the present sta of Mr. William Pearson that accidents, especially to wote and condition of, especially this in your last week impression, SIMON SIMPLE Merchandise tly, many times persons fall in try side of Costa Rica has been made but to assure you he in no way men do not happer more frequen possible through the united and hard represents nor COULD represent FOR SALE: ing to pass beside a standing train, working contributions of the black the opinion or sentiment of your CRICKET CLUB ANNUAL REPORT and this is moreso pronounced when man, who has laboured and died li English reading public.
a train is in motion. Let us hope that ke ants so that present state of things The BELIEF THAT НЕ.
The following is the report of the Our Captain handled the transactions of the Excelsior Sport with marked ability on our genial Superintendent will see to be as they are, liveable, sanitary, DOES must have been the out or off the have this deficiency rectified.
Club for the year 1935.
field; and on most occasions did well prosperous, and civilized.
come of a very acute and perniThere is quite a rush from and to The Club boasts 12 general, with Ball and Bat.
cious attack of Hallucination. DONALDSON, youths and 10 Honoray members, The Batting average was won by Pacuarita in these days, due to the which would seriously advise The Siquirres Division of the Uni him to endeauvour to eradicate RIO VERDE making a total of 28; as against 19 Kerr closely followed by Chas, mineral deposits discovered at that place and at Freehold; since the versal Negro Improvement Associa or it may eventually place him general, youths and Honorary Johnson who obtained that of the landslide which happened during the tion is undergoing a severe LINEA VIEJA members in 1934; which shows a de bowling followed Hayling late weather Mr. John Radeliffs and is also threatened with extermistrain among those to whom you parti.
crease of in the total membership. With the exception of a very limit Nine matches were played during ed number of members, dues were place at Pacuarito, the whole place, nation due to the austere and sinisely fulfilling his commision, he has, Division for the arbitrary and danthis Season in cluding one against the better paid this year than in the leven. Messers Lindo Potrero have ter dealings of the President of the all this time (over one year) spi gerous reason of hindering rightful Clarendon Touring Team of Jamaica previous one.
been inundated with deposits of ore, Limon Division in the person of Mr. tefully kept back the registration, re persons entering their own premises.
presumably gold, and other metals, Mitchell. This man took this Division fuses to give. proper reason for the Members of the Siquirres Division are and a tie match against the Motive Receipts were: Members Dues Power We won of the Cup 150. 50; public subscriptions.
it is so plentiful that persons can monies to get a part of the property delay refuses to return the amount very much incensed and do not unscoop it up in handfuls, a thing ma here registered and passed over to that matches, lost one, drew one and fi 130. 00, making a total of.
handed him to have derstand why some brave Knight ny have done and awaiting develop. for the purpose nished first with five points in the 280. 50. The Disbursements of this work done, has defied all autho cannot be found who will rid us of Competition. Three of our Cup mat were: Expenses Cup matches (3. ments to have them analized to know selling portion after inscrip rity, both local and International, this turbulent fellow.
ches had to be abandoned on ac 51. 00; match against Clarendon if it is worthwhile working. Sam tion to but instead of hones and has extreme of count of bad weather, and we lost Team 133. 00; repairs to gear.
ples of this ore has been sent to se the for the purpose of picketing the premises of the Limon Correspondent veral persons the one against the visiting Team. 18. 65; stationery 50, giving ted States and to Jamaica to have San Jose, the Uni dokola oko ale allole The Season cutstanding players a total of 204. 15 leaving a credit samne tested, and if workable or were Maxwell, Johnson, and balance of 76. 35.
worthwhile, then Pacuarito will proG. Walker and Kerr, when The annual meeting will take plahe could play. Of the youngsters, ce on the 23rd. instant. friendly ed settlers on whose properties this ve an Eldorado for the poor colourWade did well with the Bat on se match with the urtidora will mine is found.
veral occasions and won Mr. Jack be played until p. the Orane prize, in the match against day.
Banco del Estado Sole Bank of Issue the visiting team, by making the hig The Political atmosphere is very hest individual score. 14 runs out Unico Emisor active with the several partidos Drummond State Bank of a total of 64.
respective sending their orators Secretary here express their thoughts, each side trying to down the ofrece al público los Offers the Public the other fellow, but every observant servicios de su person thinks that of the two prin Services of its cipals as candidates for the Presiden cy, don Octavio is certainly the pref(CARNOCIDAD DEL COCO)
firstly, this gentleman having travelled largely in foreign Countries, and having for most of EN LA IN THE his life served on several occasions Price 11. 00 Quintal as diplomat, lawyer, and lastly as Pagamos cantidades grandes 225. 00 Tonelada President of the highest Court of the CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON Sell COPRA and get more money for your land must surely be a superior perCoconuts with LESS WORK son to guide the destinies of this Republic, made up as it is of different para toda clase de All Kinds of Bank Service Cocos a 00 el cien only diplomat servicio bancario Rendered Further Information: BEECHE give each his due, not discriminatApariodo 173, Limón, Costa Rica and man of true justice can know to gone to the BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA DE RICA same to Costa Rican Palm Nut Company compra COPRA We buy COPRA (Meat of Cocoanut)
erred one, BRANCH OFFICE SUCURSAL races, as a Candidature of Lic. don Octavio Beeche National Party NOBODY WANTS HIS WARES FELLOW Citizens of of Limon Be ye wise as serpents, in the seOCTAVIO BEECHE has been enlection of the Candidate who will trusted with the highest JUDICIAL be the Future PRESIDENT of the ReDEPARTMENT of the counry as public; and whose business it will (BY AFRICANUS)
be to supervise the PROGRESS of President of the Supreme Court the Province of Limon.
of Justice (By Africanus)
smaller matters. How them can he thus contacting frequently with Inbe faihful in the weightier matters Communal qualification of both Contract that people of color should would traffic on these canals thus ternational procedure in LAW. Is it Our esteemed friend, don León of the State, the country is asking?
candidates not be allowed to go to Puntarenas connecting Siquirres with the Paris not evident that he must make a moCortés, is aspiring to president ho Costa Rica has no use for such a If you will compare the qualities to seek for work.
mina settlements by water.
re influential and reputed PRESInours. We admire his pluck, but we man.
of both candidates you will decide León Cortés as Schoolmaster was LEON CORTES is an avowed DENT in INTERNATIONAL WORLD lament his forgetfulness, or his lack Costa Rica has no use for any that Limonenses SHOULD NOT be cruel to the children under his care; enemy to FOREIGNERS. He has COURTS and thus better able to in of common sense. And the sooner man who is an enemy to her pro Cortesistas: as PRESIDENT will he not be cruel never travelled, so does not know vite and maintain FOREIGN IDEAS he sinks back into oblivion and be gress a man who is self seeking, to you as children of FOREIGN PA how to treat YOU who are the CHIL and CAPITAL to operate in the coun comes a thing of the past, as he over bearing, despotic. The open León Cortés is an enemy of Limon RENTAGE?
DREN of Foreigners. because he try? AS a distinguished JURIST is should long ago have been, the bet door policy is what all progressive He as Minister of Agriculture; LEON CORTES as Comandante has no good feelings for strangers. it not natural that he must exhibit ter for him. For the proletariat is not governments and peoples require of was always against the signing of the of Police in Alajuela percecuted illIs he the man you can trust to better respect for the rights of stran forgetful of the past record of the their leaders. And Costa Rica can BANANA CONTRACT: Why? He treated and punished unjustly the protect FOREIGN CAPITAL for in gers. man. And of all he said, and of all not now risk experiment with a no full well knew that the resurrection poor labouring people of Alajuela. vestments in the country? No never: he did, are they not indelibly writ vice. She cannot now afford to trust of the prosperity of Limon depended How can He?
Protecting Labour ten on his own conscience and on her destinies to a man who, because yon granting the Company a Conces. An enemy to the Province Haying written several books of the hearts of the men, women and he cannot see beyond the point of sion to grow and buy our fruit LEON CORTES as Minister of Fo See who is Lic DON OCTAVIO reference on the Law Codes, it is not children of this generation? his nose, will close her doors to thobetter price than 80 centimos of the mento abruptly refused the request BEECHE natural that he must be a protector Don León Cortés has been tried se external influences that will tend Colon which the Company was pay of the Municipality of Siquirres to He was educated in EUROPE as of the labouring classes. in the smaller offices of the State. to her industrial development and ing, hence he put all sorts of obs spend 1000 to clear water rushes a Diplomat; LIMONENSES stand solidly beas Minister of Fomento, as educa her economic independence.
tacles in the way of getting the Con and water lillies in the Canalization He was COSTA RICAN MINIS hind Lic. DON OCTAVIO BEECHE Comandante of Police. In This regime, now nearly at its clo tract passed.
between Pacuare and Parismina La TER at Washington; and consider and see that he defeats LEON CORnone of these positions did he prove se, and the one immediately preced LEON CORTES it was as Minis goon. WHY? because he knewed such a Diplomat, that San Salva TES, the cruel Schoolmaster. the himself a success and a trusty public ing it, have been marked by very ter of Fomento who compelled the it would benefit the poor Settlers of dor asked permission of Costa Rica spiteful Inspector of Police. The servant. miserable failure he al many acts of progress. And the coun Company to insert the Clause in the the Coasts and in the Lagoons who to allow him to be also Minister at arrogant, unbearable FOREMAN of ways was. He was a man of the des try will not be ungrateful to the two Washington for her too.
works who says that you are well potic type, too. His was the idea of Presidents responsible for those achiedo for the beloved land of their and so prove himself a worthy suc He was Minister for Foreign AF paid at 00 per day.
the divine right to rule and govern vements. Also will the country not birth.
cessor to an Administrator of whom FAIRS therefore always in touch and say let us defeat him by an wrong. He has been weighed in be unmindful of the fact that the And the Costa Rica of 1936 must she has reason to be proud. sympathy with Foreigners.
overwhelming majority in Limon thus the balances and found bably want se two last Presidents were the ol note with satisfaction that another of So, though don León Cortés pile He is a most distinguished Lawyer: showing him that we realize he is ing. wanting in foresight, in re der men, who filled the presidential her older sons. don Octavio Bee sky high his little go cart with his and as such he remodelled the LAWS our WORST ENEMY and do not arcefulness, in breadth of vision chair, not for the loaves and fishes che has come forward at a time virtues and paltry few they are of this country and edited many LE want him as our PRESIDENT.
nay, in patriotism. in the very es of office, but for the good they knew when she might easily slip under the an intelligent electorate will take no GAL BOOKS in reorganizing the gentials of a statesman of the first their rich and matured judgment iron heel of an oppressor to forge notice of the man, because nobody Laws here on a basis of FOREIGN HE HATES THE NEGRO PAINorder. Also was he not faithful in the and their ripened experience could another link in the chair of progress, wants his wares.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    León CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaWorking Class

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