
Some weeks ago, there appeared, as it was done clandestinely whilc a in the Central American Express a Rege dance was in process at the news item of the election and insta Hall, fearing that the Re organizing llation of Officers of the Committee would have interrupted at which function Mr. Juan Mitc Hel the tranquility of this hidden away Sal, as a Cuban patriot of Tralaw assembly, or is it that the installany, Jamaica, was elected President; tion was not sufficiently gorgeous. Mrs. McPherson, Lady President; If the election, held three weeks her husband, Mr. George McPherson, ago was illegal, who authorized Mr.
Treasurer: Miss Maud Laird, Its. Vi Mitchell Salas and his Lady Seccie ce President, and installed by Ex to sign for the Organization calling President Scharsmidt of Madre de for the election? is he too pigheaded Dios for the 1936 term.
to call on Mr. Daniel Roberts and Now, surprisingly, we find that Mr. Jim Franklin, men of integrity For Liver and Stomach Ailments thie same President Mitchel and his and respect in the Community, as the INVALUABLE FOR THE TREATMENT OF Flatulence And all forms Indigestion of Stomach Colics Disorders HEN LAYS TWO EGGS AT TIME Tme Jamaica Gleaner carries about to lay.
the following in a recent issue: box was made handy for the Long past are the days of hens lay hen, and to the surprise of one and ing golden eggs, but the highly bred all, when she took her departure from layer owned by Mrs. Saduda of the box there were two solid eggs Lower St. Andrew is certain to pro there. Mr. Samuda and family are ve a source of some revenue if it ma accustomed to a hen laying what is kes any attempt to maintain its da commonly called a hard egg in test ideas on how to deposit. the morning and a soft one in the On Sunday afternoon last Mrs. Sa afternoon, but never two hard eggs muda attention was called to the at one sitting. Yesterday morning fact that the hen was evidently desi their surprise of the previous day rous of laying as it looking about for turned into a higher regard for the a cosy spot, and conducting itself in hen when she repeated the doublethe manner peculiar to hens when egg feat of the previous afternoon.
LOCAL AND FOREIGN BREVITIES HAITI BANS ALIEN TRADERS Beeche Sec: are calling through the Trustees of the property of the OrGazeette of Friday, 24 th. ganization, to call for an election?
t, for all members of the Or Just imagine the many scores of cion to come and have an elec members who would have availed As a consequence of the sugges of Messrs. Saborio Ulloa have tion of officers for the 1936 term, themselves of the opportunity of retion that the proposed Pan Amer. exported, we understand, 155, 386 presumably for the Limon Division. turning to the Society had this been ican Highway should, in passing stems of Bananas to various marOne is therefore led to ask, was done.
through Costa Rica, traverse the kets on the Western coast of Amerthe recent January election illegal, This publication will be protested San Carlos district, much activity ica. They intend branching out as Mitchell has no authority for makFOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES is being displayed, it is said, in the with other lines of exportations; ing it. He knows that by his misdeacquisition of lands in that region. last week they sent to Los Angeles meanors he cannot be a leader of ATTENTION! RACE LOVERS! thought in the community. Will he and San Francisco, California, 300 MANUFACTURED BY: During the month of December cases of Tomatoes not study Rule 39, Page 51 of the as a sample Are you following the Progress Constitution regarding Respectabi HERMANN ZELEDON BOTICA FRANCESA last, the United Fruit Company is shipment.
stated to have shipped 30, 385 stems of the Race?
lity of Officers? Will he still conSAN JOSE of Bananas from Bocas del Toro, Despite the rigid efforts of the tinue debarring, by his undesirable Read THE PITTSBURGH Cocoa exportations amounted to Police and Fiscal Guards quite a presence, men of honour and dignity 11, 011 Bags during the same pe business would seem to be still being COURIER from the Society: mon of high inte riod.
conducted in the smuggling in of grity and intellect, who are capable The Negro Weekly that tells of formulating plans, other than his goods. On Saturday last quite an you all you want to know about continued scandalous Bram dances, Since the start of their business appreciable quantity of stuff was, Joe Louis, John Henry Lewis, the for the progress of the financial and Italo Ethiopian situation and intellectual uplift of the Race?
Over two thousand aliens, the ma government the Senate passed a Lawsome seven months ago, the firm. we hear captured.
jority of them Syrians, will shortly for the expulsion of every alien rether political, educational and so As a means of gaining members be leaving Haiti as a result of a law tail merchans and shopkeeper. The THE NATIONAL PARTY cial Features. It gives you the hip for his new election he is now recently enacted by the legislature enactment was supposed to be priBest.
compelling the members of the danc of that Republic.
marily directed at the Syrians, but Announcing Sold by. Edwin Horde Boxing Club to enroll as members; for Owing, it is said, to the unemploy is was eventually made applicable to 211, Limón. how long will these last?
ment difficulties which confronted the every non Haitian who carried on a Lic. Don Octavio retail place of business. Their departure was to have been effective as of THE GREAT MATHEMATICIAN today, but it is understood they have been accorded an extended period to enable them to properly liquidate Adds to your Popularity their business. For the future, the reail business of the Republic is to Subtracts your Worries be conducted only by natives.
Multiplies your Joys According to the Gleaner a large majority of the Syrians decided VOTE FOR BEECHE to transfer their activities to Jamaica, but in this they were blocked, as they were informed by the Island Immigration authorities that they would not be permitted entry. It is Confined in the Hospital by al The Atlantic Voice hopes sinundertood they are now turning their serious stress of illness is our friend cerely that Mr. Nelson will soon attention to these and other Repu Mr. Nelson, Chief of Staff be restored to his usual good health blics of South America.
of the United Fruit Company so as to resume his accustomed acIn addition to this restriction in Investigation Bureau.
tivities in the Community.
the country trade, the government has decreed that in every undertak ing organized in the Republic 75 per STATION RESTAURANT cent of the employees must be HaiSIQUIRRES tians, no matter how restricted the (Under New Management)
business may bejand it is further provided that 15 cent of the wages The passenger train from Limon stops at Siquirres 20 Minutes. Buy your Lunch Ticket on the train so your Lunch will be paid out weekly must be earned by served on your arrival. Price 50 (Costa Rica money. Res.
taurant right at the Station. Bar, Cigars, Cigaretts, English Spo ken, Se habla español, SULLIVAN He The latest improvements in the Brewing Industry is brought by GAMBRINUS in its modern brewing plant On the Sick Tist Maduro Lumber Yard AN EASTER EXCURSION FRANK MADURO Jr.
We understand that arrange, the Launch Bocas del Toro ments have been made for an ex and the excursionists are to inBest native lumber cursión to leave Colon for this clude a number of students and City and Bocas del Toro at East their teachers.
at moderate prices er. The parties interested in the The trip will occupy about 12 project have already chartered days.
RECENT DEATHS One of Scottsboro Boys Sentenced Among those who died recen Heywood Patterson, one of the son has been tried. Onthe three tly in the San Juan de Dios Hos nine defendents in the famous previous occasions he was sentenpital, San Jose, were.
scottsboro case was again found ced to death, but the sentences Bernardina Gamboa of Siquirres on the 4th. January, and guilty at the retrial in Decatur were reversed on appeal.
The cases against the other Mercedes Villanea, wife of Abel and sentenced to 75 years im Barboza of Estrella Valley, prisonment.
accused have not yet been retried.
the 25th. January.
This is the fourth time PatterTo Thine Own Self Be True To All Men Goodwill We Thark Our Numerous Client We wish to advise the PUBLIC that the demand for the Here is a photo of the huge aparatus recently imported for the Gambrinus For Their Past Support BERLIN LOAF has so increased that only standing orders And Wish Them Brewery, for obtaining the unique and good quality beer that Gambrinus offers. can be supplied; we are, however, arranging to increase its Merry Christmas Happy ProsIt a very expensive and modern machinery and the only one in Costa Rica.
We are all proud to produce, in the most modern brewery, the Gambrinus quality Come in and try a Loaf.
perous New Year.
Pilsener which is regarded with strong approval by every body, especially by fore No BISCUITS are genuine without the name BOOTH The Metropolitan Bureau impressed on them. Egbert Polson igners and peoplo who know good quality beer when they taste it.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica on THE PEOPLES BAKERY


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