
THE RECENT ELECTIONS The Atlantic Vaice The Passing of a Well known Citizen BISHOP TRAVELS cord the sad passing of our vestigate country mineral deposits for the benefit of our City On Sunday February 9th this Republic prored through the most sensational Presidential election of all time in her history.
Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Never has so much interest been exhibted in a sy other election as was evidenced in this one. It was well Editor English Section: NATION known that the Cortes Party was immensely sirong and influential, but the Beeche Party was declared equally Año 11 Limón, Costa Rica, Sunday 8th March 1936 No. 83 powerful. The Communist Party, composed as it was of the labouring masses, was considered a dangerous factor in opposition to the others; both have however been overwhelmingly defeated by don Leon Cortes and It is with feelings of the in a manner never even conjectured by his principal profound adherents. In every province the Cortesistas led the much esteemed and well votes by more than the aggregate of their opponents, Our much esteemed Vicar Holiness at Rome during his knowa citizen Mr. Walter there was not a redeeming District in the whole combat Apostolic, His Lordship Bi absence from us as well as shop Albert Wollgarten, on his home in Germany. We at his farm «Dos Hermanas Cortes won easiy, actualy playing with his opposers.
Prestinary, which occurred his return from San Jose, understand several matters The first count reported showed Cortes having was given a hearly send off of interest in connection with during the afternoon of Wea49, 471 votes; Beeche 28, 605 and Sáenz, the Communist by the members of ihe Ladies the Diocese will be discussed attack of the Heart.
nesday last, the result of ar Candidate, 4, 547; but the final count disclosed that Auxiliary of the Order of with the Holy Father.
don Leon Cortes, of the National Republican Party, had As one of our oldest and The Knights of St. John prior The «Allantic Voice» wisrecevied 53, 748 votes, don Ociavio Beeche, of the Nato his departure last week hes His Lordship a very Preslinary death is greatly most respected citizens, Mr.
tional Party, 30, 884, and don Carlos Luis Saenz, of the for Europe pleasant and beneficial vadeplored by all classes of Communist Party, 4, 693. The number of rejected cp His Lordship ll visit His cation.
our Community; for although spoil votes amounted to 1, 431. Thus it will be seen that еееееееееееееееееееееееееееееееее cecccccceeeecce of a very retiring character, 89, 325 votes were cast; meanwhile the Computers who he nevertheless always evinWell known American Engineers to inced a wholesome interest in were entrusted with the handing out of the Cedulas fer voting stated that nearly 128, 000 had been given out by movement was them to persons eligible to vote out of a population of and Province.
577, 833 souls. What then has become of the remaining he «Atlantic Voice» ex 38, 000 odd cedulas?
Among the many visitors desire of various Costa tends its sincerest condolenwho arrived here last week However, tranquility reigns in every corner of the Ricans to obtain a beller end were the distinguished knowledge of this important members of the bereaved ce to the Widow and oihei Republic. Having regard to the noise and propaganda Engineers Messrs. George branch of our national inmade during the campaign, the great consternation family Brundage and Harold dustry.
among onlookers is the small number of votes secured by Skeldon of New York. They The Atlantic Voices takes Engagement Announced the Communist Party; and the question naturally arizer, have come for the purpose of this opportunity of extendwhat has become of all the adherents, that only 4, 618 conducting investigations in ing a hearly welcome to At a social function recently votes could be mustered, especially after combining with certain districts of the Re Messrs. Brundage and Skel given by Mrs. Sawyer, the Labourites and styling themselves The Boque of public in order to become don, and sincerely hope that ihe engagement of Miss Workmen and Labourers.
personally acquainted with The results of their studies Huntoon to Mr.
the quality and quantity of and experiments will be of Riley, Secretary in Limon Most persons are of the opinion that the Beeche our minerel products. The much benefit to all concerto the Manager of the United Party would have made a much better showing, but their visit of the well known sci ned.
Fruit Company, was annoalleged combination with the Communists, in case the entists is the result of a unced.
absolute majority was not obtained, crippled their chances of success. And in this direction one cannot help admiring the good judgment of the votings, for when the assassination of Mr. Gonzalez is considered as also other atrocities threatened and committed by the Com During the past week ano From the Italian Somali. played, at the time on the munists, who could vote to encourage the strength of ther sanguinary ſengagement land it is reported that ex building.
such a party! party which denies the civilizing, echi took place in the Tembien tensive preparations are being In the meantime another cational influence of THE CHURCH on a Community; region and resulted, accord carried out by Gen. Graziani effort has been made to tur a party which encourages the murder of those whe, by ing to advices from Rome in for another offensive against minate the conflict. The Lea their thrift and industry, have managed to mass a few a signal victory for the Ita the forces under the com gue Committee of thirteen lian army who are now said mand of Ras Nasibu.
thousand dollars, and the confiscation of their property have submitted new propoto be in complete control of for distribution among fanatical discontents and enemies It the mountain sector is officially reported sals to both contestants; Emof this of work and thrifty ideas. The Voice of the Atlantic irom Addis Ababa that an peror Selassie has, it is underregion; we have not, however, seen any report of the Italian airplane congratulates the good judgment of our voters in updeliberately stood, intimated his willingBritish Redness to accept holding the righteousness of the cause of our Institutions.
the proposals battle by the Ethiopians. The bombarded base for settling the President Cortes will have a free hand in guiding forces of the Ras Seyoum Crocs Unit at Koram killing as re the enlighted destinies of the country as he will have and Ra; Kassa were supposed three patients and seriously, warfare provided the The gotiations will eat no time to have suffered a complete wounding many others.
no serious opposition in Congress; he has also gained Covenants defeat as weli as those of Ras official in charge of the Unit coaflict with the the majority ni every Municipality. His party will be Imru. The Italians lost two States, that the Red of the League, nor include the Cross represented by 32 Deputies, while the Nationalists will airplanes during these opera Tlag was prominently dis ceding of Ethiopian territory have only and the Communists two of the 43 composCo Italy tions.
ing our Legislative Assembly.
Italy. On the other hand, is cupposed to be ready to accept the proposition of the League for the purposes of further discussion under cerPróximas salidas de Puerto Limón tain conditions, one of which SERVICIO DE VAPORES is the retention of the ter Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala ritoily already occupied by (Santander, Plymouth, Cherbourg, Amsterdam y en CRISTOBAL HABANA her.
LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS In view of the nature of AMERICANOS EUPOPEOS PHRYGIA Marzo 19 Vapores: these replies, there is a growPETEN CORDILLERA.
Marzo 30 de Marzo ing opinion in circles closely VERAGUA connected with the League 15 de Marzo that there is snall likelihood QUIRIGUA 22 de Marzo Para GUATEMALA of this new move succeeding. Puerto Barrios y Livingston)
Should it fall through there is ELDERS FYFFES, LTD every possibility of the oil Marzo 23 CORDILLERA CRARE embargo being enforced, 15 de Marzo there is the indication that Llevando cale solamente para Londres SERVICIO DE CARGA y PASAJEROS England is prepared to meet FELIPE ALVARDO Co. Sucs.
Para cualquier clase de informes, dirigirse a any action of Italy which may result therefrom nowith Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS HAPAG LLOYD standing the attitude adopted Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United Fruir by the United States of AmerCompany en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Agencia en Costa Rica Teléfono 2086 ica on the question of her peTELEFONO 3156 roleum supplies to Italy Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
para EUROPA Saildes as

    Carlos Luis SáenzCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyItalyLeón CortésMilitantes del PCCRPresidentes de Costa Rica

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